I neatened up my blog layout a TINY bit and yet somehow its managed to revert back to its scruffy unkempt state.
Stuff like that always happens in my life. I try my best to make things awesome, but always get discouraged and then back off like a loser person. I guess its not just me who is like this, I think I get it from my dad.
Anyway today I actually went outside for more than ten minutes.
Sarah needed to put some money in her savings account so we went to Rothwell (the centre of our town - the part with shops).
We were hungry so we went to the cafe and got a cheeseburger and chips and as is tradition, we ate dessert first - which was a cinnamon pastry thingy and very OISHII!!!!
Then I said,
'Sarah I need to buy a dvd.'
and she said,
'But you just bought 5 japanese dramas online.'
and I was like
'I know, but something has to entertain me while I wait for them to arrive.'
and she said,
So we went to the dvd section of the supermarket and there were all these dvds for like £3.99 and £4.99 and I was like DAYUMM!!!
So I bought 4 dvds instead of just one...originally I was just going to buy
Wild Child, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging - but then I said to Sarah...
'There are way too many Chick Flicks here - I may die'So she was like,'Well, shall we put one back?'and I said,'Hell no, lets just get another movie that has violence.'
So we went to the action section and picked up one of the martial arts films - I forget the name, but the synopsis was interesting, something about treasure hunting.
At first we had our eye on another movie, but it was CERT 18 and I find it VERY annoying when I have to get my ID out to prove to the shop assistant that I am old enough to buy it - I also blush and get all hot and flustered, so that put end to that idea.
Then we went to boots because I really had the need to buy cosmetics - I have weird urges sometimes.
So we were looking and then I spotted some hair pins and instantly picked them up because I have the kind of hair that I am constantly pushing out of my face and sarah was like nodding like she understood me completely. Then we were like lets get a face mask and we can refresh our faces while watching a movie so we bought this mud stuff.
and I'm just going to put pictures of the other things I bought because you will get bored with a running commentary -

Bourjois Paris Liner Clubbing 83 electro blue

Garnier Skin Naturals Roll On - Anti Dark Circles
I kind of like green and blue....can't you tell?? Dunno when I'll be bothered enough to actually apply it to my face, but it will be there waiting for me when I need it.
I also got Sarah some nail varnish she was eyeing up because she said it reminded her of Big Bangs lollipop 2 and how can you not by something that reminds you of that???
SO then I purchased it all and we were exiting the building when the alarm goes off and about three staff members come dashing over and kind of jump on us.
and Im thinking, 'HELLO!!! If I wanted to steal something I wouldn't have just bought all this shizz!!!' Anyway, apparently the till lady had forgot to remove a security tag from one of the things I'd bought. I felt like a criminal!!!!
They were like, 'Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you.'
and I'm all smiles, but peeved on the inside.
We walked home and spring is definately on the way - the sun is warm and you can feel the new life just out of sight - but coming. I love spring, its my favorite season - maybe because its all green and fresh and green is my favorite colour.
I dunno spring gives me a feeling that things will be alright and there is always a chance to start again - maybe its a false sense of security, but maybe not.
I believe that everything can start again fresh, if you really want it too. I believe old things can become new.
I also believe that I'm not feeling very well. Ive just got a kind of headache and it started when my mum got home, haha. Not that she gave me a headache, I actually think I could have put the hairclips too tightly in my hair....
My mum was kind of angry when she got home from work because I was sat in the living room on my laptop :S
She came in and was like -
'Get out of here, this room isn't your office!'
I was like.
'Hi mum, nice to see you too - by the way, what is your problem.'
She's like
'I've not got a problem, just get out of this room. I want to sit in here'
So I get up to move my stuff - my folder is in one hand, my laptop in the other and she points at more stuff.
Take that too, I dont want your crap in the front room'
I said, 'Wait a moment, if you didn't realize it, I only have two hands.'
She's like, 'Is that your banana skin there' pointing to a banana skin on the table.
I said, 'Mum, since when have you EVER known me to eat bananas? Why did you ask if it was mine, when you know I can't stand them.'
So I moved all my stuff to the study and then she screams from the bathroom.
and I said, 'Actually you didn't.'
I mean how could she have told me? I was in bed when she left for work...
SO now I was proud of myself because I have this temper where I ignore when something is annoying me until it gets too much and I explode...and I didn't even when she was being SO UNREASONABLE!!!
I had been good the entire day and I didn't deserve crap thrown at me - I could have exploded, but I didn't - I quietly got up and wiped round the bathroom...if she gets mad at me now - I will kill myself.
And now I'm sat in the study phsyching myself up to do these powerpoint slides...Im just feeling the EW factor about UNI.
Sarah is just messing with photoshop on my PC (I love saying MY pc XD ) she totally deformed my gorgeous Jiyong, I feel bad so Imma post some gorgeous pictures of him here from the Cyworld awards...I'm so proud of how he looks ^ ^

All Credits for the Pics go too staff @ bigbangvip.net I <3
Isn't Jiyongie so beautiful??
And now I better get working on my assignment, I want to finish it early-ish. I missed talking to some people today :( I hope you are all fine **hug**
From Min
...which reminds me, my uncle is taking my cousin to Japan for 4 weeks in summer - I'm so envious...idygqikwjhqmwgleiuqgelhjqwmelqiu
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