1. I've lived in three cities, in this order - Manchester, Bradford, Manchester, Leeds. I have lots of good memories from all these places, but I like living in Leeds the best despite their horrendous football team...nevertheless, I still have loyalties to Manchester and If I hear a Leeds person bashing it, I take the greatest offense!!!! (BEWARE!)
2. I obsess over weird things for example when I hang the washing out, the pegs have to be alternate colours for each item of clothing...or when something goes wrong when I'm drawing I get all flustered and have a spazz attack and if I go out I make sure there is at least one dog hair stuck to my clothing and if I don't have a pencil near me at all times I feel naked O.O.....among other things.
3. I love my dog more than I love most humans...and if he doesn't like someone, I immediately don't like them...I know it's unfair, but so far he's not broken my heart and he's my little bayybeeee.
4. It took 14 years of constant begging until my dad let me have a puppy.
5. When I was little I wanted to be an animator for Disney...that was my beautiful dream...I also wanted to be a vet...I will never be either.
6. My favourite food(s) are lasagne and curry. (I WANT)
7. Nobody has ever given me flowers :(
8. I have to buy a toothbrush almost every month because I wear them down really fast.
9. My favourite novel is The Count of Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas and it took me three months to read and I used to take it to my job and sneak into a back room to read it.
10. My name isn't actually Minnie it is something else, but everyone calls me that because when I was a baby everyone bought me Minnie Mouse clothes and so my mum called me Minnie and then everyone started to call me that and it kind of stuck...
ANd thats all my random facts and I don't know who else to tag because YJ eonnie already tagged the ones I can think of so I will just wait for theirs haha.
SO about today, I can't say it has been very good... I've had agonizing stomach pains, which sucks...on top of that I have developed a cough and a cold. So I have a roll of toilet paper next to me at all times to capture all the gross stuff.
I look like a ghost. My lips are actually the same colour as my face and my eyes have dark rings around them....it's very unattractive. I cant stand to look at myself haha.
We finished watching Nodame Cantabile this evening. It has such a sweet ending. 'The hug' was woeirgwkhjermlwierukgwebmnr *happiness*

Im gonna finish here because my stomach is being hateful...and I want to close my eyes for a while...this is so annoying!!!
love from a very irritated Min
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