Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Returnings and Beginnings and Such Things :D

Its 1am in the morning and I should really be sleeping, but I thought I should write a comeback blog so I dont lose the vibe.

I wont be long but you get the gist.

Well, my holiday in Cornwall was gorgeous, to say the least.
The weather was kind of perfect and I was sad to leave...but I think that's what makes a holiday magical.

The fact that its a short time and that its rare and something you have to treasure.

And there are plenty of reasons why I'm glad to be home too.

I get to cuddle my doggy again, I missed him so much!!! I even stalked other peoples dogs on the campsite cos I missed having a dog around.

I bought him a new collar and harness and toys and a CUTE doggy hoodie WHICH HE LOOKS ADORABLE IN!!! Pics coming soon haha

Im so glad to talk to YJ again too!!! I MISSED HER and I missed chatting with her!!!

I can't wait for tomorrow and if Mico is online we can have a convo on msn all together.

All the triplets together again!!!! CHHUNNYUUUUU ~

I thought it would be hard being without net for over a week, but I kind of got used to it...I think binge able to text helped though. Thank God for texts. I was able to speak to YJ eonnie and Jenny and Zaty eonnie and Lily and It was easier to be away from net because I could kind of bring them with me...YOU ALL LIVED IN MY POCKET!!! lolol

Jae was such a darling too sending me info about Bae's album when the previews came out and giving me the football results (even though they are depressing and extremely shameful)...he is the loveliest wally duck duck ever ever....roflll

*cough* anyway....

Me and Sarah went to look at a bird garden today and we took some pics so I'll pst them later...they will be blog exclusive...I hate putting everything on FB.

I get my results on the 9th of July

Im kind of nervous about it...its the worst thing about coming back from holiday...

The horrible reality of results.

Im in the middle of post holiday depression haha.

I need a hug.

Its so hot in this room because Sarah wont let me open the windows because she scared of moths......PHEW SO HOT.

OMO speaking of scary things!!! all my holiday I didnt see one slug!!!! and I was camping!!!

but then just now I opened the back door to let Sam out for a wee AND THERE WERE TWO ON THE DOORSTEP!!!

I was like,

'wueghb daddy I cant look at them!!!'

and he said

'You silly girl.'

and Im like

'They are disgusting.'

Slugs are my biggest fear...after losing people I love.

I thought a lot over my holiday and I decided I needed to get a job, but I also decided to continue drawing.

I want to sell my artwork and put the money towards travelling....being away ade me realize that I like being away...

It also made me realize I appreciate home more

It also made me realize I miss people quite a lot...and its amusing that most of the people I miss...I have never actually met HA!

Not that it matters...I love them

And one day will eat tempura chicken nuggets with YJ haha and we can play on the PS3 and scream at the screen.

Its a strange dream I know, but its one I wish to be reality....among others.

I've decided I must be an impossible person....I always seem to set my heart on impossible things...or my heart sets itself on them haha...

It has a kind of beauty though, to care for people who aren't near, its like a kind of unconditional friendship.

Though its hard when you just want to hug them and can't.

Maybe one day...

Haha I'm all emotional today for some reason...

I read four books when I was on holiday....Im glad!

And I was able to buy and read The Notebook too

Its like written backwards compared with the movie....but I tried not to compare cos they are slightly different.....I really liked the book though...I like how you could get into the characters heads.

I can relate to the story a bit because my grandma has alzheimers....its a sad disease...

I dreamed about shampoo last

I just remembered.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep now.

I love you

and I'm glad to be back

From Minnie

Saturday, 19 June 2010

I'll Be back Soon

Today has been so busy.

First of all, it was baby Judah's dedication at church so we had this huge event with 150 people and tons of food.

Cos Judah's family is from Ghana, after the service all the family members asked me to set the projector up so that they could watch the match on the big screen lol.

So everyone was watching football in church, which is hilarious...but then on second thought...we once played the Disney Animated Film 'Aladdin' in church for a 'special service' back when it first came out.

It was really lovely, but SO tiring clearing up and being hospitable to the guests.

I was laughing at Sarah though, she found the one Asian guy in the entire place and was chatting to him haha

Then we got home at about 8pm only to have to get ready for a 10 day camping trip and we have only just settled down at 11:30.

Therefore...I am shattered, and deservedly so.

Oh, and I did take a picture of me in my new dress, but I didn't really like how it turned out so I'm not going to post it, but if you REAALLY want to see, I will send it you through msn or something...or you can just wait until I take a better one haha.

The thing is I took it after the event rather than before so I look rather...frazzled.

I'm starting to get anxious about Sammy now. Me and Sarah were packing some stuff in the kitchen and he was just sniffing around and Sarah was like,

'My heart is starting to ache.'

and I nodded in agreement

It may sound weird to non-dog owners, but a dog is a really big part of your life, so when they are gone even for a little really feel that something is missing.

It's like when dad takes Sam for a walk and I stay in the house...even for just 20 minutes...the house feels so empty, because Sam isn't there.

It's really hard to explain.

I will be quite upset tomorrow when we leave him at the kennels *sniff*

I shall take a picture of him and have it by the side of my sleeping bag haha :(

*needs distraction*

Ahhh this is simply the most adorable and beautiful argument from The Notebook

Young Noah: Well that's what we do, we fight... You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a ***** and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.

Young Allie: So what?

Young Noah: So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out.

I wish I could embed the youtube clip of this scene but embedding is disabled on all of them THOSE SELFISH YOUTUBE UPLOADERS...*cough*

I mean wonderful youtube uploaders.... -.-

I think I may try and find the notebook novel and read it while I am on dont realize how many books you are capable of reading when you are camping.

It's quite ridiculous. Last time I read 5 books in 6 days :D

I want to read LOTS while I'm away, because I regret not reading as much as I used to...I was such a bookworm.

