Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Challenge Day 5: The Most Amazing Thing That Ever Happened To You

Another question I find incredibly hard to answer - because I'm one of those people who likes to find amazingness in everything - it makes me happy when I see amazingness in the simplest of things.

For example -

*horse poo lying on the floor*

Me getting all spazzy -

 'Look everyone don't you think it's amazing that that has been through a horses digestive system?'
Other people - (?_?) *smh*

Honestly, I have reached into the inner depths of my mind to find an outstanding amazing event, but I just can't find it.

So here is my conclusion.

Being alive is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Within that state of being alive I have had the opportunity to experience other amazing things.

1. My sister being born (God help me)
2. Graduating High School with the sexiest grades ever (I used to have a brain before uni)
3. On the 2nd of May 2009 I joined the international Big Bang forum thus leading me to meet a whole crowd of people who have become some of my dearest and best friends no, they are like family that I actually love (morethansomeofmyrealfamily)! ICE ASDHASLKDJASLKDJLSKJD!!!!
4. Getting a puppy after 14 years of nagging my parents
5. TEA! That fact alone is enough.

To be honest I have been completely spoiled with amazingness in this life of mine. Amazing family, amazing friends, amazing football team....*cough*

I just can't think of anything more amazing than life.

This question would be so much easier if I was married with kids. LOL

So there you are...I know I wasn't being very specific, but it's the best I can do under pressure haha.


I'm no longer at home. I'm back down in Swindon with ma Swindon homies

I've got a feeling (hoooo hoooooooo~) that this weeks gonna be a mad one.

Beware, I may go on a lot about how shattered I am hahah.



Love you lots! sdhaskjdhakjshdkajhsdkaj


You know what else is amazing? The fact that there are so many amazing things yet to come. NEVER GIVE UP ON WHAT YOU CAN DO!!!! FIGHTING!

Sunday, 20 March 2011


Today, I've decided to to a regular blog post for 2 reasons.

1. The next day challenge question is a tricky one and I have to think about it.
2. Right now I'm WAY too tired to think XDD

I loved today really, though getting up was kind of epically difficult since I was up till God knows how late writing fic, because I'd promised one of my treasured dongsaengs I would finish a chapter.

Luckily, she enjoyed reading it so my lack of sleep was not in vain! haha

Anyway, it was only the getting up part that was hard. Once I was up I was prancing around the house singing the theme song to One Piece Anime and explaining to my dad how Luffy was surprised because the giants tears were so huge that a rainbow appeared.

He just didn't get it, but he just sort of says,
'Thats ridiculous Michelle.'
And continues to iron shirts - he irons everything...he's the only person in the house who irons. Well, if I need anything ironing I just ask him to do it and then if he says no I just wear it all wrinkly.

It's not my fault that he learned perfect ironing skills in the army.

Anyway, its Sunday today so obviously we zoooooomed down the M62 to go to church, but mummy wasn't feeling very well so she stayed at home with Sammy, who I missed all day. I always miss Sam - it's strange, it's not like a T_____T *whiney* I missss himmmmmm. You know, like stupid girls who want attention do? It's more of a feeling something isn't there, like an emptiness - like it feels wrong because that presence is not there.

That's what I really think missing someone is.

Obviously I don't think there is anything wrong with expressing your missingness for someone - but only if you REALLY miss them. It's annoying if you  just want to suck up to them.

But yes, Sammy know I miss him LOOOOL

My friend asked me today,

'Do you have a boyfriend yet Min?'

I replied,

'Uh no, I have a dog.'

*Cue laughter*

Then my friends search the whole room to pick prospective guys out for me - please God help them not to take that seriously! I cannot handle matchmaking!

I was stood in the kitchen at church having a cup of tea and we have like a lil snack shop there. Anyway, it got busy and my friend was like,

'Minnie can you serve the people?!?!!?!'
So I did and I was running around with crumpets and stuff, tripping over small children and generally being a clutz. I hate handling money too, I always have this urge to put it in my pocket. AND THATS STEALING!

My friend didn't help either, she kept pinching my bottom and making me jump - so inappropriate! LOL

AND Im so forgetful. I totally left my phone in my bed. It's weird being phoneless for a whole day. Over the last year I got into the habit of sleeping with my phone under my pillow and there are sometimes when I do forget to put it in my pocket. Horrendous habit I'm so ashamed! *hides face*

...I'm not really ashamed, I d e c!

Gosh, I'm just incredibly tired. I have to go to the Job Centre tomorrow. How awful! And I have to get ready to go away

I should go to sleep because IM TIRED! T_____T

Oh yes yes!!! I had a very good day and I'm very happy really!!!

Ohhh and Luke P is in a new series 'The Borgias'  I can't wait to watch it, but I'm sure there will be rude parts that I will have to ignore because he is rarely in anything that is edifying - this boy I can't even!

Ugh, I have a nice gif of him I wanted to post but my net refuses to load the image hoster so I will have to forget it for today!


From Minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnehhh

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Challenge Day 4: If You Could Live Anywhere In The World, Where Would It Be?

Omg what an awful question! LOL!

I truly find this completely impossible to answer. It's like asking me what is my favourite movie - I just can't choose.

There is this scenario/dream though, which I love.

Me and my YJ eonnie were talking like over a year ago about how all the first gen (first generation members of BBVIP, when we are successful and rich) would buy one of those gorgeous lil islands off the coast of Thailand and use it as our own beautiful VIP paradise and just go there on holiday together.

I think the idea came from that episode of Boys Over Flowers (Korean Drama, look it up, it's lush) where F4 and the two girls go to that island together and it's just like a perfect haven!

Anyway, our VIP holiday resort would be similar to that and we would have beach parties and good times all day and night long! Not to mention luxury apartments and swimming pools (just in case you don't like being in salt water for too long). Then, if you got bored of the beach life there would always be the private jet waiting to take you wherever your heart desired.

You may know that I have this never ending love for the beach, so obviously the place where I would love to live more than anywhere else MUST have a beach LOL

And of course, there would always be an open invitation for the Big Bang members to come and chill whenever they need a break.

So if I could live anywhere, it would be on THAT island so I would be able so see my gorgeous friends as much as I liked.

AND NOW! Realistically speaking haha....

I actually don't like living in one place for too long. It scares me. I have this fear that I will be stuck somewhere I really don't want to be forever haha.

I've lived in this house the longest that I've lived anywhere and actually I really do love it, but, well, I never wanted to live in Leeds to begin with. Before I moved here it was equal to me living in L***rpool and I had a HUGE tantrum when I was told I would be leaving Manchester to go to Leeds.

Well, now I've lived here almost 10 years....my opinion of the city is better. But I still violently hate the Leeds football team hahaha.

Everytime we drive past their stadium we go,

'Oh look, there's the Devils seat'
(meaning, the devils toilet haha)

Coming back to the question - I would rather live everywhere I wanted to live in the world at different times than one place forever.

When push comes to shove. Isn't the whole big world our home anyway? I am of the opinion that we should see as much of it as we can so we can appreciate how beautiful this earth is and meet all the different varieties of neighbours we have.

GOSHHHH there are so many lush prospects. I really can't wait to get my feet off the ground.

Even so, I LOVE my dear old England and I'm so glad I was born in this green and pleasant land, I wouldn't wish to be born anywhere else ITS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE IN THE WORLD :D

Do ya see what I mean bro's?! :D

Have a lovely day me lovelies!


Friday, 18 March 2011

Challenge Day 3: If You Could Only Have One Wish, What Would You Wish For?

'If I had one wish oh I don't know what I'd wish for, but if I had a million zillion wishees, I'd choose one to let you know that gibberish is not a nice way to talk to all your friends!' - Gibberish by Relient K

The truth is, I'm not much of a wisher.

buuut theoretically speaking, here goes -

I'm gonna forget long-term wishes for now, because I have several hundred thousand of those.

The wish I would make right now at this very moment is that Japan would be ok and all the other places that might be affected.

It's all ok wishing for a lifetimes supply of chocolate or unlimited money, but the fact is there are bigger things going on. Things that can't be ignored.

