Saturday, 27 March 2010

I Hugged You Today :D *creeper*

This will probably be my last blog until I'm back next Thursay night.

It's always hell on earth when my family have to get ready to go somewhere. The screaming and arguing hasn't ceased since this morning. I hate any type of raised it's a freaking nightmare for me. I just want to go hide somewhere, but I have to get ready so we can leave early tomorrow morning.

It would be so nice if it was just me and Sarah, like when mum and dad went to America. That was a beautiful dream.

We had to go get shoes - Sarah and I wanted to go to town again, because it is SO much better for shopping there.

Mum and Dad however, insisted on coming with us 'to make sure we got the right things.'

Because for some reason, even though I have my own mind I don't have the ability to choose strange....

but anyway, I was on a complaining rampage, but then my laptop crashed and now that I'm back, I'm not as annoyed anymore cos I'm a nubcak who has rabid mood swings every three seconds.

Honestly, Im glad to be able to go somewhere else for once and do something different that I will enjoy other than awful uni work. I need something to refresh my mind because I'm confuzzled 99% of the time.

When I come back hopefully I will be a much nicer and less stressed out person for everyone.

I will take lots of pictures and post them all on FB and here so you can see what I got up to.
I'm going to take Kevin as well so I can make videos with my webcam of each day. Maybe there will be wireless there too, but I will be really busy so my time on the internet will be minimum anyway.

OMO!!! I just realized I put my jeans in the washing machine with some whites!!! Oh crap I hope the colour doesn't run...Sarah will kill me and one of my favorite t shirts will be ruined erkuywhjebrweubhj. I think it will be fine though, because they have been washed a few times before.

Why is it that whenever you are going away anywhere you can never find underwear or socks? It's like they all hide from you.

'Noooo, don't take us away from the house.'

pffft well if they are going to be like that I shouldn't have bought them in the first place those pathetic losers!!!!

....yeah I'm weird

ooo speaking of underwear, we had the greatest sbox conversation was like old times again and the first generation VIPs dominated. We were saying that big bang should create a cool underwear range for their fans!!! so you can be like a VIP INSIDE AND OUT!!!

I'm trying to finish the latest chapter for of my latest big bang fic...I'm having an immense writers block though and I refuse to type when I feel like I'm boring. I've been writing this chapter 4 for about a month now and it jumps about a's like a chapter of different points of view and it's set in the time span of one night.

The characters are turning out a little differently than I expected.

Jiyong is becoming kind of hateful so I have to find something to make the reader sympathetic towards him.

TOP is a creeper...I wanted him to seem hot and mysterious, but he's turning out to be a creeper with a vampire complex.

The female lead fancies bae who already has a girlfriend...but she only likes him for his body, not his mind....what a slut!!! XD

Seungri is pretty good at the moment...but I havn't written a lot with him so I havn't had chance to ruin his character yet.

Bae is a softy who has a mean girlfriend who smokes and insults his affection toward her by being could I give such a girl to bae oppa??!!!!

and Daesung hasn't appeared much because he is at law school, but I think I'm gonna fix him up with a nuna...because he's sexy like that. XD

So I have to really think about my story a bit because its getting a life of its own and soon it will have arms and legs and run away from me and give me a bad rep as a freaky author!!!

No one is on the sbox and I'm so and Sharon are the only staffs there

I felt lonesome so I confessed my missingness of everyone with vigour.

Nothing compares to first gens <3


I have no more to say...Only that I already miss you guys.

Happy one Year Anniversary of BBVIP in advance :D



From Min

Friday, 26 March 2010

I saw Bumblebees Today - Spring < 3

Listening to : Lollipop 2 - Big Bang

MSN: Talking to no one :(

BBVIP: Silent

Feeling: Hungry and sleepy

^^^^^^^^ Sarah sometimes does that in her blogs and I wanted to try haha :P

I have calmed down since yesterday a lot since yesterday.

Yesterday I said that this blog was just for me, but that wasn't's for people who care enough about me to want to read it. It's my letter to them as I've stated previously.

I don't know why I said that it was just for me...what an epic loser-ish thing to say.

Forgive me - I'm having a mood swing week, I will blame it on hormones or weird eating habits or something.

Anyway, I did something weird today and wrote in my diary in the I was doing this my mind was saying

'why? nothing has happened yet.'

but I felt like it and it was one of those mornings where you just wake up fully awake without having to splash your face with icy water.

Then I had this idea. I would write my dreams down every morning when I wake up so that I don't forget them any more. I can never remember my dreams, I only recall if they were good or bad, but anyway, I will write it down and if it isn't embarrassing :D I will post it here for everyone to see or read or whatever...

anyway just a pre warning, it could be freaking weird...probably.

Sarah and I went out to town again today - attempt two at buying clothes for the convention. We were successful this time. I need to buy shoes though...I hate shoe shopping....LOVE shopping for, its a very boring thing for me.

Anyway, we went into TOPSHOP and I was in the PJ section and I saw these:


and I WANTED them, but for some reason I didn't buy them. They would be perfect for summer...I always end up wearing my shorts to bed anyway...I really want ESPECIALLY FOR BED SHORTS!!!

I should have bought them, I always regret not buying stuff. Like those cow PJ's I saw in LaSenza before Christmas, because I was scared to go into an underwear shop on my own ROFL...and that tank top I saw in River Island that had a rainforest scene on it and a toucan...I loved that...*SIGH* It reminded me of the indoor elephant enclosure at Chester Zoo.


I'm craving for a nice cup of tea. The kind that is golden and warm and just a little sweet, but not too much. mmmmmmm, tea can cure anything

tea can cure a broken heart.....

*slightly delusional*

When we were out today we got a bit hungry so we decided against McDonalds because Sarah is keeping fit for her athletic events next week. Instead we went to bagel nash and got a Mexican Chicken filled bagel!!! ITS SO GOOD!!! DAYUMM THE FILLINGS ARE LIKE HEAVEN ABOVE!!! *ahem*

It was here >>>>

Anyway, we sat down on a bench and this beggar guy came up to us and was like.

'I'm not asking for money or anything, but have you girls got a mint or a chewing gum that I can have.'

I just said

'Sorry no'

and didn't make eye contact. Then he went around the whole eating area asking all the women there, but none of the guys (of course looking for sympathy or something).

It's sad really.

I dropped a piece of chicken on the floor too and some avocado...I'm so messy >_<

I'm going away in one week.

I will have withdrawal symptoms not being able to communicate with some of my lovable ones. Maybe I've been prepared to be away. Everyone has been busy this week so we haven't talked much...I will miss you guys :(

I'm going to miss the 1st Anniversary of BBVIP too on the 1-2 of April...thats the day I will be coming home. *sigh*


Why do I feel like I've known you guys longer than just one year?

Note: 11:11 :D *wishes*

I think that is my favourite part of finding BBVIP...not the spazzing and the environment and the constant supply of big bang yumminess.

It's the friends I have found there...I hope our friendships will last.

Anyway, Imma go make me that cuppa tea.

I love you (yes you, not me)

From Min

Thursday, 25 March 2010


I've done nothing today, literally.

Oh actually, I lie - I have actually made two tiny plaits on either side of my head in a moment of HORRIDEOUS boredom.

We are going out for dinner tonight, so I will keep the plaits because I like the way they stick out like antennae.

When I took Sammy for his walkie this morning I saw the hugest earthworm I have ever seen. Its was like 15 inches long. It had been raining heavily last night and they like to emerge to the surface to they don't drown in the saturated ground.

That's why if you bang on the grass with your feet or whatever worms will surface because they think the vibrations are caused by rain.

Anyway this worm was too cute!!! It was travelling along trying to find somewhere to push itself back into the ground. It kept shoving its head into the soil, but I think it was too compacted...I bet it got a headache I wonder what happened to it?!

I think Sam was getting annoyed at me because I was looking at an invertebrate and not him.

he was like,


and I said,

'Dont look at me with that face young man!!!'