Its 2am now :D

Welll Im allowed to stay up!! No internet for 10 days so I'm browsing as much as I can now...

Im just thinking...this is the last time I will sleep in my bed for a while...D:

I will miss my bed second to Sam.

I will miss everyone so much. T_T

I remember last year I missed you LOADS so this year will be so much harder!!


My eyes are slowly closing...

Sorry this post has been rather boring...blame my sleepyness and shattered state.

I love you loads like MEGA!!!

and I will misss you majorlyy

From Minnie who is torn

P.S. I wish you were here. SO MUCH

Friday, 18 June 2010

It's a Good Job Today was Busy...I'm Over Thinking Again *sigh*

I've had a busy day today...well, maybe not busy, but definitely active haha.

I was so deeply asleep this morning it took me a while to get going, which is strange for me because I'm usually up quite early.

Mind you, last night I was scanning old baby photo's until almost 1am.

My sister just cracks me up, her baby photo's are just priceless. She was one of those wicked children, who it took ages to get ready and then after 2 minutes of being let loose she looked as if she hasn't been washed in days.

In fact she was so naughty that when I went to sleepovers my friends asked me to tell them Sarah stories rather than the usual ghost stories or 'omg I love him' crap.

There was the time when Sarah stuck grated cheese into the speaker holes in the phone.

The time when Sarah got green paint on her hands and wiped them all over the staircase.

There was that time when Sarah found a knife in the kitchen and chased her older sister round the house with it, whith her sister screaming,


To her mum who couldn't hear because she was outside.

There was also the time when Sarah was silent for a while until mummy found her in the bedroom with face mask smeared all over her head.

Or the time when Sarah went to Minnie's school and pulled one of the girls skirts down infront of the boys.

On several occasions Sarah has bitten complete strangers.

Sarah started drinking tea before she was one year fact, one of her first phrases was

'Can I have a cup of tea.'

Allthough it was more a bottle of tea..since she wasn't ready for cups yet.

Sarah's first word was


which is slightly strange since we never had a dog before Sam.

Sarah used to grab the sides of my mouth and pull as hard as she could...until they sometimes bled....she did that to her fellow nursery friends as well.

Sarah's favourite disney cartoon was Bambi when she was small and she watched it repeatedly. She used to call deer 'dees'

irritatingly she also admired the tellytubbies. -.-

When there was silence in the house for over 5 minutes, it meant that Sarah was vandalising something somewhere.

Sarah scribbled all over my first Bible...she also ripped the pages out of it. I still have it, all stuck together with sticky tape.

The thing is though, even though she was 'sometimes' naughty and cheeky. She was MY little sister. And SO much better and fun than any of my friends sisters.

I was so excited when I found out I was getting a brother or sister (I wanted it to be a boy btw). I know some kids are sometimes jealous when a new sibling arrives, but it wasn't like that for me.

I've even forgot what it was like, not to have Sarah around, thats how much she fits in...

I think the seven years of no Sarah don't really count for me. I like having a Sarah, even though we fight and she thinks I'm an idiot(pfft noob).

I don't know how this blog has somehow become and 'Ode to Sarah' but I guess she should be mentioned here...considering she is one of the biggest parts of my life.

I mean, we share DNA and everything lolol

So here are a few pictures of Me and Sarah (mostly of Sarah) back then :D

Hope you like them :)

Sarah and Me

Sarah and Peter my budgie

Sarah with the face cream

Sarah's first horse ride :)

Sarah the biker girl D:

'No mummy I'm not being naughty' *innocent face*

Ahhh yes, so the football has been interesting today!!!

SO glad Germany got beat by Serbia!!! As is probably most of Europe...its all in fun though, but history still leaves its scars that's why we are happy. *kekeke

The best match though was between Slovenia and the USA. I wish the US had gotten thrashed, dad was like,

'Why? they are our allies.'

and I was like,

'Because dad, its because...I'm just prejudice.'

But its ok because it was an exciting game and what have you.

The main event is tonight actually and the question is...

Will England beat Algeria like they should or will the be a freaking embarrassment?

Either way I am mentally prepared and will rise to the occasion and give England my FULL ON SUPPORT!!!


But dang, I wish they would have let Paul Scholes come out of resignation when he'd asked...he would have been an asset even if he is old and besides, I want to sing.


Its the only English fan chant that doesn't have the 'F' word

Hey, we are descendants of wild barbaric druid people...what do you expect?

I do however...think the English completely hardcore.

but I'm biased :D

Shall I post some tumblr shizz now? Just to make it interesting?

I can't wait :D This will be me in exactly 2 days :D

I couldn't resist...I just love fridges <3
I find that I have this problem with belts too haha

Well, that's all I have to say for now...

Laters my delicious ones

From Minnie

P.S. I saw your rant on the staff thread eonnie!!! WELL DONE!!! YOU DESERVE A MEDAL!!!


And I hate when twitter and tumblr collide... -.- I don't want tweets on my homepage everytime someone re-blogs -.-

Thursday, 17 June 2010

I Kind of Even Like Your Feet

Hello my readers :)

...whoever you are...

Its a beautiful summer summer's day here in England!!

I'm not not being biased or anything (cough) but dayum!!! When England does summer properly, there is nowhere on earth I would rather be.

I'm so proud to live in such a beautiful place

I'm so loving Pixie songs at the moment, she's an awesome British babe...I mean she's like the only Brit female solo artist atm who isn't a stinker and she's gorgeous.

So listen while you read :)

And sing along if you want :]

'baby baby ba-by
i've been sprayin' your cologne on my clothes
have i gone insane
maybe maybe may-be
i was way to synical
thinkin' i would never fall
now i'm cravin'

roses used to make me queeze
but from you they smell so sweet
hate to admit it but i'm here
i kinda even like your feet

never had a boy get me so
your picture's under my pillow
guy you offer silly names
my boo my babycake'

It's my first day in three years, not being a student so I thought I'd celebrate with a picture spam....FUNNN :D

Well eonnie I promised you I'd post pictures of baby Judah :D

So here they are -

He's always sucking his thumb XD

On mummy's back African Style!!
(though mummy only learned to do that the week before XD)

'Um daddy, whut are you doing?'

