And I hope to express how lucky I not BLESSED I am, to have come into contact with such tremendous characters.
I started writing a little something, and then realised's way too long some I'm just gonna put a lil something in my usual post for today...I hope you like it. :)
Should I start from the beginning???
OK :) This is the story of the most amazing people in the world.
One day in the year be precise - it was May the 2nd 2009 - I was on a blog that was dedicated to Big Bang when I saw it was promoting the opening of a new International Big Bang Forum ( go check it out if you are a VIP :).
I thought,
I must tell you now that before then I had joined a few forums and never actually been active on them at all...I didn't really think I would be active on this one either.
Anyway I read the rules (because I'm one of those people who reads rules and instructions and stuff) and decided to make a 411 so that other members of the forum could get to know me a little better.
Soon I started getting comments on my 411 from other lovely members of the forum who wanted to be friends and I was getting quite into the whole forum community spirit thingy.
Little did I realize how important some of them would become to me.
Should I start from the beginning???
OK :) This is the story of the most amazing people in the world.
One day in the year be precise - it was May the 2nd 2009 - I was on a blog that was dedicated to Big Bang when I saw it was promoting the opening of a new International Big Bang Forum ( go check it out if you are a VIP :).
I thought,
'I'm not doing anything, I might as well join.'
I must tell you now that before then I had joined a few forums and never actually been active on them at all...I didn't really think I would be active on this one either.
Anyway I read the rules (because I'm one of those people who reads rules and instructions and stuff) and decided to make a 411 so that other members of the forum could get to know me a little better.
Soon I started getting comments on my 411 from other lovely members of the forum who wanted to be friends and I was getting quite into the whole forum community spirit thingy.
Little did I realize how important some of them would become to me.
This was my introduction -
Hi fellow VIPs!!!!
'Let me introduce myself '
My name is Minnie, I come from England and I will be 21 years old later on this month (arrghh where is my youth going?!!!)
Just like everyone else here I am a huge fan of Big Bang, I think thier music is awesome and inspiring and am very proud to be part of this family.
I love each of the BB boys for their unique talents and personalities, I love how they manage to be the perfect team and and yet are still able to retain their individuality.....but, I DO have a favorite and he is called Kwon Ji Yong..he makes me very happy...ALL THE TIME. When I speak of him I referr to him as My Pet, my sister finds this disturbing, but I couldnt care less
I'm currently studying Animal Managment and Science at university and I'm in my second year...which will be over in a weeks time and it will be time for SUMMER!!!! I like animals very much and would like to work in the conservation field. I have a pet dog called Sam and I treat him like he was my child...most people find this strange, but soon come to terms with it.
This is my doggy ----

He's so cute right?
My favorite thing to do (apart from spazz over Big Bang stuff) in my spare time is drawing. I wish I had more time to do some art, but uni work has priority at the mo'. I LOVE drawing BIg Bang members though, thier beautiful faces are great inspiration.
Other stuffs about me:
*I like the colour GREEN the best
*I adore asian dramas
*I'm a Final Fantasy Geek and have spent many hours of my like playing on a playstation.
*I like writing short stories and poetry (usually happy stuff, I only write serious stuff if I actually really feel deeply about the subject)
*Im a BIG Manchester United fan and totally love that we have a top class Korean footy player on our team - Park Ji Sung (he scored an amazing goal on Saturday BTW)
*I would like to visit Korea and Japan in the future
*One of my dreams is to see Big Bang perform live (the concert dvd's turn me into a screaming fangirl, goodness knows what I'd be like at the real thing, hehe).
Anyway, I'll be glad to know you, peace
This is me -----

It was New Years Eve about two years ago, but its all I can find for the moment....I'm the one closest to the camera
Here are the replies - some of the first words these glorious people ever gave to me
Zaty Eonnie -
hey minnie..welcome to the forum...
im zaty from malaysia and im older than the boys..23 this year..(wat is this ahjumma doing spazzing these boys rite?)
well i like green too but sadly im not nature freak..haha
hope to c u again at the cbox..
YJ Eonnie -
Hi Minnie...
I'm YJ from Brunei ^^
Hehe, I'm 21 years also, but my brain is like 8 years old kid, haha no just kidding but sometimes I can be acted like that
So agreed!! Their songs is just so inspired, it inspired me lots ^^
I love GD and TOP and the favorites are....all of them ^^ So hard to choose for a fav to me...
Wow, animal management? Science? You are so smart....
Aww, you treat your dog sam like a family? Aww and no, it is not strange, I dont found it strange ^^
I would love to see your drawing one day, I love drawings and art as well but more to digital one but anything for me that is art and drawing, I can be so addicted. And drawing, I love to sketch character like anime type ^^
Oh gosh, I want to see your drawing about Big Bang.
Well I have draw TOP in anime version but I dont know, still need details I gues ^^
Yes!! I found another green loves, I love green so much.
Final Fantasy - Square Enix is my inspiration, I love Final Fantasy and my favorites is gotta be FFXII and the fav characters is Larsa and Penelo. You play FFXII, as well, right?
Ohoho, you are just like my little brother MANU fans. Aww, but me, I'm Chelsea fans ^^
We both share the same dream; to see BB live performance but I guess its VIP dreams, right?
Minnie, it is great to meet you...
So I see you around yea?
Welcome to the forum and I hope to see you around in my 411 yea?
Take care minnie ^^
These replies were only just formalities though.
The adventure REALLY began when I picked up the courage to talk on the forum shoutbox.
It actually took me a few days to be brave enough to say 'hello', I'd seen people talking on it, but had never jumped into the conversation.
My username at that time was Sam-is-VIP.
The first time I spoke on the sbox EVERYONE said, 'Hello Sam!'