Sorry, I'm a bit welrkhugewkjhrklwieorljkwmeojp at the moment, because SHE'S LIKE HIS SISTER!!!!!!!!! QWE$QYWGOHLRKJQIWURPHIQMWLRPIUYGUOTBJERNKTOIWE:TKLWET

Imma calm down and maybe come back later

Sorry it's short, I'm fail today




From Minnnn

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Starting to Finish, Finishing so I can Start

I feel like such a good girl.

I actually started my project today.

I've set myself a certain amount of words I have to do everyday because next week, I'm probably not going to be able to do any - which is a blessing in one way but, a curse at the same - what a lovely contradiction :D

Anyway, I have started the Introduction which has to be from 500 to 800 words and so far I've done 544 words so I'm already past the minimum YAYYYYY....I still have a bit more to write today and then I'm finished...I'm very happy with be honest, I think I deserve the Big Bang Electric Love Tour DVD's.

Hmmm, I really think I do...maybe the Shine a Light Concert Album too...hmmmmmmm.

Anyway, yesterday I had an epiphany (like an enlightenment) and I realized that if I don't buy books that I can study for my exams in June I'm gonna be screwed. So I told myself,

'Look Minnie, you're student loan is supposed to aid your studies.'

and I was like,

'But self, Uni books cost like £20 - £30 each...I could buy good stuff with that money.'

And I said,

'Look, just spend £100 and sell them on ebay when you've finished with them.'

and I was like,

'OOO good Idea!!!'

So I splashed out on some books and I was quite lucky because it ended up coming out at £80-ish instead of £100, so woooooo <<< that was such a feeble wooooo *sigh*

Anyway, these are the books I got -


I bet you can guess which is my favorite book out of all of those XD

Clue: The cutest one :D

Actually nothing much has happened today other than boring studious stuff.


My dog is like a fatty and it really isn't healthy for him. So like I said in previous posts, I've been exercising him more.

Anyway, I thought, well I should really record his progress so once a week I will take a picture of his belly and measure it and post it on my blog...I hope I remember rofl.

Anyway here is the first week...and as you can see, there is much fatness -

Its very nice to cuddle, but not nice for him to carry around I'm afraid...especially when his breed is supposed to be slender.

So as you can probably see, his girth is around 33 inches....awwww how tubby XD

We shall see if it gets any skinnier in the weeks to come...hopefully I don't feed him too much :S I tend to spoil him *sigh*


I actually played on my PS2 today...I felt kind of bad, because I've been drooling over a PS3 and not given my old PS2 TLC.

So after I'd done my work for today I moved the TV and connected it up to my PS2...It felt so right...

I played Spyro, because it's cute :D

I felt that I had gaming cobwebs, I was not proud, I mean...I used to be a gaming legend...I should practice more...I want to play FF VIII again, cos it's my favorite. but I suppose now is not the time to be thinking about sitting for days on end in front of the TV when I have so much uni work to do.


My dad is watching old Blondie Music Vids, haha that lady is well epic

You should check her'll recognize most of her songs as they've all been covered by other famous artists

e.g. Maria - the song in 200lb Beauty :D


My tummy is not behaving,

I love you

From Min

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Mood Swinging


The first things I do when I log into the computer are these -

1. Log into msn and appear offline
2. Log into BBVIP and read the spaffgh
3. Log into FB and see if anyone loved me while I was asleep and dropped a comment -
Usually it's only Zaty eonnie...and it used to be Rina eonnie too, but she is
travelling with her hubby (I miss her).

One of my uni friends changed her status at 10am, it said something like, 'Rana (our tutor) wants us to wait in front of her office at 12 so we can have a talk on stem cell research.' I was like, pfft thanks for telling me in advance, there aint no way Im going to that when I'm not even dressed yet and it takes two hours to get to uni from home...I'll just have to find some documentary on stem cell research and watch that before my will be just as good.

I sometimes manage to then rip myself from the laptop so I can take my pupu for his walkie or have a bath or whatever, but most of the time the sbox forces me to start talking, or I see someone I want to talk to on msn so I come online

IM LIKE AN INTERNET JUNKIE - I wan't to say this is really bad, but I guess this is the lifestyle of today.

I bet when they first invented books all the parents were shaking their heads.

'All my girl does nowadays is read those cursed books, it's not good for her...I wish she would sit and so nothing in an extremely polite way like she used to.'

I wonder what I will be saying about my kids -

'All my girl does these days is time travel, I mean a bit is ok, but I wish she would go on the internet more - all this time travel is not good for her.'

I don't know why I said girl, I may have a boy...or I may have neither and never be married ever and die alone.... O:

I really like the UKISS song Without You...I like the beginning, it's very epic and uplifting.... 'without you *sounthing something in korean* without you *womething something in Korean*'

It totally moves me :)

Actually I feel weird today. Like I feel like crying and then suddenly get bursts of hyperness and then feel depressed and then I feel ANGRY...

Oh yeah, I forgot I was a girl for a minute...moods swings come with the gender OMO I FEELS SO WEIRD TTT___TTT

Anyway as I have said in recent past posts, next Sunday I am going down south to Somerset for a week to be an art judge at the European Student Convention.
Now this particular event has REALLY strict rules...

The dress code for one is this

NO TROUSERS FOR GIRLS, UNLESS PARTICIPATING IN SPORTS EVENTS IN WHICH YOU CAN WEAR SPORTS GEAR (Sarah enters all the sports events so she can and wears tracksuits for the entire week cos shes clever like that and I have a tracksuit for a uniform...but for the award ceremony at night, we need semi-formal clothes)

Clothes have to be modest to like a ridiculous degree - skirts and dresses have to be below the knee and tops cannot be lower than the collar bone.

Obviously Sarah and I don't own clothes like that...I don't even own a skirt or a dress. So dad took us shopping and there was literally NOTHING to buy within those guidelines...I seriously think the coordinators need to change the rules a little and at least let us wear smart trousers or something because I dont even think they make clothes like that anymore....I MEAN THE BOYS ARE GOING TO IMAGINE US NAKED WHATEVER WE ARE WEARING, THEY ARE LIKE THAT.

I'm not complaining because I know I will have fun whatever I wear and I will somehow get around the rules like I've always managed to do, but still...I need to buy clothes pronto cos I just don't buy that kind of stuff...skirts scare the hell out of me.

Another rule is the 6 inch rule - six inches between all unrelated boys and girls - this rule generally gets broken...well, there are 1000 students there. Lots of prospective husbands and wives hahaha...Im kidding

Anyway the only thing we ended up buying was a McD and some shopping from the supermarket.

Sarah was trying to explain Twilight to daddy, because he wanted to know who Jacob Black was as she had informed him she wanted a T Shirt with Jacob Black's face on it.


I saw a cow teddy and it was so fluffy I wanted it, but daddy was like,

'no, you can't have it.'

So then I found some bunny ears on the Easter display and put them on and tried to look cute so he would buy me the cow teddy, but he still didn't!!!! It's like I have no powers anymore.... *mood swing* TTTT____TTTT

hmmm, I'm gonna stop here I think.

Saranghae Lovely ones

and beware...I'm very fragile today...I will easily snap if you annoy me...sorry in advance.

From Min who feels inadequate and peeved and mournful at the same time.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Cut off Jeans

I woke up in the middle of last night with stomach pains again and started coughing and not being able to breathe...well it was like I was rasping rather than breathing. So I ran down to the bathroom because I thought I was gonna throw up and I just lay on the floor because the lino was nice and cold.

I was sort of amused though, because I was coughing and stuff in the bathroom and my parents didn't even wake up in the next room. I felt like getting a bar of soap and throwing it at them and shouting 'DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PAIN!!!' but, maybe I'm a bit too old to get spoiled just because I don't feel well...I dunno.

In the end I just went back to bed and threw two of my covers on the floor because I was freaking hot. If it happens again I'll probably have to make an appointment with the doctor because it SUCKS!!! I'm one of those annoying weirdo's who tells other people to go to the doctors but can't stand going myself. It's not that I'm scared, it's just that our doctor laughs at me and I have no Idea why...

