22 years old for another 2 months then I will chuck that age for 23.
My two most beloved possessions are in this picture.
(Yes, he did fall asleep on my laptop, drooling all over the keyboard - naughty puppy)
I am British - you can blame that fact alone for my eccentric behaviour, love of tea, and royalty complex....and general snobbish behaviour.
I have friends on every continent of this planet. Yes, even Antarctica - I am a friend of the penguins. I love all my friends - the good, the bad and the...nah, none of them are ugly, they are all completely gorgeous. Let's put it this way, I only draw things I find attractive to my eye and I could draw every single one of my friends quite happily.
As a human being I am prone to fault and have tendencies to change everything about myself over the the rolling years, but there are three things about me that have remained steady for my all life thus far.
1. I love God
2. I dislike mushrooms and slugs - to me they are the same thing
3. I am a die hard Manchester United supporter
Flower - sunflower
Animal - dog
Colour - green
Band - relient k
Group - Big Bang
Star constellation - Orion
Actor - Gong Yoo
Actress - Rachel McAdams
Book - The Bible
Public Personality - Kwon Ji Yong
I also go by the names of - Michelle, Min, Sunshine, Lime, nubcak, Eonnie, Nuna, darling, ginger girl, Cow, Chicken and Jesus (long story).
Drama I'm currently watching - J Dorama: Nobuta wo Produce, K Drama: Secret Garden
The pros of being my friend - I'm ridiculously loyal and forgive and forget very easily, kind of like a dog. I'm one of those people who listens more than talks so you can just rant it out to me and I'll nod and agree. I dislike BS, if I think you are doing something wrong I will tell you - not because I wan't you to be wrong, but because I want you to be right and because I care about you.
The cons of being my friend - There is an actual chance that I may pass up chilling time with you so I can look after my dog, I am a grammar Nazi, I like being right far too much, I wont be able to go out with friends during the weekend because I spent my spare cash on DVD's, I sometimes get into this complex where I think I know everything, I spend far too much time on the internet.
Relationship status - Currently unavailable. My heart is taking a long overdue holiday until the appropriate person comes along and orders it back into business. In the meantime, I shall indulge in the shallow route of Eye Candy satisfaction. Eye Candy meaning, Luke Pasqualino - that's so bad you know...he is a beautiful soul. His outer shell is so delightful though *faints*
Well, I'd say that covers an introduction pretty well. It looks like a CV to be honest, how awful lmao
Day one complete! :D
I like Orion too!! it's the only constilation that I can spot in just one look!.. hahahaha.. XD
ReplyDeleteand it's always infront of our house.. LOL
Muahaha, that's why I like Orion too!!! He's easy to spot! Him and that sexy belt! haha but here you can only see him well during the winter months BECAUSE OF OUR POSITION ON THE EARTH! So recently he's running away from me hahaa