I was so deeply asleep this morning it took me a while to get going, which is strange for me because I'm usually up quite early.
Mind you, last night I was scanning old baby photo's until almost 1am.
My sister just cracks me up, her baby photo's are just priceless. She was one of those wicked children, who it took ages to get ready and then after 2 minutes of being let loose she looked as if she hasn't been washed in days.
In fact she was so naughty that when I went to sleepovers my friends asked me to tell them Sarah stories rather than the usual ghost stories or 'omg I love him' crap.
There was the time when Sarah stuck grated cheese into the speaker holes in the phone.
The time when Sarah got green paint on her hands and wiped them all over the staircase.
There was that time when Sarah found a knife in the kitchen and chased her older sister round the house with it, whith her sister screaming,
To her mum who couldn't hear because she was outside.
There was also the time when Sarah was silent for a while until mummy found her in the bedroom with face mask smeared all over her head.
Or the time when Sarah went to Minnie's school and pulled one of the girls skirts down infront of the boys.
On several occasions Sarah has bitten complete strangers.
Sarah started drinking tea before she was one year old...in fact, one of her first phrases was
'Can I have a cup of tea.'
Allthough it was more a bottle of tea..since she wasn't ready for cups yet.
Sarah's first word was
which is slightly strange since we never had a dog before Sam.
Sarah used to grab the sides of my mouth and pull as hard as she could...until they sometimes bled....she did that to her fellow nursery friends as well.
Sarah's favourite disney cartoon was Bambi when she was small and she watched it repeatedly. She used to call deer 'dees'
irritatingly she also admired the tellytubbies. -.-
When there was silence in the house for over 5 minutes, it meant that Sarah was vandalising something somewhere.
Sarah scribbled all over my first Bible...she also ripped the pages out of it. I still have it, all stuck together with sticky tape.
The thing is though, even though she was 'sometimes' naughty and cheeky. She was MY little sister. And SO much better and fun than any of my friends sisters.
I was so excited when I found out I was getting a brother or sister (I wanted it to be a boy btw). I know some kids are sometimes jealous when a new sibling arrives, but it wasn't like that for me.
I've even forgot what it was like, not to have Sarah around, thats how much she fits in...
I think the seven years of no Sarah don't really count for me. I like having a Sarah, even though we fight and she thinks I'm an idiot(pfft noob).
I don't know how this blog has somehow become and 'Ode to Sarah' but I guess she should be mentioned here...considering she is one of the biggest parts of my life.
I mean, we share DNA and everything lolol
So here are a few pictures of Me and Sarah (mostly of Sarah) back then :D
Hope you like them :)

Sarah and Me

Sarah and Peter my budgie

Sarah with the face cream

Sarah's first horse ride :)

Sarah the biker girl D:

'No mummy I'm not being naughty' *innocent face*
Ahhh yes, so the football has been interesting today!!!
SO glad Germany got beat by Serbia!!! As is probably most of Europe...its all in fun though, but history still leaves its scars haha...so that's why we are happy. *kekeke
The best match though was between Slovenia and the USA. I wish the US had gotten thrashed, dad was like,
'Why? they are our allies.'
and I was like,
'Because dad, its because...I'm just prejudice.'
But its ok because it was an exciting game and what have you.
The main event is tonight actually and the question is...
Will England beat Algeria like they should or will the be a freaking embarrassment?
Either way I am mentally prepared and will rise to the occasion and give England my FULL ON SUPPORT!!!
But dang, I wish they would have let Paul Scholes come out of resignation when he'd asked...he would have been an asset even if he is old and besides, I want to sing.
Its the only English fan chant that doesn't have the 'F' word
Hey, we are descendants of wild barbaric druid people...what do you expect?
I do however...think the English rock...like completely hardcore.
but I'm biased :D
Shall I post some tumblr shizz now? Just to make it interesting?

I can't wait :D This will be me in exactly 2 days :D

I couldn't resist...I just love fridges <3

I find that I have this problem with belts too haha
Well, that's all I have to say for now...
Laters my delicious ones
From Minnie
P.S. I saw your rant on the staff thread eonnie!!! WELL DONE!!! YOU DESERVE A MEDAL!!!
And I hate when twitter and tumblr collide... -.- I don't want tweets on my homepage everytime someone re-blogs -.-
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