And to be honest aren't wishes there so you can ask for the impossible?

I mean, I could wish to be able to see my friends from all over the world, but I know I will make that happen anyway, so I certainly don't need a wish for that.

Sometimes I don't think people realise how much they are actually capable of. If you stand from a different view point and look at yourself you'll probably see a 'you' that you never even imagined you could be.

With or without wishes, you are freaking amazing, a work of art and you share this whole world with billions of other amazing people. Don't let anyone tell you any different AND if they do contradict what I just said, tell me and I will kick them out of the 'Amazing People Club'.

No, I'm just kidding. Even wally annoying people are hugely capable of being amazing - only a lot of the time they choose not to be - that is their biggest problem.

At the end of the day I always pray anyway, I find that works for me better than any one wish.

For example, I knew my Mico dongsaeng was struggling with his thesis days before it was to be handed in. So I wrote on my prayer list (which I write every night) a few days ago for 'Mico's thesis to pass everything and that he would keep strong and FIGHTING!' because he'd had to review it a million times. And today I was so happy cos he was spazzing out how it was all over and handed in and lovely and wonderful.

Isn't that cool? My triplets are so lush you know. They can do anything and get through anything!!!! I know amazing people! *happy*

Anyway, I've kind of got side tracked, but my point is, prayers work for me more than wishes, because I really believe there is Someone out there ready to help us when we ask.

It doesn't hurt to try ;)

And now...this


From Minnie Won Kenobi

P.S. Apparently that piccy of Lukey boy all smiley in the taxi was taken by Chris O'Donovan...thanks Chris mate, you take great pics. I appreciate your efforts (y)


Thursday, 17 March 2011

Challenge Day 2: Explain Your Current Relationship Status

Well erm...

I think I pretty much said it all in my last post - though I can go into detail.

Presuming 'Relationship Status' is meaning that of romantical entanglements and not all the relationships in life, I can safely say that the status of me is pretty much single.

Am I happy about this?

To be very honest, it's not something I feel anything about. My life isn't dependent on whether I 'have someone' or not. I know for a fact, you will never be satisfied no matter who you are with until you are satisfied with yourself.

There is nothing more annoying than being with someone who complains about how inadequate they are all the freaking time and then uses their 'other half' to make them feel better about themselves.

As for me. I am thoroughly content at the moment with where I am and how I am. And even though in the public eye, I am 'single'. I feel whole. My singleness doesn't necessarily make me available. I shall choose in due time, who I will be available for (Kwon Ji Yong anyone? LMAO).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those 'OMG people in a relationship are OF THE DEVIL' people. I adore when people can find the person who they can cherish, it's the sweetest thing and I'm sure I will be completely over the moon when my turn comes along.

but, I'm definitely not waiting and moping around for it to happen. When the time comes for it to happen, it will happen. In the meantime I have other things to do and in all honesty, I've not met anyone yet who I can imagine loving more than I love my friends hahaha.

Nuff Said bro's

P.S. Don't ever think your happiness is dependent on another person, because they will feel used and you will feel let down when they act like a fallible human (which they are). Just be happy with who you are and rather than leaning on someone, try and become a person who someone else can lean on.

Don't worry. God is good and if your hearts desire is to have someone to love then he will bring them along. Just trust Him with that and get on with YOUR life.

Have a good one!

Love Min

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Challenge Day 1: Introduce Yourself

Since I have many different personalities depending on time of day, time of year...time of month... I will just describe the 'self' I am at the moment, otherwise we will be here forever.


22 years old for another 2 months then I will chuck that age for 23.

My two most beloved possessions are in this picture.

(Yes, he did fall asleep on my laptop, drooling all over the keyboard - naughty puppy)

I am British - you can blame that fact alone for my eccentric behaviour, love of tea, and royalty complex....and general snobbish behaviour.

I have friends on every continent of this planet. Yes, even Antarctica - I am a friend of the penguins. I love all my friends - the good, the bad and the...nah, none of them are ugly, they are all completely gorgeous. Let's put it this way, I only draw things I find attractive to my eye and I could draw every single one of my friends quite happily.

As a human being I am prone to fault and have tendencies to change everything about myself over the the rolling years, but there are three things about me that have remained steady for my all life thus far.

1. I love God
2. I dislike mushrooms and slugs - to me they are the same thing
3. I am a die hard Manchester United supporter


Flower - sunflower
Animal - dog
Colour - green
Band - relient k
Group - Big Bang
Star constellation - Orion
Actor - Gong Yoo
Actress - Rachel McAdams
Book - The Bible
Public Personality - Kwon Ji Yong

I also go by the names of - Michelle, Min, Sunshine, Lime, nubcak, Eonnie, Nuna, darling, ginger girl, Cow, Chicken and Jesus (long story).

Drama I'm currently watching - J Dorama: Nobuta wo Produce, K Drama: Secret Garden

The pros of being my friend - I'm ridiculously loyal and forgive and forget very easily, kind of like a dog. I'm one of those people who listens more than talks so you can just rant it out to me and I'll nod and agree. I dislike BS, if I think you are doing something wrong I will tell you - not because I wan't you to be wrong, but because I want you to be right and because I care about you.

The cons of being my friend - There is an actual chance that I may pass up chilling time with you so I can look after my dog, I am a grammar Nazi, I like being right far too much, I wont be able to go out with friends during the weekend because I spent my spare cash on DVD's, I sometimes get into this complex where I think I know everything, I spend far too much time on the internet.

Relationship status - Currently unavailable. My heart is taking a long overdue holiday until the appropriate person comes along and orders it back into business. In the meantime, I shall indulge in the shallow route of Eye Candy satisfaction. Eye Candy meaning, Luke Pasqualino - that's so bad you know...he is a beautiful soul. His outer shell is so delightful though *faints*

Well, I'd say that covers an introduction pretty well. It looks like a CV to be honest, how awful lmao

Day one complete! :D

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Sneezing Before Dawn

Ugh, it's 4am.

I woke up like 45 minutes ago with a streaming eyes and nose and generally very allergic-y. I drank some water, but that was no use. So I brought my duvet and pillow downstairs and settled on the couch with a cup of tea and my laptop.

I took a antihistamine and some paracetamol earlier so they should kick in soon and I will be able to sleep, but ugh, awful!

I know exactly why this happened. It's because I cleaned my room. I was just telling my mum earlier about how I get ill when I clean, but she just laughed. It's true though. My allergy to dust is pretty severe. I usually take a antihistamine before I clean my room for this very reason. Anyway, I guess the dust still hasn't settled from when I was tidying earlier so I got irritated at this ridiculous time. Well never mind, it's not like I have a busy schedule in the morning I can sleep in.

I've decided to do a 15 day challenge here. I found it on tumblr, but I will do it here - because I really really love here.

So here are the challenges!


1. Introduce Yourself
2. Explain your current relationship status
3. If you could only have one wish, what would you wish for?
4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
5. The most amazing thing that ever happened to you
6. Your best friend
7. Choose lyrics and explain why you chose them
8. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
9. Someone you look up to
10. Your family
11. Google the meaning of your name
12. A famous person you've been compared to
13. Something that puts a smile on your face no matter what
14. What are you afraid of
15. Describe where you live

I will do them all in individual posts rather than in my main blog of the day, because otherwise people will get tired eyes reading so much shizz. I won't do the first one now either, I'll save it for later in the day.

I'm getting tired now. I'll sleep at 5:30.

You know, waking up in the early hours is kind of interesting. Your brain suddenly starts thinking creatively. I always have good ideas when this kind of thing happens, yet during the day I get so lazy. How bad is that?

It's very bad I know. It's like that quote by Thomas Edison - 'Many of lifes failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.'

I wonder how many times I could have made a difference and just gave up. It's awful to even think of.

Not that I feel I'm a failure at life. I'm far too young to feel that way, but it's a good thing to keep in mind just to remind myself to keep going.

It's the same for everyone I guess. Unless you are one of those amazing self motivated people haha.

Right, I'm sleepy now and ready to try and get some shuteye. You know, I took all those allergy drugs, but I think the thing that made me feel better was the cup of tea.

