This is my post of relevant things.
1. The growing savings me and Sarah have been storing, at this rate, I will definitely reach my goal of travelling out of this country within the next 6-ish months. I'm just hoping my parents will trust me with Sarah - I feel like such a fool saying that at 22 years of age.
2. My lack of job is SO relevant - I wish it would change before new year, but I'm so crap at searching...and SOOOOOO picky.

Yep, not many people know this, but even before Kwon Ji Yong - this person was.
His relevance is unsurpassable, and yes, I do want his babies.
Come on guys, who do you even think my blog url is named after?
Yeah I fall hard for cute boyish charm.
5. My art - I've actually made an effort with it this year. I've improved, but I know I can do better, I've decided that 2011 will be dedicated to improving more. I don't want to be one of those people who doesn't make the most of the only thing they are confident that they are good at.
6. My triplets - Mico and YJ
If home is where the heart is
Then my home is where you are
But it's getting oh so hard
To spend these days
Without my heart
How can even begin to describe how much you've come to mean to me?
7. My interest in the world - I used to think I was pretty knowledgeable about the different countries and cultures and religions, but in fact, I know so little and have kind of this crazy addiction to know more...but I realise I would have to travel to do that...the internet and books only do so much.
8. Snow - Right now this very minute, snow is very relevant, considering its just started coming down with a vengeance....I love it...Its so early...usually it doesn't start till new year...maybe we will have a White Christmas :D
Just so you know, I just took that picture like minutes ago from the study window - Im gonna freeze tonight.
9. Blogging - This year I've been such a mad blogger. Do you realise how many blogs I had before? They died gruesome and horrible deaths at my hands. I actually love this place. When I log in, its like I'm coming into the house and drinking a cup of tea. Long Live this blog and may I have more exciting tales to rant about in the future!!!
10. The conversation I'm having with my sister on msn is just so relevant.
MinnieDragon says:
is dad watching tennis by any chance?
- Bean says:
Ashes fow shizz
MinnieDragon says:
ohhh yeahh
- Bean says:
Queen and country comes first
MinnieDragon says:
of course
how are our men doing?
- Bean says:
They are doing pretty good tbh
MinnieDragon says:
I hope we win
- Bean says:
Well duh roflll
MinnieDragon says:
show those immigrants who is boss
- Bean says:
Nuff said bro
MinnieDragon says:
- Bean says:
Nuff said
MinnieDragon says:
we actually calle him that
- Bean says:
I was just thinkingvthe same thing
And then I think
I miss that animal
MinnieDragon says:
He was cute
like epic cute
- Bean says:
He was
MinnieDragon says:
he travelled
- Bean says:
A right character
MinnieDragon says:
our pets like to travel
- Bean says:
All our animals are like that
MinnieDragon says:
- Bean says:
Ne ne
We went from tennis to cricket to hamsters - thats how we roll.
11. I am a VIP, always,
This is a beautiful fanvid that gives the essence of what it is to be VIP...if you are a VIP you should watch it, it will get you all emotional.
We've been waiting for Big Bang's comeback for over two years and soon our waiting will be over.
12. Something that is relevant right now - I'm finding that I have a growing attraction for Junho of 2pm - I'm not sure why...ok it might be because of his butt.

but I've never been attracted to someone because of their butt before...I wonder how this will progress? this serious...that is the question

but I've never been attracted to someone because of their butt before...I wonder how this will progress? this serious...that is the question
kekeke, its past 1am, the importance of things is changeable at this time.
13. Ring Ding Dong Ding Ding Dong Ding and fantastic elastic.
14. That person who invades my mind all the time, you know the one - every object I see reminds me of them, every song I hear is about them but I really don't mind, considering they invaded my heart long before my head....though in the beginning I didn't realise it was my heart and thought it was my head...pride.
Credit where credit is due, my heart had been closed for business almost two and a half years before this invasion.
I love you.
Its better slow ~
15. Its 1:30 am, now, the only relevant thing I ought to be thinking about is my bed.
Good Night Dear Readers,
Love from Minnie
Hi there,
ReplyDeletenice blog, I like it!
I welcome you to visit my blog, and if you follow me, I will follow you...
Lol "show those immigrants whose boss" you racist xD. Those Asian men look really feminine there not hunky at all lol, there to pretty, but I'll have a listen to this Asian pop music you like :)
ReplyDelete@Jesse, sure I will follow you, your blogs are really nice :D
ReplyDelete@Anon, hahaha its not racism, it's an ancient Australian and British rivalry XDD (thats how I justify my tactless words lmao)
You totally should check out some asian pop, Big Bang are my favourite group, but FT Island are also amazing...and if you like rap Epik High are Epik, and my fave girl group is called 2NE1. Ahhhh I could go on and on XD
*sells Korean pop music like a pro*