I wrote that in CAPS so you would read it in a loud voice ohohohohoho.
Yeah, but its half eaten already by my beloved family
Well, when I say family, who I really mean is mum and Sarah.
I was on my own again today for ALL day, like from 9am to 6pm...and so I thought I should bake instead of like sitting at the computer staring at the screen all the time and
I left it plugged into the PC charging all day...
LOL no texts or missed calls....oh this life that I live.
Yeah so I made this very lemony cake and Its quite yummy actually if I say so myself, only I don't really like eating cake so I just let everyone else have it.
I think some of the icing mixture got in my hair though...I will wash it tomorrow.
Gosh its so late already....Sarah and I were just watching this movie about two Russians who come to England to make more money and have better lives, but it ends up being not as good as they expected...or a lot harder.
It was a realistic storyline and pretty sad actually...but I am ashamed to say I only watched it for one reason...
Ben Barnes was in it...and I REEEAALLLY fancy him :D

He is what one would call 'The very Best of British'
Which is incredibly rare on these Isles...unfortunatly
He is so fine TTT____TTT
Ever since I laid eyes on him...he contradicts everything that a English male usually is.
Ugh my stomach is not happy...I have to admit, I've not treated it appropriately today...
I didn't eat properly at all...it's shameful.
but you know when you cook and afterwards you really don't feel like eating?
Its like that...I should make sure I eat properly tomorrow.
I can't tell other people to have a proper diet if I can't...so hypocritical.
I feel a bit torn tonight actually...but maybe its just a silly insecurity.
and you know how I like to be positive...it keeps me going. If I was negative all the time it would feel like metal was being pumped through my veins instead of blood.
and I just love to feel alive...I love taking the dog out on those days when its completely windy and it just whoooshes around you and takes your breath away.
I love that.
It's like it sweeps the cobwebs away...and gives you like an extra burst of energy.
Its just little things like that...those little things that make you feel alive.
The only problem is those moments don't come everyday...and sometimes just having a feeling doesn't get you anywhere.
You have to act upon feelings...I have issues with acting upon things...mainly because I'm lazy...
but I don't want regrets, not ever.
Dang, I'm sleepy lol
If I don't sleep now I'll regret it...haha
Though I did get 10 hours last night...*sigh* its almost 1am.
Goodnight Everyone
Love from Minnie
P.S. I was looking at the moon in a movie which was filmed in Greece and it comforted me because it looks exactly the same there as it does here.
Its something we can all appreciate and share...something we wont fight over.
Wouldn't it be nice if people were the same way about our Earth too?
Ja Ne!
you definitely need a partner who can cook for you coz you don't want to eat what you cook.. hahaha...XD