Ahhh God is so lush for giving us tea, I just can't even describe my love for Him LMAO

Night everyone (again),

Love Min

P.S. You know when you want to command someone to smile more because it makes them look gorgeous?


I freakin love smiles.

Look! A Rainbow!

Lord I'm shattered!

I've heard from a reliable source that we are having curry for dinner tonight. This makes my heart swell with joy!

If curry could be my staple diet, I would totally go for it.

I finished tidying my room today. It looks kind of glorious now, I'm so pleased. I took pictures, but my cam's batteries ran out of power so I've put them on charge for now. It takes me so long to write blogs anyway, by the time I'm ready to post this the batteries will be charged to their utmost.

Oh yes, for all you VIP's who read my blog, bigbangvip.net are doing a donation operation to send to help the people of Japan. It would be great if you are able to spare some money for those in need. Even if you aren't a fan of Big Bang or k-pop sign up to the forum so you can help with the cause! I can assure you everyone there is lovely and friendly and maybe you'll even come to appreciate Big Bang :D

No pressure though, this is just my shoutout to let you know you can help. Even if you can't give money. Keep praying and being positive. Kindness comes in a multitude of forms :)

Today I finally got the green eyeshadow pallet I was coveting. It's pretty darn lush. Can't wait to use it :D I'll probably give it a test drive this coming Sunday. I would try it sooner, but I really don't like wearing makeup during the week - the reason being, I can't be bothered taking it off at night. Yes, I am that lazy.

I also bought some eyelash dye LMAO. It just sat on the shelf and called to me. Because I have a light complexion and hair colour my eyes look bald when I don't wear mascara so I thought,

'Ooooo, if I dye my eyelashes I won't even need to put mascara on when I go to the shops and stuff like that.'

It is a lazy reason, but Imma try it out. Apparently I have to test the solution on myself to see if I have an allergic reaction to it....maybe I will do that now since I've got nothing else to do.


Well I have this brown circle on my inner elbow, but I don't feel allergic at all. Apparently I have to wait 48 hours though so we shall see.

I was eating dinner just earlier and me and Sarah we messing about and dad said,

'Stop being like girls.'

Sarah and I were just,

'.....we are girls.'

Ugh I hate bad language, it's not even funny. Every time I hear it my soul cringes with disgust. When I'm watching football and I see one of the players say a nasty word I shout,


and he just stops and continues to play. IM LIKE A GOD!

No but really, it's so unattractive. Makes me want to punch people in the mouth. Like some people can't help it and it just rolls out of their mouths because they are used to talking like a tard, but others who say bad words on purpose to try and be funny - well, I think they are idiots. I hate people who make me mentally judge them, because I hate myself for judging people.

But if they will keep insisting to use the words of ignorance what can I do?

I've wanted to use that gif on my blog for ages.

I think the main reason I dislike people swearing is not the actual word itself, but the fact that it takes me like an hour to process the fact that someone is actually ugly enough on the inside to use that word in my presence and then it takes me another hour to forgive them depending on my mood and how good looking they are (I was just kidding with the last part). So you see I feel that people who use foul language just waste lots of my time when I could be using that time to be creative and draw pictures of hot Asian men and stuff (again, I was kidding...a bit).

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Manchester United have now qualified for the quarter finals of the Champions League! HURRAY FOR THE REDS! GO GET THAT TROPHY FROM THOSE EUROPEANS!

Lol, earlier I was on tumblr and there was this post that said something like, 'The song you are listening to now is what you will hear when you make love to your celebrity crush for the first time.'

So I listened out and all I could hear was the commentary of the Man U v Marseille match.

I was like -.- ORLY?!

It's only ten and I feel so incredibly worn out. It's going to be insane when I have steady work. I'm going to come home and just sleep in my free time.

Though, usually, people's bodies adapt to their lifestyles.

You know what? I'm just going to make myself a brew (tea) get my PJ's on, read my Bible in bed for a bit and then go to sleep. OMG IT WILL BE PURE BLISS!

but first, as promised.


I probably should have done before and after shots, then you would understand why I feel so accomplished with the orderliness of these shelves.

Some closeups :D

As you can see, there are 'books behind the books.' *goes all inception*

All those VCR's will have to go one day LMAO and finally my art stuff has a home so it's no longer scattered all over the house. HURRAY!

MY NEW GREEN PALLET! Isn't it beautiful???

Then this is my 'bedside table/chest of drawers' no longer tea stained and dusty and I chucked a load of crap that I'd kept on there.

Then these are the shelves above my bed, which hold a few of my favourite things and books :) It's a shame the picture is so blurred. My all time most favourite book (other than The Bible) is the big thick one on the top shelf second on the left. It's called 'The Count of Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas' :D Though all the books there are exceptionally wonderful.

And of course, my prized collection of DVD's and Big Bang merchandise.

I have no idea why Shinee are sat on the top there XDD but to be fair, that is a most excellent mini album from them. My sis has a tonnage of 2pm merch too, but she likes to hoard it away in a draw, whereas I like to make an arrangement out of my stuff so I can admire it every day.

So you see, I have worked very hard to make my room and collections neat. I think I deserve a Luke picture!

He's so beautiful! His favourite actor is Michael Caine too. I mean...HNNNG!

I was in the library today and I went to the manga part and One Piece was there and I almost threw up with happiness. I started reading one while mum was doing some research and had to contain my laughter, because libraries tend to be silent places. It's just too hilarious though, makes me deeply happy.

Ok I am off to beds now!

Love you lots n lots n lots!

From Minnie

P.S. Disclaimer, the gif and picture of Luke Pasqualino were not made by me I just stole them off tumblr because of the gorgeousness.

P.S.S. Disclaimers are so ugly.

P.S.S.S. I found a poem I wrote a while back for a competition, it was nice, but I cbb getting out of bed to get it so I can write it here...maybe another day yeh?


Monday, 14 March 2011

Trying to Dwell on Loveliness

note: I was supposed to post this last night, but my net connection was being bum faced, so here it is now *huggg*


Wow, if you say AKKK out loud you sound like an angry sea bird or something!

Did you know that there is a sea bird called a Booby? It has blue feet.

I woke up today with so many good intentions....well actually I was having this weird morning dream FOR AGES! You know the dreams you have just before you wake up?

Well, it wasn't weird, because I enjoyed it really! It was pretty much One Piece, but with me and people in my life and dream people. Then what happened was, this huge green sea serpent (and I MEAN HUGE) was trying to stop us from rescuing the princess who lived in like these smurf houses I dunno, but yeah, I was on the serpents head and it started whooshing up vertically and heading towards outer space and then Luffy was climbing up the its neck and it was such a big adventure! I wish I could remember more, but it's kind of all gobbledygook in my head and all I can recall really is lots of colours.

I want another One Piece dream tonight or at least an Avatar dream. I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world who dreams in cartoon.

OH yes! So I had all these good intentions when I ROSE this morning. I quickly got dressed and checked my left leg and YES I HAVE A BRUISE....what a surprise.

And I took Sam out and you know what? It's a beautiful March day. I'm deeply hoping that the weather warms up for when convention is on. I want it to be GLORIOUS!

I had made plans in my head to RE INVENT my entire room and make it into a sort of studio where I could do my art in peace and harmony (I usually do it on the kitchen table and I'm telling you now, that location is not harmonic at ALL).

BUT then my motivation was removed from me when people started to presume I had no plans and dumped all the boring stuff they don't want to do onto me - which makes me incredibly FOUL.

I think I AM part of the problem though, because I NEVER reveal my plans to anyone. I'm really secretive and weird - which make people think I don't have plans and that I have a mushroom-like brain, but actually I have LOTS of dreams and ambitions. So many I JUST DONT KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN!

but I really don't appreciate being dumped on...and yes, there is a difference between asking for help and dumping on someone. A difference between helping someone and being taken advantage of.



Well, it's such a beautiful night now! (sort of)

I spent the whole evening going over my room with a fine toothcomb - it's sort of tidy now, but not really. There is still a lot more for me to do.