'It was supposed to be a pic of me and Sarah, but the camera liked me better.'

So that is baby Judah haha

The next pics are from a sunny day in grandmas garden a few weeks ago...omo I'm so thirsty!

*goes to get water*

And some random shots -

The Sky, isn't it beautiful?

Yes, I violated the sky by putting my feet in it XD

Sarah's Nikeys


He's looking like 'HUH?'

Some weirdo's I know (except for grandma XD) -

Duck imitations brought to you by Sarah D

SHAMUEL!!! and grandma too :D

I look dead haha and I have moss in my hair ^_^

Daddy attacking the weeds in the garden...

'Scum, take a picture and die.'....erm what? too late mauhaahah

Sarah and I on the way to watch the England match at Dominic and Dora's -

Filled with patriotic venom!!! COME ON ENGLAND!!!

It's blurry, but it looks kinda cool like a Van Gough painting

I am on my own all today because everyone is at I thought...hmmm, I better do something productive, so I took some money to the bank to put in Sarah's account which we are saving all the holiday money in...

Then I remembered I had to get some more of the face wash and night face cream that Sarah and I use, because we have just run out...

Then I thought...umm, I better buy some makeup that will go with my new dress...

...because I don't really have any blue-y kind, its all green or here's some pictures of what I bought.

Eyeshadow and Eyeliner

Nail Polish!!! As you can see I already tried it on my bitten down nails ^_^
The colour is called 'Peacock' for obvious reasons :D

The best skin regime I've ever used to works, my skin has been really clear for months now!!! :)

Um, I bought M n M's too....I luvem :)

yellow orange blue red brown and green
the 'm' means they belong to (m)innie :D

When I took Sam for a walk this morning and I saw the coolest thing.

I was actually stood there like a noob saying

'Oh my God so cool!!'
...out loud.

What happened was I saw this HUGE dragonfly...which is strange because they like places with moisture and there are no water bodies where I walk Sam.

So I was gazing at it in awe because it was so big and blue and gorgeous and sparkly and I really wished I'd brought my camera out so I could take some pics of its beautifulness.


this bluebottle (like a large housefly with a blueish colouring) was just flying by and the dragonfly sort of attacked it and was biting at it and stuff!!

and I got all O.O and stood staring because it was so fascinating, then the bluebottle was like

and started like desperately fighting back!!!

Kudos to the bluebottle, it gave a good fight and the almighty dragonfly lost it's juicy meal and flew off.

Meanwhile I was in animal fangirl mode spazzing out about this glimpse of animal behaviour I'd just seen.

Sam stood looking at me like,

'Are you not going to walk woman!! That's why we are here...for WALKIES!!!...psht!'

So thats about it for's taken me like 5 hours to write this post haha

All I ask is now is this,

^_^ (yep, been tumblr ninja-ing again)

Love from Minnie




Wednesday, 16 June 2010

You are Alive, You are Beautiful, You are Loved

Listen while you read :) Pixie Lott - Without You <3

Yes I know...yet another blog...I'm going crazy, but in my defense...I'm not going to be able to post anything next week, so I am making up for it.

My cold has progressed into a full on disaster...ears blocked, red nose, sore throat...many sneezes...great -.-

I'm not going to complain though, it could be worse...I could be dead.

I've decided not to let anything get me down today - even though today is trying its hardest to annoy me.

There is always a reason for the way people behave and if makes them feel better to put me down, then by all means take a shot...I don't care if you are happy as a result.

So, I FINALLY did my viva exam!!! and it was EASY...I wasn't even worried about it this morning actually...I felt so tired and ill that I just couldn't be bothered worrying. In the end it only lasted about 15 minutes and I got the hell out of there. They were kind to me this time...maybe they felt bad because I nearly cried last Wednesday...or maybe it was because it's a beautiful day.

It doesn't matter anyway, I'M FREE!!! :D

For better or for worse I have finished the final year of's weird, but I don't feel anything...just complete tiredness, but I'm guessing that's because I just had a little over 2 hours sleep last night.

It's weird, this should be like a huge moment in my life and I should be writing a mega essay about my university journey or whatever, but to be is just a little thing to me in life. I don't make it paramount, because you only get one life. What a waste if you place education before events and relationships.

So yeah,

I am officially a tumblr ninja - I refuse to make an account there...I do however, steal the pictures MUAHAHAH

YJ actually inspired me to be a tumblr picture stealer!!!


Here's some I nabbed earlier

*cough* SO TRUE ^_^

I think I must be snoopy in another life, we think alike.
I blame you *points*

Thats all I got before my computer crashed haha.

Kevin keeps crashing recently...poor baby...maybe he gets overheated because I use him too much.

I'm drinking lemsip blackcurrant flavour drink...which is basically fruit flavoured liquid drug.

At first it gets away as a blackcurrant drink, but as you get to the dregs, you can really taste the painkiller. Tt's not the best taste, but it works if you have a horrendous cold in the middle of I do.

It also makes you drowsy, but I can afford to be sleepy now, cos I'm LIKE TOTALLY FREE!!! awgdhjbwebjqwehqlkwenlkqewk

I cant wait to be in the will be so cold and perfect...Its like the cure to every just washes the cobwebs away.

I'm tired now gonna stalk tumblr some more because I refuse to have a nap when its light...but if by any chance I fall asleep I wont be mad at myself. Today can be the exception.

Love From Minnie

P.S. I want to read The Count of Monte Christo again...its the best fictional book I ever read hands down.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Everyone is a Worm, but I do believe I'm a Glow Worm

Its 4:10 in the morning and I am incapable of sleeping because my nose is blocked and my mouth is dry.

