Not been online most of today O: O:
The fact is, mum went out and took the modem with her...I was so irritated at first, but you know me, I just can't be bothered being irritated for long periods of time.
It totally kills my braincells.
Anyway, me and Sarah watched She's on Duty, which is a kind of secret undercover agent action Korean flick....I dig that film so much because it has Gong Yoo in it and he is the Coffee Prince for me...he is a complete darling.
And of course Kin Sun Ah is in it too and she is like AWESOME!
So anyway, I went on the exercise bike while we were watching that and I managed 20 minutes...I'm glad my stamina has built up since last time. I feel good today. I like getting exercise...although it makes me eat like a horse afterwards...or a cow.
There was this bowl of cooked pasta in the fridge with no sauce and I ate the entire thing...I also ate a full yellow bell pepper, and I was planning on chopping that pumpkin in the kitchen up and making a pie out of it, but then I realised we had no eggs left...and you cannot make pumpkin pie without eggs...THATS JUST STUPID!!!
Then me and Sarah cleaned....yeah I know right...weird.
but it felt nice when it was done.
It makes it easier when you have an ipod and speakers in the kitchen...we just jam out while we work.
Kind of like that scene in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, but with Korean pop music and without little animal helpers....unless of course I consider Sarah a little animal helper, but she is bigger than me so I just can't imagine it quite right.
Me and YJ eonnie are talking about One Piece on twitter, she said Sanji is her fave character in it and find it amusing.
YJ eonnie is a great appreciator of food so its the perfect match if she likes Sanji as he is a cook.
I like Luffy the best, but I'm not sure what that makes appreciator of stretchy outlaws? an appreciator of the wonderfully lighthearted unashamedly immature pirate ship captains??
It's a mystery.
Speaking of One Piece, I was watching the T.O.P. Turn it Up MV and there is one part where he totally does a Luffy pose and it turns into a wanted sign.
TOP must be a One Piece fan. I took a screenshot anyway, it's on the PC so I'll post it later.
I was watching it with Sarah and then I suddenly went
Sarah was like,
'Ohhhh yeahhhhh.'
Wow, its almost dark at 5:43 now....huhuhuhuhu
Actually, there are some parts of summer I don't miss and would rather forget about, but overall it was a fairly decent summer...memorable things happened too :)
Its the last day of October tomorrow, November sooon!!! It's hard to believe.
Halloween tomorrow though...this makes me glad I'm not at home. I always ignore the door hahahaha.
I hate halloween, its the most pointless meaningless 'celebration' ever. And the only reason people are so shallow about it is because if they celebrated it like it was originally intended they would have to sacrifice children and rape each other...erm no thankyou.
And as for the little kids dressed up as plastic witches that knock on people's doors and demand treats or else they will do something bad to you...well they are all going to grow up to be bank robbers or something.
Though sometimes I do have fun on year I carefully wrapped pieces of soap in sweet wrappers LOOOOOOOOL....I wonder if they liked their treat.
Another time one of my friends was staying over and when the trick or treaters knocked on the door I said I would just go get my dad. Then my friend got onto his brothers shoulders and wore this long coat and then he went to the door and started yelling at them. That was hilarious.
Just so you know that was a while ago...we were all kids then it was ok to yell at other kids ROFL.
Nowadays I just feel bad cos loads of kids get attacked and stuff on Halloween...there are a lot of perverts out there and their parents don't seem to mind sending them out on their own...I don't get it.
So yeah, I really dislike Halloween and I think it's pointless. ROFL.
So I'm going to get a bit dressed up tonight cos I'm going out for my friends 29th. We are going to Nando's which is like this spicy chicken restaurant that's really popular over here atm. I'm looking forward to it actually. I haven't been out to eat since dad's birthday.
I've had a lush bath and feel so fresh and I used a face mask this afternoon, so my face doesn't feel dry anymore.
Dad came in from work and I turned around to say hello to him and he said,
'What's that on your face, it's not Halloween until tomorrow you know.'
My only problem is my favourite jeans need washing. They are the only ones that fit me now...kind of.
I'm wearing Sarah's atm, but they fall down when I walk. It was a good job I was wearing a long coat when I took Sam out today LOLOL, I kept having to pull the jeans up....but I hate wearing a belt because -
1. I dislike the feel of when there is that extra material scrunched up at the side of my waist looking all lumpy and terrible.
2. Its SO annoying when you need the loo.
I can barely see my keys I should SO turn the light on.....but I'm lazehhhh.
No wait, I better get up, I need to feed Sam and find some clothes to wear anyway...I may have to wear a belt whether I like it or not...HUHUHUHU!
