I started writing a post last night, but it was so crap that I just deleted it and went to sleep haha.
So I start one now instead.
I'm going to Oxford later to church, but I think we are going there a little early to do a little bit of shopping and have a walk. It is one of those beautiful winter days and Oxford is such a gorgeous city so it will be lush.
Actually, I've never been to Oxford before as far as I can recall...but the fame of its beauty precedes it...for those who are not British...yes, this is the place that holds the most famous ancient university in the world.
Ok I've been to Oxford now. It was very beautiful and very cold and my toes went numb, but I managed to go to church so I'm not a complete heathen.
You know when you have an itchy throat and you feel it in your ears? I have that now and its so jdsdfkjhsdkjhf, I wish it would just leave me alone and bother someone else who deserves it!
This weekend has gone so darn fast!!!! I cannot even believe it!! ITS LIKE SUPAH FAST!!
In fact!! The last two weeks have been mental! I can't even remember what has happened. All I know is, I am very comfy here and will probably miss everyone a great deal when I'm gone (allthough it will be nice to be back home with my family and my doggy who I MISSSSS!!!)
Hurrrrr, why is it so late again? I have put the alarm on my phone back on, which is a great shame, but necessary. I couldn't possibly wake up at 10:30 on an office day. It's bad enough that I show up in jeans LOL.
I was invited to go see Tangled today, but I turned it down because they were going to see it in 3D and my eyes can't deal with that shizzle.
I bet I'll have been to see it before this week is finished though...I've never been to the cinema so frequently in my life!
To be perfectly honest I haven't got that much to say tonight, nothing extreme has happened today and I have nothing to have a cryptic rant about.
I do have something I am annoyed about, but I can't write it here because it would be so obvious and so I just caught my sister on msn and had a good old word bashing at her. Luckily for me she was in a generous mood and empathised with my complex emotions LOLOLOL.
WHY IS IT 12am already??????? T_______T
Another quiz, just to fill this blog out a lil...sorry, I know its lame huhuh...na Im not really sorry...QUIZZES ARE COOL!!!
Let’s start off on a high note, what last made you smile?
Ivanna, cos she's a sweetheart
Have you ever kissed a brown eyed person?
Yeah all the time, they are my faves to kiss.....nope I haven't
How often is your smile fake?
Recently its been pretty honestly real...but when I'm at home, its fake a lot haha
Do you like falling asleep to the sound of the rain?
Yes, especially in a tent
Have you ever just laid down outside and stared at the stars?
Yes, I've done that in the middle of a main road too....good times.
Is there someone you can tell anything to, and you know it’s safe with them?
My sister and my triplets and Zaty eonnie and a few special others.
Would you date a 21 year old at your age?
Fo Sho I would.
Do you wear your hair up or down more often?
Its pretty much an even between having it up and down nowadays. I guess I'm more confident about it not looking too huge.
How did you get your last bruise?
God only knows
Do you look decent when you wake up?
Yes, like a princess...LOOOOL...no, I look like a dragon and I don't mean the sexy kind either.
Is there a guy that knows a lot about you?
Yeah a couple...I don't talk to guys that much though. I feel like most of them don't deserve my awesome.
Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?
Yes :)
Do you think someone is falling for you?
No, I'm pretty sure people don't tend to fall for my benefit...and if they do, then I probably would wish that they didn't.
Do you miss someone?
Oh yes
Are you angry with someone right now?
Not really no
Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?
The last person you texted needs you at 3AM, do you go?
Do you love the last person you called?
No, it was that disgusting woman from the job centre.
Have you ever watched a needle go into your own skin?
No, I'm always too scared to look.
Do you like strawberry and banana smoothies?
No, those would be my LEAST favourite
Are you wearing jeans, sweatpants or pajama pants?
When did you last straighten your hair?
When I got it cut a few weeks ago.
Will you ever be with the person you truly want to be with?
Did you speak to your father today?
I texted him
What song are you currently listening to?
None, but there is a clock ticking.
Who did you see today?
Lots of people in Oxford and my lovely housemates
What were you doing last night at midnight?
Watching a movie
Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
Yes...liar haha
Is there anyone in the room with you?
No, iz me alone!!!
What name do the majority of people in your life call you?
Bet you’re thinking about someone right now?
Oh, lol, good guess
Is it hard for you to imagine life away from your hometown?
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, I don;t need to imagine it...I'm living it..and its not hard at all.
Is it easier to pretend everything’s okay for you?
I don't pretend, I wait for it to be ok.
Do you have any tan lines?
No, alllll gone
Would you swear in front of your parents?
Can you play guitar hero?
Very badly
Is being single fun?
I guess so LOL is it really that important?
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
JESUS LOVES ME....lmao....
How late did you stay up last night and why?
1am watching movies
Do you smoke crack everyday?
Have you ever ridden a horse?
What are you looking forward to in the next month ?
Mums birthday...wondering if we will go have currrry hahahahh
Are you anything like you were at this point last year?
I'm still the same person...hopefully a little better and wiser though, but still learning.
What’s something you do when you’re mad?
Rant on my blog hahah
Do you have a lighter on you?
What’s worse, ignorance or stupidity?
Do you know anyone who does smoke pot?
Would you rather have really long or really short hair?
Are you easy to make mad?
Depends who you are and if I think you are worth getting mad about
What did you last drink?
When’s your birthday?
May 21
Do you always answer your texts?
Yep, mostly
Who are all the messages in your inbox from?
Sarah mostly
Do you think boys truly understand girls?
Hell no hahahah...I barely understand myself
Have you ever fallen asleep with your head on someone?
Are you good at giving directions?
No, but Im good at following them
If you had to live off one type of fruit, which would you pick?
What do you miss?
Lots of things
Do you want to get married?
What were you doing at 10 AM this morning?
Have you ever cried in front of a friend?
Name two things you love about winter?
Clear night skies and Christmas
Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
Yeah, like saying 'I love you' and then not acting like you do...
Does anyone hate you?
I hope not
Have you ever been called heartless?
Probably, when I'm in one of my 'no BS' moods
Are your nails real or fake?
Real man
Can you keep a straight face?
Do you rely on people a lot?
Do you think your best friends will always be with you?
I know this is not always the case
Are you easy to forgive people?
Do you ever learn after your mistakes?
I do try to.
So thasssiiiit!!
I need sleep.
Night Darlings
Love Min
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Friday, 28 January 2011
Forever isn't Long at all, When I'm With You
The Proposal is SUCH a good movie, not your average chick flick...and I kind of like the way the main guy does not end up being a squashed cabbage leaf weakling and how the main girl doesn't always try and be strong all the time....i's nice.
I was just thinking how hard it is to constantly keep being strong...it's nice to have people you don't have to act in front of.
It's not like you are lying, but its just nice, every once in a while, not to have to try.
Is it just me or has this week just flown by so fast??? Its like a jet plane on an upper, LMAO (What? its late, I'm allowed to laugh at stupid things).
It's ridiculously late, but I don't care eh eh eh eh eh, because I can get up at whatever time I want tomorrow so muuuaaahhaa HA!
I'm staying here for an extra week, because I feel like I can help more and then I will zoooom off home and kiss my doggy's head!!!
You know what's been bugging me recently??? How loads of girls think its so cool and hilarious to be crude and shizz. I don't get how constantly going on about sexual innuendo's and male body parts continues being funny after the first five minutes.
It's so lame and retarded...but maybe I'm just being tight because I am into the preservation of innocence, but really?? Is it really necessary to talk so ugly?
There is such a fine line between appreciating how good someone looks, having A JOKE and talking about someone in a way that it completely violates who that person really is.
COME ON LADIES (oh wait 'Ladies' is the wrong word...I mean 'silly stupid ignorant girls')...if someone talked about you like that, you would file a complaint for sexual harassment. Unless of course you are one of those poor souls who will let anyone say anything about you.
Anyway...the crude talking is getting boring and is soooo mind numbing and dumb....where did all the intelligent people go?
So yus, that's what has been bugging me LOLOLOL
My feet are so cold and I need to wash some clothes tomorrow - I just thought you should know this.
Two of the girls have gone away this weekend, so the house is SOOOO quiet. They are the two I get along with the most as well haha...I get along with everyone else too....but us three kind of clicked pretty much straight away, we have a lot in common. One of them has gone to Scotland for the weekend and the other has gone to see her family in Devon...she has 12 siblings, isn't that insane?
G-Ri is my OTP you know...they are so adorbs, how can you not love them??? Sorry for being so random. Blame tumblr for spamming me with cute GD reactions to the Maknae.
I saw a picture of one of my childhood friends earlier, it was really shocking to see how he is now...it made me sad...its funny how things turn out isn't it?
I wonder how things will turn out for me?
I wonder if my toes will fall off from being so cold?
And now I shall do this quiz and then sleep -
Your full name without repeating any letters:
Mine Davs
Your date of birth without repeating any numbers:
FIVE things you wish you could say to FIVE different people right now:
1. Thank you for everything
2. You are someone I look up to (LOL I look up to most people...so small)
3. I'd rather you didn't lie
4. You stupid hypocrite
5. I miss you
SIX things about yourself
1. I read childrens books more than ones for my age group
2. I like romantic stories that have painfully unlikely pairings
3. I've never dyed my hair and don't ever want to
4. I don't lie often, not because I'm incredibly moral, but because I'm too lazy to make anything up.
5. I get very heartburn and stomach pains when I'm stressed
6. I love chicken biriyani
THREE things that set you apart from other girls/boys:
1. I don't mind sleeping on the floor.
2. I'm not scared of cockroaches
3. I never blowdry my hair
SEVEN ways to win your heart:
1. Love my dog
2. Make me sjsdhfkjsddjfhsjdkh - this includes laughing and 'squee-ing'
3. Believe in God
4. Don't be an attention seeker
5. Like Star Wars
7. Just be you and if I like it then I like it
FOUR things you do before you fall asleep:
1. Pee
2. Brush teeth
3. Read Bible
4. Write Blog
FOUR things you see right now:
1. My laptop
2. My backpack
3. My suitcase
4. My Bible
THREE songs that you’ve been listening to lately:
Somewhere only we Know - keane
Run - snow patrol
Only Look at Me - Taeyang
TWO things you want to do before you die:
1. Travel the world
2. Love lots of people
ONE confession:
Todavio te amo, idiota.
Now I will go and get tons of sleep,
Love Min
I was just thinking how hard it is to constantly keep being strong...it's nice to have people you don't have to act in front of.
It's not like you are lying, but its just nice, every once in a while, not to have to try.
Is it just me or has this week just flown by so fast??? Its like a jet plane on an upper, LMAO (What? its late, I'm allowed to laugh at stupid things).
It's ridiculously late, but I don't care eh eh eh eh eh, because I can get up at whatever time I want tomorrow so muuuaaahhaa HA!
I'm staying here for an extra week, because I feel like I can help more and then I will zoooom off home and kiss my doggy's head!!!
You know what's been bugging me recently??? How loads of girls think its so cool and hilarious to be crude and shizz. I don't get how constantly going on about sexual innuendo's and male body parts continues being funny after the first five minutes.
It's so lame and retarded...but maybe I'm just being tight because I am into the preservation of innocence, but really?? Is it really necessary to talk so ugly?
There is such a fine line between appreciating how good someone looks, having A JOKE and talking about someone in a way that it completely violates who that person really is.
COME ON LADIES (oh wait 'Ladies' is the wrong word...I mean 'silly stupid ignorant girls')...if someone talked about you like that, you would file a complaint for sexual harassment. Unless of course you are one of those poor souls who will let anyone say anything about you.
Anyway...the crude talking is getting boring and is soooo mind numbing and dumb....where did all the intelligent people go?
So yus, that's what has been bugging me LOLOLOL
My feet are so cold and I need to wash some clothes tomorrow - I just thought you should know this.
Two of the girls have gone away this weekend, so the house is SOOOO quiet. They are the two I get along with the most as well haha...I get along with everyone else too....but us three kind of clicked pretty much straight away, we have a lot in common. One of them has gone to Scotland for the weekend and the other has gone to see her family in Devon...she has 12 siblings, isn't that insane?
G-Ri is my OTP you know...they are so adorbs, how can you not love them??? Sorry for being so random. Blame tumblr for spamming me with cute GD reactions to the Maknae.
I saw a picture of one of my childhood friends earlier, it was really shocking to see how he is now...it made me sad...its funny how things turn out isn't it?
I wonder how things will turn out for me?
I wonder if my toes will fall off from being so cold?
And now I shall do this quiz and then sleep -
Your full name without repeating any letters:
Mine Davs
Your date of birth without repeating any numbers:
FIVE things you wish you could say to FIVE different people right now:
1. Thank you for everything
2. You are someone I look up to (LOL I look up to most people...so small)
3. I'd rather you didn't lie
4. You stupid hypocrite
5. I miss you
SIX things about yourself
1. I read childrens books more than ones for my age group
2. I like romantic stories that have painfully unlikely pairings
3. I've never dyed my hair and don't ever want to
4. I don't lie often, not because I'm incredibly moral, but because I'm too lazy to make anything up.
5. I get very heartburn and stomach pains when I'm stressed
6. I love chicken biriyani
THREE things that set you apart from other girls/boys:
1. I don't mind sleeping on the floor.
2. I'm not scared of cockroaches
3. I never blowdry my hair
SEVEN ways to win your heart:
1. Love my dog
2. Make me sjsdhfkjsddjfhsjdkh - this includes laughing and 'squee-ing'
3. Believe in God
4. Don't be an attention seeker
5. Like Star Wars
7. Just be you and if I like it then I like it
FOUR things you do before you fall asleep:
1. Pee
2. Brush teeth
3. Read Bible
4. Write Blog
FOUR things you see right now:
1. My laptop
2. My backpack
3. My suitcase
4. My Bible
THREE songs that you’ve been listening to lately:
Somewhere only we Know - keane
Run - snow patrol
Only Look at Me - Taeyang
TWO things you want to do before you die:
1. Travel the world
2. Love lots of people
ONE confession:
Todavio te amo, idiota.
