Sometimes I want to know whether I have spoken about anything and I don't know if I have because I never tag anything...I don't on tumblr's not that I'm lazy, I just forget and press 'publish post' and then it's just too late and the end of the world!!!
I really don't know why the entrance subject of my post today is 'tagging'
How boring.
Um so yeah, dad had a migraine today so I wasn't on my own like I usually am every Tuesday.
Everyone seems to be putting up their Christmas decorations up already, but we always put ours up 12 days before the 25th and then take it down 12 days after...its like a tradition. I REFUSE to have decorations up before then.
Wow watching Michelle Phan makeup tutorials is just so relaxing...its like you can be all wound up and feel like beating the snot out of someone and then all you have to do is watch one of her tutorials and the stress just leaves your body.
All the awesome people are called Michelle you know....kekekekeke ~
and I just made one humdinger of a typo, it was like the mother of all typo's - I'm so glad I discovered that in time...that would have been just so embarrassing.
My dog is dreaming and making these weird snory noises...he runs in his sleep too, it so adorable!!!
So today I was sat at the computer and generally bored out of my mind, my head was telling me to draw, but my heart and hands were just not in the mood.
Then I went on ebay to see if I could find Christmas presents for people, but all I did was stare at one thing that I've already decided to get someone and wondering whether they would really like it or if I just want to get it them because I think that it is AWESOME!!
Then I got this HUGE craving to go to the German Christmas market in town because they sell these GORGEOUS marshmallow thingies, Its like eating a cloud...I mean, how you WANT a cloud to taste...not actually how they really taste.
Ohhh you get me!!
but anyway, I wanted to go this evening, but then Sarah and dad were faffing about buying getting new phone contracts and shizzle so we will go tomorrow instead I guess.
Sarah mentioned Tampopo, which is a restaurant which sells various Asian foodz and I wanted to go so I could try Malay food, so depending on how much money I have, we could go there for lunch or dinner or whatever.
There is this member on the forum who's username is 'Me!!!' and I really want then to say hi on the shoutbox so I can say,
'HEY ME!!!'
Yeah cos that's the kind of shizz that makes me laugh...yup!
OHHHH episode 7 of Secret Garden was FINALLY subbed and we watched that tonight!
I started watching Mary Stayed Out all Night too, but like the awesomeness of Secret Garden has already got me totally biased and even though Mary Stayed Out All Night is cute and good I cant bring myself to watch another episode yet.
I was looking for a dvd to watch last night and I couldn't even find one considering this -

in fact, that's like the tip of the WHY, Couldn't I find anything to watch?
Well the truth is I have this tendency to lend out my dvds and I must have like 30 or 40 unnaccounted for movies scattered at the places of various friends and aquaintences.
and THEY must have all the ones that I feel like watching.
After much thinking about my problem I have found a simple solution.
Tomorrow I must go to HMV and buy more dvds U_U
Just before me and my sis were in the kitchen dancing to music rabidly - I should be tired out of my mind - I was whipping my hair back and forth and everything.
That's the most satisfying thing about having abnormally long hair, you can shake it all about like a male lion
....but in a good way.
AND HERE! the latest thingy tumblr has to offer that I am transferring to here because I RARELY blog personal things on tumblr...well if I do, its more indirect personal rather than RAW Minnie heart vomit-
This is majorly personal, you ready?
Absolutely :D
Do you care about the last person you kissed?
Not at all :) I don't even know what their name is.
Does anything on your body hurt right now?
Nothing physical, no.
Do you swallow gum when you’re done with it?
No, cos it always gets stuck in your throat all day and you can feel it and its so uncomfortable...and then at night you get afraid you might choke and die.
Do you like to cuddle?
Yeah, but it doesn't really happen much...I cuddle my dog a lot though..and my teddy.
Do you still talk to the person you last kissed on the lips?
Nope, he could be dead for all I know.
Do you hate the last person who called you?