Maybe Its because last time I went with a stomach problem, he asked if I could be pregnant right in front of my mum and I got embarrassed and went RED.

I felt like shouting 'HELL NO FOO!!!'

...Ever since then I have always gone for a check up without my mum haha.

Nothing much has happened today, I'm been lying around waiting for my stomach to settle, it's pretty ok at the moment.

I got sick of sitting in one place so I thought I'd take Sammy for a walk down to Rothwell because I needed some fresh air and Sam needed a poo. Sarah came along as well.

It was showering again. I really love this weather. Its so fresh, but not cold, but not too warm and when you breathe the air is so clean and sweet. You feel like not everything is completely rubbish.

When we got to Rothwell I was kind of hungry so I decided to take a risk and buy a cheese and onion pastie from Greggs and sarah wanted a pepperoni pizza slice and a sausage roll and a chocolate muffin.

We tied Sam to a bench outside and I was just buying the food when I heard him barking - in a not very friendly way. So I looked out of the window and these two school boys were swinging their bags at him. I swear if I wasn't busy I would have given those two little turds a piece of my mind, but they were gone by the time I got to him.

I hate it when school kids hang around and mess about in areas like that - I mean there is a park right near there they can go to to mess about in, freaking bugs me. What is so much fun about moping around on a street corner anyway QWEPYHQI;ewiuqewifyqw. They should go and learn to read or something.

While we were in Rothwell we remembered that New Moon came out on dvd today so I went into Morrisons to get it so we could watch something when we got home.

That film is so hilarious, I can't see how the twilight fans can take it seriously. It's so cheesy. The best part of it it the werewolves and their buffness, because the vampires are freakin weirdos...I mean the guys who live in Rome, what the hell are they wearing? It's the 21st century for goodness sake...unless they are cosplaying ITS WEIRD!!!

The werewolves in the cut off jeans and no shirts are much better...Its like half naked is their uniform ROFL.

I hate how that werewolf guy's girlfriend is still pretty even with a scarred face. *sigh*

The vampires bug me too, apart from Alice who rocks and the dad. They have like self control issues.


Ah well...she will just have to learn the hard way when Jacob goes paedo for her daughter *KEKEKE

2PM remind me of the werewolves -

All they need to do is cut the jeans into shorts and run about like that and it will be the perfect cosplay XD

I'm craving KFC now. Dunno what that would do to my arigwkehjrb stomach, but I'm HUNGRY FOR TASTINEESS!!!!

Mum watched Absolute Boyfriend with us last night.

She said,

'Minnie, this is a bit weird.'

and I didn't say anything because IT SO IS!!! *giggles*

You can't get away from the adorableness of Tenjo Night though...sooner or later you will fall for his robotic charms *evil laughter*

I missed the lecture today about what to do in a viva - which is like the interview you have to prove your final project is I'm kind of screwed. I think I will have to look on the internet for quick tips and know my project like IN AND OUT!!

I might just sing the lollipop 2 song to them and get expelled LOL imagine, how terrible.

I want to read a book, but I don't know which one. I used to read all the time, I was like - Minnie the bookworm - at school, I WAS A WORM!!!! LIKE THE KIND YJ EONNIE STEPPED ON WHEN SHE FIRST MET SARAH!!! LOLOLOL I can't ever forget that conversation, it was first class.

I shall finish now.

I wonder whats for dinner

Love from Min

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Officially the First Day of Spring ~

OOOO my last post was my 50th!!! THATS LIKE HALF A CENTURY DUDES!!!

Anyway feeling much better than I was yesterday, thank goodness. I sort of like had severe stomach pains and then I curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Then I woke up and I was like.

'Ugh I'm really comfy right now, but sleeping in jeans LIKE CHAFES'

So I sort of rose and put PJ's on and brushed my teeth because I didn't want to forget and then came back to the sofa and I was so happy because Sam had climbed onto my spot to keep it warm for me and so I cuddled up next to him because I felt bad for kicking him off and I fell asleep again and it was just so warm and comfy.

and then later dad came and was like

'Min go to bed now.'

and I woke up and realized Sam was gone because I must have pushed him off while I was asleep....I must be selfish when I'm asleep O:::::::::::::

Anyway my stomach pains we like wlrkhqbwjr,q.w so I was just turning off my laptop when dad came in again and was like

'I said go to bed now!!!.'

and I got really peeved, because he obviously hadn't got a clue I was in pain even though my face was much whiter than normal. So I said


because I'm sure he thinks I was on the laptop the whole time and then when he came in I pretended to be asleep...

...which I suppose is valid, since I have done that before...a lot.

He like comes in the room at 2AM and Im sprawled on the sofa because Ive just jumped across the floor and thrown myself on it...and then he looks at the computer and about 5 conversation windows are flashing on msn and he's like.


We started re-watching Absolute Boyfriend again today, because I bought it on dvd. I know I will cry at the end of it. Night is just's like one of those illegal relationships that I do so love. *excitement*

Anyway, Sarah has gone to feed her pony so I can't watch any more of it till she gets back *sigh*

Man U lead in the premiership now. I can't wait for Man U v Chelsea in a few weeks time a;ofeoirgiwherhewljr ITS GONNA BE EPIK!!!!! Park got a goal against Liverpool was like KOREANS AGAINST LIVERPOOL!!! Which is amazing.

I was surfing ebay this morning and just happened to come across BSX stuff just by know the brand Big Bang now endorse? I kind of like's pretty classy. I was tempted to hover my mouse over the 'buy it now' button and click, but common sense prevailed (for once).

I think thats where VIPboys pwn us VIPgirls - they can wear pretty much all the stuff big bang endorse and look good in it. Well we can wear it too, but it's like, guys clothing....but then VIPgirls have the means to have Big Bangs children and boys don't so meh...even though the likelyhood of that happening is 00000000000000000000001%.....I feel sad looking at all those zeros *sigh*

I felt someone looking at me just then and when I turned around I saw Sam just staring haha.

Then I said to him

'Hello poopoo.'

in a high pitched voice (I sometimes call him poopoo, its like evolved from the word puppy - puppy > poopie > poopoo).

Then he called me an idiot in his head (I could tell) and lay down.

Woah, it went dark fast. It's just gone dark at...18.50pm, YAYYYYY so much better than 3pm darkness!!!

Can't wait for it to be light alllll day long!!!

I'm not scared of the dark or anything, Its just really depressing. I'm so much happier when it's fact, the only time I like it to be dark is when I want to sleep.

My feet are cold...its Monday tomorrow as well, UGH!!!!


Love from Min

Saturday, 20 March 2010


Ok well first things first - YJ eonnie tagged me which means I have to write 10 facts about myself...I here goes.

1. I've lived in three cities, in this order - Manchester, Bradford, Manchester, Leeds. I have lots of good memories from all these places, but I like living in Leeds the best despite their horrendous football team...nevertheless, I still have loyalties to Manchester and If I hear a Leeds person bashing it, I take the greatest offense!!!! (BEWARE!)

2. I obsess over weird things for example when I hang the washing out, the pegs have to be alternate colours for each item of clothing...or when something goes wrong when I'm drawing I get all flustered and have a spazz attack and if I go out I make sure there is at least one dog hair stuck to my clothing and if I don't have a pencil near me at all times I feel naked O.O.....among other things.

3. I love my dog more than I love most humans...and if he doesn't like someone, I immediately don't like them...I know it's unfair, but so far he's not broken my heart and he's my little bayybeeee.

4. It took 14 years of constant begging until my dad let me have a puppy.

5. When I was little I wanted to be an animator for Disney...that was my beautiful dream...I also wanted to be a vet...I will never be either.

6. My favourite food(s) are lasagne and curry. (I WANT)

7. Nobody has ever given me flowers :(

8. I have to buy a toothbrush almost every month because I wear them down really fast.

9. My favourite novel is The Count of Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas and it took me three months to read and I used to take it to my job and sneak into a back room to read it.

10. My name isn't actually Minnie it is something else, but everyone calls me that because when I was a baby everyone bought me Minnie Mouse clothes and so my mum called me Minnie and then everyone started to call me that and it kind of stuck...

