British people are kind of noob when it comes to freak weather changes, so the roads were not prepared for this scale of icyness.
Apparently my mother lost control of the car about 5 times on her way home from work because the brakes were useless on the icy surface...she had to coast through junctions and down hills....its so dangerous...but then the fact that nothing horrible happens makes it kind of bad ass.
My mum came in with her snowy feet and said,
'Ch'yeah I coasted home on the icy roads like a boss!!'
she didn't really say that...I just lied...its just that scenario played through my head and I just typed it out like I had no control over my fingers.
Usually I filter my thoughts so they will be appropriate to be seen by the public eye....but sometimes the filter breaks or I forget to put it to good use.
I'm one of those people - who look nonchalant but have about 50 million things going on upstairs.
For example -
*heavenly guy walks past*
On the outside - u_u
On the inside - OH FREAKING HELL!!! HAVE MERCY!!!! *gives two minutes and then follows in hot pursuit*
Ohhh that reminds me of one time when the Commonwealth Games were hosted in Manchester, our church hosted an event where the cycling was being held and me and my best friend stalked this one guy for the entire day...we were like NINJA's...but the awkward teenage kind.
Awww those were the good old days. I must have been about 14 or 15 then...I dunno, I can't even remember that far back.
Anyway, you may or may not be able to tell, but I am in a MUCH better mood today. I have no idea why. Nothing really has changed...but maybe I I said earlier, I find it hard to bear a grudge.
If I held all the preliminary anger that bubbles up at first I would definitely be a murderer by now...or a serial killer....or an assassin.
As for my destroyed picture...I think I'm just about over it...maybe this is just a chance for me to start something even better...I should make that possible.
And the person who did it found me at 1am this morning and said sorry and hugged me and said they loved me and I believed them...and that is better than a picture.
The past is the past...
Moving On...
Sarah and I started watching a new Korean Drama...its called Secret Garden.

I have to recommend it right now, because it's so darn funny.
I was laughing my socks off through the entire first two episodes.
The characters are great and original...
Also, Hyun Bin plays the main male role and he was my first Korean guy ever...I see him as a kind of immortal being.
I'd say he was in my top ten, but deep inside I know he is above that...he is in the celestial realm.
Do I need to continue? I should think you understand by now that Hyun Bin simply amazes me.
Did I mention he has the most adorable dimples???? EEEEEK!
And the main girl, well I've seen her in other stuff and REEEAAALLY liked her in it, she's one of my favourite Korean actresses and she has this amazing body that I would kill for....I wouldn't actually kill for it.
but you know she inspires me to work out more.
In the drama she plays a stuntwoman so she's well hot innit.
I feel kind of bad that I've forgot her real name, because I really do admire her - imma google it .....dundundundundunnnn....
but yes, SECRET GARDEN!!! Watch it!!! Its SO DARN GOOD! I've come to that conclusion and I've not even finished the 2nd epi yet....believe me...its much better than all the other big drama's airing now.
The other day my sister asked the deepest question ever,
'What is fandom?'
It kind of took me by surprise...I'm still in shock.
I've discovered that I must wear my heart on my sleeve a lot more than I thought I did....or maybe I'm just more comfortable around certain people so I let it slip.
I guess its a sort of form of, let the happiness show and leave the sadness locked away or something...but then, I tend to rant about the sadness too.
Ughhh I should focus less on myself and more on other people....other people are amusing and I'm just annoying.
Self absorbed people bug me...I guess that's why I don't rate myself very highly...I'm the most self absorbed person I know....well, almost.
and its almost 12:30 so I'm going to sleep...otherwise I'm going to end up ranting about how Im alreasy missing some things and it will totally bring down the positive vibe that has been holding me together today...IM SO IRRITATED THAT IM FEELING THIS MISSINGNESS!...its wounding my pride. I used to be stronger than this darnit!
Hurrrmmmmmm *sigh*
Love From Minnie
Did your sister wreck your drawing
ReplyDeleteNope, she would never haha