Friday, 20 May 2011

Just Keep Swimmminnnnnn

Oh Hai! :D

I've decided I really like owls! Almost as much as I like penguins. I say ALMOST because I don't have owl pyjamas, but I have two pairs of penguin pyjamas, which means I must really like penguins.

I just got home after about three weeks away from home. I was supposed to stay for longer, but it's my mum and dads 25th weddin anniversary next week and they are having a party to celebrate this Saturday so I came back early for that.

Tomorrow is gonna be absolute mayhem preparing for that, fun times ma bro's...f u n times.

I've been a complete idjit today and completely paralysed myself by looking at Ben Barnes pictures on tumblr. He is completely crazy hot, it's ridiculous. I've said this before, but basically the definition of 'Ben Barnes' for me is as follows:

Ben Barnes is the perfect thing Minnie imagined up in her head when she was about the age of six and who has somehow incarnated into a real human being.
It's actually true.

He has the PHHHWOARRR factor

Example of paralysis inducing human -

 *smiles widely*

Anyhoo. The past week I've been helping out at a Home Educators conference, which basically means a camp for families who home school. During the day the parents attend seminars and talks about home schooling and parenting and some graduates come and speak about what they are doing now. So of course with all this talking going on someone has to entertain the little ones.

This is where I came into the equation.

50 kids for three hours every morning.

F U N times.

Actually, I really enjoyed some parts of it. Just not the parts where I had no idea what was going on. I like to have some sort of control in a situation - especially when it involves masses of kiddies.

The dialogue that you hear when you are working with children is absolute hilarity.

An example of one of the questions that was put to me -

'Have you ever made a piano before?'
Another cracking situation was when 95% of the kids in the room were doing the chicken dance.

My favourite child was a little boy called Jeremy who had a German accent, big brown eyes and blonde curly hair and refused to take part in the activities because he wanted to help the teachers. MAJOR ADORBS.

The location of the event was in Mid-Wales. I've not been to Wales for ages so it was nice to wake up to a symphony of bleating sheep every morning. You know, cos the population of sheep in Wales is a whole lot more than humans.

Unfortunately, the food was also really yummy, which meant that I helped myself to double portions quite a lot. Bedtime was late too, but me and my deliciously lovely friend managed to go for a run for one of the nights we were there because we felt very fat.

Before I went to the conference we used to go running every evening before dinner. It was very nice apart from one thing - you know how muscles are supposed to get more tolerant to exercise. Well we found it got harder and harder to run as the days went by - it's like we were getting weaker.


One evening we decided to change the running to a bit of ice skating. I'd not been skating for like 6 years or something so I was rather wobbly at first, but I did not fall over once and was soon gliding around. I even tried going backwards, but did not quite manage friend is epic at skating backwards LIKE LIGHTNING!

My conclusion was this -

My friend = graceful and beautiful swan
Me = loaf of bread on skates

Next time I go, we shall  go skate again and I will learn the backwards thing...I like reverse motion.

Ha! My dog is snoring!

I missed him so much! He's my fluffly scrumple and I am ashamed to say I hurriedly greeted my family so I could cuddle my dog more.

OMO! I'm crazy tired. After all the travelling and late nights and early mornings I probably should get a relatively normal amount of sleep tonight in preparation for tomorrows hecticness!

It's my birthday tomorrow as well XD

I keep forgetting because mum and dads party is completely overshadowing it LOL I don't mind at all though. I am blessed with gorgeous friends who have already started to greet me with well wishing! It's so lovely having people in the future who care! I LOVE YOU LOTS MY DELICIOUS FRIENDS YOU ARE THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT OF ALL IS KNOWING YOU ARE ALL OUT THERE!


From Minhappyface

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