It's always hell on earth when my family have to get ready to go somewhere. The screaming and arguing hasn't ceased since this morning. I hate any type of raised it's a freaking nightmare for me. I just want to go hide somewhere, but I have to get ready so we can leave early tomorrow morning.
It would be so nice if it was just me and Sarah, like when mum and dad went to America. That was a beautiful dream.
We had to go get shoes - Sarah and I wanted to go to town again, because it is SO much better for shopping there.
Mum and Dad however, insisted on coming with us 'to make sure we got the right things.'
Because for some reason, even though I have my own mind I don't have the ability to choose strange....
but anyway, I was on a complaining rampage, but then my laptop crashed and now that I'm back, I'm not as annoyed anymore cos I'm a nubcak who has rabid mood swings every three seconds.
Honestly, Im glad to be able to go somewhere else for once and do something different that I will enjoy other than awful uni work. I need something to refresh my mind because I'm confuzzled 99% of the time.
When I come back hopefully I will be a much nicer and less stressed out person for everyone.
I will take lots of pictures and post them all on FB and here so you can see what I got up to.
I'm going to take Kevin as well so I can make videos with my webcam of each day. Maybe there will be wireless there too, but I will be really busy so my time on the internet will be minimum anyway.
OMO!!! I just realized I put my jeans in the washing machine with some whites!!! Oh crap I hope the colour doesn't run...Sarah will kill me and one of my favorite t shirts will be ruined erkuywhjebrweubhj. I think it will be fine though, because they have been washed a few times before.
Why is it that whenever you are going away anywhere you can never find underwear or socks? It's like they all hide from you.
'Noooo, don't take us away from the house.'
pffft well if they are going to be like that I shouldn't have bought them in the first place those pathetic losers!!!!
....yeah I'm weird
ooo speaking of underwear, we had the greatest sbox conversation was like old times again and the first generation VIPs dominated. We were saying that big bang should create a cool underwear range for their fans!!! so you can be like a VIP INSIDE AND OUT!!!
I'm trying to finish the latest chapter for of my latest big bang fic...I'm having an immense writers block though and I refuse to type when I feel like I'm boring. I've been writing this chapter 4 for about a month now and it jumps about a's like a chapter of different points of view and it's set in the time span of one night.
The characters are turning out a little differently than I expected.
Jiyong is becoming kind of hateful so I have to find something to make the reader sympathetic towards him.
TOP is a creeper...I wanted him to seem hot and mysterious, but he's turning out to be a creeper with a vampire complex.
The female lead fancies bae who already has a girlfriend...but she only likes him for his body, not his mind....what a slut!!! XD
Seungri is pretty good at the moment...but I havn't written a lot with him so I havn't had chance to ruin his character yet.
Bae is a softy who has a mean girlfriend who smokes and insults his affection toward her by being could I give such a girl to bae oppa??!!!!
and Daesung hasn't appeared much because he is at law school, but I think I'm gonna fix him up with a nuna...because he's sexy like that. XD
So I have to really think about my story a bit because its getting a life of its own and soon it will have arms and legs and run away from me and give me a bad rep as a freaky author!!!

No one is on the sbox and I'm so and Sharon are the only staffs there
I felt lonesome so I confessed my missingness of everyone with vigour.
Nothing compares to first gens <3
I have no more to say...Only that I already miss you guys.
Happy one Year Anniversary of BBVIP in advance :D
From Min