Now I will go and get tons of sleep,
Love Min
another peeve,
being strong is hard,
some random quiz,
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Just This
Its REAALLLLY late so Imma do a bullet point blog.
1. Woke up pretty much on time
2. Got embroiled by the sbox, but had to leave because work was at the office today.
3. Researched half the day to find a great freebie gift for the first rally night - found the PERFECT one...but its a secret ;)
4. Helped compile an official letter and suggested we should finish it off by saying 'God speed, spiderman'....but my suggestion was turned down.
5.Came home
6. Had dinner
7. Went to see 'The Kings Speech' at the Cinema with the peeeeps
8. Felt completely British and filled with national pride when it was over
9. Came home
10. Discovered someone on the forum has been posing as me so it looks like Im going against the admin so I will be fired or something and its probably one of the admin who is doing it...a word comes to mind...this word relates with female dogs...I will say no more
11. Im talking to my eonnie + sister
12 Im gonna go to sleep because Im upset
Love you,
From Min
1. Woke up pretty much on time
2. Got embroiled by the sbox, but had to leave because work was at the office today.
3. Researched half the day to find a great freebie gift for the first rally night - found the PERFECT one...but its a secret ;)
4. Helped compile an official letter and suggested we should finish it off by saying 'God speed, spiderman'....but my suggestion was turned down.
5.Came home
6. Had dinner
7. Went to see 'The Kings Speech' at the Cinema with the peeeeps
8. Felt completely British and filled with national pride when it was over
9. Came home
10. Discovered someone on the forum has been posing as me so it looks like Im going against the admin so I will be fired or something and its probably one of the admin who is doing it...a word comes to mind...this word relates with female dogs...I will say no more
11. Im talking to my eonnie + sister
12 Im gonna go to sleep because Im upset
Love you,
From Min
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Oh so Suggestive
Just finished watching 'YES, Man' starring Jim Carrey.
It was quite funny.
Today was good, I gave someone a lesson in basic Japanese and for some reason my accent and pronunciation was better than usual.
I just think maybe I do things better when I'm not with my family so that when I say I'm pretty good at something they will never believe me and it ends up being this dreadful vicious cycle.
I was also invited for a trip to Barcelona today,
it was like....
Me -
and that was that.
I was also invited to London too, which I declined as well, not because I wouldn't like to go, but there is no one to go with so meh....I'm not that fussed about London....it has shops and old buildings and a palace...meh, been there, done that.
Ok you know those moments when you hear a certain tone in someones voice that makes you wonder what they actually mean.
for example when you hear someone talking about the person you like, but there is something in their voice that makes you wonder if they like him too??
I was just thinking about it and wishing I could REALLY read into voice tone and body language...I't would be so revealing.
Its really quite awful when someone you know likes the same person as you do. And you can tell they do, but they have no idea that you do, because you are so darn awesome at hiding the fact.
It once happened to me, but the guy actually sort of clicked with my friend and I was so cut up. It was difficult to even be in the same room as them...because I liked them both a lot and I wasn't jealous...just had that pitiful ache. Maybe that's why I cover how I feel a lot.
It's terrible...something along those lines happened today...well I mean about the voice tone...not the whole I like someone who a friend likes - I'm pretty pro at handling that kind of shizz now, not that it still isn't painful...but yeah, it was more about work...but I couldn't quite catch if there was a secondary meaning to what they were saying because of the way they said it...It annoyed me a bit.
I better sleep now anyway,
sorry this has been so short...half way through writing this I got into a really interesting and funny convo so I got kind of distracted and now its a bit late to write more.
I love you all LOTS N LOTS N LOTS!!!
From Minnnnehhhh
It was quite funny.
Today was good, I gave someone a lesson in basic Japanese and for some reason my accent and pronunciation was better than usual.
I just think maybe I do things better when I'm not with my family so that when I say I'm pretty good at something they will never believe me and it ends up being this dreadful vicious cycle.
I was also invited for a trip to Barcelona today,
it was like....
'Would you come to Barcelona with us Minnie?'
Me -
and that was that.
I was also invited to London too, which I declined as well, not because I wouldn't like to go, but there is no one to go with so meh....I'm not that fussed about London....it has shops and old buildings and a palace...meh, been there, done that.
Ok you know those moments when you hear a certain tone in someones voice that makes you wonder what they actually mean.
for example when you hear someone talking about the person you like, but there is something in their voice that makes you wonder if they like him too??
I was just thinking about it and wishing I could REALLY read into voice tone and body language...I't would be so revealing.
Its really quite awful when someone you know likes the same person as you do. And you can tell they do, but they have no idea that you do, because you are so darn awesome at hiding the fact.
It once happened to me, but the guy actually sort of clicked with my friend and I was so cut up. It was difficult to even be in the same room as them...because I liked them both a lot and I wasn't jealous...just had that pitiful ache. Maybe that's why I cover how I feel a lot.
It's terrible...something along those lines happened today...well I mean about the voice tone...not the whole I like someone who a friend likes - I'm pretty pro at handling that kind of shizz now, not that it still isn't painful...but yeah, it was more about work...but I couldn't quite catch if there was a secondary meaning to what they were saying because of the way they said it...It annoyed me a bit.
I better sleep now anyway,
sorry this has been so short...half way through writing this I got into a really interesting and funny convo so I got kind of distracted and now its a bit late to write more.
I love you all LOTS N LOTS N LOTS!!!
From Minnnnehhhh
hidden meanings,
Saying NO,
that ache
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Truly Scrumptious
GHAAADDDD what a day!
It has been trying in good and bad ways. I feel completely knackered now though, its insane.
I'm hoping tomorrow is less strenuous and more productive. Today was almost equally strenuous as it was productive...not complaining though...we managed to hook in 5 more graduates to join my team of delightful 24/7 helpers - there are 15 of them so far with more addictions pending - and I'm going to be in charge of them all *SHOCK HORROR*
I have no idea why they decided to make me the team leader, but apparently I'm 'very capable'.
The conversation went something like this -
Well, of course, I was pretty shocked because the only things I've ever had to manage are myself and Sam...nevermind 15 - 20 people over 5 days...
Oh Lord, now that I write it down it's starting to scare me - oh well, I have ten weeks to psych myself up and luckily I already know over half of those people and they happen to be friends so dfjshdfkjhskdfhskjdhfkshdjf.
Ohhh I'm gonna have to remember names too!!! HUHUHUHUHUH!!
NO NO!!! It will be fine!
but wait one momento! - I know this is off topic but....Onew has abs???? He's never seemed like an abs sort of guy to me...its kind of almost like seeing a crunchy marshmallow.

Ok, I sort of have a pet peeve happening - it may seem petty, but hear me out.
Recently because of the drama Secret Garden, loads of females have been spazzing and claiming Hyun Bin in a very disgraceful manner....hear me out....you CAN spazz about Jiyong like that, his job allows such things. However, Hyun Bin is entirely another matter.
It is completely unlawful, not to mention, unholy, to claim him...unless you are Song Hye Gyo. He is a celestial.
Even, I, who usually will not have a problem with claiming anything I see worthy of my claimage - will NEVER even attempt to claim Hyun Bin.
My legs feel like dying every time I see some intolerable violation of him!!!
Ahhh I dunno, maybe its because he was the actor that took my kdrama virginity all those years ago and I have this unspeakable connection HAHAHA
...but seriously...Hyun Bin = immortal being from realm of angels...no cheap spazzing + claiming please...it deeply offends my soul.
Like that will make it stop...oh the violations of life.
LOL I came to bed at like 9pm and now its 11:47 cos I was chatting on the phone to my sis and mum for AGES! I heard my dog yipppling a lot too, which is also very nice.
Ahhh anyway I better go for a pee and then get to sleep!!
Praying for tomorrow to be more joyful!
Very much love from Min
It has been trying in good and bad ways. I feel completely knackered now though, its insane.
I'm hoping tomorrow is less strenuous and more productive. Today was almost equally strenuous as it was productive...not complaining though...we managed to hook in 5 more graduates to join my team of delightful 24/7 helpers - there are 15 of them so far with more addictions pending - and I'm going to be in charge of them all *SHOCK HORROR*
I have no idea why they decided to make me the team leader, but apparently I'm 'very capable'.
The conversation went something like this -
'Min how do you feel about being team leader this year?'
'Erm, I dunno, tell me honestly, do you think I'm up to it?'
'Well - in my honest opinion, the first impression you give is that you are very shy and quiet, but you deal with people in a very capable manner, and I think you'll do very well in that job.'
Well, of course, I was pretty shocked because the only things I've ever had to manage are myself and Sam...nevermind 15 - 20 people over 5 days...
Oh Lord, now that I write it down it's starting to scare me - oh well, I have ten weeks to psych myself up and luckily I already know over half of those people and they happen to be friends so dfjshdfkjhskdfhskjdhfkshdjf.
Ohhh I'm gonna have to remember names too!!! HUHUHUHUHUH!!
NO NO!!! It will be fine!
but wait one momento! - I know this is off topic but....Onew has abs???? He's never seemed like an abs sort of guy to me...its kind of almost like seeing a crunchy marshmallow.
Ok, I sort of have a pet peeve happening - it may seem petty, but hear me out.
Recently because of the drama Secret Garden, loads of females have been spazzing and claiming Hyun Bin in a very disgraceful manner....hear me out....you CAN spazz about Jiyong like that, his job allows such things. However, Hyun Bin is entirely another matter.
It is completely unlawful, not to mention, unholy, to claim him...unless you are Song Hye Gyo. He is a celestial.
Even, I, who usually will not have a problem with claiming anything I see worthy of my claimage - will NEVER even attempt to claim Hyun Bin.
My legs feel like dying every time I see some intolerable violation of him!!!
Ahhh I dunno, maybe its because he was the actor that took my kdrama virginity all those years ago and I have this unspeakable connection HAHAHA
...but seriously...Hyun Bin = immortal being from realm of angels...no cheap spazzing + claiming please...it deeply offends my soul.
Like that will make it stop...oh the violations of life.
LOL I came to bed at like 9pm and now its 11:47 cos I was chatting on the phone to my sis and mum for AGES! I heard my dog yipppling a lot too, which is also very nice.
Ahhh anyway I better go for a pee and then get to sleep!!
Praying for tomorrow to be more joyful!
Very much love from Min
Monday, 24 January 2011
Two Can be as Bad as One - Its the Loneliest Number Since the Number One
I'm lying in my weird 'blog writing' position again...which is utterly uncomfortable in every way. leaped forward
And yet...Im not moving...how strange.
Well anyway, today has been really great...I KNOW!!! Im saying a Monday is great!! but it honestly has been.
Work was sooooooo progressive it leaped forward a great deal and its nice to see that when you are planning an event...its nice to have that bit of vision.
And I managed to have this inspired idea about how the stage design could be and people seemed to like what I envisioned, so maybe it will be used which is pretty groovy.
This weird taste keeps coming in my mouth recently....like Ive burned my tongue or something, but I can't recall that I have. MAYYBBEEE its the toothpaste Im using.
Darn it I love Changmin (dbsk version) he is such a babe...I dunno...sometimes I feel very strongly about him...not like I do about GD...but I still feel an affinity with him HAHAHHAHAH.
I love using not-commonly used words sometimes, It makes me feel so clever.
I just saw this on tumbler -
Which is a positive about going to China in my opinion...I reeeeeally dislike that song.
Ahhh Im sorry If Im writing a little randomly and jumpy. I am a bit tired. The girls and I were invited out tonight to watch a movie at someones house, but we decided to just chill here instead and I believe it was the right choice.
I had a great chat with YJ eonnie about millions of different things. We were talking about the KPOP fandom and how there are some FREAKING WEIRDO fans out there who say kpop is their whole lives and shizz. Anyway, we came to the conclusion that the best thing that we ever gained from our love of kpop was finding each other and Mico and all the other first gens who we completely adore (I could list names, but if they read this they would know exactly who they are).
OMG the door must have not been shut properly and it just clicked closed and scared the living daylights out of me! hahahah Thinks keep making me jump recently.
And the other day I woke up to find a dead fly on my pillow...I'm not sure what that means....It may have just landed on my pillow and died OR maybe I crushed it with my head. In any case I should have probably been grossed out, but I just removed it as if it were a normal thing to find something dead by my face when I wake up.
Thinking back, I'm glad no-one shares this room with me or else they would expect my reaction to be a little more horrified.
I guess I just don't get crazy about shizz like that...I could think of worse things that could be on my pillow when I wake up.....I can think of better things too kekekkeekeke....sorry.....*ashamed*
Ok funny little story time....I told my sister this earlier but I'm sure she wont mind reading it again, if she even reads this at all.
The other day we all decided to watch a movie and we were waiting for this guy to come over cos he wanted to watch it with us.
Anyway, everyone decided that my room would be the best room to watch it in, since I have a sofa in here and a lil table that we could set the laptop and speakers up on.
Anyway, we were all chatting and then I decided I better clear my room a bit so people could come up.
The girls were like
and I was just lolling, then suddenly our boss/owner if this house pipes up and goes,
It was too hilarious for words...makes me wonder what kind of place have I actually come too XDDDD
She was only joking, but its funny of her to say it in the first place.
