I wonder how long it will take me to write this blog...
I actually did stuff today!!!! Other than sit in front of my laptop or PC or TV.
I was STARVING all morning because I was waiting for Sarah to finish her work so we can go to the supermarket to buy food...so I decided to have a both because I was bored and couldn't be bothered starting my dissertation (WHICH I MUST).
Anyway, I found out that my Shampoo was VERY close to running out which is terrible since it is the only Shampoo that has EVER worked for me...I have weird hair so this was like a MAGICAL SHAMPOO DISCOVERY.
Anyway, I went to the supermarket and that brand wasn't sold in there and so I decided to go to the cosmetics shop where they sell every shampoo known to man.......except the one I want!!!
Was it a one off??!!! Or is it just my luck to only have one experience with such a wonderful shampoo. Anyway, I had to settle to getting another one, which I have never tried before called Trevor Sorbie Professional - Beautifully Moisturised and it looks like this -

It better work cos I payed through the nose for it...the lengths I will go to for tame hair...I cant even think about it - so embarrassing >_<
I was going to straighten it tonight but I cba...
Anyhoo, the main reason we went to the shop was to buy food so Sarah and I got a basket each and then walked around picking up things our parents wont usually buy...IT WAS FUN!!!
Then dad called and said
'Dont just buy stuff for yourself, buy something for dinner tonight.'
So I was like
Anyway I'm glad I took my backpack because all the stuff we bought weighed a ton...we even had to take turns carrying the bag on our backs because it was so heavy...we had bags in our hands too, ugh...I need to get my license.
I remembered that I had planned to help Sam lose some pounds (the weight kind) so I bought him a ball from the pet shop and a bone that he can chew instead of me giving him snacks.
That petshop is nice, but they have WAYYY to many reptiles in each vivarium (heated enclosure)...Like a regular sized vivarium for Geckos should hold about 3 or 4 at most...but at this petshop, there were like ten in one...which is not good because they can get agressive with each other and spread diseases and allsorts...
If you dont know what a gecko is -

They are so cute, but you have to be careful when handling because their tails can fall off haha.
When we got home Sarah and I decided to watch some of our Honey and Clover drama and so we relaxed for a bit and had a nice cup of blueberry tea and stuffed our faces with cracker bread.
I like cracker bread recently because when I was looking at some of GD's SAL promotions I saw his face on a packet of crackerbread...so I was like...
'Im buying me some of that shizz'
GD is so cool, he even sells things in a different country haha...Im such a fangirl.
Anyway it was diner time, so sarah and I decided to make stuffed peppers with sweet potato and rice on the side The parents seem to like it...well we did try hard, I even glazed the peppers with honey and we put lime juice on the rice haha, it was oishii...I was going to take a picture, but I was lazy and just ate it.
I think I need to buy a Camera within the week because I want to take pictures when we go away...it will be fun if I can video Sarah getting her medals (which she WILL win) and then put it on youtube for our first gen family to see too.
It kind of reminds me of Jenny's 16 birthday party when she webcammed with us so we could attend it haha. My maknae Annie was carrying the webcam around so we could see everything, it was fun : D We even saw Jen blow out the candles on her birthday cake...which we couldnt eat XD Maybe one day we can be there for real...I want to be there for her 18th so I can protect her from pervs.
My eyes are drooping so much...it's weird that I am tired this early qwelhqwbeqwjeb...maybe I should just hit the hay...I hope my SAL photobook comes in the post tomorrow...I need a fix of GD...
hmm, Im gonna go wash my face now anyway, it feels ICKY!!!!!!
From Min
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