BUT all my books are neat and orderly and look lush - it took a while...the only thing I have more than dvd's is books. I could easily use my books as a library. Me and my friend were talking the other week about how we would love to have that library from Beauty and the Beast.

Sarah butted into the conversation and said,

'I'll come if there is a manga section.'

4 straight hours of cleaning takes it out of me though - I'm not used to this kind of thing - cleaning I mean. It doesn't come natural to me.

I will post pictures when I've finished everything. I've got an idea of how I can decorate after everything is neat. My walls are so bare. I do have some G Dragon posters, but they are HUGE and I really don't want to spoil them with bluetac. If I did put them up, I would frame them, but I'd have to find a massive frame somewhere.

Mum seems to think I'm too old to have posters of 'men' on my wall or whatever. She was commenting on how it was weird that I had a picture of G Dragon as my laptop wallpaper at the age of 22.

TBH it hadn't really crossed my mind that I was 'too old' to be obsessive. I've been obsessive about things my entire life. I'm famous for it. When I get into stuff I go the whole haul. And EVERY TIME my mum gives me a lecture on how I should concentrate on more important things....I actually do all the important stuff too, but I don't shove it in peoples faces. You should have seen me when I first got into Star Wars - crazy fangirl would be an understatement.

I just shrugged at my mum anyway. I'm 22, not dead. And I am definitely not going to be ashamed about what I like. I've never cared of what other people thought about my habits and I'm not going to start now. Especially when there is nothing wrong with what I like.

I have a feeling this isn't the last though. Even when I am married with 10 children my mum will lecture me.

'Michelle you are too obsessed with your kids! You need to concentrate on the more important things!'

and I'm not even kidding, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she actually said those exact words in my future.

Mums are crazy man.

I wonder how long it will take for me to go loco?

I think it's probably a vicious cycle. Each mother drives her daughter insane so by the time it's her turn to be a mother she is mentally ready to torture her own children.

It's quite evil and perverse actually. I don't even know if I want to carry on such a horrendous thing.

You can probably tell my patience has been VERY tested tonight. Honestly, earlier I was greatly peeved.

To feel better I look at the book shelf above my head and my heart feels light. I placed all my favourite novels and a few other things on the two shelves I have above my bed and it's so lovely. You know I have very good taste in stuff.

It's all these years of being obsessive. I've gathered a huge variety of interests. It's nice to be interested in lots of different things than just one, don't you agree?

I wonder if there will ever be anyone, who will be able to love me for me (including all my strange habits).

Well I know God does cos he made me like this! :D :D He must have a weird sense of humour!

Right! I'm going to shut down my lappy for the night now and snuggle down nicely. My mum told me earlier that in my life I would end up crying and saying,

'Why does nobody like me?'

It wasn't very nice of her to say that so I am going to read and get something nice in my head before I sleep.

I want another Luffy dream please

Night Night Everyone!

Love Minnie

Saturday, 12 March 2011


Last night I went to bed early-ish because everything was just IRRITATING me.

All the miniscule bickerings and rubbish and stupid things people were getting stressed about and yet, horrendous things were happening at the exact same time to other families on the other side of this sphere.

Honestly, when something like this happens things should be put into perspective, but some people are just so caught up with themselves they don't even realise how good they have it.

This morning however, I woke up with a 'SCREW WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK' attitude, because what other people think shouldn't make my thinking negative. The world needs all the positive attitudes it can get at the moment.

Yesterday I was out hunting for a tree - yes - a tree. My mum works at a stately home and they have like a wood at the back and the gardeners helped me to find the tree that I wanted. It is really huge though, like 20+ feet and I have to transport it to the other end of the country! This is where I need to pull out the old 'ddaaaddddyyyy can you help me move a tree?' card. I know he will help me as long as I give him money. How fraternal of him =.=

I have the kind of parents who give and expect something back - it's VERY annoying, because I'm the type of child who likes to take advantage hahaha

As far as I'm concerned when it comes to giving I don't care what I get back on earth cos Heaven is going to be ballin!

One of the first things we heard during the day was that our babies in Japan were safe. Apparently, they were at the park when the quake happened and they live in Tokyo so were not affected by the tsunami. Even so I wish I could just fly over there and give them a hug, I bet they were so frightened.

Yesterday also brought other things

Sarah was joking around about how I have ginger hair and one of the gardeners said to her,

'Just because you are her older sister doesn't mean that you can tease her.'


And Sarah was like,

'but, she is 7 years older than me.'

Also a lady had said to me earlier,

'Were you ok yesterday? It was so windy, I have another small friend and she was almost blown over.'

I was like...

'Ohhhh issit?.'

I really didn't think that I was THAT OBVIOUSLY small. I don't mind though. Small is ACE and Ace is the name of an awesome One Piece character, THEREFORE small people are awesome.

Its been ages since I've written a blog in the morning, it's actually quite nice. We are off to grandmas later, because we are going to conglomerate around the TV and support Manchester United together for the 1/4 final of the FA cup...I hoppppeee that Man U have got their act together by now. It would be SUCH a shame for them to lose to Arsenal after being beat by Liverpool and Chelsea (yes I have accepted it now - though I'm never going to be happy about it)

I also have to go to the shop for a very shallow and selfish reason - I've been coveting this green eye-shadow pallet for about 3 weeks and I NEED it. Well actually, I don't NEED it, but I would VERY VERY VERY like to have it. In fact, it is a part of this collection of all these different colour pallets and they honestly drive me crazy. I'm like a magpie - anything colourful or shiny and I WANT!

2-ish days later

Yeah so there has been a whole weekend between then and now.

I'm just chillin watching Iron Man with my sister. I have hiccups too, which is rather annoying. They are not the satisfying kind of hiccups - I know you know what I mean.

SO I am very happy to say that the weekend was most excellent.

Yesterday we zoomed over to Manchester, had a VERY delicious lunch at grandmas and then watched the Manchester United V Arsenal match and WE WON! Which is so great :D Dad's friend was at Old Trafford for the game and we went to his house for dinner today and I was envying the match program he'd bought (cos at Old Trafford they sell like a programme for every home game, with the line up and rivalry history and shizz, it's like a magazine really). Anyway, it made me wish I was there.

It's getting to rather an exciting stage in the year for the football crowd. It's a very decisive time. AND EXCITING!

Saturday night was kind of weird for me because my body gave me a nasty shock. I was just stood chatting to my dad in the kitchen while he was making tea when I got these terrible pains across my stomach, but it wasn't internal, it was like muscular pains. It really took me by surprise, I couldn't even stand up OR sit down, I was completely immobile because of pain. My sister even had to help me get my PJ's on. Then I had to lie flat on my back with this heat patch thing over my stomach and after about 45 minutes it ebbed away.

The last time this happened I was on my own at home and I fainted on the kitchen floor because of the pain (LMAO Sam was all like 'WTFF???'), and I really have no idea what causes it. It's quite weird, but it goes away and it happens very rarely so I really have no idea what to do about it. It doesn't worry me really, only I hope it never occurs when I'm in an interview or out somewhere or doing something important, because then that would be annoying.

This morning it had vanished and so had the stiffness and I was glad because I didn't want to miss church. Then when I got to church I discovered my best friend had not come so I sent her a text saying,

'I dissaprove of not seeing you D:'

and she sent one back saying

'I know :( I will bring you sweets.'

So my wrath was calmed.

My daddy preached today :D It was very good too. About how life is a marathon and not a sprint...and I'm not going to describe the whole sermon because if you reeaalllly want to see it you can probably watch it on the New Harvest Christian Fellowship Manchester website so yeah.

Then I did this really stupid thing.

After the service I wanted to get out of my row of chairs so I could chat with my friend, but there were people standing in the way at both ends of the row.

So I waited for a bit then I said to my friend,

'Shall I just climb over the chairs into the next row?'

She just shrugged and so I sort of swung my leg over the seats in front of me and jumped a little and it seemed like I had successfully breached the chairs, but then an armrest jammed into my left thigh and I slipped, made a strange squeaking noise and fell on my ass...then I sort of smoothly tried to made it look like I had intended to sit down on a chair - however I have no idea if I succeeded giving this impression.

