I've heard from a reliable source that we are having curry for dinner tonight. This makes my heart swell with joy!
If curry could be my staple diet, I would totally go for it.
I finished tidying my room today. It looks kind of glorious now, I'm so pleased. I took pictures, but my cam's batteries ran out of power so I've put them on charge for now. It takes me so long to write blogs anyway, by the time I'm ready to post this the batteries will be charged to their utmost.
Oh yes, for all you VIP's who read my blog, bigbangvip.net are doing a donation operation to send to help the people of Japan. It would be great if you are able to spare some money for those in need. Even if you aren't a fan of Big Bang or k-pop sign up to the forum so you can help with the cause! I can assure you everyone there is lovely and friendly and maybe you'll even come to appreciate Big Bang :D
No pressure though, this is just my shoutout to let you know you can help. Even if you can't give money. Keep praying and being positive. Kindness comes in a multitude of forms :)
Today I finally got the green eyeshadow pallet I was coveting. It's pretty darn lush. Can't wait to use it :D I'll probably give it a test drive this coming Sunday. I would try it sooner, but I really don't like wearing makeup during the week - the reason being, I can't be bothered taking it off at night. Yes, I am that lazy.
I also bought some eyelash dye LMAO. It just sat on the shelf and called to me. Because I have a light complexion and hair colour my eyes look bald when I don't wear mascara so I thought,
'Ooooo, if I dye my eyelashes I won't even need to put mascara on when I go to the shops and stuff like that.'
It is a lazy reason, but Imma try it out. Apparently I have to test the solution on myself to see if I have an allergic reaction to it....maybe I will do that now since I've got nothing else to do.
Well I have this brown circle on my inner elbow, but I don't feel allergic at all. Apparently I have to wait 48 hours though so we shall see.
I was eating dinner just earlier and me and Sarah we messing about and dad said,
'Stop being like girls.'
Sarah and I were just,
'.....we are girls.'
Ugh I hate bad language, it's not even funny. Every time I hear it my soul cringes with disgust. When I'm watching football and I see one of the players say a nasty word I shout,
and he just stops and continues to play. IM LIKE A GOD!
No but really, it's so unattractive. Makes me want to punch people in the mouth. Like some people can't help it and it just rolls out of their mouths because they are used to talking like a tard, but others who say bad words on purpose to try and be funny - well, I think they are idiots. I hate people who make me mentally judge them, because I hate myself for judging people.
But if they will keep insisting to use the words of ignorance what can I do?
I've wanted to use that gif on my blog for ages.
I think the main reason I dislike people swearing is not the actual word itself, but the fact that it takes me like an hour to process the fact that someone is actually ugly enough on the inside to use that word in my presence and then it takes me another hour to forgive them depending on my mood and how good looking they are (I was just kidding with the last part). So you see I feel that people who use foul language just waste lots of my time when I could be using that time to be creative and draw pictures of hot Asian men and stuff (again, I was kidding...a bit).
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Manchester United have now qualified for the quarter finals of the Champions League! HURRAY FOR THE REDS! GO GET THAT TROPHY FROM THOSE EUROPEANS!
Lol, earlier I was on tumblr and there was this post that said something like, 'The song you are listening to now is what you will hear when you make love to your celebrity crush for the first time.'
So I listened out and all I could hear was the commentary of the Man U v Marseille match.
I was like -.- ORLY?!
It's only ten and I feel so incredibly worn out. It's going to be insane when I have steady work. I'm going to come home and just sleep in my free time.
Though, usually, people's bodies adapt to their lifestyles.
You know what? I'm just going to make myself a brew (tea) get my PJ's on, read my Bible in bed for a bit and then go to sleep. OMG IT WILL BE PURE BLISS!
but first, as promised.
I probably should have done before and after shots, then you would understand why I feel so accomplished with the orderliness of these shelves.
Some closeups :D
As you can see, there are 'books behind the books.' *goes all inception*
All those VCR's will have to go one day LMAO and finally my art stuff has a home so it's no longer scattered all over the house. HURRAY!
MY NEW GREEN PALLET! Isn't it beautiful???
Then this is my 'bedside table/chest of drawers' no longer tea stained and dusty and I chucked a load of crap that I'd kept on there.
Then these are the shelves above my bed, which hold a few of my favourite things and books :) It's a shame the picture is so blurred. My all time most favourite book (other than The Bible) is the big thick one on the top shelf second on the left. It's called 'The Count of Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas' :D Though all the books there are exceptionally wonderful.
And of course, my prized collection of DVD's and Big Bang merchandise.
I have no idea why Shinee are sat on the top there XDD but to be fair, that is a most excellent mini album from them. My sis has a tonnage of 2pm merch too, but she likes to hoard it away in a draw, whereas I like to make an arrangement out of my stuff so I can admire it every day.
So you see, I have worked very hard to make my room and collections neat. I think I deserve a Luke picture!

He's so beautiful! His favourite actor is Michael Caine too. I mean...HNNNG!
I was in the library today and I went to the manga part and One Piece was there and I almost threw up with happiness. I started reading one while mum was doing some research and had to contain my laughter, because libraries tend to be silent places. It's just too hilarious though, makes me deeply happy.
Ok I am off to beds now!
Love you lots n lots n lots!
From Minnie
P.S. Disclaimer, the gif and picture of Luke Pasqualino were not made by me I just stole them off tumblr because of the gorgeousness.
P.S.S. Disclaimers are so ugly.
P.S.S.S. I found a poem I wrote a while back for a competition, it was nice, but I cbb getting out of bed to get it so I can write it here...maybe another day yeh?
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