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having?
People choosing fakery over true and honest friendship just because they are scared of getting advice - Live a little...and not trusting people is insulting their integrity you know.
What does the last message in your facebook inbox say?
I'd tell you, but then I would have to kill you - and I don't have it in me to be a murderer.
Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing?
It's white and it says 'SHINE A LIGHT - first concert' on it. and I freaking adore it.
How long have you lived in your current home?
Since June 2001
Have you ever planted a tree?
Yes I have.
Do you text into the game shows on TV to win 10,000 dollars?
Way down in there is any part of you sad?
Yes there is. I won't elaborate though.
How have you felt today?
Normal, slightly bored - I don't feel like crying though and I have laughed you know, pretty good really.
Will you be in bed within twenty minutes?
I hope so, but probably not.
First person to speak to you in 2010?
My best friend
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall?
If you woke up in one of the Saw movies, do you think you could survive?
No, I dunno, I've never actually watched any of those movies. I think they are pointless and crude :/
Would you rather grow old with someone or be single forever?
What a silly I even need to answer it?
Do you like to hold or be held?
I guess it depends on the situation doesn't it.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed?
For people that don’t know you, what do they think your age usually is?
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
Do you have someone you always have late night conversations with?
A few people...I blame it on time difference.
Is there someone of the opposite sex you tell everything to?
Yeah I guess.
Do you get mad when people don’t text back?
Not mad...maybe irritable though.
What does your phone do when it receives a new text?
It burps.
Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
Do you still speak to the last person you slept with?
Not applicable.
Are you going out of town soon?
Probably on Sunday.
The person you had the strongest feelings for dies, do you care?
More than words can say.
Someone says to you, “Lets go to a party and get trashed!” you say?
You obviously have no idea who I am or else you would know that I never 'get trashed'...I'm the one who watches all the 'trashed' noobs fall over.
Do you reply to all your texts?
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
Nope, I slept like a person who gets payed to sleep.
Have you ever peed while on the phone?
On the toilet? yep :D
Your last ex says ‘leaving you was a mistake’ you say?
I think you have the wrong person mate.
Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
Probably the same, to be honest...this time last year I was realising a few things I'm learning to cope with them....
Is there something that has happened in your past that you really hate talking about?
Are you nice to everyone?
Yes, I try my best to be, even when people don't deserve my niceness...allthough with the people I feel most comfortable with I tend to be less plastic and show my emotions more.
Do you sleep with anything?
My teddy.
Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it?
Is there someone you will never forget?
A few people actually.
Do you think you’ve ruined your chances with someone?
No LOL, I don't think anyone ever gave me a chance to ruin.
What is something you currently want right now?
A job
What are your plans for tomorrow?
Take Sarah to town.
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of?
Someone knocks on your window at 5am, what do you say?
I wouldn't know what to say...I would be shocked because someone was actually on the roof.
Do you find drinking unattractive?
Yep, I think it's foul...unless you mean like the ACT of drinking - like water or something...then I think thats normal and healthy and shizzle.
What piercings do you have?
Do you like to hold hands?
I dunno, never done that before.
Is someone on your mind right now?
Yeah, like 24/7...what? Its not like I can help's like I've been branded and I have this cattle.
Any tattoos?
Ew no
Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex?
Dark yo
I should probably go to sleep now, I had an epic curry for dinner tonight, It was so satisfying.
(cred for GIF image: fyeahavataraang@tumblr)
Goodnight Darlings
Love from Minnie
Lol you haven't seen any of the Saw movies? What are you Amish XD? The first ones the best. Oh and I heard those Asian pop bands, there really not my cup of tea sorry, there boybands! My friend told me to check out the J rock stuff
ReplyDeleteNope I've not seen one of the Saw films, I must be amish then LMAO. Whats wrong with boybands? XD J rock is OSM!! My fave Jrock band is Uverworld and my fave song of theirs is called GOLD :D