I don't know how many times I had to tell everyone that I was actually called Minnie and that Sam was my dog.
And all I remember is how sweet they all was a while back, but I remember YJ and Zaty and also Rina there and how delicious they were.
Our story really begins on the sbox...
And I will finish here for today, but that doesn't mean I've introduced all the members of that first generation VIP family. There are still some VERY important pieces of the puzzle left to fill in.
Ok well, I hope you liked that, I probably could write it better, but don't expect the next part tomorrow or's for special days haha.
Ok so I'm always going on about how tired I am and you are probably completely sick of it, so I'm just going to get it out of the way now.
I slept SO well, that bed was so comfy I can't even!!
I thought I would wake up by myself, but actually Dora had to come and wake me.
The day wasn't much to talk about. I just watched mind numbing kids programs and played with Judah most of the morning. Then I got my laptop out and chatted a bit while he slept.
It wasn't a very intellectually stimulating day, and then Judah's daddy came home and
totally nicked my laptop off me and then let the power run out of it so it turned off.
So if you were talking to me on msn SORRREEEE!!!! My lappy was kidnapped.
Then Dora came home from work and made a stir fry thingy and my arms were finally free.
I had no idea how painful it is to carry around a child the while wrist is just sdfdsjkfksdjfskdfj.
I am babysitting again on Friday too, but dora says she's going to pay me for this week cos it's not just a one off like last time.
I wouldn't mind really...she did feed me, but it will be nice to be payed for doing something.
When I got home I discovered my dad had taken Sarah to watch Manchester United AT Old Trafford and I was well jealous for like 10 minutes, but it's nice that she got to go and I've been to football matches there before so it was her turn tonight.
They won too 3-2 and Hernandez scored (who she loves, because she thinks he looks like Sokka with a shaved head) and also PARK scored who we are totally biased towards because he is Korean and Big Bang totally support him when he plays internationally. So it was kind of cute that she got to see it.
AND now I'm DYING for a cup of tea, but I have a rant.
....oh nevermind....I'll let this be a positive post. My rant can wait until the perfect day I can rant about it and this gives me a chance to make my cup of tea :D
LOL me and my mum just had this massive argument about how rubbish I am and then we went silent for like five minutes and then started talking as if nothing had happened.
Just another episode of weirdness in my life.
I was walking down to the shops with my sister the yesterday, so I could buy Iron Man 2 (btw the trees look SO GORGEOUS right now!!! All red and gold...You see them and wonder how people cannot believe in God).
Anyway, recently some of my VIP family have managed to meet up with each other and Sarah was saying what she would do if when she would meet them for the first time.
She was like,
And she actually ran down the street with her arms outstretched to show me how she would do it ROFL.
Then I was like,
'I'd like to think I'd do the same but we all know what would happen. I would just stand there all shy and quiet and awkward turning red and then purple (ok maybe not purple)'
She was like,
'Yeah that's so you...but after like 10 minutes you'd get brave and show your true colours.'
Then I said,
'Do you think I'm boring Sarah?'
and she was like,
'NO!!! WTH Minnie!!'
and I said,
'Well I was thinking the other day about how I spazz out, but then I really like to rest and sleep and chill and sometimes I can't even be bothered what if people meet me thinking I'll be spazzy all the time and then get disappointed because I'm all mellow and shizz.'
But this conversation got me thinking.
There are always sides of people that jump out and surprise you, sides that you might never think would be there.
So I guess I'd like people to know that I do have a quiet side to me...and it is actually quite a dominant part of who I am. If you ask anyone who has known me for most of my life to describe me they will say I'm quiet.
It's kind of weird actually...outside the net I'm known for my quietness and inside the net I'm known for my spazzyness.
And I'm not being two faced...because I am a complete spazzer don't get me wrong...I will spazz till the cows come home...I just tend not to express myself like that publicly.
There are about 3 people in the world who I will allow to see me spazz out, one of them is my sister.
In fact, if you want to get a REAL account of how I am, ask her.
I guess it all depends on my moods and on the situation and who I'm with.
I just wanted to write this because recently someone told me they saw a side of someone and it shocked and upset them...because someone who was supposedly nice had been horrible to them.
It's always good to remember every human is like a million personalities in one body...I think that's the beauty of people...they are so complicated and wonderful and really shouldn't be surprised if you learn something new about someone every time you see them. And then you can learn to love every single piece of them.
(btw, I would totally hug my VIP's when I see them...being starved of someones presence for almost two years tends to override my shy mode :D...that is, if they want a hug LOL *sends brain hug*)
Anyway, it is now ten minutes to twelve so I will finish here for tonight.
Thankyou for reading, you are like AMAZING (JUST THE WAY YOUUU AREEEEE) ...oooh cheesy.
Uhhh I had the greatest title for todays blog and I can't even remember what it was T____T....I'm so bad at being imaginative for titles, I just make up random shizz usually.
Love Min
P.S. 95% of a persons beauty is not what they look like, but it's how they are...and also, if someone is truly beautiful on the inside, it really does show in their physical appearance...they are really attractive and you like them and want to be with them.
And visa versa, someone who is physically attractive can be ugly because they are horrible people and they will probably die alone or something.
So if anyone tells someone I love that they are ugly when I know fo sho they are not, It will be a good thing for them that they live oceans away otherwise I would shove a mirror in front of their pathetic faces and show them what ugly really is!
I can handle it when people call me ugly or whatever, but if it happens to my friends or dongsaengs I tend to fly off the handle....I need to calm down.
P.S.S. I wanna read One Piece manga, but I forget the name of the website where the scans are T____T help someone!!!
P.S.S.S. I am always constantly aware that there is at least one person that I love on every continent. It makes me happy.
Thinking of you :)
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