Today I woke up at a farcical time...and I mean, I actually awoke at 10:11. I think its because my room is so freakin dark when the curtains are closed that I don't realise when the sun comes out.
It was about 12:30 when I managed to finally make my way downstairs after showering and all that jazz...luckily for me I wasn't the latest...and no one seemed to mind anyway.
btw...I advise anyone reading this never to stalk on twitter... I just did it and I really feel like cutting my own throat now.
Twitter stalking usually leaves me with either sad, jealous or highly irritated feelings.
*shakes off evil green feeling*
After I'd had some brunch four of us went for a nice crunchy walk....I say crunchy, because the ground was pretty frosty hahaa
We took a frisby with us and we kept throwing it in ridiculous places...making the retrieving of it EXTREMELY difficult.
The last place it went was the middle of a river and it took three people and two long sticks to get it back.
When we got back home we sat down for a cup of tea and then one of my friends said,
'I really feel like going for a run, you fancy it Minnie?'
and I was like,
Bear (Bare?) in mind that she is very tall and I am very short....we first thought that it would be better if I cycled and she ran, so I'd be able to keep up with her stride, but two of the other girls joined us so we decided all to run.
So we all went out for a nice 50 minute run...I was quite pleased with my stamina actually...I thought I'd be pretty dead after ten mins or so, but it was really good fun.
Running is so much better when there are other people with you...I also mastered the art of chatting and running at the same time...which I think only girls and very feminine boys can do.
I think I'm starting to speak more properly since I've been here....all the southern accents I'm hearing are smoothing down on my crude Northern accent. Hahaa
After dinner, which was LUSH, we all decided to chill and watch a movie and another guy came over to watch too cos he was bored at home or something.
Ok I'm getting furiously irritated at hotmail at the moment. On my msn it says that I have 1 email in my inbox and when I click on it, I really haven't got anything.
This is the kind of petty little thing that infuriates the hell out of me.
Oh ha look! its 12am! What a surprise!
I have no idea where I'm going to go to church tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to tag along with somebody. Everyone doesn't seem to have one particular church they go to here...they sort of just choose the one they feel like attending when the time comes LOL
It's a good job the message is the same.
I've just remembered that the Kimi ni Todoke sequel will be airing now!!! asdjaksjhdkajshdkjashdjkah I can't wait to watch that. Its one of the cutest and best anime's I've ever seen (not that I've seen that many). It was my rebound anime when I needed something to fill the gap when I finished avatar and it was completely lush and perfect.
I'm so happy my triplets suggested that I watch triplets have the greatest taste. *proud*
Indeed, I am blessed to have many people who I love. *sigh*
And now I should sleep,
Goodnight everyone
Much Lovveeee to you all

Hong Ki and Seung Hyun look so lovely here I had to share when I saw it. :D
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