I hope Sarah doesn't hear me typing or she will murder me.

I had the idea of taking a picture of her as she slept and posting it, but then I think she would stab me and then drive a stake through my heart so I couldn't reach heaven.

So instead I took pictures of myself with the webcam, just to show you I'm not lying...

I had hoped a drink of water may have relieved my suffering, which it did kind of in a way, but alas It doesn't make me want to sleep. I'm so freaking wide awake.

I was wandering round the house earlier around three-ish..sneezing my head off...none of my family woke up, but I'm not surprised.

I'n relation to all the other abnormal occurrences which go on in our household, the 22 year old eldest daughter, sneezing around the house in earlier hours is a relatively normal thing.


My tummy just said,

'Water is not enough noob, I want a sandwich.'

MMMMM a lush sandwich with some form of meat and garnished with mustard sounds so epicly divine right now...I may just help mydelf to one of those after I've written this blog.

This must be how YJ and Jae feel when they wake up at weird hours...I always wondered what it was like.

I'm going to be completely shattered later on when do my exam.

They are going to be asking me questions and I'm gong to be staring at them blankly, maybe with a bit of drool hanging from my mouth and a red nose with massive dark circles and then start sneezing repeatedly every time they try and speak...

That s a horrendous mind image for you to imagine up right there :D

Hahahah omg my tummy...if my typing doesn't wake Sarah my tummy will. It like having some major spazz fit.

Shutup you brat!!!

Ah, its light now!! I didn't notice.

Cool, I witnessed the sunset at 10:30 and the sunrise at 4:30....give or take a few minutes....I love summer.

I think I may practice more painting this summer...I love it, I should do it.

If you love something you shouldn't ignore it right?

But it's just getting the right subject to's all about the subject for has to inspire me.

All my best artwork has been when greatly admired the subject...

I love being able to find a tiny beauty in an image and then magnify it...but it doesn't look good by itself. I need to practice.

Raw talent is good, but it needs to be directed and improved. There is always room for improvement.

I think sometimes people can't be bothered bettering themselves because it takes effort, but I think its so rewarding to prove ourselves wrong about our limitations.

I love my friends, because I can see how each and everyone of you have too offer. Heck, you inspire me every's so good when I see you get a success. It makes me want to work harder...even if its just a tiny thing.

Don't ever put yourselves down, because you are always better than what you think.

agree everyone is a person regardless of their place in life...but being a person is the basic thing that has been given to you. You have to work to make that person the best it can be...that way no matter how many people love you, you will feel good...because you are the best you.

THERE!!! I can say that here without being dumped!!! :P

And I have no idea why I'm giving motivational speeches at 4:41am

I am a ridiculous person :D

It's ok are you XD

Oh no!!! I feel the sneezes coming back!! :S

I probably need some epic dosage of vitamin kick start my immune system into fighting this cold...I don;t think we have any oranges though...a sandwich will have to do...mmmm a sandwich...

I've decided I like myself at this time of day...I'm less pessimistic...allthough in a few hours I may hate myself because I will want to drop dead...but oh 11am I will be able to drop dead as much as I want.

Oh tummy!!! What a racket you are making!!!...the birds are making a racket too haha.

Hmmm I am actually feeling a little sleepy again...imma get that sandwich and then dose off for a while, if I can.

See you later :)

P.S. Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them....

I love you :)

Painful Truths....Nah, not really...just things that Make me Smile...

I'm so bored.

So bored that I was cruising tumblr for quotes and writing down the ones I liked the best...

I will share them soon.

The roof of my mouth is so know that part where your nose and your mouth joins...I think its due to hay fever though, nevermind.

It woke me up last night...and peeved me a bit.

Weird things peeve me lol ah well.

Earlier I was feeling kind of low, because of my boredom and I didn't feel like doing anything so had to make a decision.

1. Get depressed about life
2. Eat
3. Drink gallons of tea
4. Go for a walk
5. Try and force my mind to be creative.

I chose options 2 and 5...3 wasn't even an option really, its more of a necessity, but 1 is still hovering...I think its because I miss someone.

Oh dear *facewall*

Anyway, I shall write these quotes that I have collected so you can enjoy them too :D

'Isn't it amazing how a person who was once a stranger, suddenly meant the world to you'

'They say the best men are moulded out of faults, and for the most, becaome much better for being a little bad.'

'I waited and waited.
And he waited too, though I don't know what he was waiting for.
It felt like I was the only one reaching out.
But he was always there. Watching me watching him, never any closer to me,
but never any farther away either.'

'Everyone says my name the same, but the way you say it forces my cheeks to turn pink.'

'Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes.'

'You know that place between asleep and awake?
The place where you can still remember dreaming.
That's where I'll always love you.
Thats where I'll be waiting.'
Thats my favourite one :D from Peter Pan

'Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I would never leave.'

'Your eyes make me shy.'

'Falling in love is like jumping off a really tall building.
Your brain tells you its not a good Idea,
but your heart tells you it can fly.'

'It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize how much you love them.'

'All I know're beautiful.'

'Everytime I laugh
I hope he's watching
It's not because I want him to see my happy, but bacause
maybe just maybe
He will fall for my smile
as hard as I fell for his.'

'When you are in love you can't fall asleep,
because reality is better than your dreams.'

And finally the longest one.......

'I'm trying to simplify my mind just for you
So I can put into words how I feel.
I wish I could somehow magically transfer my feelings to your heart
So you could know how much I completely adore you.

I'm searching for the reasons that caused me to fall so deep,
but I think maybe there are either no reasons at all
and that I was just destined to love you
There are so many reasons my brain cannot comprehend the number.

All I know is, I can't help but love you every minute of every day

Once I even tried to stop, because loving is equally as painful as it is beautiful.

