My mind is so awake and I'm just sat on my bed looking at my messy room and thinking.
'I should get up off my butt, I should get up off my butt, I should get up off my butt.'The thing is though...all this thinking just isn't working, cos there is minimal movement haha.
And my right calve itches like craziness, and by calf I mean my triceps surae muscle, not an infant bovine.
AHAHA look at me all awesome with my mad scientific terminology skillz!!!
So the thing is, there are three things I want/have to do today.
NUMBER ONE - clean the hoover filter and then hoover the entire house (again) even though I did it yesterday because mum said it didn't pick up the dirt because the filter is too clogged (she is probably right, but I feel so 'DO NOT CARE' right now and I know its bad of me because my dogs hairs look nasteh on my mum and dad's carpet, but I am so selfish *feels bad*)
NUMBER TWO - Finish my drawing of myself...I thought I had lost it earlier and was freaking out saying,
'ITS NOT SITTING ON THE PILE OF CLOTHES I LEFT IT ON.'but then I remembered I'd decided to scan it earlier this morning and it is most probably still face down in the scanner feeling all sorry for itself because it was forgotten
wait, pictures don't think do they.
I wish they did, wouldn't it be nice to be able to just jump into a picture?
It's a weird baby dream, but MEHEH!
NUMBER THREE - I want to go to Rothwell and check my bank account to see if my job seekers allowance has arrived yet. I hope it has because its been over a month now and I could use a bit of cash and it should be there because I didn't go through that mind numbing process FOR NOTHING.
IF it is there I want to take 2/3 of it and shove it into Sarah's savings account, because it will be safe there and wont be spent of big bang merchandise which I will be so tempted to buy.
I also want to buy ingredients so I can bake a lovely and delicious cake.
I don't know what occasion the cake will be for...but it will definitely be a special occasion.
maybe it will be 'The Enlightenment of Minnie' Cake or the 'This Was a Wonderful Day' Cake or the 'Minnie was less of a Noob Today' cake or the 'YAY Someone Went Out of Their Way to be Nice to Me Today' Cake.
but I guess I will just cross that road when I come to it...finding a reason for a cake is hard! :D
I just saw a quote that is sad but true
'Unable to love each other,
the English turn naturally to dogs.'
- J.R. Ackerley
...I know it's true because I'm guilty XD....oh dear.
Anyway, I better get started on completing the goals I have set for myself today...and I really want to do number three first but actually number one is the task I SHOULD do first...*not impressed face*
Yeah, that was just a damp squib...I'm so irritated now.
So I took the filter from the hoover and emptied all the dust and crap that was inside of it and then...I just COULD NOT put the lid back on just wont go back on at all, which means I can't fit it back into the hoover, which means I can't hoover, which means mum will be annoyed at me...but I really CANT fit it back on.
You know when something doesn't go smoothly and you get all hot and asjdfhaskjf and have to go lie down and chill for a bit before you explode.
It was one of those moments.
Its a killer - the day I actually do try to make an effort...and it still ends up looking like I didn't try at all.
That's how mum will see it anyway....*sigh*
Maybe the cake should be a 'Sorry Mummy for being Rubbish at Everything' cake....EISH!
I went and checked my account and the moths flew out of it =.=''
NOTHING --- complete and utter emptiness...well there was £5, but that doesn't count, because you can't withdraw less than £10.
Look, this was my first tweet this morning -
And this is my most recent tweet -
Can you see the change in attitude?
So out of my three tasks of the day, I only completed one - which was the one to finish my self portrait.
And the more I look at the finished product, the more I find fault in it, which is sad.
Ah what a day!
BUT! I will not be got down! NEVER!
I found something interesting today.
Blogger has got a new stats thingy so I can check my visitor flow a lot more efficiently...unless its not new at all and I've just never found it until now...
Which is a very possible theory, knowing how very nubcak I am.
It's scary actually, looking at these stats, you realize just how many people are reading your rubbish...I hope to goodness your brains aren't turning into mushy goo.
Its also quite surprising where most of the traffic comes from too - not what I would expect at all MUAHAHAH.
I feel kind of powerful, seeing all this data in front of me.
I feel like a god on mount olympus...
(I happen to be Artemis by the way!!! She's an awesome goddess who sets her dogs on men who try and seduce her and her companions)
Anyway, this is my finished self portrait -

I still feel as if I could have made it better (the right eye is SOOO dodgy) - but I have learned some things from drawing it, so I'm glad of that at least.
You know what I love about families?
The fact that you can do something totally abnormal and they wont even blink an eyelid.
For example, yesterday, I was happily sat on my bed drawing, when suddenly a wasp flew right into my face.
It was so close I actually thought it was caught in between my glasses and my face.
Now usually, if I came into close contact with a wasp I would calmly catch it and set it free, but on this occasion, it was WAY too close for comfort.
My reaction was to scream my gut out and to the untrained ear, I suspect I sounded a little like a cat being strangled.
For my family members however it must have sounded something like this -
*soft voice*
'Oh no, don't worry about me, I'm completely fine.'because not one person even shouted upstairs to see what was wrong.
I have no idea where the wasp went after that, the poor thing...trapped in this madhouse.
Remember how I said in an earlier post that I'd put some of my old uni textbooks up on Amazon to sell?
Well this evening one of them was purchased!
This makes me very happy...AT LAST SOME MONEY!
It was my Zoo Management one - goodbye giraffe face! I'm grateful towards you because at least I actually passed that exam.
My mum is asking me for help with computery stuff!!
I'm the wrongest person she could ever ask...I'm TERRIBLE at anything IT.
It takes me ages to teach myself anything and even longer for other people to teach me things.
I'm just happy to know the very basic things (even though it would be nice to learn to PS).
Also, I googled 'nubcak' today, just because I was bored...and it had some very interesting results.
I'm just glad everyone I know doesn't know about this other name that I have.
but anyway, I have a habit of writing very large and ridiculous comments on bbvip topics and I discovered that this girl had copied and pasted my comments onto her blog because it somehow helped describe the feeling you get from looking at a certain picture of GD.
I mean I don't mind, but she didn't need to excuse my spelling for me XD
You expect spazz to be full and unadulterated grammar from heaven??? PSHT!
I find it hilarious how my nubcak-ness is strewn all over the internet's like the secret code that binds cyberspace together.
Oh the mystery that is nubcak....all it is really is a glorified purposeful typo that I've formed an overwhelming attachment to.
aaaand I've just realized that a lot of the people reading this are just going to have no idea what I'm talking about.
My sincerest of apologies.
Sometimes I tend to just get carried away with myself..I do try to make sense honest!
Anyway, I'm going to finish for today, before today is actually finished.
(which it will be in 8 minutes)
Good Night Lovely Ones!
Love From Minnie
P.S. Thanks for watching this space :D
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