I only wish I hadn't made the squeaking noise - that was rather embarrassing...I feel embarrassed just thinking about it. WHY AM I SUCH A CLUTZ?

I am also PREEETY certain that my left leg will be the canvas of a impressively huge bruise WHICH WILL LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL AND PURPLE AND GLOWING IN THE MOONLIGHT!

Then after church we went to family friends house for dinner. It was very nice, lots and lots of reminiscing and I really have no idea, but I found myself showing an old friend Big Bang's Haru Haru MV and she was looking at me like,

'Minnie???? WHY KOREANS?'

I just shrugged and said,

'Just because.'

She said,

'Is it because you like a Korean guy?'

because generally in my acquaintance circle, you only get into something 'unusual' if there is a guy involved somewhere.

I just shook my head, because I can proudly and honestly say I was attracted to Big Bang by their music and not how they look....even so I pointed at G Dragon and said,

'I like him a lot though.'

Understatement of the century.

but anyway, today was great. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and was very joyful and I ate a lot of nice food and I feel contented.

I have SO much to be thankful for SOSOSO much. God knows I should remember this more often.

Now its time to sleep.

Goodnight all you lovelies. May all your endeavours be fruitful and may you be blesssseeed!

Love Min

P.S. Please please continue praying and supporting the nation of Japan!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Pray for Japan

Today is a sombre one. It's hard to think about ones self all the time when you know that millions of people are suffering. My deepest condolences and earnest prayers go out to and for the people and families in Japan who have been devastated by the earthquake and tsunami. May a spirit of hope and renewal come from such an awful experience and for those in need to be saved swiftly.

For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.

Job 14:7

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Everybody Dance!

My internet system bites!

Twitter is not loading again...HOW ON EARTH WILL I GO ON?!?!?!

There has been such a weird vibe in the household today - like a horrendous vibe.

It makes me feel somewhat depressed.

I think it's because it's my mums day off work, which is ok if she is in a good mood, but she was in this really edgy mood - you know, like you have to behave VERY well or she will make your day miserable and even when you do behave well she will find unnecessary things for you to do and really test your patience.

Well it's either she is being like that OR I am being very easily irritable, but I was in a pretty good mood when I woke up - I had this weird dream that I had three kids who looked sort of hispanic, but it wasn't a completely dreadful dream so I didn't rise feeling foul.

Actually it's only ten but I'm so tired, I think I'll go to sleep as soon as I finish writing this.

OHOHOHOH I just followed Luke P on twitter. That gets me at least 5 new stalker points. I almost got as excited as I got when I found out Dante Basco had a twitter earlier when I discovered he had a twitte -and yes, I do realise that sentence was structured AWFULLY, but I really don't give anything.

Wow, I'm just too incredibly sleepy, I'm barely keeping my eyes open. The only reason I'm forcing myself to stay awake is because I think it's abnormal for someone of my age to sleep before 10:30 and I also have wet hair - it smells really good though, I love my shampoo, it's a blessing.

I told myself I would clean my room today, but all I did was take some dirty washing downstairs and put it in the washing machine - well I guess it's a start.

HOWEVER! Sarah was rooting through my stuff and she found a necklace that she bought me ages ago, which I've never worn because I never had anything to wear it with. It's so pretty too, silver with green glass thingies in it VERY SHINY!

I have something I can wear it with now though so I'm very happy...it's taken like 7 years for me to wear it, but it's all worth it in the end.


I spent the past few hours watching 'That 70's Show' with my sister - Fez is HILARIOUS! That guy just cracks me up man. I love it when there is an awkward silence and then someone just says aloud what everyone is thinking. Well Fez does that all the time, though it's usually completely inappropriate.

Oh my gosh! My mother actually just searched the house in order to find something for me to do. What on earth did I do in a previous life to deserve this treatment?!

Seriously, I'm not overreacting either. It's CRAZY STUFF!

Oh wow, I'm sorry guys, but this is going to be a VERY short one. I'm too tired. If I don't allow myself to fall asleep now I could get arrested for breaching human rights laws.

Good Night sweethearts

Love Minnn

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Viewpoints and Contexts

There is a really strange noise coming from the radiator area - I moved to my room cos it was freaking me out.

This way, if it blows up, my face wont be damaged.

So I was reading my diary earlier and I read a prayer I wrote in January and it made me LOL.

Dear Jesus, I have a horrible feeling, please make it go away. It's like, I've felt all positive all day and then suddenly I got unfocused. Kind of like when things go wrong on tap tap revenge and you can't get back into the groove.

Yeah I also went on to pray for Yamapi HAHAHHAAH

AHAHAHAH I love my old diaries, like this poem -


Waiting for the right moment - It's the hardest
Because sometimes you wait too long before you realise that you should have started over again
and you realise you missed out on an opportunity
Then you quickly restart

Yeah, it may seem somewhat emotional, but actually My laptop had crashed and Its about whether I should wait for it to fix itself or just restart it.

You know, you can write deep and meaningful shizz about pretty much anything. Thats how I can see that half the stuff on tumblr is just insincere BS....and I'm not being paranoid either - it really is.

To me The Shocking Incident at Coral Hill - is a much more sincere literary experience and tons more fun - just saying.

Omo! I've just seen a preview picture for the upcoming new season of Doctor who IT GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS! I have to show you so you too can have goosebumps AND TOGETHER WE CAN FORM THE GOOSEBUMP CLUB FOR ELITE MEMBERS ONLY!

Are you in awe yet???

Cos I know I am!!!

DOCTOR WHO IS BAD ASS!!!! If you have not seen you must see!!! I think no life is complete without AT LEAST one viewing of a single episode of Doctor who.

I DO recommend the most recent series that aired in 2010 - it was - exceptional.

Even my mum said so and she is staunchly biased to the classic episodes from the 70's.

Let me tell you something - IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND! And it's also extremely entertaining u_u

My family have the most hilarious dialogues. We were coming home from Bible study earlier and the whole car was in silence and then Sarah started talking and just got straight ignored by everyone so she started saying outrageous things to get attention.

'I'm going to chop my own head off!'


'I'm going to convert to support Liverpool.'

Dad suddenly replies,

'That's even worse than chopping your head off.'

Dad and his sweet priorities, HAHAHAHAH

Man, I feel like eating sweet potato.

I really need to stop looking at pictures of Luke Pasqualino. It's bad for me to want to marry someone so badly without actually knowing them.

I mean, I kind of get away with it with G Dragon because I am a rabid fan who buys his merchandise and is willing to spend thousands of pounds to go see him, BUT I've only ever seen one thing Luke is in.


OMG ITS 11:11 *forces self not to wish for Luke Paqsqualino*

See I feel like a friggen teenage girl again, but those years were so long ago I can't even remember who my celebrity crush was - did I even have one?

Have I ever mentioned that I think One Tree Hill is crap? I've never understood the obsession with it. House M.D. IS SO MUCH better.


I really don't want to be one of those horrendous people who throws their opinions all over the place. Though I guess HERE is not all over - Its my blog.

I can't believe its almost Thursday! Weeks go by so fast! THEY JUST SWOOSH BY!

This weekend we will be at Manchester most of the time. Dad didn't give me an honest reason. He said it's because grandma wants to see us (which I'm sure she does) but I also think it's because he wants to watch the Man U v Arsenal match there, which I have no problem with, but I wish he wouldn't be so secretive about his motives.

And I guess we will be staying over at grandmas on Saturday night so we can go to church on Sunday morning, which I'm looking forward to since it's the only place I can sing loudly and violently in public without looking like a tard because you can't hear me over the sound of two electric guitars, a bass, an acoustic, a set of drums, a keyboard and two backup singers.

Oh the greatness of amplified sounds.

I really hope daddy is making some dinner because I feel like eating so badly. Does that make me sound like a brat? Because I'm feeling those feelings without feeling brattyness. I just have this innocent urge of wanting to eat.

I actually think my dad IS cooking something!!! This makes me so happy I could actually leap!


Yes, it was spaghetti!!!! With garlic bread and topped with cheese! HOW GLORIOUS!