So I just spent some time getting ready and it turns out plans were cancelled D:
I was looking forward to that too *sigh*
Now I'm hungry too...but dad is making dinner...I'm still disappointed about Nando's...I WANNA GO OUT!!!
Ok nevermind...Daddy made a lush dinner and now I have a cuppa iz good! XD
Just before Sarah and I were washing up I related to her a dream I had the night before....the thing is I remember it really clearly which is strange for me.
I usually only remember who was in the most.
SO!! I will relate it here, because you may find it funny :D
------- THE DREAM --------
Well what happened was, an acquaintance of my sisters who was possessed by the devil and he was like looking into peoples eyes and kind of 'spreading the possession' to them and like flames were in his eyes and like blood was coming out of his mouth.
(its quite hilarious actually since this person is a complete snivelling little toad in know, think's he's God's gift to women, but the only girls who like him are those desperate ones who look orange?)
It may sound scary, but it wasn't at was kind of like being in a know in games when you just bump into horrendous demon creatures and it's like a normal everyday thing an you just beat its brains out??? Well it was that kind of thing....
Actually it was kind of like Transverse Town in Kingdom Hearts...there were even Disney characters in my dream.
Anyway, I looked on the sbox, and instead of our usernames we had little avatars of our baby pictures instead, but I got really upset because the baby on my avatar wasn't me, but it was this other ugly baby.
When I got over that, someone on the sbox (can't remember who) was like,
'Minnie, you missed out on all the fun YJ and Jae were having a spam race on Livejournal Via Twitter.'
and I got annoyed because I'd missed it and also because they called him Jae and for some reason in my dream I didn't want anyone else calling him that *cough*
Then the dream sort of swung around to the possessed guy and we were all hiding behind walls and houses in this little town...and there were random battles going on everywhere with all those other possesses people and like everyone was there...all my friends from when I was at school, my VIP family, people from church...and a bunch of Disney characters...and also there were loads of animals, like snakes and I had my dog with me too.
and I was running around looking for a tiny mirror or something and there was this big wide road and I felt really open and vulnerable because there was no shelter and it was really quiet.
You know in a game when there is a big fight going on, but you run out of that area to build up your stamina and you are waiting for the baddy to follow you, but he doesn't and you are just standing in this lonely area while the battle is going on somewhere else and it's kind of scary???
Well it was like that.
So I decided to go back and join together with all my friends and when I got there, suddenly my dad appeared and he had this ball of light in his hands, and he was like
'Use this mermaid power to defeat the enemy.'
and I took it and put it in the tiny mirror (the one I was looking for earlier) and it shone, you know like the magic mirror does in Beauty and the Beast??
And then one of my High School classmates came along and he had the light in his hands too and he was like,
and then we shone the light at the possessed guy and everything went light and then I woke up.
----THE END----
YEP, weird wasn't it??? XDDDD
So my sister asked me if she could check her tumblr on my lappy and she ended up looking at pictures for over and hour lololol
It happens, I almost fell asleep on her shoulder.
Found another one of these on tumblr, the questions look a bit more interesting than usual so here goes ----
Pick a word that starts with the first letter of your first name; Mischievous
Does sex ruin relationship?Sometimes, I suppose, at the right time it's a good thing...but I honestly don't know.
If you needed help at 3am, who would you call?Parents...or I don't depends on the problem.
What was the last thing you said to your mother?WHATTTT????...she called upstairs and I couldn't hear her hahaha...I think she wanted Sarah in the end.
Do you resemble your siblings at all?I have no idea...some people say we are alike...others say they wouldn't even know we were related...
How is everything in your life going?No work yet, which is pooo (but honestly I've been too sick the past few weeks to even try and look properly)
My friends - All far away whether in this country or not...but it's all ok, the love still goes on :D
My Family - at the moment we are all getting along and there have been no arguments today which is WONDERFUL!
My doggy - I LOVE HIM :D :D
Overall - Everything is pretty goood
Is there someone you just can’t imagine your life without?My God, Who is there when everyone else is not and stays even when I don't deserve anything.
Do you currently have a hickey?Noooo XD
What time did you wake up today?Abouuttt 8:40am and I was STILL SO tired when I got out of bed...but I managed to stop myself going back to sleep!! I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED!
Do you have someone that you can tell anything to?I would say Jesus and my sister, but then they probably know/guess even before I have to tell them...which is kind of useful in some respects, but then I should kind of expect it since One of them is my God and the other shares my DNA.
I guess I do tell a lot to my Zaty eonnie though and my triplets are great listeners too and I suppose Jae has been there when I've needed to spill the beans.
but other than those I NEVER tell anyone anything...not even my oldest friends...I know it seems strange, but that's me.