ANd thats all my random facts and I don't know who else to tag because YJ eonnie already tagged the ones I can think of so I will just wait for theirs haha.


SO about today, I can't say it has been very good... I've had agonizing stomach pains, which sucks...on top of that I have developed a cough and a cold. So I have a roll of toilet paper next to me at all times to capture all the gross stuff.

I look like a ghost. My lips are actually the same colour as my face and my eyes have dark rings around's very unattractive. I cant stand to look at myself haha.

We finished watching Nodame Cantabile this evening. It has such a sweet ending. 'The hug' was woeirgwkhjermlwierukgwebmnr *happiness*


Im gonna finish here because my stomach is being hateful...and I want to close my eyes for a while...this is so annoying!!!

love from a very irritated Min

Friday, 19 March 2010

Achoo Moomoo (edited)

I'm so proud of myself!!!

When I walked into the kitchen there were two notes on the table.

One was for Sarah and it told her to do schoolwork...which I think she is doing (while on skype with Jenny at the same time XD)

The other one was for me and it had three requests:

1. Hang out the washing on the line
2. Hoover the front room
3. Clean the bathroom

And finished them all *happyyy* so now I can chill until mum comes home and points out something that I missed.

I think the reason I get tired so early is because I wake up earlier (I know!!! what a revelation right???)

but I just realized that I get up around 8-ish now instead of 10-ish (that is on a non-uni day lol - when I do go I have to wake at 6am - thats why I dont usually go hahah)

Ok now Im gonna post piccy's of my SAL stuff for my eonnie, cos I promised...hmmm I may make a picture page on this blog just for pictures and maybe videos...*thinking*

My SAL stuffs -


Its so much warmer on my side of the world nowadays. Today it was 12 degrees!!! SO WARM lol...I actually took Sam out and I only had to wear a t shirt, no hoody or coat...It's hard to remember that a few weeks ago everywhere was covered in snow...*sigh* I love spring. I can't wait until I can live in shorts again...and not have to wear shoes!!!

Sarah and I are re-watching the Nodame Cantabile Jdrama...Its just so much fun and has so much akswieyfukvqw,je.hqwlohk.

And I love how Chiaki loves her from the start and doesn't even realize it LOL...and he's kind of abusive too because he's always hitting her the entire time.....but I dunno, she seems to like that sort of thing...personally, Im not the type who likes to be hit around...but its seems to rock Nodame's wh am I to judge??

Anyway, Chiaki totally makes up by always taking care of her (SO CUTE eidkugajhsvdqw)

The best part about this drama is that it's not all about love...for me if its too sickly sweet I get overwhelmed, probably because I HATE ALL COUPLES AND THEIR HAPPINESS!!!!! (Joke - I love couples...I even have a favourite couple ^_^ know who you are <3) but anyway...a good storyline has to dominate...and I love the musical twist in Nodame it is extremely stupid and random...and I like that very much *nods*



I need a picture of him so you can see -

I think that all people born on his birthday are gorgeous <3

I feel like watching more, but I think Sarah is busy watching Cebu songs.

Hmmm Well thats all I can think to write at the moment...but the day is still young :D


From Min


Felt quite ill today, I think I'm coming down with a cold...or maybe its because I was on the computer the same time as watching tv...or maybe its because I tied my hair up too tight...I always get a headache when I do that....anyway, Im a sniffing cow at the moment, hense the achoo moo moo title haha.

I recommended the You're Beautiful Drama to a friend today and now she is hooked...that drama can only be appreciated in it's full glory...I want to buy it...but my conscience is telling me not to spend any more money until I see how much I've got left after the big bang concerts have been released on dvd...buying stuff doesn't seem to matter. The things that matter can't be bought anyway...look at me being all realistic, how strange.

I watched Lassie today, it made me cry (once again). I think its such a sweet story, even if it's not true. Allthough I think it expresses the loyalty of dogs very well. A good true story about a dog is called Greyfriers Bobby and there was this little Scotty dog and his master died and the dog went and laid on his grave everyday until it died...there is more to the story, but that is the basis...there is even a statue of the dog in the village where it all happened.

It's in Scotland, I'd like to visit it one day and have a nice lunch in that bar haha.

I'm tired now...its Saturday...the days speed by so fast when there are deadlines.

I can't wait for the world cup to start. I suppose I shall have to find the pride I have left for my country and use it to support them...after all, it is a beautiful place...even if the people are mostly deluded and the government is the pits.

^^^ its reasons like those that I love my country.


Love from Min

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

I Can't for the Life of Me Think of a Title (edited)

I thought I'd write a post earlier so I'm not half dead when writing like the past few ones (ones XD) so its 6:41 pm now and I feel quite refreshed.

Didn't go to uni again today because....well it's boring....the bad thing is, I didn't work either...I'm such a noob, I am so going to regret this.

This morning I woke up and was liek


and so I thought I'd wait around for the postman, poor Sam had to wait for his walk again (sorry my baby puppy)for about 2 hours...I felt bad so I let him sit on the sofa next to me (which I like very much because he is SO cuddly).

So, I know from past experience that the postman comes pretty much at 10am everyday and it was 9 so I thought.

'Hmm I have time to get a bath.'

Which I needed very much because last night I was so tired I didn't wash :S....I DID BRUSH MY TEETH THOUGH!!!!....Ok I'm a dirty sdiyugsahdj I admit it!!!!

Anyway I forgot that I spend an inhuman amount of time in the bath cos I kind of like to sleep there. I realized that mum was home, so I screamed.


and she screamed back


and then I was like (to myself)

'Oh, crapppp.'

because my mum can't know for at least two weeks that I have purchased more stuffs online...she always asks me the price and then I always round what I payed to the lowest tenth so it doesn't sound as bad.


Anyway, Sam started barking and I thought

'omg omg the postman has come early like he did last Friday and mum is going to see my purchases!!!'

Of course I couldn't just run downstairs like...that.

So I grabbed a towel and became a towel lady (towel ladies rock btw, even ask zaty eonnie) and then ran upstairs to Sarah, who was still asleep and said

'Sarah hurry, check the door, I think it's the postman and mum is still home.'

To my amazement she got up straight away and didn't glare or get a knife and stab it into my heart (she is VERY grumpy in the morning) she just went downstairs quietly and then came back up just as quietly and said..

'It's nothing.'

and I was like


Then I decided to get dressed, but I was peeved because the T shirt I'd got to wear was all wet because I'd walked over it in my rush to prevent disaster.

I scared myself when I looked in the mirror because I'd forgot to remove my eye make up off the previous night and the water had made it streak down my face all black and blue and green...I looked like a ugly frog type thingy.

Anyway after all the drama I was still waiting so I came on msn and one of those group conversation chat rooms popped up and it was people from BBVIP who were freaking bored because the forum was down.

Lily was like

'Im so bored!!!.'

and then Christy said

'EW my friend thinks my brother is hot.'

So then of course we all wanted to see what her brother looked like and she sent us this youtube video and it was one of those Adverts for Windows 7 you know where they say, 'I'm a PC and this was my idea' ??? well Christy's bro was in the Australian version. Anyway we all decided he was HOT/cute/Korean looking (thats what zaty called it) and that we were going to stalk him and Christy was disgusted with us. Anyway she dashed our hopes by telling us he already had a fiancée who he's proposed to in Paris (NICE)....

Then of course the postman came and MY SAL LUSHNESSES WERE HERE RQWOLRBJQW
Its was very exhausting....

but anyway, they arrived and I somehow managed to get out of having to tell my mum how much money I'd spent...which is AWESOME!!!

I'd post my pics of my SAL goodies, but I CBA ATM (lol lazy typing) because I just uploaded them to FB. I'll post them here another time for my eonnie to see.

Anyway I finally got to take Sam out and Sarah came with me and we played with the ball with him again and Sarah took pictures...weird ones like Sammy doing his business...LOL, shes a strange child.

