Being banned from BBVIP doesn't seem to be working because I'm still doing my work SOOO SLOWLY TT____TT
YJ eonnie linked me to the ZE:A-All Day MV today. It really reminds me of Crows Zero hahah. I love that movie...but I haven't seen the second one yet >_<
OO yesh!! I sent off my passport application forms today...Well they aren't both is Sarah's haha, but I'm hoping it will all be straightforward and wonderful and we can get our passports very soon. It will be nice not having to worry about that if we ever want to go anywhere that isn't British (which we dooo).
Ugh there are some things that irritate me so when its dark outside and the curtains are left open. It bugs me so much...It somehow doesn't look neat...which is weird cos I aren't the neatest of people, but there are just some cases where I just need something to be a certain way or else it drives me crazy.
SOOO My pictures of the day are the following!!!
This was the first thing I saw when I came on msn this morning. I came online and then my dongsaeng Leslie was like 'UNNIE QWEOULJQWNEKHQWPROJ:LQEWRQHPIWR' and I was like 'WHAT WHAT??' and she's like 'BIG BANG WEOQLBJrkuwigrvjhqwroquwjr' and I'm like 'WDISLKNwEJT:jowlemtrlweihugriyhbgsd' - not even knowing whats going on! haah and then she's like 'Their new look is just so HAWT.' and I was like 'THey have a new look?' cos I don't know anything because I'm banned and then she was like 'yeah.' and linked me to THIS -

(OMGD TOPS HAIR IS HOT!!! PEOPLE HATE IT AND I DONT KNOW WHY COS ITS HOT!!! And My fave part of the pic is Jiyongs legs - they are just so attractive)
This one was provided by YJ again. Eonnie you don't realize how much I laughed at it...tears actually formed in my eyes...I dunno if it is even that funny and I may have been a bit hyper, but this picture and the convo about how Khunnie was a male cow that could provide milk had me gagging with laughter...and then I showed Sarah and she laughed too, so I didn't feel too insane haha.. XD (Khunnie is mine btw!! He does not discriminate :P)

OOOO - 11:11!!!
^ ^
Just had to record it haha.
Sarah is watching Rick Steins Far Eastern Odyssey, which is this guy journeying through Asia and its a TV series and stuff. Its really interesting - Its in Thailand atm ^ ^ I WANNA GO!!! The food looks LUSH - Rick even said 'LUSH' *proud*
He's watching some tom yum soup being made now...5 LIMES GOES IN IT!!! and 23 CHILLIES!!! OMONA!!! I wish I could taste it!!! I bet I'd cry at the hotness GOD it looks so yum though!! TOM YUM rofl
ANd Now I will introduce someone!!!

It is Mowgli, YJ eonnie created him and I suggested the name which means 'little frog'...Isn't he adorable??? I will let him visit my blogs every now and then ^ ^ He can have cameo roles in my blog haha.
OMG I love it when the Thai people speak English, I love the accent weirhjwergwjnekr. I love people's accents when they speak English as a second language haha, Its so LUSH!!! Its way better than stinking Leeds accent which grates on my very soul!!! Just so you know, Sarah and I don't have the Leeds accent ^ ^ Cos we homeschooled to we didn't pick it up when we moved from Manchester....THANK GOD FOR HOMESCHOOL!!! TTTT___TTTT
The weather was freaking gorgeous today I went out in my t shirt and didn't freeze or get goosbumps...I love it when its like this and the cherry blossom is appearing too!! Its like marshmallow trees. And the air just smells so fresh and *sigh* I just love spring haha I could go on and on about it.
Its literally taken me 6 hours to write this blog post O:
I should shut the heck up and go to sleep
AWwW THE GUY IS SPEAKING IN ENGLISH AGAIN!!! wERWOELJRQHWRYIHwlrIiwprhljbgourhiklwkripwiehrwherlkwpeirojklnwerhuowiel
*calms down*
Good Night Everyone!!
Love You <3
From Min
Soo sleeepy now ~~~~~
omg he's in malaysia now!!! Near my eonnies and puppy!!! I know why Sarah likes this program its really interesting!!!
Ok I have to sleep haha shhhh ~~~

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