Probably a strange thing to eat at midnight, but WHO CARES! It was SOOO DELICIOUS!

...I bet Luke Pasqualino tastes somewhat like spaghetti......

Oh sorry, I just felt the soul of my future intended cringe, DON'T WORRY ONE THAT I LOVE! I OBVIOUSLY THINK YOU ARE THE BEST IN THE FUTURE.

Anyway, probably right at this moment you are probably gawking at some other lady/girl. It makes me so mad!

....it doesn't really make me mad, his tastes will obviously improve.


I always get on a high when it's late at night and say atrocious things and don't really think about what I'm writing.


SLEEP! I must do that!

Gooooodnight my lovely darling beautiful amazing angel,

I ADORE YOUR FACES (The ones I have seen)!

Love Minnie

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


You know when people compliment you, but they do it in a weird way?

'I'm usually a bitch to pretty girls, but you are too nice not to like.'


Or when people get it totally wrong?

'Do they call you Minnie because of your height?'

Or those moments when your mum goes completely bonkers in the car and honks at some female joggers.

'They will think we are men and that we fancy them MUAHAHAHHAHAH!'

These are the moments that makes life bearable.

Like when your friends call you 'Weird and obsessive.' which when translated to not-friend language means - 'I'm really fond of you and I'm so glad you are my friend otherwise or I would die of boredom.'

or when you catch the cute guy looking at you and he looks away quickly then looks back like, 'You saw me do that didn't you?' and you look back like, 'Yeapppp, I saw that.' and he's like, 'Awww man.' and then starts smiling to himself creepily and you have to look away otherwise you will sile creepily too and you don't want your friends to know you've just had this WEIRD EYE CONVERSATION WITH SOME DUDE ACROSS THE ROOM! but you wish it would happen all over again because it was kind of fun and sneaky and ninja-ish....

or that moment when you've had the worst birthday imaginable and you sit down to watch the FA cup final and Manchester United win gloriously and it just makes you so happy that you could cry.

Or when you come home from school and daddy says,
'I have tickets to the football, QUICKLY GET YOUR SCARF!'

or when you watch your sister completely thrash 6 other girls in the 400 metre race for the second year in a row and you can hear most of the crowd screaming for her and feel so proud that she is loved so much.

or that moment when you go into the barn to choose a puppy and there are three there running about, but then one comes up to you and places his paw on you and looks at you with those sad eyes and you just CANNOT BEAR to leave him because you've already fallen in love!!!


I am actually high on sugar. Popcorn affects me this way and I really don't know why, but who cares - soon I shall lose steam and fall into a deep unconscious slumber.

I think So Ji Sub is veryveryveryveryveryveryveryvereyewgdsjhdsahfda beautiful


Ohhh I'm so sad, someone just wrote the most disgusting word in their FB status and, how horrible - I really feel disappointed in that person. My personal regard for them has dropped - I need tea - I should just love them even if their vocabulary is beyond my moral comprehension.


Today I woke up and I WAS dreaming, but I can't remember what that dream was about, but it must have been something and anyway, I got up and went downstairs and sarah was there doing the dishes and THEN I SEE A GREY PARCEL ON THE TABLE AND GET ALL HAPPY ON THE INSIDE!

So in the parcel are my lovley VVIP, GD&TOP and BIGBANG CD's and I am very happy they have arrived!

I feel somewhat complete about the whole thing and I know it must be weird that CD's make me feel complete, especially when I don't have a CD player atm....but yes

AND THEN I took Sam for a walk and today was the day I trespassed along this road, because it's actually a nice walk and the FLEEPIN guy who owns the roads came driving down in this ugly four wheel drive truck thingy and I was like spazzing out on the inside, but on the outside I acted all cool like *I have no idea that I am trespassing completely innocent child* and he didn't stop and tell me off and I was thanking God for my ridiculously young appearance.

Then I got home and forced myself to ride on the bike for 20 mins because I felt fat, but after that I stunk to high heaven and spent like an hour and a half in the bath.

Honestly, I felt so much better after that, but exercising was so difficult for me today, I had to use a lot of willpower to push myself. AND I GOT DEHYDRATED REALLY FAST TOO!

You know what I'm SOOOSOSOSOSOOSOOOO tired! It's just hit me like that! SLEEP! *BANG*

Its quite forceful when it hits you, I don't know!

Anyway, I haven't really done much else today, not that I can recall anyhoo.

So I shall hit the publish button and be done with it!

GOOD NIGHT DEAREST LOVELIEST ELIZABETH! ------- why the hell am I quoting Pride and Prejudice?



Monday, 7 March 2011

You and Life Remain Beautiful

I can't even remember today.

I'm feeling very introverted and secretive. I feel like I have a big secret. PI MI!

Even though I haven't. I just feel like I have. I think it's because I'm listening to deep and meaningful songs that were obviously written by people who feel something and some of that feeling has entered my soul.

I have 'Many the Horror' on repeat - I'm not sure if that is good or bad.

It's good in that its a brilliant lovely song.

It's bad in the sense that I get all emotional listening to it - just because I can.

Maybe it's just Monday syndrome. I wonder what my Tuesday syndrome will be like.

Omg you should see my personal diary, ITS OVERFLOWING with weirdness. I swear when my grandchildren read it, they will think I was stoned 99% of the time.

I was thinking about the names I want to call my children and was wondering whether it would be completely horrible if I named my children after Star Wars characters?

It would wouldn't it?

My mum said when I was born there was this other kid at church born around the same time and he was called Obi Wan. I think it's probably for the best that his parents moved away...I would never be able to resist a person with such a name. I would probably be married to him by now with lots of offspring called Yoda and Han and Anakin.

Honestly, I prefer the name R2D2, because he is my ultimate favourite, but it's illegal for humans to have numbers in their name and I have to admit, I would hate to have a number for a name.


I mean I've been in love with it for a while now - 10 years to be exact. I think it's the longest relationship I've ever had with someones voice. Unfortunately, I have to share this voice with other people, but I don't mind too much, because such things have to be shared.

One of my oldest friends would like to marry the body that goes with the voice of Matty T - but I'm just like, no man, thats just not right.

I think it's because I like my boys pretty....I really really do. It's SUCH a burden for me.

My right hand is SO cold! Why is it so cold? What did I do for it to be so cold like this?

Ok, so after I'd been out to the job centre I came home and started this angry sketch (because I was angry) of Luke Pasqualino, so I drew his head and placed his eyes and nose and lips and then started like scribbling away madly. Then Sarah came and just got a pencil and started scribbling away at it too and by the time we'd finished scribbling it actually looked pretty good. I mean it isn't the best sketch but it's actually a good likeness and considering that I started it because I needed to divert my intense rage - well, lets just say it was slightly more productive than chopping my own extremities off with a carving knife.

Actually it's not just my right hand, my whole body is freezing. I went downstairs to tell my dad I was cold.

and he said,

'Its not cold in here.'


I'm wondering, does he think I will go and spend my entire night in the kitchen just because it's warmer in there - and it wasn't that much warmer in there anyway, he was just being facetious and that just annoys me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm contemplating going to bed early because it's the only place in which I will have complete warmth - maybe I should go to bed early tonight.

Because I wan't to wake up early just in case the postman comes with the parcel with the CD's in. I already missed a parcel he brought last Friday, I think it was something from Lily because it was addressed to Sarah and only things that come from the other side of the world are from Sarah.

Unless they are from Malaysia, then they are usually addressed to me, because Zaty sees me as THE BIG SISTER! Even though the other day Sarah and I did this thing where we leap into each other arms and I dropped her straight away, cos I just have like -2% muscle mass in my arms.

I used to be so strong you know? Like I used to go to this youth club and the boys used to call me 'She-hulk'.

but, they were rubbish boys anyway, never lifted a finger to help hardly, they might as well have been Victorean Era ladies. Seriously dudes nowadays need a punch in the face to awaken their masculinity.