I guess it would seem more funny if you actually knew her or of her...you just wouldn't expect it.
Poo, the net connection here is being a little bit scabby. I hope it fixes itself enough just so I can post it hHAHAHA.
Well I better sleep now. Got another dayful of shizz we have to work on tomorrow.
Oh yeah! This event we are doing will be streamed on a webcam during the night rallies so if you are interested I will post the link here and you can watch and see how we managed XD
You'll probably see me on the stage too making an embarrassment out of myself like last yeah so LMAO...maybe I will regret posting the link here after all.
Goodnight Dearest Darlings,
Love From Min
P.S. One of my friends on FB has a cat called Luffy and now I have pet name envy....she totally plagiarised my boyfriends name XDDD
And yet...Im not moving...how strange.
Well anyway, today has been really great...I KNOW!!! Im saying a Monday is great!! but it honestly has been.
Work was sooooooo progressive it leaped forward a great deal and its nice to see that when you are planning an event...its nice to have that bit of vision.
And I managed to have this inspired idea about how the stage design could be and people seemed to like what I envisioned, so maybe it will be used which is pretty groovy.
This weird taste keeps coming in my mouth recently....like Ive burned my tongue or something, but I can't recall that I have. MAYYBBEEE its the toothpaste Im using.
Darn it I love Changmin (dbsk version) he is such a babe...I dunno...sometimes I feel very strongly about him...not like I do about GD...but I still feel an affinity with him HAHAHHAHAH.
I love using not-commonly used words sometimes, It makes me feel so clever.
I just saw this on tumbler -
'I love Bonamana is banned from being listened to in China'
Which is a positive about going to China in my opinion...I reeeeeally dislike that song.
Ahhh Im sorry If Im writing a little randomly and jumpy. I am a bit tired. The girls and I were invited out tonight to watch a movie at someones house, but we decided to just chill here instead and I believe it was the right choice.
I had a great chat with YJ eonnie about millions of different things. We were talking about the KPOP fandom and how there are some FREAKING WEIRDO fans out there who say kpop is their whole lives and shizz. Anyway, we came to the conclusion that the best thing that we ever gained from our love of kpop was finding each other and Mico and all the other first gens who we completely adore (I could list names, but if they read this they would know exactly who they are).
OMG the door must have not been shut properly and it just clicked closed and scared the living daylights out of me! hahahah Thinks keep making me jump recently.
And the other day I woke up to find a dead fly on my pillow...I'm not sure what that means....It may have just landed on my pillow and died OR maybe I crushed it with my head. In any case I should have probably been grossed out, but I just removed it as if it were a normal thing to find something dead by my face when I wake up.
Thinking back, I'm glad no-one shares this room with me or else they would expect my reaction to be a little more horrified.
I guess I just don't get crazy about shizz like that...I could think of worse things that could be on my pillow when I wake up.....I can think of better things too kekekkeekeke....sorry.....*ashamed*
Ok funny little story time....I told my sister this earlier but I'm sure she wont mind reading it again, if she even reads this at all.
The other day we all decided to watch a movie and we were waiting for this guy to come over cos he wanted to watch it with us.
Anyway, everyone decided that my room would be the best room to watch it in, since I have a sofa in here and a lil table that we could set the laptop and speakers up on.
Anyway, we were all chatting and then I decided I better clear my room a bit so people could come up.
The girls were like
and I was just lolling, then suddenly our boss/owner if this house pipes up and goes,
It was too hilarious for words...makes me wonder what kind of place have I actually come too XDDDD
She was only joking, but its funny of her to say it in the first place.
I guess it would seem more funny if you actually knew her or of her...you just wouldn't expect it.
Poo, the net connection here is being a little bit scabby. I hope it fixes itself enough just so I can post it hHAHAHA.
Well I better sleep now. Got another dayful of shizz we have to work on tomorrow.
Oh yeah! This event we are doing will be streamed on a webcam during the night rallies so if you are interested I will post the link here and you can watch and see how we managed XD
You'll probably see me on the stage too making an embarrassment out of myself like last yeah so LMAO...maybe I will regret posting the link here after all.
Goodnight Dearest Darlings,
Love From Min
P.S. One of my friends on FB has a cat called Luffy and now I have pet name envy....she totally plagiarised my boyfriends name XDDD
fun times,
Good Monday,
hard work,
I know gorgeous people,
pet name envy
Sunday, 23 January 2011
It has come to my attention that the people I'm living with may not appreciate KPOP like I do - OH THE HOLE IN MY LIFE, LMAO!
Luckily, they like people who are open about what they think - which is new for me, so when conversation comes round to favourite music, they will be quite happy to accept my more 'exotic' tastes.
TBH though, I love most music, so I just chill with whatever is playing - as long as it isn't that SUJU song that sounds like 'banana' - I really dislike that song immensely, its like ear rape....for me anyway.
You know what other music I hate. Those wanna be indie people who play acoustic guitar at the most minimal level of experience and sing horrendously with lame lyrics supposedly about their inner self. They say they are being sort of real and no frills...but all it is is just effing terrible.
So between now and then I've been out to see The Green Hornet, which was quite good actually - then went to the REEEALLLLY cold restaurant
One of the guys commented on how I have very defensive body language, but actually I was sat like that cos I was SO FREEEZING!!!
Jay Chou was by far the best part of the movie....what a babe....kudos to Cameron that she went for him rather than the main guy...I would totally go for Jay too :D
I'm not even terribly tired at the moment...I think I should be, but I'm actually not...or maybe I am, but I just haven't noticed yet.
We got this weird strawberry drink....actually, I asked for water, but this guy ordered this strawberry thingy for me and then afterwards he was like...
Which is not funny at all because I STAUNCHLY have said I will never EVER drink anything that contains alcohol.
He was joking of course, but it was the principle.
And I don't like strawberries very much either.
I've just realised I rarely write other people's names in my blogs....maybe I don;t want to get sued.
ALSO I found out that I never give direct answers to anything.
People have asking me about myself ALL week and I never give a straight answer.
Its like
Q: 'What kind of music to you like.'
A: 'Just anything that I like the sound of really - nothing specific'
Q: 'What kind of job do you want?'
A: 'I dunno, anything.'
Q: 'What's your favourite movie?'
A: 'Are you kidding me?'.... no not really, my answer was, 'Oooo thats a hard question...I dunno.'
See. why am I vague like that??? ALL THE TIME. I guess this is just me not wanting to give anything away...
I am a complete introvert - its true.
Well, only introverted with people I'm not entirely sure about....I'm fine with everyone else.
With some people I'm overly fine - I even tell them I love them and stuff - which is a big deal for me ... I don't do BS.
Anyway I better sleep now cos weekend is over and its back to being busy again.
GoodNight ebrebody!!!
Luckily, they like people who are open about what they think - which is new for me, so when conversation comes round to favourite music, they will be quite happy to accept my more 'exotic' tastes.
TBH though, I love most music, so I just chill with whatever is playing - as long as it isn't that SUJU song that sounds like 'banana' - I really dislike that song immensely, its like ear rape....for me anyway.
You know what other music I hate. Those wanna be indie people who play acoustic guitar at the most minimal level of experience and sing horrendously with lame lyrics supposedly about their inner self. They say they are being sort of real and no frills...but all it is is just effing terrible.
So between now and then I've been out to see The Green Hornet, which was quite good actually - then went to the REEEALLLLY cold restaurant
One of the guys commented on how I have very defensive body language, but actually I was sat like that cos I was SO FREEEZING!!!
Jay Chou was by far the best part of the movie....what a babe....kudos to Cameron that she went for him rather than the main guy...I would totally go for Jay too :D
I'm not even terribly tired at the moment...I think I should be, but I'm actually not...or maybe I am, but I just haven't noticed yet.
We got this weird strawberry drink....actually, I asked for water, but this guy ordered this strawberry thingy for me and then afterwards he was like...
'That was actually alcoholic'
Which is not funny at all because I STAUNCHLY have said I will never EVER drink anything that contains alcohol.
He was joking of course, but it was the principle.
And I don't like strawberries very much either.
I've just realised I rarely write other people's names in my blogs....maybe I don;t want to get sued.
ALSO I found out that I never give direct answers to anything.
People have asking me about myself ALL week and I never give a straight answer.
Its like
Q: 'What kind of music to you like.'
A: 'Just anything that I like the sound of really - nothing specific'
Q: 'What kind of job do you want?'
A: 'I dunno, anything.'
Q: 'What's your favourite movie?'
A: 'Are you kidding me?'.... no not really, my answer was, 'Oooo thats a hard question...I dunno.'
See. why am I vague like that??? ALL THE TIME. I guess this is just me not wanting to give anything away...
I am a complete introvert - its true.
Well, only introverted with people I'm not entirely sure about....I'm fine with everyone else.
With some people I'm overly fine - I even tell them I love them and stuff - which is a big deal for me ... I don't do BS.
Anyway I better sleep now cos weekend is over and its back to being busy again.
GoodNight ebrebody!!!
weird stuff again
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Feeling the Connection
I'm going to have a semi-early nights sleep tonight - for a weekend anyway....but Im predicting by the time I've written this blog and read my Bible it will be past 12am...still early for weekend though.
Today I woke up at a farcical time...and I mean, I actually awoke at 10:11. I think its because my room is so freakin dark when the curtains are closed that I don't realise when the sun comes out.
It was about 12:30 when I managed to finally make my way downstairs after showering and all that jazz...luckily for me I wasn't the latest...and no one seemed to mind anyway.
btw...I advise anyone reading this never to stalk on twitter... I just did it and I really feel like cutting my own throat now.
Twitter stalking usually leaves me with either sad, jealous or highly irritated feelings.
*shakes off evil green feeling*
After I'd had some brunch four of us went for a nice crunchy walk....I say crunchy, because the ground was pretty frosty hahaa
We took a frisby with us and we kept throwing it in ridiculous places...making the retrieving of it EXTREMELY difficult.
The last place it went was the middle of a river and it took three people and two long sticks to get it back.
When we got back home we sat down for a cup of tea and then one of my friends said,
and I was like,
Bear (Bare?) in mind that she is very tall and I am very short....we first thought that it would be better if I cycled and she ran, so I'd be able to keep up with her stride, but two of the other girls joined us so we decided all to run.
So we all went out for a nice 50 minute run...I was quite pleased with my stamina actually...I thought I'd be pretty dead after ten mins or so, but it was really good fun.
Running is so much better when there are other people with you...I also mastered the art of chatting and running at the same time...which I think only girls and very feminine boys can do.
I think I'm starting to speak more properly since I've been here....all the southern accents I'm hearing are smoothing down on my crude Northern accent. Hahaa
After dinner, which was LUSH, we all decided to chill and watch a movie and another guy came over to watch too cos he was bored at home or something.
Ok I'm getting furiously irritated at hotmail at the moment. On my msn it says that I have 1 email in my inbox and when I click on it, I really haven't got anything.
This is the kind of petty little thing that infuriates the hell out of me.
Oh ha look! its 12am! What a surprise!
I have no idea where I'm going to go to church tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to tag along with somebody. Everyone doesn't seem to have one particular church they go to here...they sort of just choose the one they feel like attending when the time comes LOL
It's a good job the message is the same.
I've just remembered that the Kimi ni Todoke sequel will be airing now!!! asdjaksjhdkajshdkjashdjkah I can't wait to watch that. Its one of the cutest and best anime's I've ever seen (not that I've seen that many). It was my rebound anime when I needed something to fill the gap when I finished avatar and it was completely lush and perfect.
I'm so happy my triplets suggested that I watch it...my triplets have the greatest taste. *proud*
Indeed, I am blessed to have many people who I love. *sigh*
And now I should sleep,
Goodnight everyone
Much Lovveeee to you all

Hong Ki and Seung Hyun look so lovely here I had to share when I saw it. :D
Today I woke up at a farcical time...and I mean, I actually awoke at 10:11. I think its because my room is so freakin dark when the curtains are closed that I don't realise when the sun comes out.
It was about 12:30 when I managed to finally make my way downstairs after showering and all that jazz...luckily for me I wasn't the latest...and no one seemed to mind anyway.
btw...I advise anyone reading this never to stalk on twitter... I just did it and I really feel like cutting my own throat now.
Twitter stalking usually leaves me with either sad, jealous or highly irritated feelings.
*shakes off evil green feeling*
After I'd had some brunch four of us went for a nice crunchy walk....I say crunchy, because the ground was pretty frosty hahaa
We took a frisby with us and we kept throwing it in ridiculous places...making the retrieving of it EXTREMELY difficult.
The last place it went was the middle of a river and it took three people and two long sticks to get it back.
When we got back home we sat down for a cup of tea and then one of my friends said,
'I really feel like going for a run, you fancy it Minnie?'
and I was like,
Bear (Bare?) in mind that she is very tall and I am very short....we first thought that it would be better if I cycled and she ran, so I'd be able to keep up with her stride, but two of the other girls joined us so we decided all to run.
So we all went out for a nice 50 minute run...I was quite pleased with my stamina actually...I thought I'd be pretty dead after ten mins or so, but it was really good fun.
Running is so much better when there are other people with you...I also mastered the art of chatting and running at the same time...which I think only girls and very feminine boys can do.
I think I'm starting to speak more properly since I've been here....all the southern accents I'm hearing are smoothing down on my crude Northern accent. Hahaa
After dinner, which was LUSH, we all decided to chill and watch a movie and another guy came over to watch too cos he was bored at home or something.
Ok I'm getting furiously irritated at hotmail at the moment. On my msn it says that I have 1 email in my inbox and when I click on it, I really haven't got anything.
This is the kind of petty little thing that infuriates the hell out of me.