..but I couldn't stop, because it wasn't a choice to begin with.

And I know its irrational
And I know it doesn't make sense
And I know you aren't perfect
And I know that it may hurt

But to me all those things don't matter
because loving you completes a part of my life
That nothing else in the universe could.

And so my dear, lovely, gorgeous, beautiful, annoying
And sometimes completely shocking person.

No matter where you are or how lovely you are or how horrible...
or how much you don't care, or how much you do care...
or how much you accept my feelings...or how much you hurt them.

There will always be me who is loving you.'


Apologies for the soppy post, I'm feeling romantical...God knows why, Its been the most unromantical day of the century.

But I'm not I feel the love vibe even on a boring day...

kill me now :D

I'm sleepy, exam is tomorrow at awful :)

I have to wake up early too...not like today -.-

Its scary cos like Goo Jun Pyo says

'The worm that wakes up early dies first.'

OMG I'm a worm!!!! D:

Mianhe folks, I have two choices when night falls - I either get depressed because its dark...or force myself into a hyper frenzy to cause myself to forget that Its dark.

And tonight it was the latter, unfortunately for those who had to experience it.

Ahh anyway its 12am!! my exam is in exactly 9 hours and 30 mins!!!

but lucky me!! I get a free ride there and back because my mum is taking me and my dad is picking me up :D

My very last day at uni haha...

I wish I didn't have to go

So its bed for me now :)

Good night Sweetheart

From Minnie

P.S. sfiaugfjnksjdofugiysdfhjjsdhfous dfjsdugfhjbmsdf. sd;fj,ds/fhosdfkj.bsd,vfjhsdbfj sdlgufkbjsdnfhugsyildvhfms.d;f fuhlj

Ahh I needed that.

I Would Like Some MnM's to Nom....or a Jiyong??

I'm sat here eating tuc crackers and thinking about what the hell I should write.

I woke up at 7am to feed Sam and then felt quite awake so I switched on my lappy and logged into msn then promptly fell asleep until 11:30, which is SO unlike me haha.

I must be tired.

My wisdom teeth are aching...freaking hurts when I annoying.

I've sort of got back into eating the past few days...

Last week I had no appetite at all...I was just not hungry.


Although I am glad they let me re-do it, this time I will try not to get distracted by ducklings.

This time tomorrow it will be over like a bad dream.

LOOK I'm giving myself SELF motivation on my blog *sigh*

I just called the dog boarding kennels and booked Sammy in for ten days D:

I always feel terrible when I take him.

And when we are driving home without him in the car, it feels so terribly empty and I get really emotional.

And then that's when mummy and daddy get mean and start saying stuff like,

'He will probably die while we are away.'


'He will be alone in his little kennel now feeling sorry for himself'

And I get VERY upset and they think it's hilarious.

IF I said that about Sarah, they would tell me off!!!

MY BABY, I miss him so much already!!! He's the only creature on the planet who I will openly show my feelings for without hesitation.

Not that I don't love other people, its just, I find it hard to express myself...even when I really really want to. So if I ever do express how I feel, you are damn lucky and better not forget it. haha

You know what buggs me? When someone writes a status on FB and its obviously about someone else.


There are these two people on FB and they obviously love each other, yet all they do is write freaking cryptic status' about each other...

I know I know...I myself have done the status thing in the past...but, these two have taken it to a new level!!

EVERYONE knows they love each other!!!

I love watching other people's drama!!! It's quite excellent sometimes.

...but it can get equally as irritating when it drags.

How Did We Get is such a good song TT___TT

So touching.

The one person who lit up my life
While always shining like a dazzling star
You wouldn’t believe how earnestly
I’ve been wanting to find you


Today I tweeted my 2000th tweet *proud*

I only just noticed that I was on 1999 tweets and so I thought for about 30 mins about what kind of epic tweet I could do for my number 2000.

This is what it ended up being.

You make my everyday my every minute and my every second just by being alive and it makes my life feel gorgeous even when its not...thankyou

AND that my friends is a perfect, 140 character couldn't get better than that if you tried. :D

Oo my head is hurting...I need to call the passport office >_< I forgot again.

Oh my Gosh!!! How is it 5:11???

This is why I hate waking up late!!! You get such a short day!!!

I need to get some fresh air I think...My head is a bit dgshjkdoasdfkn

And I need to take painkillers

So I will retire for now and be back tomorrow AND BE FREEE!!!! FINALLY haha

Love from Minnie


Wanna see something gorgeous??


*heartbeats fast*

Sunday, 13 June 2010

If Being in Love is Only for Crazy People I think I Have the right Qualifications

Mum told me today that someone told her that there is a virus going around that hits people who are prone to hayfever...

Apparently the symptoms are the glands in your neck being all swollen, aching jaw and neck and the incessant need to sleep all the time.

This brought me to the conclusion that I probably have this virus...which is quite irritating...the main reason being...I hate to sleep during the day.

Today, I fell asleep in the car on the way home from Nottingham...I NEVER sleep in the car not even when I am SO TIRED AND ITS 3AM!!!

I also nodded off twice when I was webcamming earlier, I even had to stick my head out of the window to get some fresh air, but I don't think he noticed, bless him. He was too busy being all sdklasdjkbfna;sfjlmasf hooo yeah!

I really don't like being this sleepy...usually its just laziness, but I'm truly, just so sleepy.

We went to a Thai restaurant today It was much lushness and I deeply regret not being able to finish all my food.

You know like when you are so full your tummy sticks out and you look around three months pregnant and you feel like you are going to burst.

But then later on when its all settled you wish so much that you had the leftovers to munch on, but all you have is toast because you live in an English household which never has Thai food unless the eldest daughter attempts a green curry, which bless her, is not nearly as authentic and delicious as the one made by the Thai mans wife at the restaurant no matter how hard she tries.