AH, I have more to say, but we are going out tonight and daddy is all awkrugqwhbeqw...ANNOYING!!! I hate going out past 7pm unless its something fun haha.

pfft anyway, I'll be back later to edit this shizz.

From Minnie who loves you : D


My gums are really sore, I think my wisdom teeth are trying to grow again...they always give me grief...I'll have to find the bonjela I bought for it the last even hurts to smile!!! How will I LIVE?!!!!!

Anyway, where was I?...oh yeah, this afternoon mum was telling me to take some money to the bank for dad and I said 'ok.' but procrastinated for about three hours, messing on the computer and taking pictures and stuff.

In the end she had to really scream and I rushed out in fear of my own life...Sarah came with me too because she had to deposit some money too.

Anyway when we got there the bank had closed and I was a bit scared because I would be SO told off when I got home for not leaving earlier.

So I thought we had better buy food to ease the pain. So Sarah and I decided to make curry for dinner...and some dvds (not for dinner, just to watch...we don't eat plastic in this country).

Mummy liked the dinner anyway


There was leftover chicken and rice so I gave it to Sam and he appreciated it.

You know, earlier I had so much to say, but now I've lost the vibe....because I'm at the sleepy stage now...

which concurs - never blog when I'm tired, because I'm probably going to have no vibe.

I could just see Jae, but he was being very *silence* <<< like that. And he looked like that >>>> -.- (but more puppyish)...hmmmm...UDU!!!! :)

I'm so tired, imma sleep

ILY <3333

From Min

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The Calm Before the Emotional Rollercoaster

AH, I dont know why I get so tired so early recently...I used to be able to stay away till 2am, but I'm so tired at 10pm now...and by 12:30 I'm pretty much beat.

It's not like I do anything either. The most strenuous thing I've done today is eat.

I love eating though...saranghae food <3

I don't quite know what to make of was a little weird and very...meh.
I spent pretty much the entire time staring at a computer screen :D

Usually when I take the dog for a walk, I take a route that is on this farmers land, its like a really good walk - but it also happens to be tresspassing and Ive been shouted at a few times...but anyway yesterday I was walking the dog and I had my earphones in and crazy dog was playing and I didn't realize, but the entire time the farmer was driving slowly behind me and when I realized it was just werigjhwvemnrw

My heart started beating really fast because I thought he was going to shout. So I just smiled at him as sweetly as I could so it would look like I'd never been shouted at by him before...he didn't seem bothered...but I ain gonna walk by that route again in the near future...seriously scares me.

Today Zaty found fake TOP and GD accounts on twitter and they were just so annoying...I mean any VIP knows that TOP does not know English THAT well...and Aimee Lucas has also said they dont have FB or me and Zaty got really mad and spammed their twitter acounts....Zaty called them POSERS, hahaha.

I have my radio on for about half an hour today with only ONE listner, hahaha, I was practically having a conversation with Mico through my radio....It was pretty fun...somtimes I like playing music that I want to hear rather than the music other people asked for.

I thought my blog needed something else too it so I made a page for my fanfic too...dunno if anyone will read it, but whatever haha...It's already on BBVIP anyway. Which reminds me, I still need to finish a chapter...ughhh, Im not feeling the vibe for it atm....I need something to happen so I can liquidise it and twist it and then put it in my storyline MUAHAHAH, pretty much everything in my fic is real events...ITS ALIVE BABY!!!!

My SAL photobook didn't come today, but that doesn't matter because the charges against G Dragon were dropped today!!!! *So happy* I bet he feels so one at his age should feel that sort of pressure...I dont know how I managed...I would have like...EXPLODED!!!!

Ive just found out my dissertation has to be in on the 28th of April TTT____TTT

I just feel like my whole being has just crashed into the ground from a great height and that I am splattered all over the ground...HOW DISGUSTING!!!

I will have to go on hiatus from BBVIP now....This sucks!!!! I may even have to be banned if I cannot resist the temptation of the sbox...I cannot give up msn though...that is asking too much!!!!

Well Im not going to think about it now...I will have to prepare myself tomorrow.


Reminds me of Full House ^ ^

I have to sleep now....

Goodnight and Saranghaeyo

From Min

Monday, 15 March 2010

My Pizza Angel

It is right now 22:09pm, but it feels later and I'm sleepy....again.

I wonder how long it will take me to write this blog...

I actually did stuff today!!!! Other than sit in front of my laptop or PC or TV.

I was STARVING all morning because I was waiting for Sarah to finish her work so we can go to the supermarket to buy I decided to have a both because I was bored and couldn't be bothered starting my dissertation (WHICH I MUST).

Anyway, I found out that my Shampoo was VERY close to running out which is terrible since it is the only Shampoo that has EVER worked for me...I have weird hair so this was like a MAGICAL SHAMPOO DISCOVERY.

Anyway, I went to the supermarket and that brand wasn't sold in there and so I decided to go to the cosmetics shop where they sell every shampoo known to man.......except the one I want!!!

Was it a one off??!!! Or is it just my luck to only have one experience with such a wonderful shampoo. Anyway, I had to settle to getting another one, which I have never tried before called Trevor Sorbie Professional - Beautifully Moisturised and it looks like this -

It better work cos I payed through the nose for it...the lengths I will go to for tame hair...I cant even think about it - so embarrassing >_<

I was going to straighten it tonight but I cba...

Anyhoo, the main reason we went to the shop was to buy food so Sarah and I got a basket each and then walked around picking up things our parents wont usually buy...IT WAS FUN!!!

Then dad called and said

'Dont just buy stuff for yourself, buy something for dinner tonight.'

So I was like


Anyway I'm glad I took my backpack because all the stuff we bought weighed a ton...we even had to take turns carrying the bag on our backs because it was so heavy...we had bags in our hands too, ugh...I need to get my license.

I remembered that I had planned to help Sam lose some pounds (the weight kind) so I bought him a ball from the pet shop and a bone that he can chew instead of me giving him snacks.

That petshop is nice, but they have WAYYY to many reptiles in each vivarium (heated enclosure)...Like a regular sized vivarium for Geckos should hold about 3 or 4 at most...but at this petshop, there were like ten in one...which is not good because they can get agressive with each other and spread diseases and allsorts...

If you dont know what a gecko is -

They are so cute, but you have to be careful when handling because their tails can fall off haha.

When we got home Sarah and I decided to watch some of our Honey and Clover drama and so we relaxed for a bit and had a nice cup of blueberry tea and stuffed our faces with cracker bread.

I like cracker bread recently because when I was looking at some of GD's SAL promotions I saw his face on a packet of I was like...

'Im buying me some of that shizz'

GD is so cool, he even sells things in a different country haha...Im such a fangirl.

Anyway it was diner time, so sarah and I decided to make stuffed peppers with sweet potato and rice on the side The parents seem to like it...well we did try hard, I even glazed the peppers with honey and we put lime juice on the rice haha, it was oishii...I was going to take a picture, but I was lazy and just ate it.

I think I need to buy a Camera within the week because I want to take pictures when we go will be fun if I can video Sarah getting her medals (which she WILL win) and then put it on youtube for our first gen family to see too.

It kind of reminds me of Jenny's 16 birthday party when she webcammed with us so we could attend it haha. My maknae Annie was carrying the webcam around so we could see everything, it was fun : D We even saw Jen blow out the candles on her birthday cake...which we couldnt eat XD Maybe one day we can be there for real...I want to be there for her 18th so I can protect her from pervs.

My eyes are drooping so's weird that I am tired this early qwelhqwbeqwjeb...maybe I should just hit the hay...I hope my SAL photobook comes in the post tomorrow...I need a fix of GD...

hmm, Im gonna go wash my face now anyway, it feels ICKY!!!!!!


From Min

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Mothers Day

Im kind of sleepy at the moment.

Mum is going to work and dad and Sarah went to grandpas this evening.

It was mothers day today. I woke up early and was going to make mum a cup of tea and take it to her, but then she came down to the kitchen and totally ruined it haha.