Oh ha look! its 12am! What a surprise!
I have no idea where I'm going to go to church tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to tag along with somebody. Everyone doesn't seem to have one particular church they go to here...they sort of just choose the one they feel like attending when the time comes LOL
It's a good job the message is the same.
I've just remembered that the Kimi ni Todoke sequel will be airing now!!! asdjaksjhdkajshdkjashdjkah I can't wait to watch that. Its one of the cutest and best anime's I've ever seen (not that I've seen that many). It was my rebound anime when I needed something to fill the gap when I finished avatar and it was completely lush and perfect.
I'm so happy my triplets suggested that I watch it...my triplets have the greatest taste. *proud*
Indeed, I am blessed to have many people who I love. *sigh*
And now I should sleep,
Goodnight everyone
Much Lovveeee to you all

Hong Ki and Seung Hyun look so lovely here I had to share when I saw it. :D
Friday, 21 January 2011
Whether Near to Me, or Far
Today has been good...in a weird way.
I'm up epically late, but that's fine since its Sat tomorrow (today) so no working XD
We watched the movie Knight and Day tonight. It was quite fun, but I wasn't really concentrating...for some reason all I could think about was Fruit Ninja - the ipod game.
Yeah...fruit ninja.
So after the movie had finished I played it and then one of my housemates saw and decided to download it to her iphone...so now it may be possible that I have made her an addict.
I really didn't mean too.
But honestly, I think everyone should have the chance to be a bad-ass Fruit Ninja.
You can probably tell by my wording that I am a lot more awake than I was last night (even though I could drop off any second if I wanted to).
I guess its because I know that its weekend tomorrow so I'm not worried about getting up early.
I have this horrible niggling feeling that I'm going to catch a bug...because the lady who owns the house is awfully ill and then a boyfriend of one of the girls came over to watch the movie with us and he is really ill too.
I've decided that if I get ill there is no chance Im getting the train home...so I'm not going to worry about it...I dunno even why I wrote it...maybe cos I'm an overthinker.
I wanted to skype with my sis today, but when I found some time to do so it turned out she was out of the house. So she called me instead, via the old fashioned way.
Some family came to stay here for the weekend. Not my family, just the eldest son and his wife and the youngest son of the people whose house this is.
I expect it will be a lot noisier around here for a few days. They seem nice though. We had a chat about how to out-wit those car parking barriers by driving really closely behind another car and getting out for free.
Apparently the eldest son finds this method very effective when driving around London. LMAO - such criminality.
I've just realised that, other than my train fare, I've not spend any money while being here....I feel like this is great achievement or something....I guess the prize is the fact I still have money LOLOLOLOL
You know, sometimes I can't be bothered talking. It's probably proof of how extreme my laziness is, but it's something that happens to me a lot.
Its like, you are sat there enjoying listening to everyone else and then suddenly someone asks you a simple question and you are like 'uhhhhhh' because you just can't be bothered talking.
Maybe I was a one-celled organism in another life...it is quite probably.
We've all decided to go for a walk tomorrow because we think that we have over indulged and had sufficient amounts of exercise to combat the indulgences. I;m looking forward to that actually...I think I will wear my SAL t shirt...or my star wars one...hmmmmmm decisions decisions.
BBVIP is DOOWNNNNN...Im just wondering when it will be UP! again.
I'm actually feeling tiredy...I should sign off now I think...it is 1:10am after all!
So goodnight,
I love yous and miss you and just everything.
P.S. Some appropriate lyrics -
Night and day, you are the one
Only you beneath the moon or under the sun
Whether near to me, or far
It's no matter darling where you are
I think of you
Day and night, night and day, why is it so
That this longing for you follows wherever I go
In the roaring traffic's boom
In the silence of my lonely room
I think of you
Day and night, night and day
- Night and Day by Cole Porter
I'm up epically late, but that's fine since its Sat tomorrow (today) so no working XD
We watched the movie Knight and Day tonight. It was quite fun, but I wasn't really concentrating...for some reason all I could think about was Fruit Ninja - the ipod game.
Yeah...fruit ninja.
So after the movie had finished I played it and then one of my housemates saw and decided to download it to her iphone...so now it may be possible that I have made her an addict.
I really didn't mean too.
But honestly, I think everyone should have the chance to be a bad-ass Fruit Ninja.
You can probably tell by my wording that I am a lot more awake than I was last night (even though I could drop off any second if I wanted to).
I guess its because I know that its weekend tomorrow so I'm not worried about getting up early.
I have this horrible niggling feeling that I'm going to catch a bug...because the lady who owns the house is awfully ill and then a boyfriend of one of the girls came over to watch the movie with us and he is really ill too.
I've decided that if I get ill there is no chance Im getting the train home...so I'm not going to worry about it...I dunno even why I wrote it...maybe cos I'm an overthinker.
I wanted to skype with my sis today, but when I found some time to do so it turned out she was out of the house. So she called me instead, via the old fashioned way.
Some family came to stay here for the weekend. Not my family, just the eldest son and his wife and the youngest son of the people whose house this is.
I expect it will be a lot noisier around here for a few days. They seem nice though. We had a chat about how to out-wit those car parking barriers by driving really closely behind another car and getting out for free.
Apparently the eldest son finds this method very effective when driving around London. LMAO - such criminality.
I've just realised that, other than my train fare, I've not spend any money while being here....I feel like this is great achievement or something....I guess the prize is the fact I still have money LOLOLOLOL
You know, sometimes I can't be bothered talking. It's probably proof of how extreme my laziness is, but it's something that happens to me a lot.
Its like, you are sat there enjoying listening to everyone else and then suddenly someone asks you a simple question and you are like 'uhhhhhh' because you just can't be bothered talking.
Maybe I was a one-celled organism in another life...it is quite probably.
We've all decided to go for a walk tomorrow because we think that we have over indulged and had sufficient amounts of exercise to combat the indulgences. I;m looking forward to that actually...I think I will wear my SAL t shirt...or my star wars one...hmmmmmm decisions decisions.
BBVIP is DOOWNNNNN...Im just wondering when it will be UP! again.
I'm actually feeling tiredy...I should sign off now I think...it is 1:10am after all!
So goodnight,
I love yous and miss you and just everything.
P.S. Some appropriate lyrics -
Night and day, you are the one
Only you beneath the moon or under the sun
Whether near to me, or far
It's no matter darling where you are
I think of you
Day and night, night and day, why is it so
That this longing for you follows wherever I go
In the roaring traffic's boom
In the silence of my lonely room
I think of you
Day and night, night and day
- Night and Day by Cole Porter
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Short and Sleepeh
It was so difficult to wake up this morning because it was cold and I didn't want to get out of bed....in fact my feet are cold now....but I've just taken my socks off so they have to get used to being naked.
I worked a great deal today....a full day at the office!!!
This must be how working feels!!
Actually, its fun.
LOL, Im so gonna be low key on here tonight, I'm pretty tired and I'm lying in this weird position, which makes it soooo awkward to type.
OKKKK so other than work....nothing...I worked all day....had dinner....then watched a movie because eveyone had planned a big movie night in...which was ehfgjhwgfjhs in a way because my YJ eonnie was on msn and I really wanted to chat with her...but I guess we can chat next time and it will be GREEEATTTTT.
Hmmmm, I really don't know what to say....tirednesss is seeping into my bones...and maybe just maybe I feel a pang of homesickness.
I miss my dog a lot...I never feel awkward around dogs...they don't constantly judge you in their heads.
Ahhh I told myself I would get an early night tonight and its almost 12am.
I know this has been a boring post and if I fear for my views I probably shouldn't post it, but Im just SOOO tired.
Love Minnie,
P.S. I guess I should mention Jae since its just a normal day for him and he didn't just collect another year or anything. Happy birthday young padawan....you may be old now, but you are not a jedi yet.
I worked a great deal today....a full day at the office!!!
This must be how working feels!!
Actually, its fun.
LOL, Im so gonna be low key on here tonight, I'm pretty tired and I'm lying in this weird position, which makes it soooo awkward to type.
OKKKK so other than work....nothing...I worked all day....had dinner....then watched a movie because eveyone had planned a big movie night in...which was ehfgjhwgfjhs in a way because my YJ eonnie was on msn and I really wanted to chat with her...but I guess we can chat next time and it will be GREEEATTTTT.
Hmmmm, I really don't know what to say....tirednesss is seeping into my bones...and maybe just maybe I feel a pang of homesickness.
I miss my dog a lot...I never feel awkward around dogs...they don't constantly judge you in their heads.
Ahhh I told myself I would get an early night tonight and its almost 12am.
I know this has been a boring post and if I fear for my views I probably shouldn't post it, but Im just SOOO tired.
Love Minnie,
P.S. I guess I should mention Jae since its just a normal day for him and he didn't just collect another year or anything. Happy birthday young padawan....you may be old now, but you are not a jedi yet.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Uncomfortable Pauses and Giving a Shizzle
So recently I've had the most APPALLING amount of blog views.
Before I had no net I was getting 30+ per day, more often than not I was getting more than that.
When I had no net, I was still getting around 28+ per day.
AND NOW, when I am able to write again I get 3 views per day!!! THREE!
It must be that my life is not juicy enough anymore.
Maybe I should cheat and write 'G Dragon Girlfriend' as my post title.
I will get tons of frisky VIP G dragon prospective wives checking out my blog.
LMAO, nope I'm joking...I'm not cheap like that.
I'm not really bothered about the views either TBH....but THREE?!?!?
Ok, it hurts my pride a little so what can I do to 'up my game'?
I could write about my painful tortuous love life, how my soul is yearning desperately for my perfect gorgeous boi....but...that is so not me...and there is no such thing as a 'perfect gorgeous boi'....imperfect, gorgeous boy..maybe.
If I ever do have those lovesick moments anyway, I always write in riddles so only the most checked-in people will even remotely understand....other people will just think I'm crazy, but I can live with that.
I've gained great confidence this week - people actually said I was normal...I wonder, is that even a compliment?
Hmmmm how else could I get more views????
I couuulllddd rant more....mehhh, but that just comes naturally anyway...and tbh I've been pretty contented since new year started and so far, nothing has really pushed me to have a REALLLY good rant.
...that of course, is most probably due to lack of internet...my most potent reason for me to rant is via the net...so without net I am less irritated.
And for me, even though you may think I'm weird - this is not necessarily a good thing.
My reasons to rant are usually reason that are very important to me...so if I'm not ranting, it means either - I am having a happy lovely time with everybody OR - there is nothing lovely happening at all.
...as far as some stuff is concerned anyway.
Which makes me concerned.
I COULD write about awkward situations I get into everyday.
I rediscovered today that I am THEE most awkward person I've ever met.
And you know when you do one awkward thing and it makes you remember other awkward things you did?
I got myself into SUCH a pathetic situation today and THOUSANDS of memories crashed into my thoughts...memories that I would just love to forget.
I remembered stuff at the dinner table tonight and it actually made me blush, God only knows what my housemates thought.
I blush at the most stupid times too!!!
Like I'm very shy when speaking to a member of the opposite gender (ooo I made a rhyme)
So when I am introduced or something I will instantly go all shy and sdhkjashdjka...which makes everyone think I like the look of that person or I fancy the or something and its just NOT TRUE at all.
It is RARE that I ever just see someone and fancy them....almost not-even-possible.
but yet my stupid blushing gives off totally the wrong signs.
OK MAYBE TO GET MORE VIEWS (going back to the main topic)
MAYBE I should talk less about myself????
but I think that kind of defeats the point of the blog then...because its MY place...MY online journal of insanity...its my letter to people who are interested in ME!
BUT! I could talk more about the things I'm interested in, because that still relates back to me...I know how annoying people who ALWAYS talk about themselves are.
So yes, My INTERESTS - a VAST quantity of things I can cover.
What a good idea Minnie!! *pats self on back*
You just wrote paragraphs to come to a conclusion you already were aware of from the start.
Ohhh dear, I'm talking to myself again DUNDUNDUNNNN!!!
In the mean time, I will talk about what I've been doing today....like I usually do.
Stuff those readers who don't read me anymore!!!! :D
Waking up today was a TRIAL. I put my alarm on snooze about 4 times...I'm just way too comfy here.
Its obscene and wrong how comfy I am...I should be homesick and depressed by now, but I'm not at all.
Everyone here is so lovely.
Honestly, I can compact the description of today in one sentence - Today was full of meetings and thinking and we conquered a number of things and bring on tomorrow!
And then we finished work and ate food and watched A Lot Like Love...you know the one with Ashton Kutcher, where he looks dreadful at first and then gets hotter.
I think it had a storyline too...but I forget kekekeke
So I must get over some fears about tomorrow.
1. Will I or will I not once again embarrass myself completely?
2. Will I be able to get a shower in the morning?
3. Will I even be able to get up in the morning?
4. Will I even care?
Cos right now I don't care at all.
buuut, I did see a funny little quote on tumblr
I've totally stabbed people before...goodness knows what else I have done...but in my mind I am such a perverse criminal.
To be honest its a good thing the mind does the things you want to do first so you can decide more or else this world would be a disaster...even more so than now.
Ohhhh I just reminded myself of something totally immature I did today...no...I won't even write it here...I have to preserve some sort of integrity.
well its a quarter to twelve and as I want to get a fairly decent amount of shut eye I will close here.
Thankyou to all the billions of readers who will read this post all about how to attract more readers and when you read this part you will think,
Hahaha, no you won't, because you LOOOVE MEEE!!!
Before I had no net I was getting 30+ per day, more often than not I was getting more than that.
When I had no net, I was still getting around 28+ per day.
