'I won't hesitate no more, no more. It cannot wait I'm yours':)
I like the 'dodododododo' bit in the middle of the song It maketh me smileth freakineth loads :D
Here's a good Quote for a deep thinker -
What can you ever really know of other people's souls? In the whole of creation only one soul's fate is placed in your hands.
C.S. Lewis
I like that quote, it tells me - It's OK not to be able to understand someone, because only they can truly know themselves...just like only you truly know who you are.
And it also suggests that you shouldn't judge other people either...which I need reminding of sometimes...I can get a little - snobby - at times.
Shhh, don't tell anyone heehee
Note - I just got butterflies in my tummy haha
damn those hopeful butterflies haha :(
In other news -
I slept with TOP because he asked me too
What did you do? :P

Sarah told me mine makes me sound like a needy whore who lets men boss her about.
She is a delightful child.
Im REEEALLY craving Avatar, I'm finding it had to find something to fill its gap. I know. I need to grow up...but no thanks.
All grown up people do is complain about being old.
I can still be an adult and enjoy innocent things. Don't like it? Why, Jealous? :D
Who made the rules to being 'grown up' anyway?
I make my own rules -
1. I take care of my responsibilities
2. I cater to those who need me
3. I have fun with what I've got
4. Good Memories aren't just for childhood
They are simple rules, but I manage
ooo, butterflies again dslfhsdjfbskjdfbsdkjfs
I like this song, It made me emotional lolol.
Sarah was laughing at me because I was just sat on my bed listening to songs that would upset me.
I look somewhat like a zombie at the moment. I'm paying for all these late nights AND there is no real milk in the house so I can't drink tea.
I'm kind of having a breakdown because of lack of caffeine. It just shows how much I rely on it for energy.
I'm desperate for a night out. I can't remember the last time I went our with people my own age for a movie or a meal or whatever...actually, I'm guessing I was about 18 the last time :S
I mean, it's fun going to town with Sarah during the day, but there is something awesome about town at night when its all lit up and the temperature is just right and the air is really fresh.
You know those times when the streets are nearly empty and you can run around laughing. I miss that.
Don't you just hate it when people tell you to do something, just at the exact moment you have settled down and gotten comfy?
My mum is pro at doing that...like now -.- sdyigahjsfgusjkfbnasofhlzj,fzxhvlx,cv
Sam is also going crazy because kids are screaming on the back street. He doesn't realize they are just playing haha poor Sammy.
I was writing a list earlier of all the things I'd learned during the last 12 months and this is what I came up with so far -
1. I am not the ice princess I thought I was.
2. I used to think I was intelligent, but now I feel like an idiot
3. This year I discovered butterflies live in my stomach and they keep waking up and
fluttering around at certain times when I dont expect it.
4. I have an unlimited supply of tears - so it seems.
5. Those times before were not love
6. That I can do anything, but I have to work at it.
7. I am more stubborn than I ever imagined.
8. Discovered what missing someone really means
9. Realized that people nowadays are obsessed with outer appearances so much it
takes over - I thought it was a myth, but its true.
10. Found it hilarious how some people I've known all my life still think I am the
'quiet one' and yet I'm perfectly comfortable being myself with people I haven't
even met.
11. My caffeine tolerance has found new heights
12. Ive never loved one person so much in my entire life.
13. Some things can't be put into words...actually, a lot of thinsg.
14. I love to give things to people more than I like buying things for myself
15. Something can hurt like its the end of the world, but then you discover there's
always something that can hurt worse.
16. I can sit on my butt for hours and not feel bad about it
17. Just talking online isn't enough anymore
18. My patience seems unlimited
19. I have a lot more to lose now.
20. All those times when I though I was now mature were moments of delusion
21. Beauty is unconcious of itself (I saw that in a Taeyang documentary and was like
OH THATS TRUE - even though, surely Bae knows how beautiful he is? lolol)
22. I am a hardore fangirl...actually, I knew that before this year, but its been
proven FO SHO this year haha.
23. I am a crap student.
24. I've rediscovered my passion (s)
25. Cartoons are not just for kids :)
26. Wondering how its possible to feel full and empty at the same time.
27. Wanting to do more, but not having the means to do it sucks
28. Trying to find the means to do things, but not finding anything SUCKS
29. Sometimes, when people keeps things from you it's because they are protecting you
from being hurt
30. but Knowing that being hurt is better than having false hope
31. Hurting, but hoping anyway :)
32. I don't just like music, I LOVE music.
33. I will never like slugs -.- they ruin the garden experience!!
And that's all I have so far...but there are still 5 more months of the year left. goodness knows what scary things are ahead of me. I need to lose just a tiny bit more weight, I want to get in the 7 stone bracket, just so I can say I'm there.
The only problem with losing weight is that your trousers fall down all the time. So there was never any point of buying those expensive jeans because they down even fit round your waist anyway.
And proper belts don't have enough holes so you have to get those one that tighten like a noose around your tummy and its just not comfortable at all....
I cant find my favourite jeans. I'm distressed. What will I wear tomorrow!!!
I cant find the Job Centre on google maps!!! It just looks like a housing estate to me!!!
Why can't it be in freaking town???!!!!
Why don't I have a car? *sigh* If I did I could drive out tonight and search for it.
Oh well, I will worry about that later. Now I'm going to watch the Princess and the Frog with Sarah again :D
Its been a boring day you know XD
Love From Minnie
P.S. Want to hug!!!!!
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