I can't even remember this morning....what happened?
I vaguely recall helping Sarah with algebra...then getting really into it and feeling a little depressed when mum told me that Sarah was the one who had to do it.
I just find it so satisfying to do a really complicated sum and then check to see if its right and it ends up being right....and then you can boast about it to your little sister who just thinks you are an idiot.
Yes I am one of those irritating people who enjoyed math at school (though I HATED geometry with a burning passion...those postulates and theorems can go to freaking hell).
I miss being academic.
Its strange though. because I am an in between person.
I can understand the dreamy mind of an artist and I can also understand the orderly mind of a science geek...and I find it so hard to choose between the different sides of myself...cos they fight each other and usually it ends in a messy explosion that makes me look like a irresponsible and immature person.
I was looking at teaching jobs abroad and that new-ish dream has been squashed because I found out in most countries you NEED a degree in order to get a job there...then I was depressed for like 10 minutes because I was thinking of the degree that I didn't get after wasting three years at university.
To top it off, graduation is this weekend...On Saturday, the day I would have received my degree...but instead I'm going to Manchester for the weekend.
Darn Population Genetics and Biotechnology for ruining my life...
No, in the end it was my fault for not working hard enough (and attending an incompetent college.)
I just saw a quote that gave me hope though (sometimes quotes are so darn good)
“I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you’ve never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over again.”— Benjamin Button
I needed advise like that.
and I'm listening to SURVIVOR by DBSK...
Its like someone is trying to tell me something XD
I bought two dvd's today.
The Hunchback of Notre dame and Pocahontas
Well I was out because mum kicked me out of the house this afternoon because she was mad that I didn't have a job.
So I stormed off into the distance and found a store which had a dvd section and browsed until my temper had calmed...then spent money...I also bought some sweets a drink and new blades for my razor.
Then I found a park and sat on a bench for about an hour taking in the beautiful autumn scenes and eating sushi.
Good job it was a pleasant day...it really helped to clear my head. I only wish I had my camera with me, could have taken some nice pictures.
I kind of miss studying you know.
Darn, I just saw something that made me smile madly. Its not fair, even if I didn't want to smile, THIS would still make me smile...
I force the smile off my face and then I remember this thing and it creeps back again!!!!
AISH!!! It wont go away now! I look like a grinning idiot.
Thank goodness no one is around to see my face behave in such a way.
Wait...that is worse isn't it?
I'm going to take a picture of myself so you can see.

And that is my facial expression right this minute.
I think I am probably crazy...it is highly likely.
It feels go good to smile...you should totally try it out.
Just make sure the reason for your smiles is a good one...
The reason for my smile just makes it even clearer that I am an epic fail...in a good way....oh dear.
Visit my Tumblr!!! I've reblogged some puurrrrdyyyyy pictures and other shizzle!!!
I'm sure you will enjoy browsing there.
Imma spam my tumblr link on my blog every week so you can have a little peek at what I've reblogged in the past few days...I guess some of the pictures will show you how my mind works a little better.
If you already didn't understand that I am completely loony...my tumblr will make it clearer.
I should just add the link to my blogroll but I CBBAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
I don't know why I am explaining all this to you XD
So I bought the final box set of Avatar, which should be here by Thursday, if I am not mistaken.
And all three box sets will look so nice on my shelf ^_______^
I'm taking Samuel to the vets tomorrow morning for his booster vaccination.
I know the vet is going to tell me that Sam is overweight -.-
I should make him run more and I know it.
I also shouldn't feed him marshmallows...but he looks so cute when he eats them!!!!
He sniffs it first and looks at it like...
'This squishy thing smells yummy...but is it really edible?'
Its so cute anyway!!! Sarah and I were spazzing out watching him sniff a marshmallow.
Yeah that's right, we don't get out much XDDDD
Right...I'm going to watch Pocahontas now and although it is extremely historically inaccurate...I will enjoy it tremendously, because I am a helpless romantic and I FREAKING ADORE Disney animation.
brb ~
Ok I watched the Hunchback of Notre dame as well and it is now like 00:52...I had no idea it was this late and I have to get up early-ish too *SIGH*
Im not even tired either, I drank like 3 espresso's + some tea...so Im kind of flyin high right now.
I guess it would be wise to get some shut eye though.
Tomorrow is going to be a challenge I foresee...
Though I'm hoping it will be a good challenge, like the maths problem I was talking about earlier...the one where everything seems wrong, but comes out right in the end.
Good Night Everyone
Love from Minnie
Sarah just said,
while imitating Prince Zuko's voice
.... I was amused
P.S.S. Keep smiling :D (it helps)
You buy alot of DVDs XD But DVDs are awesome so I don't blame you.
ReplyDeleteI hate math with a burning passion. (And I'm Asian. See, not all stereotypes are true.) However I understand the happiness you get when you solve a complicated sum and get it right ^_^ it's like I've defeated something evil. XD
I love your tumblr :D here's mine:
YEahhh I'm kind of a Dvd addict, I have to get at least one new one every week or else I feel like I've missed out on something XDDD
ReplyDeleteThanks for looking at my tumblr :D
I like yours very much *follows* :D