AND NOW, when I am able to write again I get 3 views per day!!! THREE!
It must be that my life is not juicy enough anymore.
Maybe I should cheat and write 'G Dragon Girlfriend' as my post title.
I will get tons of frisky VIP G dragon prospective wives checking out my blog.
LMAO, nope I'm joking...I'm not cheap like that.
I'm not really bothered about the views either TBH....but THREE?!?!?
Ok, it hurts my pride a little so what can I do to 'up my game'?
I could write about my painful tortuous love life, how my soul is yearning desperately for my perfect gorgeous boi....but...that is so not me...and there is no such thing as a 'perfect gorgeous boi'....imperfect, gorgeous boy..maybe.
If I ever do have those lovesick moments anyway, I always write in riddles so only the most checked-in people will even remotely understand....other people will just think I'm crazy, but I can live with that.
I've gained great confidence this week - people actually said I was normal...I wonder, is that even a compliment?
Hmmmm how else could I get more views????
I couuulllddd rant more....mehhh, but that just comes naturally anyway...and tbh I've been pretty contented since new year started and so far, nothing has really pushed me to have a REALLLY good rant.
...that of course, is most probably due to lack of internet...my most potent reason for me to rant is via the net...so without net I am less irritated.
And for me, even though you may think I'm weird - this is not necessarily a good thing.
My reasons to rant are usually reason that are very important to me...so if I'm not ranting, it means either - I am having a happy lovely time with everybody OR - there is nothing lovely happening at all.
...as far as some stuff is concerned anyway.
Which makes me concerned.
I COULD write about awkward situations I get into everyday.
I rediscovered today that I am THEE most awkward person I've ever met.
And you know when you do one awkward thing and it makes you remember other awkward things you did?
I got myself into SUCH a pathetic situation today and THOUSANDS of memories crashed into my thoughts...memories that I would just love to forget.
I remembered stuff at the dinner table tonight and it actually made me blush, God only knows what my housemates thought.
I blush at the most stupid times too!!!
Like I'm very shy when speaking to a member of the opposite gender (ooo I made a rhyme)
So when I am introduced or something I will instantly go all shy and sdhkjashdjka...which makes everyone think I like the look of that person or I fancy the or something and its just NOT TRUE at all.
It is RARE that I ever just see someone and fancy them....almost not-even-possible.
but yet my stupid blushing gives off totally the wrong signs.
OK MAYBE TO GET MORE VIEWS (going back to the main topic)
MAYBE I should talk less about myself????
but I think that kind of defeats the point of the blog then...because its MY place...MY online journal of insanity...its my letter to people who are interested in ME!
BUT! I could talk more about the things I'm interested in, because that still relates back to me...I know how annoying people who ALWAYS talk about themselves are.
So yes, My INTERESTS - a VAST quantity of things I can cover.
What a good idea Minnie!! *pats self on back*
You just wrote paragraphs to come to a conclusion you already were aware of from the start.
Ohhh dear, I'm talking to myself again DUNDUNDUNNNN!!!
In the mean time, I will talk about what I've been doing today....like I usually do.
Stuff those readers who don't read me anymore!!!! :D
Waking up today was a TRIAL. I put my alarm on snooze about 4 times...I'm just way too comfy here.
Its obscene and wrong how comfy I am...I should be homesick and depressed by now, but I'm not at all.
Everyone here is so lovely.
Honestly, I can compact the description of today in one sentence - Today was full of meetings and thinking and we conquered a number of things and bring on tomorrow!
And then we finished work and ate food and watched A Lot Like Love...you know the one with Ashton Kutcher, where he looks dreadful at first and then gets hotter.
I think it had a storyline too...but I forget kekekeke
So I must get over some fears about tomorrow.
1. Will I or will I not once again embarrass myself completely?
2. Will I be able to get a shower in the morning?
3. Will I even be able to get up in the morning?
4. Will I even care?
Cos right now I don't care at all.
buuut, I did see a funny little quote on tumblr
'I'm stabbing you in my mind.'
I've totally stabbed people before...goodness knows what else I have done...but in my mind I am such a perverse criminal.
To be honest its a good thing the mind does the things you want to do first so you can decide more or else this world would be a disaster...even more so than now.
Ohhhh I just reminded myself of something totally immature I did today...no...I won't even write it here...I have to preserve some sort of integrity.
well its a quarter to twelve and as I want to get a fairly decent amount of shut eye I will close here.
Thankyou to all the billions of readers who will read this post all about how to attract more readers and when you read this part you will think,
'Oh darnage! I did what she wanted!!!'
Hahaha, no you won't, because you LOOOVE MEEE!!!
Monday, 17 January 2011
I can honestly say I am beat!
BUTTTT soooo comfy!
I've come to live in a place I've never been to, in a house full of people I don't know very well...and have yet to get to know me...properly.
but but but, I'm SO comfy and relaxed here and its GREAT.
The train ride was a success...obviously...though I did manage to have a slight panic attack at one stage and had to remove my hoodie so I could cool off.
I think it's because we were near Birmingham....I really nothing that city....it's probably because of the IRRITATING accent.
But I was fine and all though, the train was 30 minutes late and was redirected and a few other hiccups I did actually manage to get here and I thank God for that...because I am a complete noob on my own and I would so be on the Orient Express to Timbuktu by now or something.
The people here are easy to get along with too...they have that same magic that my first gens will have when I meet them XD
You know...you just say, hi and you know from minute 1 you are part of the family.
I'm thankful for that, because there is nothing worse than being far from home with people who you don't feel comfortable with.
I'm also looking forward to observing everyone...I'm totally happy already with what I've seen.
The conversations are the best.
The lady who's house I'm staying at says to another girl.
I could write an epic novel about it.
Best of all..the teabags they buy are like the shizzle...it was something I was concerned about, but no....the tea here is delicious.
I've also been labelled the 'Girl from the North'
and at dinner someone said,
It's amazing
If you lived in England you would understand that the North and South are two very different places...so there is lots of jokage about it.
I have to add though...the North has Manchester United.....so nuff said hahaha
Ah anyway, I have to be up fairly early tomorrow to 'write e-mails to the government.'
So I better try and get some sleep.
We all know how it works....if I sleep well the first night, I'm well comfy here :D
All could think on the train was,
It made the journey a lot more romantic and edgy LOLOL
Good Night my very beloveds
Love From Minnie
BUTTTT soooo comfy!
I've come to live in a place I've never been to, in a house full of people I don't know very well...and have yet to get to know me...properly.
but but but, I'm SO comfy and relaxed here and its GREAT.
The train ride was a success...obviously...though I did manage to have a slight panic attack at one stage and had to remove my hoodie so I could cool off.
I think it's because we were near Birmingham....I really nothing that city....it's probably because of the IRRITATING accent.
But I was fine and all though, the train was 30 minutes late and was redirected and a few other hiccups I did actually manage to get here and I thank God for that...because I am a complete noob on my own and I would so be on the Orient Express to Timbuktu by now or something.
The people here are easy to get along with too...they have that same magic that my first gens will have when I meet them XD
You know...you just say, hi and you know from minute 1 you are part of the family.
I'm thankful for that, because there is nothing worse than being far from home with people who you don't feel comfortable with.
I'm also looking forward to observing everyone...I'm totally happy already with what I've seen.
The conversations are the best.
The lady who's house I'm staying at says to another girl.
'I've noticed you've started wearing shorter skirts to work again...I'm so glad.'
I could write an epic novel about it.
Best of all..the teabags they buy are like the shizzle...it was something I was concerned about, but no....the tea here is delicious.
I've also been labelled the 'Girl from the North'
and at dinner someone said,
'There's only really two English people here, two welsh, one spanish and one hunagrian...Minnie isn't real English cos she's northern.'
It's amazing
If you lived in England you would understand that the North and South are two very different places...so there is lots of jokage about it.
I have to add though...the North has Manchester United.....so nuff said hahaha
Ah anyway, I have to be up fairly early tomorrow to 'write e-mails to the government.'
So I better try and get some sleep.
We all know how it works....if I sleep well the first night, I'm well comfy here :D
All could think on the train was,
'You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together. '
It made the journey a lot more romantic and edgy LOLOL
Good Night my very beloveds
Love From Minnie
I miss my doggy,
nice people,
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Keep It Together!
I'm having an inner battle at the moment with an inert fear of travelling on a train.
Which is quite ridiculous! My inside curious person is taking a beating from my inside fearful person.
From when I was about 17 to about 20 I had a phobia of public transport as well as cinemas, It's rather a petty and shameful fear and I have no idea where it came from, but I had to banish it when I started university because I had to travel a lot on buses.
It took about a year for me to actually be able to get on a bus without feeling dizzy and sick.
This silly phobia has pretty much all gone, but now I have another ridiculous thing...which is a fear of that phobia coming back...
So so so so you see why Im a little spazzy about this whole train issue.
I also have this strange ability to think Im at the right place for hours and then find out I am not.
I have this niggling fear that I may use this ability when I change trains tomorrow and I will end up in France instead of Swindon!!!
AND I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK FRENCH!!! Not really well anyway!!!!
I realise that I am thinking way too much...and that I am actually a capable adult *cough* who can do anything I want...but then I think about my past failures and I get so nervous and sdfhjskjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhf.
Ok, but just writing this is making me feel sick to the stomach to I have to do this positive thing that I used to do on exam days.
I tell myself that at least I am not dead...and I also read the Bible...I'm not even joking.
I have this small Bible in my bag and reading it calms me right down...it's definitely a great comfort tool...allthough I will probably open it and it will be the account of Queen Jezebels death by being eaten by dogs after falling out of her window or the rape of Tamar and I will have to hurriedly find a chapter of hope and love...which fortunately, there are a lot of.
I like a reminder that God is actually there looking after my silly tummy and my silly fears.
Reading all this I think this little trip will be good for me to finally get over this silly wall that blocks me from moving forward.
My dream is to travel the world...therefore it is absolutely absurd that I feel uncomfortable travelling.
I will think of my gorgeous friends who live all over the planet and who I want to see very soon, that will be lovely.
I miss them so much it makes my stomach curdle.
HAHAHA what a pleasant thought.
You know that feeling when you are scared to get close to someone because you are scared of losing it.
Well it's kind of how I feel at the moment.
You see, I have internet connection atm, but am scared to log into msn because I'll be able to talk to people and then have to leave them and not talk to them again for ages and its like stabbing myself.
I should log in though...because I miss them and I want to talk to them because its an opportunity.
I mean, Its bad enough to not be there with them...msn is all I have!!!
Actually, being separate from people I care about is something I keep having to deal with over my 22 years...you'd think I'd be used to it, but actually I can't stand it at all.
I hate moving away, I hate no contact, I hate prolonged silences....because I know how important it is to let people know they mean a lot to you.
Life is too short for that.
I've lost someone I love to death before and it was always comforting for me that I was able to write him a letter to tell him how much I loved him before he died.
I often think back to then and feel glad that he knew.
LOOOOOOOL I'm going so deep in a blog post....this is me combating my train trouble.
I'm already missing my dog...his ears.
I'm watching Match of the Day 2....midnight football is quite invigorating.
Its almost 12am and I should probably get a good nights sleep.
My hair is almost dry now anyway
I should pack my lappy up now!!!
NO! Positiveness!
Goodnight Darlings!
Love Minnie
Which is quite ridiculous! My inside curious person is taking a beating from my inside fearful person.
From when I was about 17 to about 20 I had a phobia of public transport as well as cinemas, It's rather a petty and shameful fear and I have no idea where it came from, but I had to banish it when I started university because I had to travel a lot on buses.
It took about a year for me to actually be able to get on a bus without feeling dizzy and sick.
This silly phobia has pretty much all gone, but now I have another ridiculous thing...which is a fear of that phobia coming back...
So so so so you see why Im a little spazzy about this whole train issue.
I also have this strange ability to think Im at the right place for hours and then find out I am not.
I have this niggling fear that I may use this ability when I change trains tomorrow and I will end up in France instead of Swindon!!!
AND I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK FRENCH!!! Not really well anyway!!!!
I realise that I am thinking way too much...and that I am actually a capable adult *cough* who can do anything I want...but then I think about my past failures and I get so nervous and sdfhjskjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhf.
Ok, but just writing this is making me feel sick to the stomach to I have to do this positive thing that I used to do on exam days.
I tell myself that at least I am not dead...and I also read the Bible...I'm not even joking.
I have this small Bible in my bag and reading it calms me right down...it's definitely a great comfort tool...allthough I will probably open it and it will be the account of Queen Jezebels death by being eaten by dogs after falling out of her window or the rape of Tamar and I will have to hurriedly find a chapter of hope and love...which fortunately, there are a lot of.
I like a reminder that God is actually there looking after my silly tummy and my silly fears.
Reading all this I think this little trip will be good for me to finally get over this silly wall that blocks me from moving forward.
My dream is to travel the world...therefore it is absolutely absurd that I feel uncomfortable travelling.
I will think of my gorgeous friends who live all over the planet and who I want to see very soon, that will be lovely.
I miss them so much it makes my stomach curdle.
HAHAHA what a pleasant thought.
You know that feeling when you are scared to get close to someone because you are scared of losing it.
Well it's kind of how I feel at the moment.
You see, I have internet connection atm, but am scared to log into msn because I'll be able to talk to people and then have to leave them and not talk to them again for ages and its like stabbing myself.
I should log in though...because I miss them and I want to talk to them because its an opportunity.
I mean, Its bad enough to not be there with them...msn is all I have!!!
Actually, being separate from people I care about is something I keep having to deal with over my 22 years...you'd think I'd be used to it, but actually I can't stand it at all.