Then I took the mothers day card up to Sarah to get her to sign her name and she looked kind of peeved at me because she was having a dream about 2pm and I disturbed her...haha

I always sign the card, from Minnie, Sarah, Sammy and Tia hahaha....I even do that for daddy...I know he appreciates it XD

Ive decided to put my dog on an exercise regime because his girth is expanding and its not good for him.

Sarah and I have also decided that we are going on a strict diet because in three weeks time we are going away for a week to an annual competition in which Sarah will be competing and I'm an art judge haha.
Sarah will be doing sports and athletics so she needs to build up stamina, but I just want to look good ROFL.

The only problem with going away is I will miss my darlings :( but I will text you with updates so it should be ok....Im going to have severe withdrawal symptoms....I love my First gen family so much *hugs*

Ah, Im going to take Kevin as well and hopefully that place will have wifi *hopes* (Kevin is my laptop by the way).

YJ eonnie mentioned something on her blog and it bugged me too.

Why are the people on the BBVIP sbox so darn unaccommodating nowadays??? Some of them are even downright rude!!! It used to be so friendly there, thats how I met many amazing wonderful people...but to be honest I don't want to talk to these newer people...Its quite sad. SOmetimes a gem comes on who is just delicious like our first generation (like Alice, shes so cute!!) but on the whole *yawn*

I love it when we have a first gen takeover....ITS AS SMEXY AS HELL!!!!!

and of course on the 2nd of May its our 1 year anniversery!!!!!

I'm gonna be so happy then, because I'll have already handed in my dissertation (final project)...its the most stressful thing in my near future, Im gonna be so happy when its over.
And then after that I have 1 assignment and 8 exams and I'm finished with uni forever!!!!

I can't wait - then I'm gonna use up the money I have left to travel...if I don't get enough I'm gonna get a small job, but I don't want a fixed job just yet....'permanent job' sounds very much like 'imprisonment' to me...Maybe not wise of me to think like that, but I do.

Sarah has been invited to Japan by two different people so far this year and I have been invited to Korea haha...well Leslie is going and she asked if I wanted to tagg along which I DO...shes going in December so hopefully I will have got myself together by then....and will have a passport!!! WHY IS MY FRIEND TAKING SO LONG WITH SIGNING THE DOCUMENTS qWROUWLKjrq,w?!!!!!
I've got so many places I want to go, but I just have to be patient...I have to finish uni annoying.

Its funny how you feel like giving up when you are so close to finishing. Last month I REALLY considered giving uni up...I was so depressed. This month has has a pretty awesome start, so I have some drive....only some, but I think it will be enough.

Anyway, this is a pretty boring post and I'm kind of tired...maybe that's why my reflexes were slow when Jae showed me that scary video... I screamed and cried as soon as he turned my webcam off...just kidding...sorry for not being entertaining puppy : D


Much love,

From Min

Saturday, 13 March 2010


I'm bored...

Came to Manchester today for a Mothers Day Celebration. It was fun. There was food.
It was set out like a tea party so we had fine china and various teas and bitesized sandwiches and cakes...which were tasty.

Well, the sandwiches were tasty...I didn't finish my the end of the day, I'm a savoury girl...I only eat sweet things when I have needs...or depression

Anyway, we came back to grandmas for dinner and I bought her a Katherine Jenkins CD for Mothers day because it was the one she wanted for Christmas, but never got. So now Hallelujah by Katherine is trickling down my earlobes...I wonder what grandma would think about Hallelujah by Big Bang??...somehow I don't think it would be her cup of tea at all.

I was talking to Phil and we were comparing Hana Yori Dango and BOF together...I felt like we suddenly had something in common again after such a long time. We are always talking about past's nice to feel close to my oldest friend again.

I was in the car on the M62, which is the motorway between Leeds and Manchester and I was thinking about my primary school days when we used to drink bottles of milk at breaktime and it was like half a pint, but I used to get more because my best friends twin brother used to give me wonder I peed my shorts in gym that time. The only time I ever relieved myself in public haha.

I wore my GD Heartbreaker earring to church today (church was where the mothers day thingy was)...I also wore my 'someone who loves me very much went to Hong Kong and bought me this shirt' shirt that arrived this morning from a very lovely person who loves me and went to Hong Kong and bought me a t shirt.

I was going to wear my wellies to church but mummy said that it was innapropriate, but I think God loves me in whatever I wear...he loves me in a plastic bin bag...and anyway, in the Bible David danced naked...I'm not going to do that, it's just the argument I use a lot. bwahaha...that was very cool of David.

I bought the Love Never Dies soundtrack today (aka, the phantom of the Opera 2 soundtrack) Not listened to it yet, but Im sure it will be good...I might play it on the way home. I got sarah the Elle Magazine for this month and she's drawing all the clothes...she's pretty good at drawing actually. The human form is pretty hard to draw anyway. I mean you need to get all the proportions right.

I got the wildlife magazine for myself too, because the elephant on the front is cute... there is an article called, 'why teenage male elephants need their fathers.' CUTE

Dinner time Now

Saranghaeyo, I love you more everyday


Friday, 12 March 2010


Ahh I really want to eat Kimchi fried rice. I was just watching Coffee Prince and Han Gyul eats it out of a pan with a big serving spoon and it looks VERY DELICIOUS!!!!

I've never even had Kimchi...this lady at my church works for immigration services and she once was assigned to a Korean family. She said Kimchi was disgusting :S

But I like different types of food because I like to try new flavours. Well that is a part of life isn't it? Trying new things and learning new things and having new experiences.

I remember the first time I went on a roller coaster and I was nervous at first, but then after the ride was over I was so glad I did it....I like that feeling...but then I went on the Oblivion and almost pee'd my pants...and my friend was sat next to me and he was like, 'Omg omg what have we done - we can't get off now!!!' SUCH a scary ride...I felt sick afterwards lol but I would SO do it again.

Thats it...its MUCH scarier than it seems. When it was climbing I realized I still had my glasses on and I was so scared they would fall off when we were dangling over the vertical drop, because at that time I only had one 'leg' on them because they were broken. So I was so scared thinking, 'Where the hell can I put them!!!' So I quickly took them off and shoved them down my top LOL....Then when the ride finished I had to have a quick search for them and my friends were like O.O

MY FEET ARE FREEZING, this house is such a cold house. I shouldn't expect more from something that was built in 1917, but I do...I'm sorry house, I know you have taken care of me for nearly 9 years....I can't believe I'm blogging to a house.

I think 9 years is far too long to have lived somewhere. Its the longest I have ever lived anywhere. I get itchy feet, I think we need to move again...I would like to live in a different city, but that is not very likely. Another country would be even better.

When I was little I used to want my parents to move to Africa because I liked (like) African wildlife. My dad was always saying that we would one day...bedtime stories for his little girl haha. The most exotic place I will ever go with daddy is probably to LA...and England is more exotic than there...that's why I would rather stay here than go...even though I will get dragged there by my hair in the summer...ugh...I wanna go to Asia *kicks and screams*...

Why can't I see further than June?? What will I do after that? Just get a job and thats it forever?

Somehow I just can't live with that thought. It has always bugged me when people settle. Like those people whose sole ambition is to get married...husband and wife searchers...don't they have something better to do???

Maybe its just me and I can't accept other people's ways of thinking...tbh I don't think its that important that people search for their other half. I reckon things like that just happen and all you have to do is make sure you don't miss it...the same with anything.

What is meant to happen will happen...kind of a lazy statement, but it's worked for me so far.

I was just looking on yesasia because I felt the need to spend and I saw the You're Beautiful boxset so I got all weirwehjbrnlwieorhuwkenjrweio, but it's 90 friggin pounds...I can go to London for the weekend for that much....Maybe I can find it cheaper on ebay...not that I dont think its worth it, but I have to get Big Bang concert DVD's and SAL one too...and I'm getting the SAL album because I am like GD rabid...and that will probably cost me around £90. Plus I have to pay for mine and sarahs passports which will be around £75!!! I filled in the application like ages ago but my friend has to sign them...because we have to have a statement that we are actually British....*SIGH* HES TAKING AGES!!! I gave it to him like three weeks ago TT__TT.

