I always get annoyed when the plumber is coming.
This is because he never says what time he will be here and I can't even take Sammy out or get a bath just in case he comes during those times.
and of course I'm alone in the house today so no one else can hold the fort.
If he comes at like 2pm I will maim him with a monkey wrench.
(I'm still mad at him from that time when he took two days to fix the boiler when the house was -6 degrees on the coldest week of winter, because he went home to have his dinner.)
Ohhh I know what I can do. I can scan that picture I have to draw...
Hopefully I can get some money from this, but first I need a cup of tea (again).
Ok these children I have to draw are sooooo adorable, its such a cute picture, Im happy haha. Its like the little boy is kissing his baby sister on the cheek. I'll take pictures of its progression for you to see. sdhfsjkdfhjsk I'm quite excited about this one.
I'm going to practice drawing the kids first before I start on the main pic, because I want them to look right :)

I'm happy to announce that, I managed to get the likenesses and proportions accurately in my first try, so all I have to do is draw it again (but more carefully) onto pastel paper and them colour it in :D (the round things are like cushion thingies with lace on them...and that's going to be SO HARD to draw...good job I like detail isn't it?)
and yes, the little girls cheeks are that chubby *squeals* she is such a pudding!
YAY....I can sink into my drawing state now and forget for a while that I'm upset.
Why do I relate to every single song I hear today???
My longest loved band is Relient K, and I realize one of the reasons I love them is because I can relate to pretty much every single one of their songs...but especially this week, when I'm not sure exactly what is happening at all
YAY....I can sink into my drawing state now and forget for a while that I'm upset.
Why do I relate to every single song I hear today???
My longest loved band is Relient K, and I realize one of the reasons I love them is because I can relate to pretty much every single one of their songs...but especially this week, when I'm not sure exactly what is happening at all
You're the only one who understands completely, You're the only one who knows me and still loves completely ~
^_^ They have awesome lyrics
and I know I need help, but I allow myself, allow myself - to experience the bittersweet to taste defeat, then brush my teeth ~
And this one is great for just singing as loud as you can :D Like I am...right now.
:D :D
I'm struggling drawing the bodies of these kids...somehow its not fitting properly and it should!!!
I cant see where I went wrong...I'm just drawing lines everywhere trying to find the most accurate one!!!
This is the kind of thing that makes me crazy!!! I look at it and think,
'You looks so nice, why are you wrong?'
Oh wait, here's what it looks like so far

'marry marry marry me' ~ haha I love this song, but Hong ki's voice still makes me want to cry.
Ok, I'm going to have another go at this drawing!
...hmmm, it is slightly better now...ghdfjkghsjkhgjk I need a break.