I hate moving away, I hate no contact, I hate prolonged silences....because I know how important it is to let people know they mean a lot to you.
Life is too short for that.
I've lost someone I love to death before and it was always comforting for me that I was able to write him a letter to tell him how much I loved him before he died.
I often think back to then and feel glad that he knew.
LOOOOOOOL I'm going so deep in a blog post....this is me combating my train trouble.
I'm already missing my dog...his ears.
I'm watching Match of the Day 2....midnight football is quite invigorating.
Its almost 12am and I should probably get a good nights sleep.
My hair is almost dry now anyway
I should pack my lappy up now!!!
NO! Positiveness!
Goodnight Darlings!
Love Minnie
Saturday, 15 January 2011
If You Hear What is Going on In My Head it Would Annoy You
It look me like 5 hours to purchase a train ticket.
Goodness know what its going to be like when I finally get the opportunity to get a plane ticket.
And I have such a fear of changing train.
I should be more adventurous...believe me I'm so adventurous in my head.
I feel so brave because I didn't go lie down and nap it away. I stayed awake and in pain LIKE A BOSS!
Sarah just said the weirdest thing.
Something about cows pollinating with their udders like cow-bee hybrids...I swear she is damaged in some way.
My hair exploded when I washed it. Its about 12 thousand times curlier than it was before I just have no idea how to control it.
I spoke to my YJ for ages today it was so lush, we were spazzing and going crazy and speaking in caps all over msn and it was like the planets had somehow aligned and everything was as it should be...except mico wasn't there and he really needs to be there to complete our trio of terror.
Then it would have been perfect.
Even though I was kind of spazzing about train tickets and I have this huge fear of the unknown and shizz, but yeah.
Im typing really fast because Sarah wants to sleep and shes speaking to me in an American accent....she just told me that Im typing like a man on steroids and how hamsters have wet feet from their own wee.
Hamsters always remind me of Jae. Because of that time when he told me that hamster story.
I wanted to talk to Zaty today because I miss her and its quicker than how I always text her because texts are very short and not fast...and they cost money too...well for me anyway...not that I mind cos I would totally spend millions of pounds of texts on Zaty because I love her and she knows that I love her because she just does.
Do I need to explain my love for people??? It happens!!
What the hell am I talking about?
My sister is MENTAL!!!
SHE HAS DONE ABOUT 12 THOUSAND ACCENTS In the time Ive written this.
And Im writing this very fast and now really thinking about what Im writing about I just thought, I couldnt NOT write a blog while I had wireless around because that would just be WRONG!!!
So even though it is late and I am nervous and extremely TRENCHED in thoughts, I MUST BLOG!
Sarah is mad at me because Im keeping her awake she just said,
'Don't look at me for a college application' and that my feet look like aubergines.
Goodness know what its going to be like when I finally get the opportunity to get a plane ticket.
And I have such a fear of changing train.
I should be more adventurous...believe me I'm so adventurous in my head.
I feel so brave because I didn't go lie down and nap it away. I stayed awake and in pain LIKE A BOSS!
Sarah just said the weirdest thing.
Something about cows pollinating with their udders like cow-bee hybrids...I swear she is damaged in some way.
My hair exploded when I washed it. Its about 12 thousand times curlier than it was before I just have no idea how to control it.
I spoke to my YJ for ages today it was so lush, we were spazzing and going crazy and speaking in caps all over msn and it was like the planets had somehow aligned and everything was as it should be...except mico wasn't there and he really needs to be there to complete our trio of terror.
Then it would have been perfect.
Even though I was kind of spazzing about train tickets and I have this huge fear of the unknown and shizz, but yeah.
Im typing really fast because Sarah wants to sleep and shes speaking to me in an American accent....she just told me that Im typing like a man on steroids and how hamsters have wet feet from their own wee.
Hamsters always remind me of Jae. Because of that time when he told me that hamster story.
I wanted to talk to Zaty today because I miss her and its quicker than how I always text her because texts are very short and not fast...and they cost money too...well for me anyway...not that I mind cos I would totally spend millions of pounds of texts on Zaty because I love her and she knows that I love her because she just does.
Do I need to explain my love for people??? It happens!!
What the hell am I talking about?
My sister is MENTAL!!!
SHE HAS DONE ABOUT 12 THOUSAND ACCENTS In the time Ive written this.
And Im writing this very fast and now really thinking about what Im writing about I just thought, I couldnt NOT write a blog while I had wireless around because that would just be WRONG!!!
So even though it is late and I am nervous and extremely TRENCHED in thoughts, I MUST BLOG!
Sarah is mad at me because Im keeping her awake she just said,
'Don't look at me for a college application' and that my feet look like aubergines.
fast typing,
general manic-ness,
lack of sleep,
scary ticket,
so hyper
Friday, 14 January 2011
It's more Fun to be a Pirate...
It feels like heaven to be typing on a keyboard again....I don't exactly know what heaven feels like...but I'm definitely sure would you have free hands to type there.
I'm at grandmas at the moment using her wireless.
I tried getting on msn, but I think my lappy is spazzing out because its online..updating itself and all that jazz...so its making msn lag.
Its quite late anyway, and I'm pretty sure there will be no beloveds online just yet anyway.
I can't wait to wash my hair tomorrow. You see, the hairdresser straightened it after it was cut, so I've not actually seen it how it will look naturally.
It may be HIDEOUS!
Ok lets see then.
I have to remember what I have done the past few weeks.
I went to see 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'
It was a really good movie, but Sarah kept looking at me during the film, to see if I'd noticed the parts where Ben was looking extremely fine-ness...I just nodded at her all-knowingly and continued watching.
Allthough there was one particular moment where he looked so hot I almost had to bite my hand so that I could contain a squeal.
...I didn't just go see it because of Ben though...lmao...I actually love the book....I'm not even lying.
The cinema we went to was on Salford Quays and had a huge glass window in the entranceway with a full on view of the front of old Trafford, it was gorgeous.
Me and Sarah and dad were getting all spazzy about it and mum and grandma were just all,
They don't really understand the epicness of Old Trafford-ness.
I wont be going back home now for another two weeks. On Sunday I'm getting the train to a place called Swindon where I will be working for a fortnight.
It's in the South of England.
I will probably get homesick too...and miss my dog like madly...oh...and my family too LOLOLOL.
but no, I think I will have fun. I will get so spend some time with friends I've not seen in a while.
I should probably contact them tomorrow so they know what time to pick me up from the train station on Sunday.
I'm too tired to even think about it at the moment.
I had a dream about my friends in primary school last night
I dreamt that I went to visit them now...and was all sorry towards them because I told them that I would keep in contact and had not been to visit them since we were 12.
They were all like 'na man, its fine' and everything was cool.
but the dream brought back a whole lot of memories that I'd forgotten about.
Like shizzloads of memories just flooded back and it was all pretty crazy.
Like how I had a huge crush on Keanu Reeves when I was about 6.
And how my friends all thought I was the boss because I could draw horses.
And how my best friends twin brother revealed his little peeper to me one day when I was at her house...he was wearing his batman suit...maybe this is why I prefer superman...I wonder if he remembers that he did that?
And how I got this kid called Martin who was a year below me to follow me around like a lil puppy...My friend had one called Simon LOOOoOOL
Mine was cuter though...
How I was the first girl in my class to get my ears pierced and yet I only wore one in my left ear because I was a tomboy.
How we used to bury dead bumble bees in the dust that collected in the corners outside the school building.
How we used to drink half a pint bottles of milk at first break time with red straws.
How I used to get a full pint because my friends bro (the flasher) used to give me his...he used to butter my toast for me too...hmmmm.
How I loved to ice skate and roller blade....
How I used to find it fun to find the steepest hill...wear one roller blade...and then push off down the hill on one foot.
How it was a miracle I never died or broke bones.
How all my friends were jealous cos I had a baby sister and I was all U_U 'yeahh bro s'cool shizz having baby sisters'
How I used to climb trees and climb on my neighbours garage roof. And how my friend tried it, but then couldn't get down and had to be rescued.
How I thought of the name of my Budgie while sitting on my bike...I called him 'Peter'.
How I had a snail called 'Sammy'
How I knocked an old lady over when I was riding my bike and she called me a 'Stupid Girl'...LMAO
Yeap...a dream, helped me remember all that..I'm such a weirdo LOLOL
I really hope our internet is fixed before Big Bang come back.
Actually, I will be away on the 1st of February, but hopefully I will be able to join in the celebrations somehow.
As far as being a fangirl crazy VIP is concerned, I've missed shizzloads...it's quite depressing.
I have to make up for all this somehow...when I'm back online I need like a full day to catch up hahaha.
My dog is snoring like crazy. It's completely adorable.
I'm just so sfkhsdkjfhksyuwigbfsldifhohsdkf at the moment. Maybe it's because I'm sleepy and SO WARM.
The fire is SO WARM.
Every time I sleep in this room I have a inner fear that I will die from gas fumed.
Its 1:11am...that is ridiculous...I've not stayed up this late for weeks.
You know what is funny?
The quote 'Out of sight, Out of Mind' does not describe how I feel one bit.
In fact, it's the very opposite.
I even have to TRY to NOT think about someone at all.
And also I find that time does weird things...you know like you remember something...something that should make you explode with anger and bitterness and deep hatred...but yet you smile like a complete lunatic and instead of getting angry you feel all dkfjslkdfjirfelrkfjkjf and soft and fluffy and warm feelings.
Its an extremely terrible and scary thing.
You know what is even weirder?
Handsome and talented strangers can't even distract you from these feelings.
Actually...you don't even care a tiny bit for anyone else.
Isn't it?
Ait...I have no idea how this must read...I realize I am completely over-tired and when I read it again when I wake up it may look like madness and insanity.
But but but but I AM OVERCOME!!!
I should sleep.
Goodnight Dears,
Love Minnie
It feels like heaven to be typing on a keyboard again....I don't exactly know what heaven feels like...but I'm definitely sure would you have free hands to type there.
I'm at grandmas at the moment using her wireless.
I tried getting on msn, but I think my lappy is spazzing out because its online..updating itself and all that jazz...so its making msn lag.
Its quite late anyway, and I'm pretty sure there will be no beloveds online just yet anyway.
I can't wait to wash my hair tomorrow. You see, the hairdresser straightened it after it was cut, so I've not actually seen it how it will look naturally.
It may be HIDEOUS!
Ok lets see then.
I have to remember what I have done the past few weeks.
I went to see 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'
It was a really good movie, but Sarah kept looking at me during the film, to see if I'd noticed the parts where Ben was looking extremely fine-ness...I just nodded at her all-knowingly and continued watching.
Allthough there was one particular moment where he looked so hot I almost had to bite my hand so that I could contain a squeal.
...I didn't just go see it because of Ben though...lmao...I actually love the book....I'm not even lying.
The cinema we went to was on Salford Quays and had a huge glass window in the entranceway with a full on view of the front of old Trafford, it was gorgeous.
Me and Sarah and dad were getting all spazzy about it and mum and grandma were just all,
'Shall we go naw?'
They don't really understand the epicness of Old Trafford-ness.
I wont be going back home now for another two weeks. On Sunday I'm getting the train to a place called Swindon where I will be working for a fortnight.
It's in the South of England.
I will probably get homesick too...and miss my dog like madly...oh...and my family too LOLOLOL.
but no, I think I will have fun. I will get so spend some time with friends I've not seen in a while.
I should probably contact them tomorrow so they know what time to pick me up from the train station on Sunday.
I'm too tired to even think about it at the moment.
I had a dream about my friends in primary school last night
I dreamt that I went to visit them now...and was all sorry towards them because I told them that I would keep in contact and had not been to visit them since we were 12.
They were all like 'na man, its fine' and everything was cool.
but the dream brought back a whole lot of memories that I'd forgotten about.
Like shizzloads of memories just flooded back and it was all pretty crazy.
Like how I had a huge crush on Keanu Reeves when I was about 6.
And how my friends all thought I was the boss because I could draw horses.
And how my best friends twin brother revealed his little peeper to me one day when I was at her house...he was wearing his batman suit...maybe this is why I prefer superman...I wonder if he remembers that he did that?
And how I got this kid called Martin who was a year below me to follow me around like a lil puppy...My friend had one called Simon LOOOoOOL
Mine was cuter though...
How I was the first girl in my class to get my ears pierced and yet I only wore one in my left ear because I was a tomboy.
How we used to bury dead bumble bees in the dust that collected in the corners outside the school building.
How we used to drink half a pint bottles of milk at first break time with red straws.
How I used to get a full pint because my friends bro (the flasher) used to give me his...he used to butter my toast for me too...hmmmm.
How I loved to ice skate and roller blade....
How I used to find it fun to find the steepest hill...wear one roller blade...and then push off down the hill on one foot.
How it was a miracle I never died or broke bones.
How all my friends were jealous cos I had a baby sister and I was all U_U 'yeahh bro s'cool shizz having baby sisters'
How I used to climb trees and climb on my neighbours garage roof. And how my friend tried it, but then couldn't get down and had to be rescued.
How I thought of the name of my Budgie while sitting on my bike...I called him 'Peter'.
How I had a snail called 'Sammy'
How I knocked an old lady over when I was riding my bike and she called me a 'Stupid Girl'...LMAO
Yeap...a dream, helped me remember all that..I'm such a weirdo LOLOL
I really hope our internet is fixed before Big Bang come back.
Actually, I will be away on the 1st of February, but hopefully I will be able to join in the celebrations somehow.
As far as being a fangirl crazy VIP is concerned, I've missed shizzloads...it's quite depressing.
I have to make up for all this somehow...when I'm back online I need like a full day to catch up hahaha.
