When I walked into the kitchen there were two notes on the table.
One was for Sarah and it told her to do schoolwork...which I think she is doing (while on skype with Jenny at the same time XD)
The other one was for me and it had three requests:
1. Hang out the washing on the line
2. Hoover the front room
3. Clean the bathroom
And finished them all *happyyy* so now I can chill until mum comes home and points out something that I missed.
I think the reason I get tired so early is because I wake up earlier (I know!!! what a revelation right???)
but I just realized that I get up around 8-ish now instead of 10-ish (that is on a non-uni day lol - when I do go I have to wake at 6am - thats why I dont usually go hahah)
Ok now Im gonna post piccy's of my SAL stuff for my eonnie, cos I promised...hmmm I may make a picture page on this blog just for pictures and maybe videos...*thinking*
My SAL stuffs -
Its so much warmer on my side of the world nowadays. Today it was 12 degrees!!! SO WARM lol...I actually took Sam out and I only had to wear a t shirt, no hoody or coat...It's hard to remember that a few weeks ago everywhere was covered in snow...*sigh* I love spring. I can't wait until I can live in shorts again...and not have to wear shoes!!!
Sarah and I are re-watching the Nodame Cantabile Jdrama...Its just so much fun and has so much akswieyfukvqw,je.hqwlohk.
And I love how Chiaki loves her from the start and doesn't even realize it LOL...and he's kind of abusive too because he's always hitting her the entire time.....but I dunno, she seems to like that sort of thing...personally, Im not the type who likes to be hit around...but its seems to rock Nodame's boat...so wh am I to judge??
Anyway, Chiaki totally makes up by always taking care of her (SO CUTE eidkugajhsvdqw)
The best part about this drama is that it's not all about love...for me if its too sickly sweet I get overwhelmed, probably because I HATE ALL COUPLES AND THEIR HAPPINESS!!!!! (Joke - I love couples...I even have a favourite couple ^_^...you know who you are <3) but anyway...a good storyline has to dominate...and I love the musical twist in Nodame Cantabile...plus it is extremely stupid and random...and I like that very much *nods*
I need a picture of him so you can see -

I think that all people born on his birthday are gorgeous <3
I feel like watching more, but I think Sarah is busy watching Cebu songs.
Hmmm Well thats all I can think to write at the moment...but the day is still young :D
From Min
Felt quite ill today, I think I'm coming down with a cold...or maybe its because I was on the computer the same time as watching tv...or maybe its because I tied my hair up too tight...I always get a headache when I do that....anyway, Im a sniffing cow at the moment, hense the achoo moo moo title haha.
I recommended the You're Beautiful Drama to a friend today and now she is hooked...that drama can only be appreciated in it's full glory...I want to buy it...but my conscience is telling me not to spend any more money until I see how much I've got left after the big bang concerts have been released on dvd...buying stuff doesn't seem to matter. The things that matter can't be bought anyway...look at me being all realistic, how strange.
I watched Lassie today, it made me cry (once again). I think its such a sweet story, even if it's not true. Allthough I think it expresses the loyalty of dogs very well. A good true story about a dog is called Greyfriers Bobby and there was this little Scotty dog and his master died and the dog went and laid on his grave everyday until it died...there is more to the story, but that is the basis...there is even a statue of the dog in the village where it all happened.

It's in Scotland, I'd like to visit it one day and have a nice lunch in that bar haha.
I'm tired now...its Saturday...the days speed by so fast when there are deadlines.
I can't wait for the world cup to start. I suppose I shall have to find the pride I have left for my country and use it to support them...after all, it is a beautiful place...even if the people are mostly deluded and the government is the pits.

^^^ its reasons like those that I love my country.
Love from Min
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