Anyway I had tom yum soup for starter and Chicken pan fried noodles for my main, all though there was actually more tofu in there than chicken, but I like tofu so I'm not fussed.

I really wish I could have eaten it all

Sarah ended up finishing her curry and then started shovelling my food down her throat too.

I love Tom Yum soup though...its like so tasty you don't want it to leave your mouth and go down your just want it to stay in your mouth and taste like that forever...I actually could have had a few more bowls of that XD

Sarah and I were just discussing recently how Kev Jumba is actually becoming quite delicious to look at...well his teeth are anyway...when I watch his vids, I cant help but stare at his teeth...they are SO WHITE!!!!

Though I feel sorry for his dad sometimes

It makes me want to cry...I love perfect white teeth.

Although to be honest, there are only three smiles in this world which make me go insane and sdkljasdandkakldw'kdw;jlfkwlfbjw,fmw efwekfl and I could look at them all day.


You know, I really want to go somewhere that I've never been before.

I don't think I've been anywhere new this year and its already half way through.


I put that in caps so I would see it and be reminded...I wonder if I will haha.

Probably not....*sigh*

Sarah pinched my arm about 5 minutes ago and I still feel pain.

Should I sleep yet?

Nah, Im going to have an extra long lie in tomorrow...maybe, but I always say than and then I never do.

Sarah just read that last statement and said,

'No you arent!!! You are gonna get up really early and freakin annoy me!!!'

Well Sarah, if you want me to, yus yus, I shall do that ^_^

I have this gift (curse) of really wanting things that are considerably hard to get. But, you know when you want something and all other things just look like nothing in comparison.

Like that cheap watch at the market next to a £4000 diamond encrusted gold plated rolex.

The problem with this predicament I often find myself in is that I often miss out on what I want because I get intimidated by how hard it is to get.

The saying 'look before you leap' tends to bring doubt sometimes.

Sometimes we just have to hope that it will be awesome and take the plunge.

I regret not buying that dress from fatface last summer because I really liked it...but it was £50 so I didn't buy it.

That was like a superficial example of what I'm trying to say.

So sometimes, even when things look dark ahead and you get scared, you have to decide whether you think the destination is worth a bit (lot) of pain on the way there.

And you know what, sometimes you realize it doesn't mean that much to you...

but for me, right now, I'm willing to take a chance because after all, we only have one life, it would be a shame to just sit and look at things we would like and not even step out and try and take it.

Some things are worth the pain.


We are going on holiday in one week...actually, This time next week, I will be asleep in a tent.

And probably missing a few people, definitely missing.

Thank God for Mobile phones

but I cant wait for the Ocean and the beaches and I pray its sunny...I don't mind it raining a bit because I like hearing it on the tent, but I want to get a tan LOL.

I want it to be so hot that after Ive been swimming I can get dry just by laying on the warm sand.

I want it to be so hot that I don't have to wear shoes the entire time.

Cos I like when its hot, yes I do.

I just hope my forehead doesn't get sunburned again, cos that just looked weird.

Anyway, I think I'm going to let sleep take me now

From Minnie


I wrote this on the 28th of September 2009 (No title again)

I hate missing you
Its a wasted moment
A moment I would cherish
Like I always do

Take care when Im gone
I'll think of you
Please dont forget me
And miss me too

Even now in sleep
I'll dream of you
And I'll be there
So we're never apart

May time break the gap
May the dream come true
May I open my eyes
May you be there too

Be safe my dear, be happy


How relevant and appropriate *shy*....*runs away*

Saturday, 12 June 2010

My Passions Run Deep

Im wondering whether to delete my formspring or not...

Nobody asks me questions anyway and I'm not one of those people who likes to publicise things.

You know those annoying people who link their profiles like every two seconds and say,


and you are like...


I'm still cleaning my room...this is not a one day job, this is like a WEEK long job.

Basically there are clothes EVERYWHERE...and Sarah and I don't even look at them nevermind wear them...and yet we hoard the hell out of them.

So I got that Christmas bag I had stuffed in a corner and went to the wardrobe and stuffed most of the clothes from the bottom shelf into it and then took it outside and shamelessly threw it out into the bin.

I've decided to be shameless about throwing away clothes now. *throws*

Football was disappointing from an England perspective today....I think I need a hug...I mean the US team were pretty fiesty, but COME ON!!! We had so many chances and that US goal was so pitiful I cringed in horror.

Did anyone else think the US uniform was hella ugly??? Those dudes need some serious designer to help them!!! Omg and their manager??? wearing sweats and crap to a game?!!! This isn't some college league or what have you!!! THIS IS THE WORLD CUP!!! PUT A FLAMING SUIT ON AND GET SMART!!!

I feel so much better after trashing the US team :D

But 1 - 1 is just not good enough...I love you England Darling, but you are no Manchester United.

I have a pet peeve when the world cup is happening!!!

Why do people who never even notice football all the other three years decide that they are suddenly ARE SELF CONFESSED football fans??? NO YOU ARENT!!!! YOU DON'T FEEL IT LIKE REAL FANS DO!!!

Like when South Korea won today loads of people on twitter were saying,

'YAYYY South Korea 2 - Greece 1'



I'm sorry, football is in my blood and heritage...I get rather...passionate about it!

Sorry, I know you want to steal everyone elses excitement but PFFT PFFFFT!!!!



Ok now Imma calm doesn't help that I am a redhead...explosive tempers ftw :D

When I went to Dora and Dom's to watch the match we walked through the door and Dominic was like,

'So are you guys all wearing your England shirts and ready to watch.'

I was like

'Dom, we are wearing our skin, isn't that English enough?'

I actually don't own an England shirt...but to be honest I'd rather have a Man U one...


Doctor Who was good tonight in any case...I have a feeling its getting closer and closer to an epic season FINALE!!!!

By the looks of the preview it seems to have something to do with Pandoras Box :D Which I find fascinating.