My dog is snoring like crazy. It's completely adorable.
I'm just so sfkhsdkjfhksyuwigbfsldifhohsdkf at the moment. Maybe it's because I'm sleepy and SO WARM.
The fire is SO WARM.
Every time I sleep in this room I have a inner fear that I will die from gas fumed.
Its 1:11am...that is ridiculous...I've not stayed up this late for weeks.
You know what is funny?
The quote 'Out of sight, Out of Mind' does not describe how I feel one bit.
In fact, it's the very opposite.
I even have to TRY to NOT think about someone at all.
And also I find that time does weird things...you know like you remember something...something that should make you explode with anger and bitterness and deep hatred...but yet you smile like a complete lunatic and instead of getting angry you feel all dkfjslkdfjirfelrkfjkjf and soft and fluffy and warm feelings.
Its an extremely terrible and scary thing.
You know what is even weirder?
Handsome and talented strangers can't even distract you from these feelings.
Actually...you don't even care a tiny bit for anyone else.
Isn't it?
Ait...I have no idea how this must read...I realize I am completely over-tired and when I read it again when I wake up it may look like madness and insanity.
But but but but I AM OVERCOME!!!
I should sleep.
Goodnight Dears,
Love Minnie
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Im Still Here, Still the Same
Here I am again trying still to master the art of blogging on a touchscreen. I'm completely pathetic at it grrrrrrrrrr.
I'm watching superman at the moment. Its AWESOME! It was awesome the first time I saw it and it will continue to be so forever and ever.
Sooo, today I had two appointments. One was at 9am and it was boring and not worth talking about. The other, was a visit to the hairdressers. My hair has now been savagely chopped...which btw was long overdue.
I had been previously banned by a number of friends about cutting my hair any shorter than shoulder length so I decided to keep most of the length and get bangs.
But the hairdresser didn't cut my fringe the way I really wanted but I don't mind how it turned out.
When I got home I took Sam for a walk and I noticed that the weather was pretty darn mild for mid winter.
The terrible thing happened when I got into the house and slipped my feet into my brand new Christmas slippers. I was puzzled because I felt something wet under my right foot. I kicked my slipper off and was completely horrified at what I discovered.
There. Was a slug in my slipper...
The one creature I cannot abide was in my slipper with its digestive system clearly visible as it had burst out of the slimy exterior of the slug when my foot squashed it to death.
I shudder thinking of it...that my foot has touched not only the outside of a slug, but its intestines as well.
When the horrendous event occurred I wanted to faint. Instead, I ran upstairs and scrubbed my foot in the bathroom sink.
I then asked my sister to remove the remains of the creature but she refused as she doesn't accept that my fear is legitimately. She thinks you don't have to be scared of something that doesn't have legs. But I think the opposite. Not having legs is not natural. I would much rather have a centipede in my slipper.
Anyway I had to feebly remove the dead creature and then I instantly threw my slippers into the washing machine.
It was a terrifying experience for me.
Ahhhh SUPERHEROES are so hot.
So I'm going to finish watching superman.
Oh oh. But before I do that I must wish my YJ eonnie a very happy and wonderful 23rd birthday. I wish I could celebrate this special day with you. You are an awesome person! A million times awesomer than superman! And I just love you very very very much. CHUUUUUNYUUUUU HUUUGSSSS!
I'm watching superman at the moment. Its AWESOME! It was awesome the first time I saw it and it will continue to be so forever and ever.
Sooo, today I had two appointments. One was at 9am and it was boring and not worth talking about. The other, was a visit to the hairdressers. My hair has now been savagely chopped...which btw was long overdue.
I had been previously banned by a number of friends about cutting my hair any shorter than shoulder length so I decided to keep most of the length and get bangs.
But the hairdresser didn't cut my fringe the way I really wanted but I don't mind how it turned out.
When I got home I took Sam for a walk and I noticed that the weather was pretty darn mild for mid winter.
The terrible thing happened when I got into the house and slipped my feet into my brand new Christmas slippers. I was puzzled because I felt something wet under my right foot. I kicked my slipper off and was completely horrified at what I discovered.
There. Was a slug in my slipper...
The one creature I cannot abide was in my slipper with its digestive system clearly visible as it had burst out of the slimy exterior of the slug when my foot squashed it to death.
I shudder thinking of it...that my foot has touched not only the outside of a slug, but its intestines as well.
When the horrendous event occurred I wanted to faint. Instead, I ran upstairs and scrubbed my foot in the bathroom sink.
I then asked my sister to remove the remains of the creature but she refused as she doesn't accept that my fear is legitimately. She thinks you don't have to be scared of something that doesn't have legs. But I think the opposite. Not having legs is not natural. I would much rather have a centipede in my slipper.
Anyway I had to feebly remove the dead creature and then I instantly threw my slippers into the washing machine.
It was a terrifying experience for me.
Ahhhh SUPERHEROES are so hot.
So I'm going to finish watching superman.
Oh oh. But before I do that I must wish my YJ eonnie a very happy and wonderful 23rd birthday. I wish I could celebrate this special day with you. You are an awesome person! A million times awesomer than superman! And I just love you very very very much. CHUUUUUNYUUUUU HUUUGSSSS!
Friday, 7 January 2011
Now I am so desperate i am about to take a risk and write a blog using my sisters mobile phone. I will probably end up getting mad and throwing this thing and my sister called me a 'freak' and a 'pervert' for even attempting such a thing, but there you are!
As for my life well, I still have no internet access...other than mobile net, which sucks BTW and I am foul at this touch screen typing. It feels like I have the fingers of an elephant, which is completely absurd since they don't have fingers!
I applied for a job today which pays 15k to 17k per year so God willing, I may get it. The difficulty was the actual applying because it was an online application and I had to call my friend and give her all my details so she could do it for me on her comp. She even made a new email address for me because she said my personal one was totally innapropriate for job searching. I love my email address though huhuhuh...nvm I have a new one now for boring people.
Recently I keep having dreams about my bbvip family. I miss them so much. The other day I actually woke up really depressed because I was so full of missingness for them. I logged into my sisters ebuddy account a few days ago and had a little chat with YJ eonnie and MICO, but it was not really good enough because of my failness at typing on this thingy.
Anyway, my thumbs are all gdheowfwgwhsbsjsjsgg. So I'm gonna stop here for now. Sorry for my long absences. I'm sure you understand.
Thinking of you always,
Love Minnie
As for my life well, I still have no internet access...other than mobile net, which sucks BTW and I am foul at this touch screen typing. It feels like I have the fingers of an elephant, which is completely absurd since they don't have fingers!
I applied for a job today which pays 15k to 17k per year so God willing, I may get it. The difficulty was the actual applying because it was an online application and I had to call my friend and give her all my details so she could do it for me on her comp. She even made a new email address for me because she said my personal one was totally innapropriate for job searching. I love my email address though huhuhuh...nvm I have a new one now for boring people.
Recently I keep having dreams about my bbvip family. I miss them so much. The other day I actually woke up really depressed because I was so full of missingness for them. I logged into my sisters ebuddy account a few days ago and had a little chat with YJ eonnie and MICO, but it was not really good enough because of my failness at typing on this thingy.
Anyway, my thumbs are all gdheowfwgwhsbsjsjsgg. So I'm gonna stop here for now. Sorry for my long absences. I'm sure you understand.
Thinking of you always,
Love Minnie
Sunday, 2 January 2011
I'm being nagged at the moment...I wonder why people decide to nag other people at the absolute wrong times.
For example, in the middle of the night, or when travelling, or when the receiver of the nagging is ill or in a REALLY atrocious mood.
Why can't people decide to give 'motivational advice' when the other person is ready to receive it...or as Captain G Sparrow...errr I mean Captain Jack Sparrow would say, 'The Opportune Moment'.
And that was just my little peeve...as you can probably attain from my writing, the remainder of the Christmas spirit or the New Years festive mood is slowly seeping from my life.
Don't get me wrong...I am COMPLETELY satisfied with how today has gone...it's been very pleasant albeit slightly unneventful.
but an interesting occurance in my life is kind of like seeing a penguin in a desert.
And I'm not complaining about that...you can get too much of a good thing...as I have discovered from the copious amounts of food I have shovelled down my neck these past three weeks.
I feel constantly full, which takes away the satisfaction and enjoyment out of eating food.
I also feel a bit bad going into all these supermarkets and seeing the utter tonnage of food being completely ignored by the Great British public and knowing that out in the world there are thousands of people dying of starvation.
Oh good grief, I've just been used as an example of a bad influence..right in front of my face...thats the way to boost my self regard.
Ughhh, sorry, I'm feeling bitter and I was just telling myself today how I want to be more forgiving and shizz this year because it's much healthier to forgive and forget and move along MOVE ALONG LIKE I KNOW YOU DOOOOO ..... sorry, I had to.
but yeah, it was because at church today the sermon was on forgiveness in the new year and I got all self righteous in my mind about how awesome I was good at forgiving the solid crap that sometimes gets thrown at me and then I gave myself a mental slap and thought.
No Minnie, 'forgiveness in the new year' doesn't just mean forgiving other people, it also means asking for forgiveness, which...is much more of a challenge for me, because it means I have to get off my high horse and humble myself.
but I know from a bit of experience that it feels wonderful to be forgiven and to forgive so I'm pushing myself to do this.
And I suppose my current situation...and I mean IMMEDIATE situation, because this nagging is REALLY grating on my nerves...it's so bad I'm conjuring up a mental image of myself jumping out of the window...which is not healthy.
I simply do not know how to react so I'm just being all blank and emotionless which I know is infuriating for the person who is trying to torture...em I mean, get through to me and I really want to shout,
but I'm just being all 'meh'
then then, that cierra??? I dunno how to speall her name...but you know the one? Who did that song with Enrique and they destroy the house and throw paint on that lush car and then start making out??? Well the song by her where that guy says,
Well I started laughing, because it reminded me of a parody thingy with T.O.P.
I just don't have the ability to keep my cool...what a failure.
I had this dream the other night - I wont go into detail, but a part of it was that a swordfish or a marlin or something, cut my dogs tail off. It really disturbed me, because I feel deeply about any pain infliction on my dog - even if it is only a dream.
Anyway, CSI NY is on TV and one guy got killed by a swordfish and its pretty disturbing...I feel quite afraid of these creatures now, whereas before I thought they were cute and interesting.
All because of a COMPLETELY ridiculous and impossible to come true dream.
And I'm not afraid of creatures!!!...other than that unmentionable 'S' word...
I think we might be most probably finally going to see the latest Narnia movie tomorrow because I sort of asked grandma is she wanted to come out with us to see it, so now dad can't get out of it.
Yes, it was rather underhanded...but MUAHAHAHAHAH and anyway, we will all have a nice family time together and hopefully the mood of mid-life crisis will not rear its UGLY head.
Don't even get me started on the matters of my heart...because my heart is in hybernation because it has no idea what the heck to do with itself...to put it bluntly - my heart is currently in the deep freeze, numb of feeling.
I dunno whether this has to do with lack of opportunities for it to skip a beat for umpteen weeks (nothing else causes that reaction...it's ridiculous) or maybe because numbness is better than the pain and the achey.
The only problem is I feel kind of dead and on autopilot all the time...its a bit rubbish actually.
HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be releasing positive energies, but it seems to taking the opposite effect.
Maybe it's just because I'm sleepy.
I shall sleep...I reaaaaaally hope this sick feeling in my stomach leaves my tomorrow.
Love From Minnie
For example, in the middle of the night, or when travelling, or when the receiver of the nagging is ill or in a REALLY atrocious mood.
Why can't people decide to give 'motivational advice' when the other person is ready to receive it...or as Captain G Sparrow...errr I mean Captain Jack Sparrow would say, 'The Opportune Moment'.
And that was just my little peeve...as you can probably attain from my writing, the remainder of the Christmas spirit or the New Years festive mood is slowly seeping from my life.
Don't get me wrong...I am COMPLETELY satisfied with how today has gone...it's been very pleasant albeit slightly unneventful.
but an interesting occurance in my life is kind of like seeing a penguin in a desert.
And I'm not complaining about that...you can get too much of a good thing...as I have discovered from the copious amounts of food I have shovelled down my neck these past three weeks.
I feel constantly full, which takes away the satisfaction and enjoyment out of eating food.
I also feel a bit bad going into all these supermarkets and seeing the utter tonnage of food being completely ignored by the Great British public and knowing that out in the world there are thousands of people dying of starvation.
Oh good grief, I've just been used as an example of a bad influence..right in front of my face...thats the way to boost my self regard.
Ughhh, sorry, I'm feeling bitter and I was just telling myself today how I want to be more forgiving and shizz this year because it's much healthier to forgive and forget and move along MOVE ALONG LIKE I KNOW YOU DOOOOO ..... sorry, I had to.
but yeah, it was because at church today the sermon was on forgiveness in the new year and I got all self righteous in my mind about how awesome I was good at forgiving the solid crap that sometimes gets thrown at me and then I gave myself a mental slap and thought.
No Minnie, 'forgiveness in the new year' doesn't just mean forgiving other people, it also means asking for forgiveness, which...is much more of a challenge for me, because it means I have to get off my high horse and humble myself.
but I know from a bit of experience that it feels wonderful to be forgiven and to forgive so I'm pushing myself to do this.
And I suppose my current situation...and I mean IMMEDIATE situation, because this nagging is REALLY grating on my nerves...it's so bad I'm conjuring up a mental image of myself jumping out of the window...which is not healthy.
