Thinking of You - Katy Perry
(I'm listened to Katy Perry and I liked it...damn)
but really, T__T.
Anyway (which is apparently my favourite word - I must like changes of subject),
I have decided to make this blog post a little may be slightly terrifying.
It reveals the deception of makeup for example :S
And I just would like to show a little bit more of my life...what makes me tick that kind of shizzle...something a bit better than answering boring surveys...though, maybe a bit messier
But anyway (OMG I SAID IT AGAIN!!!),
I woke up at 7:45 today - which I'm happy about. It the first time this week that I've woken up before took till Friday for my sleep pattern to become normal....OMO!
I would sort out my irregular sleeping habits but....I don't want to really.
When I woke up it was raining...
Yes, I know I have a dirty window...when I clean my room I ALWAYS forget the window.
I love my windows, because when it rains the sound is like when you are in a tent...and I LOVE being in a tent when it rains. It's the most snuggly feeling ever!!!
I thought it would be cold but when I took Sam out it was actually really warm because half the sky was black clouds and the other half was sunny....there was a rainbow too.
COMPLETELY LUSHNESS - buuuut I forgot to bring my camera, so that picture is just for my memory haha.
For the Past few days I've been having a make up fast because I don't want my skin to rot.
However, I thought I would do a before and after for my blog.
Me when I just got home from walking Sam -
*Rained on with lack of sleep* jk, I always look a zombie :D
Ready for some face Painting?
Thats right, cover your eyebags with glasses.
Nope, it hasn't helped - I still look a mess OMO!! *EYES* = *scared*
'I'm not wasting time doing this crap anymore' :P
(OHHH my clothes hanging over the banisters hahaha)
Yes, I am a mess, but! I am a happy mess today :D
This picture was taken at 10am -
I have some pictures of when me and my family went for a walk last weekend.
The Place is called Ilkley and its build on a moor...some of the most beautiful English scenery can be seen here...and I'm proud to say its less than 40 mins drive from my fact, its some of the most beautiful scenery in Britain :D.
And I'm sharing it with the world now :)
Aren't I just the best?!! .... no, I know, NVM!!!
'And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green
And was the holy lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen'
'And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark Satanic mills'
'Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold
Bring me my chariot of fire'
'I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
'Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land
'Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land'
And those were just a few lovely pictures of my 'green and pleasant land'
with the lyrics from the hymn 'Jerusalem' which pretty much is saying, if there was no evil in this country it basically would be heaven. LOOOL
What?? It's an English anthem..we are proud XD
This is what I am doing right now
^_^ Ohhhh that big space annoys me!!! I should edit my screencaps better :D Do you mind the big space???? Did you even notice it until I mentioned it?? Do you even care??....I thought not :P
Some things about me -
I write quotes that I like on pieces of paper, which sometimes get scattered all over the house -
Mum usually throws them in the bin and I have to save them haha
I write a letter to myself and then leave it for two years before I open it, because I like to see how much I've changed. -
No one sends letters any more, so I have to write them to myself haha
I drink a LOT of tea (tea update ^_^) -
I've always written crap in diaries too :D -
I own craploads of books -
There are some missing, but you get my drift ~
This is my most precious possession -
Hullo thur :)
Here is a funny thing -
Two nights ago I dreamed someone was VERY mean to me (they put a huge slug on my hand) - on that same night my sister dreamed that she killed that person and two members of their family.
No one messes with me and gets away with it hahaha, not even in dreamland.
Though I do worry about Sarah's mind sometimes :D
Oh, its raining again - I wanted to take Sam out too...I shall have to wait until it stops.
SO enough of the pictures for now!!!
Today I have been completely and utterly without anything to do.
Sarah told me to go get a job as an English speaking nannie in the Black Forest and sent me a link of that exact job advertisement....
I was like
I aint working in Germany...
However, if there is anything going further east, I would consider it very seriously...haha
and why not?
My dream was always to work abroad's sort of being pushed to the side by the need of money though...
My poor dream.
but, I guess dreams only come true at the exact moment they are supposed to.
I just have to wait patiently and work for my hearts desire.
Happiness is always there if people are willing to reach for it.
Oh there are so many things I want!
I get so depressed about how everything seems so far away (literally too)...
The other day I got my full grades in the post from all three years at uni and it was kind of depressing, because the subject I worked my butt off for the most was still just a B (I knowI should be happy with that grade but I'm not, lol).
I was like,
My dad was like,
'Minnie what are you talking about?'
I said,
'I worked so hard on Parasitology and all I have is a stinking 'B' to show for it.'
Daddy was like,
'How does that make you second rate?'
I said,
'Because even in my best subject I didn't get top marks.'
he was like,
'Then it's not your best subject...your best subject is what you excel in the, other than being a silly girl what are you best at?'
'I'm not silly, you're silly!!! I'm best at failing!!!'
he said,
'No - I would say you were best at art. Aren't you?'
I reply,
Then he said,
'Well just because you are not as good at one thing doesn't mean you are second rate...It's what you are best at that matters. And you are TOP class at your best Minnie.'
Isn't that nice?
I think everyone should be told they are great at something.
In fact -
Readers - You are fantastic at putting up with my shizzle :D
Friends - You are the best at making me happy when I'm sad. And making me happier when I'm already happy
Family - You are the best at telling me when I am a noob...even if I don't accept it graciously.
YOU ARE ALL JUST THE BEST!!! So good that I can't possibly live without you (apart from maybe some of the readers who I may not know and in that case - HELLO!! :D)
I was stalking tumblr today :D
This was just one of those things that you read and say,
'OMG that like ME!!!'
and then you show Sarah and she's like,
'Yup, thats you.'

Then this one just made me LOL -

And this one made me nod in agreement -

I wasted tons of time on tumblr today, its DEVASTATING!
The person you think about when you wake up is either the person who makes you the happiest or the person who gives you the most pain...
If you think about yourself you are in trouble haha.
I'm going to try and remember who I think about first when I wake up in the morning.
It might be a REVELATION...
I'll let you know if I remember....actually it depends who I think of :D
I just ate this
I feel like such a cannibal.
What an uneventful day for me...and I am worried too :(
Silence is deadly.
I will sign off on a positive note though!!!
I should go bath my dog now, he stinks.
I love you SOOOO MUCH dsakdhkjsagfsaugfjkasfbasfba!!!!
Words cannot describe how much :)
Love From Min
P.S. List of things I feel like -
Watching The Notebook because I LOVE IT!!! SOSOSOSO MUCH.
Reading Twilight because my kind Mico gave me the e-book
Eating curry
Hugging Tightly
Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter or Mars.
In other words - Hold My Hand
In other words - Darling, kiss me
Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more. You are all I long for - all I worship and adore.
In other words - please be true
In other words - I love you
Be ok now...
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