Omg, allkpop have an article saying which group will dominate October - Shinee, 2pm, JYJ or B2ST???
I have the answer...
None of them :)
HELLO Big Bang??? Comeback??? Anyone?
but now I'm sad...because my mum looked at my picture and said,
It's no good, start over'
It took me eight hours already!
Ahhh well, I guess perfection takes its time....I can't always be expected to be perfect...psht! Even I have my off days...
I'm joking there too
I have so many imperfections, it would take a whole life time to list them all.
You know what?
I'm going to treat myself.
because I feel I deserve to be treated...I've had a very emotionally unsatisfying few days and yet I still manage to have good thought's.
I even thought of lesson plans I could do if I was a teacher while I was in the bath just now.
I know it sounds weird, but you never know what kind of job I'm going to get, so its wise to get mentally prepared.
and yes, I am one of those people who think a lot while having a bath...and yes, I do sing too...today t was Haru haru, but only the chorus cos that's the only part I know...the rest I mumbled.
Why am I telling you this?? XD
So yes, I think I'm going to purchase, Avatar: The Last Airbender book one dvds....because I was SOOOOO tempted to buy them when I was in HMV, but the water book was split up so you had to buy seperate dvd's which had like 4 episodes each on them and each of the dvd's were like £5, so if I'd bought the whole Water Book it would have cost me like £25 or something...maybe more.
Anyway on Amazon I can get the whole Water Book in a dvd box set, for a tenner.
*goes to purchase*
. . . . . .
I did it I did it!!! I purchased it!!! sdflshdfkjsdfjksdf
NOW WHEN IT COMES I WILL FORCE Sarah to watch it with me, because she didn't when I watched it online...
I'm hungry. I hope dad buys a Chinese Takeaway for dinner.
(OMG LOL what a joke!!!)
The only way I am going to settle my craving for Chinese food is if I go and buy it myself...my family members just aren't reliable enough for this task.
Though I bet they will be expecting too eat some of it =.=
These people AISH!
We watched Finding Neverland after dinner and Sarah made an interesting observation, she said -
'Min, Johnny Depp is such a good actor that his hotness doesn't distract you from his character.'
She is right you know.
But I love anything to do with Peter Pan and Neverland. There is just something magical about it...and also a sadness, because you know that even though its a fairytale its kind of a symbolic version of the truth.
Growing up...I don't think I can do that.
Its one thing to be responsible and another thing to grow up.
and I am SUCH a child. I try and be mature and understanding, but, I find myself falling back into whatever it is I usually am.
Maybe that's just me though...maybe I just have to bask in my eternal youth XD
but I don't want to be one of those stupid adults who tries and acts young to fit in with younger people.
There is a difference between being youthful and being an idiot.
You know, like these mums who try and look like their daughters because they are having a mid life crisis.
Ah did you know its 10:39 and do you know what I'm thinking about???
Christmas!!! :D
Because Aimee Lucas just tweeted about a Christmas list and suddenly I got that Christmas feeling.
You know, the 'I am in a nice warm house when its cold outside and theres no lights on except the ones that are twinkling on the Christmas tree and over the mantlepiece and you are sat on the sofa all snuggly with a nice warm cup of something and watching a great movie with the family and its just a lovely feeling.
Well yeah, I just felt that feeling for a fleeting moment - but now its gone cos its like...September.
Did you know...
That Tony Starks' personal computer assistant is called Jarvis???
I think its the one with the British accent...or rather...posh English accent...because Welsh and Scottish and Northern Irish people are British and they don't sound like Jarvis at all.
There was a youtube video which was filmed in London and there was a comment underneath which referred to 'The country of London'.
That must be the most ignorant thing I have seen all day.
London is not and never has been a 'Country'. It is the capital city in the country of England...
People should know these things man! When I did geography I had to learn every country and memorize each of their capital cities. I complained at the time, but I'm kind of glad now...otherwise I would look stupid like that 'country of London' person and maybe someone would see my ignorant comments and mock me on their blog.
So I was in the kitchen washing the dishes and I was complaining about my tummy, cos I was having that problem with it again. And Sarah was like,
and I said,
'I do eat, Ive eaten the same amount as you today.'
and shes like,
and I said,
'Nope, but I just had some potatoes and carrots and peas.'
and she said,
'That's not good enough, I'm going to cut you an orange and I don't care if you get the bits stuck in your teeth, you are going to eat it all!!!'
and then she got an orange and cute it up and gave it to me on a plate and then said,
I just said all that because I felt like cutting an orange.'
....I did get bits stuck in my teeth though...thank God for toothpicks :D
I'm happy that I've been able to talk to my triplets a bit more these past few days...not CEO quite yet, but we managed to have quite a nice conversation with Lily about Bae's R18 concert and had a discussion on how Bae knew what size bra and knickers to give the lucky VIP (because underwear was the prize at his concert...how thoughtful).
I can't wait for Big Bang's comeback now...(though at the moment I'd rather have the comeback of someone else).
I am however, VERY excited about what music Big Bang are going to bring to the table and I am wondering if we will get a studio version of Until Whenever because omg that would be so awesome!!
I just wonder what the CD and the whole concept is going to be. safkhsdkjfhskdsaidugkhjlasd
I'm pretty sure its going to be fantastic and just not dull at all. And it will be so nice to see them all together and singing in Korean and all gorgeous like that.
Ah well, I would like to sleep before 12am, and its like 11:17pm now.
So I will finish here for today and get ready for bed
Good Night Dears
Love From Minnie,
P.S. I got an email earlier that my dvds have already been dispatched, how mega efficient is that?
I should get them by tomorrow ajbhfkjasfbaksjfbakjsfb.
Its going to be SO HARD to force myself to not watch it until Sarah gets home hurrmmm....my life is so hard ..... LOOOOOL I'm joking there. I'm not completely ignorant concerning the hardships of life...I just try not to let them get me down.
P.P.S. What is importance of a person measured by? How much you can gain from them? or How much you give to them?
P.P.P.S. I'm listening to 'Dearly Beloved' from the soundtrack of Kingdom Hearts and its beautiful...
P.P.P.P.S. :/ I don't understand and I feel like I'm going into emotional hibernation... :(
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