Well this morning I was so hyper even Jenny said -
Who gets hyper in the morning?
...me...it's true though...I'm not one of those unhappy morning people.
That's Sarah...*cough*
But anyway, today the weather was gorgeous!! Like SUPER gorgeous!
So I said to myself, it would be a good idea to go to the site where my dissertation is based and take pictures.
So I left home at about 11:00am and didn't get back home till like 3pm :S
Because mum picked me and Sarah up and took us out rofl.
It was so warm, I felt my skin getting redder as every second went by...stinking fair complexion...ah but now I'm so tired.
We are in Manchester at grandmas at the moment...I get annoyed when dad plans things without telling me. Especially when I am in the midst of writing the most important essay I will ever write in my education and I need every single second to study....
...which is completely farcical reasoning since I spend 2 hours today watching Iron Man, when I could have been doing work...but in my defence...I really wanted to watch it because me and Sarah were talking about it a few days ago and then Jae mentioned it yesterday and I wanted to see what he meant :D
Ah my belly is so full!!! I always feel fat when I come to grandmas because she feeds us constantly throughout the day. My tummy is sticking out its so full!!! My food baby XD IT IS FULL OF LASAGNE!!!! I havnt had lasagne for ages!!! It was just like a ready meal lasagne, but Yummeh all the same...my fave lasagne is the one my dad makes....but I'm annoyed at daddy today so I'm not going to praise it LOLOL
Its been one of those days where the parents act like kids (not in a good way)....I wish I had earplugs or was on the other side of the world or something. =.=
Just uploading some photos to tinypic for Zaty eonnie. They are of the Bae and Dae birthday booklets BBVIP project thingymajig!!! They are so lush!! All the hard work paid off. I really hope the boys get to see them. Just so they can see iVIPS rock more than K ones...joke...well..I AM a little biased toward iVIPS...cos they are like...HOT!!!
OO 11:11!!!! Two nights in a row YESSS!!!....I actually don't believe the whole wish thing...but I feel like I've won something when I see 11:11...and I like to win haha. I'm not like a competative person who get angry when they lose. But winning to me means that somewhere along the line I was righ...and I love being right....Its simply ridiculous how I came to this conclusion just be catching 11:11 haha...weirdoness
Ah, I've missed YJ today...actually I've missed you all...bloody time zones >_< I wish I could have a suit like iron man and then I could illegally jump continents ^_^...I love to be illegal haha...even if it isn't illegal, I like pretending that it is haha....I wish it were illegal for Jiyong to wear a shirt.......*cough*
I just realized I have hardly any GDOT pics on my lappy...terrible terrible!!!...I love those delightful chocolate buttons :D
Omo I'm quite sleepy now. I was going to do an all nighter in grandmas dining room, but I'm too tired now. I will just sleep and hopefully have sweet dreams, unlike last night...now that was just weird...I was at a conference or something helping, and one of my jobs was to get on this bed on a stage...I think it was for an illustration in a speech or something...but anyway, in my dream it was really hard for me to get on the bed, like my legs were weighed down and then when I finally got on it I rolled off with all the covers and the whole audience were laughing at me. Then when I got off the stage I was stood beside the first row of chairs and my tummy rumbled and one of the students asked me if I wanted something to eat and he looked quite amused...It was a really weird dream...where I was sacrificed on the altar of other peoples amusement....nothing new there then -.-
Wellll Anyhoo, I will sleep now and don't worry guys and girls who read this...it will NOT be difficult for me to get into bed this time.
Unless mum is selfish and watches TV in the room that I am sleeping in...which is most probably going to happen and I'm going to end up being disrespectful (again).
lovely...Imma go to sleep peeved.
Goodnight Darlings.
I loves you my lush gorgeous ones <3
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