There is definitely a problem when the girl is lugging about and setting up Air hockey tables and the guys are sat there watching. ITS A PROBLEM. And I'm not being all feministic here either, because that's just stupid. Naturally and scientifically, boys are built to be stronger and have more energy THEY SHOULD HELP CARRY STUFF AND ALL THAT!

I don't know why I'm talking about this, it's like I'm suddenly peeved about this stuff that happened in the past, but maybe it's just the Monday syndrome again.

It's just wouldn't it be nicer if the males of this word stopped trying to catch grenades and step in front of trains and just man up and do a bit of hard labour?

Why on earth would you want to catch a grenade anyway??? are you an idiot? Do you know that would kill you? IF YOU ARE DEAD WHAT GOOD WOULD THAT DO ME?

And if a grenade is coming my way why can't you just pull me aout of the way why do you have to catch it? WHY DON'T YOU THINK LOGICALLY BRUNO MARS?!?!?!

No hating though, I actually like that song and I find Bruno to be very attractive. BTW is that his real name? BRUNO!

Sounds MANLY *says 'BRUNO' in a deep voice*

I think I knew a dog called Bruno once.

When I was little there was this horse called 'Spot' that lived in a field behind my house and I used to love him so much. Anyway we moved away to Manchester and then years and years later we went back to visit our old house and HE WAS STILL THERE!!!

Mum thought he would have been dead already, because he was old and stuff, but I never recall him being old. To me he was like a GLORIOUS STALLION or something. I remember sitting on his back when I was little thinking I was the Queen of all I surveyed.

OH OH OH I'm just so tired, I need to wash my face and brush my teeth and then snuggle up in my bed and dream about nice things like spring and baby animals and please please please no boys because they are always people like Luke Pasqualino and it just gets me thinking that REAL LIFE MUST BE LIKE THIS!

but Luke Pasqualino is not in my real life...unfortunately.



I love you!

From Minnie


The scan actually doesn't do it justice, it looks better in your hands...trust me :)


Saturday, 5 March 2011


Got woken up this morning by a shout,


Which I did, because I was feeling very obedient when my eyes opened. I wondered why I was being summoned seeing as it is a Saturday and allthough my family were going out for the day, I was staying at home with the doggy (my ideal saturday).

Anyway, when I got downstairs I found my family rushing about to get out and so I stood around like a moose in PJ's watching them.

After that I just did stuff and then I thought I should practice drawing Rain, you know so I could decide which picture of him would be best to draw and this is how it went.

I think it's obvious which one I should go ahead and draw. LMAO


I was so happy yesterday because I FINALLY got back my copy of 'Slumdog Millionaire'
I lent it to my friend about a thousand years ago and when I asked for it back she staunchly denied that she had it.

Anyway, she was looking for something on a shelf yesterday when I was at her house when it fell down and I was like :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Then she was like,

'Ohhh I dunno if this is someone elses copy...'

and I was just thinking,


So I just said,

'wellll I'll just take it now and if anyone asks you for it, I can bring it for them.'


So yes, Im very happy that it is back in my caring hands.

Gosh I'm starving! I went downstairs earlier to make myself some lunch and a cup of tea, but I ended up cleaning the kitchen and the living room and didn't eat at all - though I did have tea.

I should probably eat something, but I have this thing where the time has to be on the nearest tenth before I move. It's 17:56 now and so I only have to wait for 18:00.

LMAO, I know, I have strange habits, but there you are.


I ATE CHEERIOS FOR DINNER!!!! It might be just me, but every time I eat cheerios the gum behind my front upper teeth goes numb.


You know tumblr is kind of torture? It has strings and strings of VERY handsome men spammed all over the place. I feel like I'm reblogging all the time. Yesterday I actually reblogged a picture of G Dragon EATING! If it was just a random stranger eating I wouldn't even notice. I mean normally, you wouldn't find someone munching away at something to be a very attractive picture, but NOOOOOO when I see GD eating its like - 'OH HOW CUTE ASLDFJKASDJFLKASJFASJFASLKFJ'

If you would like to have a stalk on my tumblr be my guest -



ok I did that thing again, you know where I forget to post what I've written. I CANT BELIEVE I DO THIS KIND OF STUFF!!

Actually, my mind has been rather occupied this week...with stuff....believe me....it's weird stuff...the kind of stuff that is VERY hard to believe. SO HARD TO BELIEVE, that I'm not even sure I can believe it.

ITS MADNESS! If it's true, which it could be...and I don't even think I mind if it is true - then I have no idea what to do.


Omo, I'm making no sense at all am I?

It's just I don't want to say what the thing is, but I want you to know there is a thing.



Right, I really need a cup of tea. I was just about to get one at church when this guy came along and took the last bit of tea from the pot and I was like, 'ASDFSJDfsjdlkfjsdkfjsdlkfjsdkfjskdfj YOU MAN YOU!!!!!' but, on the inside obviously, because if I said that out loud, well, I would be sectioned or something.

LORD this tea is delicious! OISHI!!!!

I swear it not only warms my body - it also warms my soul!

The tea plant must have been a lil extra God threw from heaven just to bless us humans. Which proves that he loves us!

I wore my new necklace at church today, even though I haven't got a red top, but its OK COS I WORE BLACK!

Imma take a piccy so you can see...ONE SEC!


Ok so this is the first blog that has ever stretched over three days...and I did take the picture, but hated it so mehh!

I should really just post this LMAO!

Last night I got so distracted by watching Secret Garden episodes that I forgot to continue writing this shizz.


but, this drama is SO INTENSE! The chemistry is DIVINE! I love all this hard core sexual tension in dramas hahaha IT MAKES ME CRINGE for real!

I actually cover my face sometimes because IT'S JUST TOO MUCH TO BARE!

I would like to take this time to brag about football, but I'm still VERY upset by the outcome of yesterdays match. I actually forced the thought of it out of my mind for the entire day yesterday. HORRENDOUS STUFF!

Sarah told me that when she went into the shop yesterday the match was playing on the TV part and all these Man City fans were watching it supporting that INFIDEL team (which shows they aren't REAL Mancunians, because no TRUE person born in Manchester would EVER support the 'L' word) yeah and she said there was this asian butcher and he asked the score and this man city fan was like, '2-0 MUAHAHAHA' and he was like 'Don't be stupid man that sucks!' and gave that other guy a friendly punch and Sarah became all *AZN pride* and sent me a text all about it even though she is a white British girl, but meh, our family is Asian and they get all *British pride* when they hear something British SO ITS LIKE THE CIRCLE OF LIFE!

So I really felt like watching a movie last night, but I couldn't because the night before I'd watched 'Slumdog Millionaire' and honestly, most other movies are just not even nearly as good as that and I knew I would be disappointed because 'Slumdog' was still in my system.

I can't describe it...oh oh oh I know, it's like, there is a nice guy who acts like he likes you and you think he's pretty nice too, but you always fob him off because you can't forget how you feel about that wally who is always sat in your head somewhere. So this poor new guy has no idea where he stands AND ITS SO CRUEL! So you have to wait a while until you have convinced yourself that the guy in your head will always be there, but then you feel bad because that makes the new guy seem not good enough, which is not true BECAUSE HE'S MORE THAN GOOD ENOUGH...AND ITS SO COMPLICATED!


Yeah so thats why I couldn't watch another movie after I watched 'Slumdog Millionaire' because 'slumdog' is the guy in the head and another movie is the new guy who I'm not ready to appreciate yet.

WOW, my explanations are so confusing...WHY DO I DO THINGS LIKE THIS???!!!

So yeah, I have to go to the job centre today and I'm really not happy about it cos that place makes me want to rip my own face off. HUHUHUHUHUHU.

I woke up feeling really depressed about it, but then I was like!

'MINNIE DUDE! You can't let stuff like this ruin your day! It's not worth it!'

so I'm trying to find the silver lining in everything about today.

I had this dream last night that I was part of this special spy school and there was a world war going on. Anyway, my best friend (in the dream) got suspected of treachery and was on the run and I found him and was just about to help him escape across the English Channel when Sarah woke me up asking if I had any envelopes so she could send a letter.

And it annoyed me at first because the guy in my dream reminded me of someone and I couldn't quite remember who it was AND THEN I REMEMBERED!!