Tomorrow morning we are off to Nottingham, which means an early start...hmmm...I would really like to be able to get a bath in the morning so I think I'll get up at 6:30 am or 7am or something ridiculous like that. I want wash my hair with that lush shampoo, its divine.

I have less that 100 tweets till my 2000th tweet :D HOW COOL IS THAT??

Its really not cool at all hahah, look at me, tweeting my life away *sigh*

My face is sticky, I really want to wash it.

Its one of those sticky nights last night, it was perfect warmth, but's sticky.

Eish, anyway, I'm going to fall asleep now and hopefully I will awaken early-ish.

Good Night

From Minnie

P.S ...................... :)

Friday, 11 June 2010

I Want to Hug You, but if I Can't then What Can I Do?

Well today :)

I dunno really I've been thinking a lot

Not in like an emo way or anything cos I'm not depressed...just maybe feeling a little lost.

Then I look for distractions, which are great to be honest...I sincerely love a good distraction, but my mind sort of bubbles around and Its really messy.

...kind of like my bedroom...which I made an attempt at tidying, but it really needs something more than mortal hands to lift it from it's current condition...its in a never-ending state of suspended mess.

Dad got mad at me before for buying hair products...he creepily picked up one of my bags and looked at the reciept.

'Why do you buy this expensive shampoo? Its silly, especially when you don't have any money coming in.'

Daddy should know by now that my hair is like some kind of crazy living thing that I can NEVER be completely in control of - he should know this...he should know that no shampoo has ever worked as well as this one has - in fact, my hair is like a new man (emmm, you know what I mean). It has never felt this good. My head feels ten times better since this shampoo came into my life and so daddy should know that it is an investment and that my happiness in life depends on buying this shampoo (well not really, but a bit).

Then I remember that my dad is in fact a guy and therefore slow in these matters and would never understand.

So I forgave him.


I bought Alice in Wonderland and P.S. I love you today and Sarah and I sat and watched them all evening.

They are very good movies actually, I was entertained...and Gerard Butler is quite fantastically YUM, especially for someone with blue eyes.

I loved Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter as well he was so cute, and I'm so glad Alice didn't decide to marry that ugly ginger guy :S That would have been terrible.

My grandma called today and said one of her oldest friends had died two months ago and she hadn't found out until today. Its quite sad because this lady who died always sent birthday cards and Christmas cards to us and they were always handmade even though she had arthritis in her hands. I actually did wonder how she was when I didn't get a card from her for my birthday last month. I hope she felt appreciated while she was alive.

When days are long (which means when the nights are short hahaha, which means when there is more light in a day than there is dark) I always get confused about what time it is. Just before I was thinking it was 7-ish when it was actually almost 10pm...not that I'm complaining. I love it when it's light.

I wonder what I will dream about tonight. I hope its not Rio Ferdinand, I mean he is a cracking player and everything, but his face leaves much to be desired. Ah, my bed feels so cosy right now, I could just snuggle down and fall deeply into sleep. It's just the right amount of warmness.

I lost my camera today and I was fretting about it all morning because it's my new baby and when I want to capture moments its a treasure!! and He is called Jin Ho and I love him *cough*.

I wonder if my future husband knows that I come with baggage? Yes dear, I have a child...and its a camera...

To be honest every person has some kind of baggage...whether it be past history or emotional things or weird we shouldn't get mad at them for that...we should accept it and then love that person for who they are.

I think I probably have a lot of baggage, maybe not the serious kind...but definitely the weird kind and probably the annoying kind too.

Like I have this weird habit or expecting people to know how I feel and then walk around like a time bomb getting annoyed when they don't. And I don't blame them for getting annoyed with me because I don't really show how I feel, I'm like a living piece of cardboard...with the exception of that other thing where I was apparently quite obvious - but 99% of you reading this will have no Idea what the hell I am talking about so I'll just stop talking about it now.

Sometimes even screaming can't help when you have so many emotions bottled up inside. and ohhh, I'm so sleepy right now, I SO wish Id have got a wash and cleaned my teeth before I came up here so I wouldn't have to go back down and do all that *sigh*

Nevermind haha

I just know how it feels to have things bottled up, so if you ever need to scream to me about something. I'm always here to don't have to tell me what it is either, just rant or whatever...I don't want to be nosey I just want you to feel better.

Anyway, I'm tired so Imma sleep.


From Minnie

P.S. I hope England thrash the backsides off those Yanks tomorrow *giggles*...I mean...I can't wait to watch the USA get slaughtered by England tomorrow in the World Cup...A match should not be won by a team that call the Beautiful Game 'Soccer'....Yes, I am a snob...watcha gonna do about it? :D

Thursday, 10 June 2010

What warm unspoken secrets will we learn beyond the point of no return?

Firstly, I cant believe how many blog views I got since putting that new counter on...who are you??


Thankyou for reading this whoever you are you give me smilesss.

Anyhoo, my blogging vibe is a bit dwindly at the moment. I'm just really sleepy all the right now, I could actually curl up and sleep... and that is why I have a cup of cha with invigorate and enrich the senses *sigh* I love tea.

As some of you may know I had a terrible examination experience yesterday...I actually was really upset about it...I must be emotional recently cos I would have never got upset about that like a few months ago.

Basically what happened is, I had an oral examination about my final project (dissertation) yesterday. I was to be there for 10am and so I went to the room at about 9:45 and waited outside the I was watching this mother duck with her ducklings though the window and internally spazzing cos they were just sooo adorable...they kept like sitting down and then their mother moved a bit and they ran on their little legs to where she was and then sat down again..and they were just too srighqjberlwe rbdnmfn,sdkfsd,fm;sdlbfsdfkjsn,dfhsdjlf,sdfsd/mf;nksd

and yeah...

