(I wish)
HEY everyone!!!
Not posted for a few days... I am sowwwy :(
I haven't even been busy either. I've just started like three blogs and then kept getting caught up with talking on msn and leaving them.
And after that I'm too tired to even think of what to write.
So I decided rather than you having to read some half-arsed tired blog you wouldn't have to read any until I have had an interesting enough day.
You have to get a feel for these things you know *feeeeelss*
Today I DJ'd again on the REAL radio for BBVIP!!! :)
I very enjoyed myself actually, it's nice to freak out over the radio because it's your job haha.
It was my first time doing it as an official thing...last times were just practice and for the initial one where the founders decided if I was a good DJ or not.
But they seemed to like how I ran the radio so I got the job :D woohoooo
Sometimes a British accent is EXTREMELY useful muahahahahhaha.
Doing the radio is so refreshing though. I can pretty much let everything out like its a blog and dump my verbal crap on my listeners (who are extremely sweet and generous).
I was SOSOSOSO depressed this morning, it was the perfect outlet.
(when sarah reads this she will say to me
'minnie you are ruining my image'
cos she hates when I get depressed over what she thinks is nothing :P)
I over think like a crazy person these days. I try to force myself not to, but that would just mean I couldn't think at all and I kind of need to think to like -
I've been on my own all day because mum and Sarah are staying overnight at some place and my dad is out walking somewhere after work.
Its kind of peaceful except for the fact I'm skyping with my sister and we aren't actually talking.
all I can hear is her typing...but it makes things less lonely I guess.
Earlier I was talking to Mico on skype it was FUN!!! We haven't skyped in ages. I hope one day we can have one of those big group skype convo's like we used to do.
Just with the family though, first generation.
To be honest, Skyping isn't even enough. You just want to be all together.
But Im repeating myself over and over in every blog. ROFL
I need a Job -.-
If I have to get a job in retail to start me off, I want it to either be in a book shopm like waterstones or Borders so I can get discount and have coffee whenever the hell I like OR in one of my favourite clothes stores - not TOPSHOP though because all though I like shopping there, I've seen the noobs that work in the Leeds stores and MEH!!!
OR an arts and crafts store...so I could get discount again...I can maybe get some of those coloured pencils for YJ eonnie :D
Anyway all I'm saying is, if I have to work in a store, it will have to be one that I would be seen in. Not a crappy one that I wouldn't be caught dead in.
I at least need to save some of my pride.
And then I need to save MONEH!
Ive already started filling my money box again, since last week I probably saved around 10 pounds already, so if I save ten pounds for ten weeks.
BOOYAH!! 100 quid :D
And of course Every little helps :)
Am I boring you with money?
I wonder, do I have anything to rant about???? Make this post a little more emotion fuelled.
Well of course I do, I always have something to rant about.
For example -
I hate to goodness when people presume about me. Or they act like they know me.
'Oh Minnie, you are this sort of person so you wont understand how to have fun like I do or blah blah blah.'
No actually, I know exactly what kind of 'fun' you have and I purposefully keep the hell away from it.
I hate the hell out of your noob version of fun.
I also hate how people think I am sheltered by my parents all the time.
No - My parents actually have never given me rules - I don't have a curfew - I have freedom to go out whatever time I like - I can travel anywhere I wish.
I just choose not to because -
1. I'm a lazy ass
2. No one I care enough to go out with actually lives in this country and if they do, they live in Manchester and have their own lives.
3. I'm a chilled sort of person, I like peace.
4. I don't have money...not much anyway
So just because I dont do what other people do all the time doesn't mean I don't know what it's like. SO SHUTUP!!!
And also YEP I am innocent, what exactly is wrong with that.... better than being a man crazy whorefaced bitch...which is very hard not to be in my country.
I'm sure my future boyfriend would appreciate that too.
So yes, I have my own mind, I make my own mind.
Granted, I do act silly and nubile at times, but that's basically because I'm shy and that's how I combat my nerves. I'm not an idiot.
I will never contradict myself. I know what I like and I know what I don't like.
I also know when I am wrong...and I know I am sometimes even If I don't like it.
even though I'm lazy, If I have work I work hard at it.
and its the same with play
If there is some fun happening and I am a part of it, I will play hard.
If I tell you things in private, it means you have my trust, which also means I care about you an awful lot - don't abuse my trust. It hurts me, a lot.
I hate betrayal. I think its wicked. Because I know how it feels.
I try and make my feelings clear because I hate when other people aren't clear about theirs.
What? I'm easily confused...I feel crap lots of times because of this.
I think I must be hard to love, I wish I knew why....
So now... are there enough emotions in this blog?
I'm a red head - quiet and collected on the outside and an emotional raging passionate person on the inside.
Please get your facts right about me before you just jump to conclusions.
We all know the outer appearance is just for show. :)
I hope dad brings home curry for dinner tonight, that would make me happy.
Oh the fragrant spices...
I think Aimee Lucas is LUSH...she is gorgeous too, when will she and Shaun get married though!!!
Their babies would be AWESOME dancers haha, such a cool couple *sigh*
All are from tumblr :D
I dunno where they are from or whose they are, they are not mine, but they are pretty and I'm spreading the appreciation :)

It would be nice.
There is the luckiest person in the world
We all deserve to be treated well by each other...we have to remember it, I have to remember it.
These two make me immensely happy...him and her and the rest of the world :)
Which is a terribly comforting thing to know, being a compulsive failure recently.

Oh for sweet relief...
Or singing...
Good Evening/Night/Morning
Love from Minnie
Some people should know what is good for them *whistles*
I'm trying not to be jealous...I've just seen how ugly it looks...and really, do I need to be?
I should be happy with what I have been given...because I will still love it
I have eyebags and an empty stomach and a somewhat heavy heart - but I'm listening to the guitar instrumental of the 'I think I' song from the Full House OST
and its beautiful :)
Please be happy tonight
imysm ....
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