Anyway, I have nothing else to say, I'm hungry and I want to watch some more Coffee mum is getting more and more uncomfortable with the fact that Eun Chan is not telling Han Gyul that she is a girl...

She keeps saying, 'This is weird!!! He's gonna think he's weird.'

LOL...yeah, WEIRD AND HOT!!!! - how shallow of me...

I'm glad I got to have a CEO convo today, I love talking with Mico and YJ together...even though I think YJ and I were freaking Mico out with all out talk about being violated by GD haha.

Anyhoo, I'm kind of bored tonight. Something is missing.

Ooo my dongsaeng Leslie just showed me the dress she designed and made herself. Its amazing!!! *proud* I hope she gets her drea of becoming a fashion designer, she works hard for it.

I'm off now, and find something to do.

I miss you all

From Min

Thursday, 11 March 2010

In Love with a Fairytale

I really thought I'd get more stuff in the post today, maybe I'm impatient, but I have the 'I WANT IT NOW' attitude at the moment...which is bad really since all my life I've never had anything at the exact time that I've wanted it.

I'm so good at waiting, I'm sick of it.

How bratty of me...

Anyway, Sarah told me last night that she needed to go to the bank to get her debit card activated, so this morning I thought - 'You know what? Today I'm going to do something for once.'

So after a major procrastination lag I managed to get Sarah and myself ready to go out.

Well by 'ready' I mean like wearing outside clothes.

Sarah was like

'Shall we take the camera?'

but I said

'No, have you seen my face this week?'

She looked at me and nodded understandingly....and sympathetically.

Well I don't care, there is no one I want to impress out there anyway.

I was considering whether to take Sammy with us or not because I needed to get a new toothbrush and that means I would have to go in a supermarket...which means no dogs I decided to take him

It was a nice day, Sarah could stand outside and hold him while I get a toothbrush...oh and a pair of tweezers...and maybe a dvd..or two.

So we got to Rothwell and Sarah was like

'I need to go to the bank and I'm so hungry.'

So I said, 'Ok, go to the bank and we can get something from Greggs (its like a sandwich-cake shop place).'

So I was sat on a bench with Sam waiting for Sarah and secretly laughing at the chavs and other type people walking about - honestly I can't believe some people...I seriously considered setting Sam on them...but I didn't.

Then Sarah came back and I said.

'Hm, maybe I should go into the supermarket before we get something to eat and then we can go to the park and give Sam a run.'

She seemed fine with that...well she had to be!!!

But anyway I went into the store and there was this man pushing the shopping trolleys back to their place and he nearly ran me over and then I almost knocked this old granny over trying to get away from was kind of a scary moment for me because I have a history of knocking old ladies over...not on purpose, but they always scream at you afterwards.

Like when I got my first mountain bike I was practising riding it and I knocked this old lady over and she screamed, 'YOU STUPID GIRL.' And I ran away and cried...sometimes sorry isn't enough...Im so glad my grandma is the cool type...*grandma biased*

but anyway, as soon as I got into the store I made a beeline for the media section because I wanted dvd's. So I bought Twilight and Bride Wars, because they were freaking cheap and they were also pre-packaged...I hate it when you have to go to the desk and the counter guy gets the disk out of that drawer and then you have to buy it from him...the counter guy scares me, I like it better when its a lady.

So then I went to get the tweezers and the toothbrushes (Sarah wanted a new one too)...I also wanted to get more of the nice shampoo that I have found that actually tames my epic hair, but it wasn't there :( What a useless supermarket.

Then I went and looked at the razors because the last one I bought nearly made mince meat out of my legs - not using that again - its more like a hack saw than a razor.

I always stare at razors cos I never know which one to choose and then I just don't end up buying one...ITS SO HARD TO CHOOSE!!!

SO anyway I went back to Sarah after buying that shizz and we got a sandwich...she wanted fish and chips - but I didn't feel like and chips is more night time food anyway...or walking along the beach type food....I love the beach *sigh*

Sam was happy when we got to the park because I could let him of the lead. I was kind of scared he would leap in the river because 'd just bathed him yesterday, but he didn't because he wanted our food.

We sat on the roots of this tree in the middle of the park because your butt gets wet after a while of sitting on the grass, but then we ended up sitting on the grass anyway because some dog had pooped near the tree and it's filthy owner hadn't cleaned up after it...PFFFFFFTTT!!!!!!

So we got home and put a face mask on and watched a movie with a cup of tea.
I but some of this red stuff on my lips and said to sarah.

'We still have to be pretty even with green faces. Does my face match my eyes?'

And she started laughing, but tried to stop herself because the facemask goes weird otherwise...It's hilarious cos the more you try not to laugh, the more you do.

And that's kind of what has happened so far today.

Mum has just got home from work and sounds happy *phew*

SO Imma sign off now...probably gonna do an allnighter tonight and wait for the Lollipop 2 MV to be released. The 2NE1 one was released today, but Big Bang will Pwn it...even though the crystals on CL's face were so cool!!! Oh and Dara's Star Wars clothes....I was going to get that hoodie before her wekrbemnqwilehoqwejn


From Minn mooo

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Every waking Moment.....

I know I already wrote a post today, but that was this morning and things have happened since then. Anyway, YJ and I are in the middle of like a huge updating blog session.

YJ eonnie says its like writing letters to each other each day...I think that's a sweet way of putting it. I love the thought that these posts are letters, so I can give you something everyday - even if its small.

Its probably clear to the people around me that I have had a good week so far...not for my face though, I have no Idea what the hell is wrong with it this week, but never mind.

I think it's because I can feel spring - I love it so much when the nights are light and it only goes dark at 11pm and then the sun rises at like 3am - *sigh* I don't like long nights...they are lonely...especially when you can't sleep.

I was talking to Mico on msn about my future husband today.

I was like -

'Im going to hate Sarah's husband. LITTLE SISTER STEALER'

Mico - 'She will probably hate yours too.'

Me - 'Yeah she will argue with him.'

And then I started thinking and was like.

'I wonder what my husband is doing right now?'

Mico - 'He's probably sat at his computer.'

Me - 'He might be sleeping.'

Mico - 'I don't think so.'

and then me being ever postive -

'He might have a gf :S'
Obviously I wont care if he does...because I still marry him in the end

...this is a weird blog >_<

Dad came home for dinner and before he left he said to me -

'Some time today will you bath your stinking dog.'

and I was like

'Aw daddy don't call him that, I love him.'

and dad said

'Don't be stupid.'
But I know he really loves Sam, because I've heard him talking to him when he doesn't think anyone is around ^ ^

So anyway I bathed Sam for the first time in like...4 months. I got the doggy shampoo and lathered it all up so he looked like a cloud with a dog face...I scrubbed ever inch of him.

He was looking at me like..

'Oh please don't wash that part...'

but mummy will clean where no other person dares to go haha.

I think he thinks I violated him because he keeps going out of the room when I come in...and now he is kind of sulking in his box.

but he smells lovely and his fur is all shiny and thats all that matters.

Im going to brush his teeth tomorrow...his breath smells FOWL.

Sarah came home and she saw Sam all clean and said

'Minnie I have something to tell you.'

Me' What?'

Sarah, 'Sammy is so fat now I don't think he is handsome when he's not wearing his collar anymore'
Yeah...we are a weird family...

I liked the football results today.

I laugh in Christiano Ronaldo's face....the word that comes to mind is 'NOOB'

Even though he has a cute butt...not that I look or anything...

I really love Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals, they are spectacular...I don't know if you know this but I LOVE musicals...I think they have some of the best songs and lyrics meaningful.

Anyway The Phantom of the Opera is My favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber musical and the sequel just came out so I was listening to my favorite song from the original one.

Its just so beautiful.

All I ask of You

My favorite part is

Say you love me every waking moment,
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you
Can totally relate.....

The phantom at the end makes me laugh...way to ruin the romantic mood man!!! but I feel so sorry for him...he has so much feeling for Christine, she can't even begin to understand.

haha actually all Christines parts of the song I can relate to...she's like me, but beautiful with a great voice....unlike me.