Anyway, it got to about 10:05 and Im thinking I should have been called in by now. So I knocked on the door and didn't hear anything so I opened it and the room was all dark and silent and I'm getting peeved because they should be here!!!!!

Then I wait for a few more minutes and start to think...

'Actually, this is the room my classmates said to come to, I actually didn't see what it said on the paper.'

So I get flustered and RUNNN to the library and ask the librarian if she has a list for where the exams today are being held...

and she's like,

'No I don't, why don't you check on one of the computers'

So I do exactly that and what do you know!!! My Exam is in the science lab number 5!!!....

wait a sec?? whut? an Oral Exam in a science lab? By this time In my mind I am majorly emphasising on the WTF!

What kind of uni has an exam in a science lab....oh wait...mine -.-

So I RUNNNN my little legs off to the science labs, which by the way, are on the other side of the campus.

Then when I finally get to the Lab 5 one of the examiners is at the door and I'm like,

'I'm sorry I'm so late, I got confused about the room we were in and went to the wrong one'

I should have said,

'Oh sorry people I was at the examination room everyone else got...I really didn't consider a science lab to be part of this experience'

My tutor was like,

'Well I gave you the information about your time two months in advance and all the updates, you do realize whose fault this is.'

I was like,

'Yes I know, it's my fault.'

Then she gets up and im thinking in my head,

'WHUT?!! THERE ARE 10 MINS left!!!'

Then the other one who was stood at the door was like,

'I have to go, I have another class with the national diplomas.'

and I began to think,

'Wait a minute, are they seriously not going to question me, in the time thats left...I bet she's doing this cos I only attended three of her lectures last year.'

then my tutor is like,

'I'm sorry Michelle, but I have to do some marking and Alex has another class to do realize what this means right?'

I just stand there gobsmacked and I know that If I speak my voice is going to sound pathetic, which it does,

'It means Ive failed.'

Then she nods and is like,

'I will speak to James and see if we can do a resit next Wednesday, but if we can't I'm sorry. We will send you an email'

Meanwhile the 10 final minutes are ticking away and I'm sure they actually don't give a crap even though I'm obviously upset and very close to tears.

I just say,

'Ok then.'

and walk out of the room and get out of the building as fast as I am into the fresh air.

My heart was so crushed and it was horrible because no one was there...I just walked straight to the bus stop and caught the coastliner back to Leeds...then my phone started spazzing up so I couldn't call was just a completely disastrous few hours.

I kept telling myself,

'These things happen in life, you don't care you don't care.'

But I did care really, I must have done, because otherwise, I wouldn't have been this upset.

I got to the station at Leeds and realized I only had a five pound note and I hate giving notes to bus drivers, so I went to the store and bought some crisps and some maltesers for Sarah and then caught the bus home.

I then stuffed the crisps down my neck on the bus (it was a large packet too)...I only bought it because I didn't want to lose weight because of stress, because that is noobish...but it turns out I have anyway because before exams I was almost 9 stone (57kg, I know :S) and now I am almost exactly 8 stone (50.8kg) and I'm not complaining, because thats how much I'm supposed to weigh in accordance to my height but I just didn't lose it in the healthiest fashion, which bugs me because it means the only way I have successfully lost weight is when I've been completely emotionally wrecked so that means I'm going to have to purposefully put myself through emotional trauma to be skinny.


ROFL...that was a totally noob rant, eish.

Anyway, the latter part of yesterday I was in bed with a stinking headache and piercing stomach pains, thats why I was set to away on msn, sorry to anyone who spoke to me and didn't get a reply. Everytime I looked at the screen pain shot through my head.

Well tbh I was set to away so if you did speak it serves you right for not getting a reply LOLOLOL.

Ahaha my sister just made a cute typo on msn. She wrote seepling instead of sleeping haha.

I want to be seepling too XD

Anyhoo on to today...

I had planned to get up earlyish and get myself sorted, but then I got a text at 4:20 that said,

'I just wanted to wake you up.'

Thank you for that rofl.

and then after that I didn't fall asleep till about 5.20 and then slept in until about 10am, but didn't really get out of bed until lunch as you can see my day progressed quite unproductively.

Then my friend called and was like,

'Hiii Minnieee are you ok??'

and I was like,

'Hii Doraaa, Yess I'mm finnee'

(we actually talk like that to each other LOL)

Then she said,

'Do you want to come to the White Rose Centre with me, I need to buy some new makeup, mine is like old and mouldy.'


'Yeah ok, I want to buy some board shorts for holiday anyway.'


'Ok well I will just get dressed and pack Judah up into the car and come and get you.'

(Judah is her 7 month old baby boy)

So we all went to the Shopping Centre (mall) and browsed for a while, but didn't find any board shorts.

I was however encouraged by Dora and my sister to buy a dress and some shoes, so I did...but they were quite expensive :S

The dress was £55 and the shoes were £45 and I was almost crying when buying the shoes because all I could see were the gorgeous nike's on display, but they would never match with the dress TT___TT so I couldn't buy them.

*sigh* I love this song (butterfly)


But anyway, I will take a picture when I wear it so you can see what its like. It looked ok when I tried it on at the shop...but I bet they had those mirrors in the changing rooms that make you look nice so you buy it and when you get home you feel like an elephant....negative much..

I love the way GD sings 'I'll make love to you' in the live SAL version...SOOO cuuute weigqhbweqioweklnqweqjwhe

So I feel much better today and I'm thanking Dora (who will probably never read this) for taking me out and letting me cuddle her baby whom I adore.

And now, I will post some pictures which added to my happiness today and yesterday and ect.

Align Centre
OH KILL ME JIYONG! his smile is devastating T_T

Credits for these pics are to the uploaders of whom I ADORE (Andrea <3)

There were more but I cant find where I saved them on my lappy haha

Well Imma shut up now,

I just want everything to be better again.

Love from Minnie

P.S. My head hurts, but my heart is quite happy actually :)