I feel so happy he was in my dream best friend, it's a shame everyone thought he was a traitor though - he WASN'T EVEN!!!! O: O: O: O: O:

I would post a picture of him, but my net connection is being extremely gay and not loading one shizzle of things!

I probably dreamed of his because I was drooling over him the entire day of Saturday like a friggen camel.

OHHH FINALLY GOT PICCIES OF HIM! Actually, I'm pretty sure I've spammed about him before on my blog :/

SO MA STYLE! He's famous for being in the British drama 'Skins' which I have never even watched - mainly because it makes the drudgery that is British youngsters look sexy and it's just not true.



Of course I was one of those billion back in the day *smugly wiggles eyebrows*




While we are on the subject of British men/guys/peeople


CAN I HEAR AN AMEN!!!!!!!! Andrew Garfield is not bad on the eyes either.

AND AND AND If I am not mistaken! The new Superman is a British Actor - So thats batman, spiderman AND superman all played by me HOMIES!! :D :D


Anyway Im gonna head off now cos I have to go to that HORRENDOUS PLACE!!!


Thursday, 3 March 2011

Beyond it All

Staying at my friends because I'm baby sitting for her tomorrow while she goes for an interview.

This morning I woke up in a bad mood, which is something weird for me...I mean, I'm usually sleepy and groggy in the morning, but not irritable.

Anyway...you know when you just want to be left alone and don't want to be talked because you ACTUALLY can't be bothered talking - I was like that.

My body is being a freak recently too, doing things I don't understand and that are not normal and I don't know whether it's due to lack of sleep or maybe underlying stress or something, but it's VERY tiring!

It's strange though - I feel so happy recently, you've probably (if you are a regular reader) that my blog posts have been less negative.

Ever since new year I made a promise to try and be a better person and be more giving and friendly and sincere. It's a hard thing to do and I mostly always fail because I am naturally a very selfish introverted person, but it has made a difference in my life. And I feel a lot more fulfilled - it's hard to explain.

I think the word is joyful. And trying to find joy in everything, even in the things that seem awful and heartbreaking. You have to think that things can be better, will be better. You have to have that hope. I think for a lot of people life is not beautiful because they don't allow it to be.

I know honestly, that I have a had a pretty cushy life. Always had food, had mostly everything I've ever wanted (the dog took a while but I got there eventually), known all my grandparents, my parents are both alive and still married, I get along (most of the time) with my sister, I have amazing friends who I don't even nearly deserve.

but, I have been through different things that have seemed like hell on earth and that it would never get better, but it always has got better. And I'm sure in my future I will have times where I will want to curl up and die, but knowing that joy can be found in the darkest of places gives so much hope.

There are so many people who I know who have had incredibly hard times, I can't even imagine - but to see them be so amazing after having experienced so much hardship, just astounds me. Do you know how amazing you are?

It's so encouraging for someone like me - who is lazy and easily discouraged - to see people like that.

So never give up on yourself, no matter who you are or where you are or how you are feeling. You can actually win, you can.

I know the things that are hurting me at the moment and the things that I'm worried about - they will all be fine. This is what life is.

And I want to thank every person who has ever told me their story, or ever looked out for me or ever told me to stop being an idiot because I was shooting myself in the foot...YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON/PEOPLE and you have helped me and I will always remember how you made a difference in my life.

LOOOL I'm getting all emotionful typing this out, because I really feel this so strongly. Every person I know or have known has blessed my life in some way or another. Arguments, distance even death can't take away from that fact.

I can't help loving people because of this.

Anyway, back to today haha -

I was lazing about for quite a while, then I forced myself to work out for a bit and get a bath.

The bath was SO nice, I used my new shampoo and I SMELL LUSH! lmao

Then I took my beautiful animal for a LONG overdue walk and stomped around the fields like a boss with Bigbang 'Tonight' ringing in my ears.

OH YEAH! The hoodies from Zaty arrived today! I LOVE MINE its LUSH! And Sarah loves hers too. Mine is the GD one and Sarah's is Seungri's. I'm HUGELY thankful for them and feel so loved MY LITTLE CUP OF JOY HAS COMPLETELY OVERFLOWED!

OH OH I watched The Blindside for the first time today! IT WAS AN AMAZING MOVIE! I LOVED IT! Totally understand why Sandra Bullock got that Oscar, she was amazing in it.

Honestly, I haven't done very much today, but thankfully, the bad mood I woke up with, has completely gone and I'm sleeping in a lovely comfy bed and am all ready to close my eyes and go to sleep!


Ok I'm off to have some sweet dreams.

Night everyone!



One of my favourite songs we sing at church goes.

'You made everything glorious
You made everything glorious
You made everything glorious
And I am Yours
So what does that make me?'


ok night XD

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Motion Sickness

The Chelsea V Man U match just finished. Watching it was like self torture that you enjoy slightly, but then don't feel satisfied with at the end...not that I enjoy self torture.

It WAS NOT the result I wanted, but these things happen T_________T

Anyway, on a MUCH NICER and MORE BEAUTIFUL level, I will post my BIGBANG MV of the day!

I awoke this morning to find a special treat! The OFFICIAL and lovely un-TV version of their BRAND SPANKIN NEW 'Tonight' MV had been released.

It is very beautiful! When I tried to find a moral to the storyline I came up with...

Watch, you'll see what I mean!

Aren't they lovely???

It's actually quite a confusing MV to decipher, but I haven't actually read the lyrics yet, so I think it will make more sense when I do.

The thing you are REALLY left thinking when it finishes is.


but I'm sure there must be more to it than that.

In any case, Its a nice fresh approach to an MV from the KPOP industry. MV's always seem the same nowadays, like just with dimly lit rooms and hot guys dancing in perfect sync.

Bigbang bring SO much more to the table.

I think it's LUSH when Jiyongie kicks the camera too! HOW ADORABLE!


So I have to get up at some God forsaken hour tomorrow, because my mum arranged my life without telling me.

I was irritated at first, but I'm beginning to accept that she will keep telling other people I will do stuff for them without my permission for the rest of my life.

It is very sad.

So I have to go help at this school tomorrow because they are having an inspection and one of the teacher is pregnant so I am the 'fill in person'. WHICH IS HORRENDOUS!
I am trying to think positively about the whole situation, but I really can find nothing in it at all that appeals to me. Except for the fact that I LOVE the boss of the inspector who is visiting.

Her boss is the lady who's house I lived in last month! AND I LOVE HER!!!!!

My dog is such a babe!

Today I went to buy some necessities (and a dvd) and my card was rejected. I WAS HORRIFIED! It made me feel like a criminal! And I was exasperated because I knew that I had money in my account. Good job my mum was there, so she got the stuff for me. Anyway I went to the ATM to see if I could withdraw money to give back to her from there AND IT LET ME! It's so weird, I'm going to call my bank tomorrow and DEMAND an explanation.

I was so embarrassed when they said I couldn't buy my things. Sarah said I went red. I'm so glad I wasn't alone. I'd hate to have to leave that stuff behind.

I saw my spider friend on the window above the door in the kitchen just a bit ago. I was so happy to see him, but he really does travel around the house a lot. I suppose travelling is fast when you have eight legs though. It must be quite useful to have so many limbs. YOU COULD LIKE PLAY THE PIANO AND HOOVER AT THE SAME TIME WHILE SEWING AND HAVING A CUP OF TEA!

Though, you would look VERY strange!

You know when some things are just SO hard for you to comprehend? Like when creeper guys actually think they have a chance with you???


ITS HORRIBLE! STAY AWAY *makes cross sign with fingers*

Ahhhh, I love watching drama at night time. Just sat on a sofa drinking a nice cup of tea.

We've been re-watching Nobuta wo Produce for the past few days, but just watching like one episode a night before we go to bed. It's just so nice and relaxing. Such a nice story of friendship.

I have a lot in my head that I would like to write, but I have to be up early tomorrow and it's almost 12am. I think it would be wise of me to stop for now and get some sweet dreams....tomorrow awaits HUHUHUH DNW!


Love Min