All I want is freedom,
A world with no more night
and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me

Its like I wrote it myself...*sigh*

My other favorite song from a musical is 'Something Wonderful' from The King and's so true haha.

I got my Coffee Prince dvds last week, but couldn't watch until now because of my assignment. Anyway, my mum saw us watching it and she's like.

'Whats this One?'

and I'm like

'Its Coffee Prince'
I left out the part that I want Gong Yoo for my birthday wyrtuvgqjhwrqivwrqwekuqj...somehow I don't think she'd understand.

Anyway, she got really into it and started watching it with us haha. The same thing happened with Full House. Maybe she will get a K drama addiction too haha...but she says J-actors are more handsome...a lot of J actors are good looking, but I think there are a lot more good looking Korean actors...I guess its a matter of taste...mum thought Hyun Joong wasn't good looking :S I don't understand that at all.

Anyway I kind of find it hard not to contain myself when Gong Yoo comes on screen, because mum will get annoyed, so I have to sort of jab Sarah with my feet or elbow so she understands how I feel.

Sarah understands, because she feels the same when Jae wook comes on screen, because he makes her spazz to high heaven...he's ok I guess, but I like Gong Yoo better and I already have a favorite Jae ^.^

Anyway, its 12:20 and I am kind of sleepy...but happy.
I'm gonna chat on msn to YJ eonnie for a little longer and then catch some dreams.



So I'm shutting up now


Love from Min

Feeling 22, Acting 17

I'm just listening to The Closest thing to Crazy by Katie Melua

I think I heard it on a Radio AD when I was about 17 or 18 and loved it. Anyway I havn't heard it in a while so I put it on.

OMG it explains how BIG BANG & BBVIP's make me feel -

This is the closest thing to crazy I have ever been
Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen,
This is the nearest thing to crazy I have ever known,
I was never crazy on my own...
And now I know that there's a link between the two,
Being close to craziness and being close to you.

srwuierjkwerywei So when I first heard this song it was destined to be about my lovelies and I didn't know it yet haha.

Anyway!!! The forum is working again - the humans got there before I could though. It was so cool yesterday when a few of the first gens took over the sbox again....we actually ripped it from their fingers MUAHAHAHAHAH (YJ mentioned this in her blog tooo HI5 eonnie!!!). .....................................................................................

There was a mysterious package in the mailbox

Note: The word 'package' makes me laugh ever since the First Episode of Coffee Prince, where he ask's himself, 'Is my package that impressive.' When she sees him half naked when she delivers takeout to him house....just saying....I think it's impressive...

Anyway the PARCEL was labelled for Sarah and came from NZ - so I kind of stopped myself from opening it...I'm kind of nosey...I open my parents letters and stuff too. I think they are used to it because they don't shout anymore...maybe I should stop doing that....I might do it to my kids when Im older and they will hate me.

*had experience with parents opening private letters to me and they KICKED OFF...:S bad times*

Oh yeah and my mum used to read my diary too...when I had a bad day a few days later she'd come to me and be like.

'Are you ok Min, do you need to talk to me about anything?'

and I'd be like


Because when I'm depressed I don't tell anyone - maybe apart from Sarah.

Not that people noticed...Ive actually cried in front of my dad and he didn't realize...and my mum...and in Church for that matter...I must have invisible tears.

I'm a very low-key person though....I like to sit and critizise everyone else XD Just kidding...a bit.


OOO i didn't know there was a Japanese Version of the Three Words song By Cheryl Cole...well its not in Japanese but it features Japanese stuffs and people...Its cool...allthough the song is boring without the vid.

Fight for This Love is a better song and I like the tiger hoodie thing she wears in the MV, even though she looks like a Chav in the dancing part....I think it's the hair :S

Why am I blogging about Cheryl Cole?? ROFL...I wonder if she will change her name now that she divorced Ashley???....What kind of a guy name is Ashley??? Ive never understood it.

Giving boys girls names sorduweghkrjweroywgirjw.....WEIRD!!!

Anyway I have to take Sammy for walkies and not wear PJ's at mid-day anymore....


From Min

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

The Calm After the Storm

I was dying to write a post last night, but I ordered myself not to.
You see I was making my Wildlife Management Presentation slides. It had to be a 20 min presentation so I had to make lots of slides, because I kind of talk fast and cut the time in half every single time.

I even banned myself from BBVIP, but it's not too bad - because late at night and early in the morning my beloveds are usually asleep or going to school so there is only human invasions on the sbox anyway.


Anyway around 2AM this morning I got so tired, my eyelids were dropping to the floor. So I was like, 'I can't do this anymore.' So I saved all my work and set my alarm for 6:30AM and crashed out on the study sofa.

I always sleep on the sofa in the study when I have to do an all-nighter. Its well comfy and sammy always comes in the middle of the night and lies on my feet : D

He's such a cuddly baby.

Anyway I was shocked that I actually woke this morning when the alarm went was that hideous phone ringtone as the alarm. I don't know why either - I thought it would be cotton candy by Daesungie, but dammit someone must have changed it.

Anyway I kept my word and did not enter BBVIP till my work was done by 10AM...I finished it earlier than I thought as well. I was so satisfied.

I even had time to get a bath and take Sammy out, and the weather is getting to be so nice now...I cannot wait till it is FULL ON SPRING...all the animals will be getting jiggy and babies will be appearing and there will be lambs and baby cows everywhere.




*cough* the last one is for my benefit...

Anyway where was I?

Oh yeah, so I got the bus with my friend from my class and went to uni and we met two more of our classmates outside the lecture room.

And one was like

'Oh the other girls who were supposed to do their presentation today have got extensions.'

and we were like

'WTF, how is it fair that they get extensions and we dont!!!'

but whatever, I'd finished my assignment and they still have it to worry about. So I asked my tutor if I could do my presentation in todays slot instead of next Tuesday. So I did and there were only two students watching + my tutor and it went smooooth...though, I couldn't look at emily (my classmate) because she kept laughing.

I asked her afterwards why and she said,

'It was hilarious, you just got redder and redder.'

Damn my pale complexion ~

and to make the day even better I didn't even need to get the bus home, because Emily called her boyfriend and he came and picked us up from uni to take us home.

I didn't realize having a boyfriend would be so useful...hmmmmm.

Oh my Japanese dramas came with the post today. I was so glad. When sarah came home she was like...

'Did we get any parcels today?'

Me - 'emmmmm'


Me - 'N-noooo...'

Even though they were actually in my bed....yeah IN my bed, underneath the covers...thats where I hide stuff XD...I didn't want it to be cold...

Anyway, I went upstairs and collected them and came behind Sarah's back. And then dangled the Absolute Boyfriend DVD in front of her eyes.

She kind of screamed when she saw Hayami Mokomichi (even though I claimed him :S) and then called me a liar...which is true.

The last letter from YG was fudging awesome!!!!
1. GD and Flo Rida having a heartbreaker perf together...THEY PWN YOU NOOB NEITZENS TRYING TO MAKE TROUBLE FOR TALENTED PEOPLE ----



IM GETTING the FULL VERSION though!!! MUAHAHAHAHA the spazzing I will do when I watch that...sarah will be wearing ear plugs....and possibly blinkers.

YJ and I were talking the other day and we decided after we all get married we want to go for a holiday all together on a nice island resort, like in BOF haha.

I want to go now though...I want to runn run run awayyy to a nice warm climate and just chill on a beach with a nice smoothie all day *siiighhhh*

I hate living inland...both my grandmas originally come from the coast...I feel like the sea is in my blood ancestors were seafarers. Maybe thats why I love it so much.

YJ and Mico and I have so much in common - We all live on Islands and we all skipped classes this week haha.

I love being an islander *sigh*

Im not going to uni tomorrow. Imma take a chill pill and relaxx.

This post is long...I better stop now before I say something I'll regret HOHOHO I might get controversial ~~~~~

From Min

Someone said I looked like Blake Lively today....Im flattered...too bad its just on the picture