I'm sorry other countries, but British springtime is like no other...It is incomparable. I've not been to other countries in spring, but I highly doubt, they will be as beautiful as here *highhhh bias*
Anyway enough of the national loyalty spazz. I'm waiting for the bathroom!!!
I turned the bath on for myself around 8:30 and its now 10:30 because people keep stealing my bath!!!!
My hair is so greasy too TTT___TTT I hate having greasy hair its like it's been dipped in vegetable oil then put back on my head...I wonder if greasy hair is flammable...not that I will experiment with that. hehe
Anyway, I found a poem I wrote a while back and It made me laugh, so I will post it here for you too read. Its not about love or anything...it's more of an amusing one. Apologies, it has no title either, I wrote it in the middle of the night off the top of my head on a scruffy piece of paper.
In my short time upon the earth
I've heard more words of little worth
Than any other kind of words
Able to be said and heard.
The phrases that I've heard be said
Have very often blown my head
Because their content seemed to lack
Any kind of normal fact.
Every sentence that passed my ears
Has often nearly drawn the tears
Because of their repulsive form
I sometimes wish I'd not been born.
And as the words had passed through lips
I forced myself to get a grip.
For there is one thing that I know
and it is a shame for me to show.
That the one that speaks these words the most
Is the one that writes this post!
So yeah....LOL
I think I must have said something I regretted...I can't remember.
And now some pictures :D
I mentioned in my other post that I scanned some of my old diaries and whatnot...well here are the scans...I hope you can understand my writing...if not, I will translate...just let me know XD.
Note: Click on the pictures to make them bigger :D
1. My diary from 1999, I talk about Sarah's first day at school and say 'she was good' LOL....she was infamous for being naughty.

2.Sarah's violation of one of my diaries when she was a wee child - Thats baby in Scottish XD

3. My first ever trip to Old Trafford to Watch Man U :D

4. I had a HUGE obsession with Star Wars...HUGE I TELL YOU!!! Yoda was my homie!!!

More evidence of Star Wars insanity...and look, I was destined to love a dragon XD

5. From my 2009 diary...evidence I don't keep spazzing for just online. Ignore the small emo entry at the top of the page - I was having a moment LOL.

I was housewatching for somebody so I took my Baby and Me DVD and while it was playing I drew Jang Geun Seuk from the cover in my diary :D...its an ok likeness, but I never managed to finish the baby...sowwy Mason :P

When I was in school we had a habit of going to each others desks and leaving little notes for each other...so this is just a few of the ones I got

(she actually is married with a kid now ROFL)

And Finally!!! My best friend and I made up a land called Mount. Philminsoph where everything was evil but we owned it LOL There were two girls we hated so we called them Dahilia and Laphidia and made them die on spikes at the bottom of the mountain HAHA...We were lovely little girls...*cough*

So yeah, thats a glimpse of my previous life!!!
Hope it wasn't too boring!!
Now!! Imma go get my bath that is finally ready for me.
Laters my loves!!
From Min

Sorry I just saw this and had to post.....*DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLS*
1. My diary from 1999, I talk about Sarah's first day at school and say 'she was good' LOL....she was infamous for being naughty.

2.Sarah's violation of one of my diaries when she was a wee child - Thats baby in Scottish XD

3. My first ever trip to Old Trafford to Watch Man U :D

4. I had a HUGE obsession with Star Wars...HUGE I TELL YOU!!! Yoda was my homie!!!

More evidence of Star Wars insanity...and look, I was destined to love a dragon XD

5. From my 2009 diary...evidence I don't keep spazzing for just online. Ignore the small emo entry at the top of the page - I was having a moment LOL.

I was housewatching for somebody so I took my Baby and Me DVD and while it was playing I drew Jang Geun Seuk from the cover in my diary :D...its an ok likeness, but I never managed to finish the baby...sowwy Mason :P

When I was in school we had a habit of going to each others desks and leaving little notes for each other...so this is just a few of the ones I got

(she actually is married with a kid now ROFL)

And Finally!!! My best friend and I made up a land called Mount. Philminsoph where everything was evil but we owned it LOL There were two girls we hated so we called them Dahilia and Laphidia and made them die on spikes at the bottom of the mountain HAHA...We were lovely little girls...*cough*

So yeah, thats a glimpse of my previous life!!!
Hope it wasn't too boring!!
Now!! Imma go get my bath that is finally ready for me.
Laters my loves!!
From Min

Sorry I just saw this and had to post.....*DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLS*
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