I simply do not know how to react so I'm just being all blank and emotionless which I know is infuriating for the person who is trying to torture...em I mean, get through to me and I really want to shout,
but I'm just being all 'meh'
then then, that cierra??? I dunno how to speall her name...but you know the one? Who did that song with Enrique and they destroy the house and throw paint on that lush car and then start making out??? Well the song by her where that guy says,
Well I started laughing, because it reminded me of a parody thingy with T.O.P.
I just don't have the ability to keep my cool...what a failure.
I had this dream the other night - I wont go into detail, but a part of it was that a swordfish or a marlin or something, cut my dogs tail off. It really disturbed me, because I feel deeply about any pain infliction on my dog - even if it is only a dream.
Anyway, CSI NY is on TV and one guy got killed by a swordfish and its pretty disturbing...I feel quite afraid of these creatures now, whereas before I thought they were cute and interesting.
All because of a COMPLETELY ridiculous and impossible to come true dream.
And I'm not afraid of creatures!!!...other than that unmentionable 'S' word...
I think we might be most probably finally going to see the latest Narnia movie tomorrow because I sort of asked grandma is she wanted to come out with us to see it, so now dad can't get out of it.
Yes, it was rather underhanded...but MUAHAHAHAHAH and anyway, we will all have a nice family time together and hopefully the mood of mid-life crisis will not rear its UGLY head.
Don't even get me started on the matters of my heart...because my heart is in hybernation because it has no idea what the heck to do with itself...to put it bluntly - my heart is currently in the deep freeze, numb of feeling.
I dunno whether this has to do with lack of opportunities for it to skip a beat for umpteen weeks (nothing else causes that reaction...it's ridiculous) or maybe because numbness is better than the pain and the achey.
The only problem is I feel kind of dead and on autopilot all the time...its a bit rubbish actually.
HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be releasing positive energies, but it seems to taking the opposite effect.
Maybe it's just because I'm sleepy.
I shall sleep...I reaaaaaally hope this sick feeling in my stomach leaves my tomorrow.
Love From Minnie
multiple mini rants,
over eating,
self motivation fail
Saturday, 1 January 2011
The first day of 2011 is very foggy in my part of England.
Obviously I'm at grandmas again feeding of her full internet access.
My dad has been trying to get our broadband fixed, but the helplines are not proving to be very helpful at all.
I've actually started write with a pen again, I have pages and pages of shizz in this writing book that I have neglegted for ages, but with my lack of access to my blog it's been the only way I can release all my jailed up emotions.
BUT GOSH!!! I have missed some people tremendously.
You never realise how big a part of your life some people are until you are actually cut off from them.
I swear if I hadn't been busy over Christmas time and the leading up to New Years Eve, I would have totally ripped my head off by now.
but anyway, when I get my net at home back to full capacity I will type out all the shizz I wrote in that notebook here...it will be like a blinking cyber novel.
SOOOO, last night was New Years Eve.
Every New Years Eve for my entire life we have celebrated at church.
When I was little it was like the best night of the entire year... have you ever seen the Hunchback of Notredame Disney animated film?? You know the part where there have the Festival of Fools??
Well the New Years Eve party used to be exactly like that.
Everyone dressed ridiculously and partied for hours and hours...not exactly the celebrations you'd expect to find in a church...but our church is not exactly the most traditionally inclined places of worship....The building itself is an old cinema so yeah....my parents got married in a cinema building...I will never get over that.
Gradually as I grew up the New Years Celebrations became more and more formal...or as my best friend likes to put it,
It was the last straw when about 7 years ago they stopped letting the kids dance in front of the stage. And since then it has gradually gotten worse and worse...to the point where we now attend just to see old friends and not really for the celebrating.
Last night was....it was ok, I wasn't bored and it was nice to be with my friends and give them shizzloads of huggage.
The performances were based on 'Britain's got Talent'...the talent show.
But it was called 'NHCF's got Talent' instead. NHCF is our church name.
I think over the past month they held auditions at church until they found the best performances and then last night we had to vote for the best one.
The prize for the winner was an ipad.
Unfortunately for us, any relatives or kids of pastors or elders in the church could not take part in the competition so me and Sarah were out of it as well as my friends.
In my opinion, Sarah would have totally won if she could have done a piano piece..but Im biased.
I have a confession though. I decided on my vote before any of the acts performed.
I know...it was probably very wrong of me, but I will always vote for my bias LOLOL.
My friends and I decided we would do a mass votage for Philip, which in the end was fair because his guitar solo was by far the best...but he didn't win because other people in the congregation obviously don't appreciate musical talent. this other girl won...she had a pretty decent voice I guess, but she wasn't as good as Philip.
LOLOLOLOL...can I just mention now...people on facebook are such camwhores, it actually made me laugh.
After we had welcomed in the New Year we went upstairs and had some refreshments...which was ok for a while, but not for my appearance...unfortunately.
The thing is, I have this thing where my face goes red when I get too hot...so when I am in a room full of people and no air conditioning...so my face ended up being like a tomato...darn this pale complexion of mine!!!
I had to actually leave the room for a while to cool off.
I felt like sticking my head in a bowl of ice water...but that would just be silly.
Ah well...we got to grandmas around 2am and just sat about talking and then I had my first cup of tea of the year at 3:30am...Sarah was like,
and I said yeah, but I bet we forget to count in a day or so HAHA.
So as far as the New 2011 is concerned I refuse to make any strict promises to myself...I mean, I probably should push myself, but in my own books I'm a huge disappointment, so the year 2011 is me giving myself a break...letting things naturally flow their course.
I refuse to expect too much...I plan on continuing to hope for good things, but as far as other people are concerned I will leave it to God, because expecting things of other people is just crazy painful.
Though, I wont take shizz from people...the one thing I do expect is common courtesy for fellow human beings...and animals... and me :D
My mum said I should make getting a job my resolution, but that has to happen anyway.
My resolution this year is making sure my dog loses weight...I will be incredibly happy when he is at his accurate weight...he is so fat nowadays he actually groans because he's just that heavy.
My dad just brought me a cup of tea, I think I love him.
You know Zaty eonnie sends the best replies to texts, I send like a mass Happy New Year text when it turned 12am (to the chimes of Big Ben - have I ever mentioned that I love being British?).
Anyway, Zaty's reply was 'HAPPY NEW YEAR! I HOPE 2011 WILL BE THE YEAR WE MEET'
I had like a mini spazz in church.
I had intended to make my resolution 'I will make sure I travel this year'
but thats already a promise I made to myself before, which I still have yet to keep and I don't trust myself enough.
Thats the thing about promises, you have to be brave to make one...especially promises you make for other people. Not only are they trusting you, but you have to trust yourself too - it's kind of a big deal.
Indiana Jones is on TV atm, the latest one...that part where those rabid ants get that guy and sort of flow into his mouth and then carry him down into the ant hill...what an epic death...I bet it tickled like crazy.
The whole straw hat thing with Luffy in One Piece was totally taken from the Indiana Jones' fedora thingy...the way they aquire their hats is almost exactly the same way.
I love it though.
All the epic people always get hats from other equally or even more epic-er people....I hope that made sense to you, because it made sense to me in my head.
HA! I get all giddy when I hear Star Wars references in unrelated films.
When Harrison Ford says
Then while watching 'The Revenge of the Sith' I would go on my exercise bike and totally cancel out the tonnage of fat I had just consumed.
And that is my idea of a perfect day...along with meeting my true love, meeting my vip 1st gen family and hugging them to death...okok I have many ideas of a perfect day, this is something I should not get started on because my elaborations will last all night.
And now I will sign off with this -
I've not had a bath since last year - am I dirty???
I've not had my period since last year - Am I PREGNANT???!!!
D: D: D: D:
ok I know..it wasn't that funny.
Au revoir
Je t'aime :)
From Min
P.S. No huge changes this year, I will keep everything I love and try and get rid of all my rubbishness.
Obviously I'm at grandmas again feeding of her full internet access.
My dad has been trying to get our broadband fixed, but the helplines are not proving to be very helpful at all.
I've actually started write with a pen again, I have pages and pages of shizz in this writing book that I have neglegted for ages, but with my lack of access to my blog it's been the only way I can release all my jailed up emotions.
BUT GOSH!!! I have missed some people tremendously.
You never realise how big a part of your life some people are until you are actually cut off from them.
I swear if I hadn't been busy over Christmas time and the leading up to New Years Eve, I would have totally ripped my head off by now.
but anyway, when I get my net at home back to full capacity I will type out all the shizz I wrote in that notebook here...it will be like a blinking cyber novel.
SOOOO, last night was New Years Eve.
Every New Years Eve for my entire life we have celebrated at church.
When I was little it was like the best night of the entire year... have you ever seen the Hunchback of Notredame Disney animated film?? You know the part where there have the Festival of Fools??
Well the New Years Eve party used to be exactly like that.
Everyone dressed ridiculously and partied for hours and hours...not exactly the celebrations you'd expect to find in a church...but our church is not exactly the most traditionally inclined places of worship....The building itself is an old cinema so yeah....my parents got married in a cinema building...I will never get over that.
Gradually as I grew up the New Years Celebrations became more and more formal...or as my best friend likes to put it,
It was the last straw when about 7 years ago they stopped letting the kids dance in front of the stage. And since then it has gradually gotten worse and worse...to the point where we now attend just to see old friends and not really for the celebrating.
Last night was....it was ok, I wasn't bored and it was nice to be with my friends and give them shizzloads of huggage.
The performances were based on 'Britain's got Talent'...the talent show.
But it was called 'NHCF's got Talent' instead. NHCF is our church name.
I think over the past month they held auditions at church until they found the best performances and then last night we had to vote for the best one.
The prize for the winner was an ipad.
Unfortunately for us, any relatives or kids of pastors or elders in the church could not take part in the competition so me and Sarah were out of it as well as my friends.
In my opinion, Sarah would have totally won if she could have done a piano piece..but Im biased.
I have a confession though. I decided on my vote before any of the acts performed.
I know...it was probably very wrong of me, but I will always vote for my bias LOLOL.
My friends and I decided we would do a mass votage for Philip, which in the end was fair because his guitar solo was by far the best...but he didn't win because other people in the congregation obviously don't appreciate musical talent. this other girl won...she had a pretty decent voice I guess, but she wasn't as good as Philip.
LOLOLOLOL...can I just mention now...people on facebook are such camwhores, it actually made me laugh.
After we had welcomed in the New Year we went upstairs and had some refreshments...which was ok for a while, but not for my appearance...unfortunately.
The thing is, I have this thing where my face goes red when I get too hot...so when I am in a room full of people and no air conditioning...so my face ended up being like a tomato...darn this pale complexion of mine!!!
I had to actually leave the room for a while to cool off.
I felt like sticking my head in a bowl of ice water...but that would just be silly.
Ah well...we got to grandmas around 2am and just sat about talking and then I had my first cup of tea of the year at 3:30am...Sarah was like,
'Shall we count how many cups of tea we have this year.'
and I said yeah, but I bet we forget to count in a day or so HAHA.
So as far as the New 2011 is concerned I refuse to make any strict promises to myself...I mean, I probably should push myself, but in my own books I'm a huge disappointment, so the year 2011 is me giving myself a break...letting things naturally flow their course.
I refuse to expect too much...I plan on continuing to hope for good things, but as far as other people are concerned I will leave it to God, because expecting things of other people is just crazy painful.
Though, I wont take shizz from people...the one thing I do expect is common courtesy for fellow human beings...and animals... and me :D
My mum said I should make getting a job my resolution, but that has to happen anyway.
My resolution this year is making sure my dog loses weight...I will be incredibly happy when he is at his accurate weight...he is so fat nowadays he actually groans because he's just that heavy.
My dad just brought me a cup of tea, I think I love him.
You know Zaty eonnie sends the best replies to texts, I send like a mass Happy New Year text when it turned 12am (to the chimes of Big Ben - have I ever mentioned that I love being British?).
Anyway, Zaty's reply was 'HAPPY NEW YEAR! I HOPE 2011 WILL BE THE YEAR WE MEET'
I had like a mini spazz in church.
I had intended to make my resolution 'I will make sure I travel this year'
but thats already a promise I made to myself before, which I still have yet to keep and I don't trust myself enough.
Thats the thing about promises, you have to be brave to make one...especially promises you make for other people. Not only are they trusting you, but you have to trust yourself too - it's kind of a big deal.
Indiana Jones is on TV atm, the latest one...that part where those rabid ants get that guy and sort of flow into his mouth and then carry him down into the ant hill...what an epic death...I bet it tickled like crazy.
The whole straw hat thing with Luffy in One Piece was totally taken from the Indiana Jones' fedora thingy...the way they aquire their hats is almost exactly the same way.
I love it though.
All the epic people always get hats from other equally or even more epic-er people....I hope that made sense to you, because it made sense to me in my head.
HA! I get all giddy when I hear Star Wars references in unrelated films.
When Harrison Ford says
'I've got a bad feeling about this.'In Indiana Jones it instantly makes me want to dig out my Star Wars collection and have an epic marathon watch feeding on only chocolate and coke until it's finished.
Then while watching 'The Revenge of the Sith' I would go on my exercise bike and totally cancel out the tonnage of fat I had just consumed.
And that is my idea of a perfect day...along with meeting my true love, meeting my vip 1st gen family and hugging them to death...okok I have many ideas of a perfect day, this is something I should not get started on because my elaborations will last all night.
And now I will sign off with this -
I've not had a bath since last year - am I dirty???
I've not had my period since last year - Am I PREGNANT???!!!
D: D: D: D:
ok I know..it wasn't that funny.
Au revoir
Je t'aime :)
From Min
P.S. No huge changes this year, I will keep everything I love and try and get rid of all my rubbishness.
happy new year,
new years eve,
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