I have the lurgie ... the evil sickness...its like -
No energy
Sore throat - but the dry kind that prickles so much that your eyes water and when you try and cough nothing happens.
Blocked nose
My face makes it look like I've had a head transplant with Medusa - attack of the eyebags as well as a visit from the ZIT fairy makes me want to stay indoors with my head in a bag.
The only thing worse than feeling ill, is feeling ugly and ill at the same time.
So I just gave myself a full facial ROFL...my face feels better about itself now.
Why do I always sneeze JUST as I'm about to take a sip of tea? Its spills EVERYWHERE!
My bedside cabinet has tea stains all over it - icky and sticky
and I'm REALLY CRAVING jaffa cakes.
Oh someone give me one of those melt-in-the mouth chocolaty spongy orange-y treats so I can delight in the yummy goodness of it all.

T_T Oh that I were that plate that I might touch that jaffa! (see how I totally stole and transformed Shakespeare's line then? omo!)
The discomfort that this cold/virus thingy is giving me seems to be magnified with every passing hour...later I will be laid out on my bed like a dead fish in an icebox.
Dad has a bad ankle, he is a delivery man so therefore he can't drive, cos its his clutch foot and we use the clutch a lot in this country - you know, manual gears and stuff....
Unfortunatley dad likes to make us do stuff when he is off sick - this morning was no different.
'Michelle go get my prescription from the doctors before 12pm'
'Michelle get some toilet roll and bread from the shop...and something for dinner too.'
'Michelle get some dog food.'
'Michelle hoover the front room and the stairs.'
I complained a little saying that I was ugly and couldn't be seen outside,
he said,
'Minnie, spots don't make you ugly - ugliness makes you ugly.'
btw - English people call zits and pimples and etc. 'spots' in case you didn't know...I thought everyone called them spots until recently :S
So I went out anyway to get his meds and the other stuff (but I got milk instead of bread, because today Im completely out of it)
Then later I'm hoovering and I look like the living dead and dad comes in and says,
'Whats up Min? Are you upset about something?'
I felt like shouting
but I didn't, because I wasn't mad at him...I was way too zombie to have any feelings at all.
'I feel ill dad. You know...like I've been saying since yesterday???'
He just looked at me and walked out of the room - like it was impossible for me to be ill or something and I was just lying to him.
But dad is like that,
once I was vomiting into the toilet in the middle of the night and he came into the bathroom and said,
'Are you going to use this as an excuse not to go to uni tomorrow?'
But I don't get irritated by these things, they actually amuse me.
It just shows you how a lot of the times the people who you can't live with are the people you can't live without.
Mum on the other hand.....ROFL...no no I do love her....she is just nagging at me to text someone about a job and I just want to crawl under my covers and close my ears.
I did it anyway...lets hope the nagging ceases now XD
Tuesday night I stayed over at Dora and Dominics house so I could babysit Judah the next day.
I could hardly sleep at all my throat was on fire the whole night and then when I finally dozed off, Judah started crying and woke me up again LOL
It was really unfortunate because the bed was so freaking comfy.
Usually I can sleep anywhere...its like one of my gifts.
I've slept under a table in a restaurant before (granted, I was about 4 at the time, but still...)
Anyway, I finally fell asleep only to be woken up by Dominic knocking on the door and asking if he can come in to get his USB pen from the PC.
I just mumble something like,
'Yeh sure.'
and sit up looking like a blind rat faced camel.
he just nodded at me and said,
'You alright?'
before going out.
'sure...IM JUST GREAT.'
The rest of the day I spent playing with Judah, and watching those MIND NUMBING kids programs like Into the Night Garden where the characters are called names like, iggle piggle and makka pakka.
I'm telling you now!! That show is PERVERSE LOL.
Then when I put Judah down to sleep I watched Never Been Kissed while eating baked beans.
Never Been Kissed is such a sweet movie...
Brings back memories. :D
I am very looking forward to that drama.
I REEEALLLY like the Taiwan version, So when I heard there would be a Korean remake I spazzed out with YJ eonnie (who is also a massive ISWAK fan.
AND it has eye candy TT___TT
Oh the good things in life!!
Kim Hyun Joong's hair in the photoshoots looks like Yamapi's used to be in Kurosagi days.
I want to feeel it.
One thing though - I hope the kissing isn't stiff like in BOF. There are not many things worse than having to watch two people kissing as if they were rubbing two bricks together.
I dunno what the hell they were doing in BOF, because we all know that Lee Min Ho can do better than that...its proven in Personal Taste.
Lets hope Hyun Joongie pulls out all the stops :D After all, the drama is called 'Playful Kiss' not 'Brick Kiss.'
I've not had a reply about that job... looks like I will have to do more searching :(
I was so positive about that one too...ah well, some things work out and some things don't.
There is a reason for everything.
England won the friendly against Hungary last night.
It was actually a pretty good game considering that most of this country is filled with shame and disappointment towards our national team because of their POOR display at the World Cup.
I'm just shocked that they are still the 7th best team on the planet.
But anyway, Steven Gerrard got two amazing goals...it was very impressive (even if he does play for Liverpool D:)
Hungary got one goal too, but it didn't go fully over the line, because it was knocked out by an England player (forgot who).
It was given though because the linesman said it was in. Though later the computer images proved otherwise.
Daddy said the linesman said it was a goal because he was French and didn't want England to win.
All the way through the match mummy was going on about how they needed Eric Cantona playing for them.
We were like,
'Mum, Cantona can't play for England because he's French and retired.'
She was like,
'I know that, but they need to play like he did.'
Gerrard must have taken her advice because he scored the goals soon afterwards.
Shame he couldn't have made it a hat trick though.
At least England have lifted some of the shame...slightly.
I'm hungry...I wonder when dinner will be ready.
Mum is cooking some lamb shizz (dunno the name)
Imma go now innit :D
See you later gorgeousses
Love Minnie
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