I use this blog to spam out too...I find it helps.
Do you think high school relationships can last?I want to say no, but I've seen it happen so yes it can last haha...
Would you date a 20 year old at your age?If he looked like Key from SHINee I would...LOOOOL...but I dunno...I can't be bothered even thinking about dating at the moment. I'd rather just be friends than date...then after a while of being friends you can figure out whether you like each other or not...calling it dating makes it sound shallow, especially if it is serious and if it isn't serious it just means the two people can violate each other and then say...'ohhhh it didn't work nevermind'...and move on to the next shallow 'relationship.'
If he's 20 and serious about me...I will say no kindly, not because of his age, but because I'm all for someone else...sorry 20 year old, even if you do look like Key.
Are you missing anyone right now?YEP, LIKESOMUCH!....
The person you have the most feelings for calls you right now, what do you do?Say 'hello' and act all cool and 'oh, you called?' ish. but actually I'd be spazzing out and would probably say overly weird things because I'm sleepy...and then we would have a weird conversation and he would say 'oh really?' like a million times and then I would go to sleep in a VERY content mood...and I'd probably smile for like a week.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now?Hell yeah!! I look good right now. I'm all ready to go out to a cancelled dinner haha.
Are you easy to get along with?I think so, I have to force myself though because I'm naturally shy...but I think people who know me well feel comfortable in my company. cus I'm chill bro! XD
How did you get your last bruise?Sarah elbowed me in the right arm because apparently I made fun of her...I shoed it her yesterday and she pressed it. Isn't she a darling?
Do you have a best friend?
Yes, more than one.
Do you judge people?Yeah I do. But I try not to until I know the well enough to make an accurate judgement...there is always a reason why people are the way they are. And even after I have figured them out...I still try and be nice to them...whatever they are like.
Why did you last cry?Watching Lord of the Rings today LOOOOOOOOL
Who is your last text from?Someone from church.
Do people often judge you?YEP! Often they are wrong...its very rare they are right....and if they are right, I probably tell the they are wrong hahahaha
Have you ever had a sleepover with the last person you kissed?Heck no
Who was the last person you laid next to?Sister?
Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette?Yep, I will never smoke. I can say that with confidence.
Is there a specific reason you’re not dating the last person you texted?Yeah! She's a woman!
Who was the last person you hugged?My dog LOL...and yes, I view him as a person.
Do you believe everything you hear?Yes and No....I'm a kind of innocent until proven guilty kind of person...but I'm not an idiot...I don't give out opinions on something till I'm sure it's true or whatever...
hen is the next time you are going to drink alcohol?Never...why would I drink a chemical that is used to kill bacteria and light fires? I'll stick with tea.
Do you hate people?No
Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you?My sister.
Have you ever shared a blanket with someone?Yeah I have.
Are you in a good mood?Sleepy, but yes, the mood is good.
Did you speak to your father today?Yeah...he prodded me in the side and said I needed to put on weight and said,
'All you have to do is go on the same diet your mum is on and you'll gain weight.'
I'm glad mum didn't hear that.
Do you believe everything happens for a reason?Yes, but that doesn't mean the reason is always a good one...and I think the things that happen depend on the choices we make.
Would you change your name?Maybe my last name :)
You’re single, why?Because this is not the time to be un-single...and I'm single, but that doesn't mean I'm available :D geddit?
In the last 6 months can you say you cared about someone?Without a doubt I can,
Your phone is ringing. It’s your ex. What would you say?'Hey, you don't exist.'
Do you like to cuddle?YEZZZZZ SO MUCH.
Last night, you felt?Most probably...sleepy
Will you regret your next kiss?I hope I wont.
Ever had a guy best friend?No...most of my friends are girls. I have very few guy friends. The one's I do have however, I love very much :) They are exceptional.
How is your last ex doing?I don't have one :) and I'm glad
Who was the last person to call you a bitch?I dunno...I don't think that word describes me very well haha.
Would you kiss the last person of the opposite sex you texted?I'm presuming you mean the person other than my dad?.... :D secret.
Have you ever eaten a bug?Yes...not on purpose though.
Are you on any type of drugs?LOVE and CAFFEINE INNIT!
Do you even believe in love?I sure do :)
Have you finished school yet?YES!! A LOOOONG TIME AGO.
What’s your father’s middle name?Vaughan .... yes, I know :/
Are you going to bed after this?Absolutely 100% YES! and its daylight savings tonight, so I get an hour extra in bed :D
Where do you live?On a little island surrounded by the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
Congratulations , you’re pregnant! What do you say?I will call him Squishy and he shall be
my Squishy.
It's can get pregnant just by looking at G Dragon.
That's all folks ~
Love From Minnie