So last Friday I said I would go with my mum, thinking I would be able to do some work there.
Anyhoo, when I get there I cant access the internet connection on my laptop because of security and I cant access on the computer there because for some reason it WOULD'NT CONNECT!!!!
I kind of went a bit crazy, which shows how much I depend on the internet...Sad I know, but Its the best way I can contact my beloveds who are now linked on my blog!!!! >>>> go click, you wont regret!!!!
So anyway, It's Sunday today, therefore, church day - Pastor Edwin from Chicago was visiting to preach in the Manchester Church, so our little family tracked down to Manchester to go see him. Then some friends came over to our house for dinner...daddy made lasagne it was LUSH!!!!! We started watching Anna and the King with our friends and I just love that movie so much!!! especially the end - Its SO bittersweet and the music is just wekrugkbwjedqw, actually I'm going to look for the ending song so you can listen....*goes to search*
*comes back*
ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! AND THE SONG *wipes tear* It's really my type, because Im such a romantic at heart haha - I know, its looking for trouble - but I like romance, even if I get dissapointed, I can still hope....
And the end sequence of that film always brings tears to my eyes - especially as it was true *sigh*
I can only wish for a story as beautiful as that.
Anyway, the people with us didn't get to finish watching it so we let them borrow the dvd and I was like 'DONT GOOO CHOW YUN FAT!!!!' as they drove away - you know, because he plays the king and he's like an Asian David Tennant, which is SEXY...yeah
Oh on Saturday morning my Coffee Prince and Honey and Clover DVDs arrived. *so excited*
We started watching Honey and Clover with mum, so I have yet to see and drool over Gong Yoo - who is my angel...if Gong Yoo is my angel, Jiyong is my MAN haha
Sarah has got really into photoshopping...she's getting really good at it...oo if you didn't know Sarah is my little sister...if she likes you then I like you : D She is a judger of peoples haha.
anyway here is her latest endeavour...a Wally of Nickhun of 2PM...its CUTE!!!!!
Shes good ne?
Ive been talking to YJ eonnie tonight and we have been having the best laugh ever about old times on the BBVIP sbox...The old times were so much fun with all our beloved first generation BBVIPs - I hope for new goodtimes, but I am so glad I got to be a part of it at the beginning - I feel so lucky and like I met the best people then...I just love you guys.
I was talking to my best friend today and she has finally given in to my nagging her to watch asian drama's....Ive been nagging for almost 4 years...and shes just realized how awesome they are haha. Anyway she told me she'd bought some on dvd and I was like
but then I realized her type is not Asian and mine is - so I kind of forgave her, but not really...
Anyway I better go because my lil sis wants to watch Honey and Clover and I'm a bit shattered because...actually I dont know why...maybe the travelling to Manchester and back....
Ever get the feeling that you can never express how much you care for someone?...I always feel like that...but I guess you should have to prove it...the person should know...its just something thats bothering me at the moment.
OH one more thing
I finished my Strawberry on the Shortcake drama
and the verdict is.....
Seriously, the ending was just...perfect!!!
I never expected it, I really loved ended some dramas let you down and I was totally expecting this one to, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I REALLY recommend it, if you like good dialogues...weird relationships (teacher/student - yeah I LOVE teacher/student) and a mild hint of incest (it isn't really incest because she's his step sister and he liked her before his dad married her mum)....the characters are really strong too, I like all of them.
and of course it starred my lovely Hideaki Takizawa (I love all his dramas that Ive seen because they have all involved forbidden love - which I adore)
I couldn't have asked for a better ending ~~~~<3>

Shes good ne?
Ive been talking to YJ eonnie tonight and we have been having the best laugh ever about old times on the BBVIP sbox...The old times were so much fun with all our beloved first generation BBVIPs - I hope for new goodtimes, but I am so glad I got to be a part of it at the beginning - I feel so lucky and like I met the best people then...I just love you guys.
I was talking to my best friend today and she has finally given in to my nagging her to watch asian drama's....Ive been nagging for almost 4 years...and shes just realized how awesome they are haha. Anyway she told me she'd bought some on dvd and I was like
'ooooo, which ones??'
and Phil said
'Hana Kimi Tiawan and Japan and one called You're Beautiful'
and I was like
and she was like
And I was thinking all the time
but then I realized her type is not Asian and mine is - so I kind of forgave her, but not really...
Anyway I better go because my lil sis wants to watch Honey and Clover and I'm a bit shattered because...actually I dont know why...maybe the travelling to Manchester and back....
Ever get the feeling that you can never express how much you care for someone?...I always feel like that...but I guess you should have to prove it...the person should know...its just something thats bothering me at the moment.
OH one more thing
I finished my Strawberry on the Shortcake drama
and the verdict is.....
Seriously, the ending was just...perfect!!!
I never expected it, I really loved ended some dramas let you down and I was totally expecting this one to, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I REALLY recommend it, if you like good dialogues...weird relationships (teacher/student - yeah I LOVE teacher/student) and a mild hint of incest (it isn't really incest because she's his step sister and he liked her before his dad married her mum)....the characters are really strong too, I like all of them.
and of course it starred my lovely Hideaki Takizawa (I love all his dramas that Ive seen because they have all involved forbidden love - which I adore)
I couldn't have asked for a better ending ~~~~<3>
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