Firstly, I cant believe how many blog views I got since putting that new counter on...who are you??
Thankyou for reading this whoever you are you give me smilesss.
Anyhoo, my blogging vibe is a bit dwindly at the moment. I'm just really sleepy all the right now, I could actually curl up and sleep... and that is why I have a cup of cha with invigorate and enrich the senses *sigh* I love tea.
As some of you may know I had a terrible examination experience yesterday...I actually was really upset about it...I must be emotional recently cos I would have never got upset about that like a few months ago.
Basically what happened is, I had an oral examination about my final project (dissertation) yesterday. I was to be there for 10am and so I went to the room at about 9:45 and waited outside the I was watching this mother duck with her ducklings though the window and internally spazzing cos they were just sooo adorable...they kept like sitting down and then their mother moved a bit and they ran on their little legs to where she was and then sat down again..and they were just too srighqjberlwe rbdnmfn,sdkfsd,fm;sdlbfsdfkjsn,dfhsdjlf,sdfsd/mf;nksd
and yeah...
Anyway, it got to about 10:05 and Im thinking I should have been called in by now. So I knocked on the door and didn't hear anything so I opened it and the room was all dark and silent and I'm getting peeved because they should be here!!!!!
Then I wait for a few more minutes and start to think...
'Actually, this is the room my classmates said to come to, I actually didn't see what it said on the paper.'
So I get flustered and RUNNN to the library and ask the librarian if she has a list for where the exams today are being held...
and she's like,
'No I don't, why don't you check on one of the computers'
So I do exactly that and what do you know!!! My Exam is in the science lab number 5!!!....
wait a sec?? whut? an Oral Exam in a science lab? By this time In my mind I am majorly emphasising on the WTF!
What kind of uni has an exam in a science lab....oh wait...mine -.-
So I RUNNNN my little legs off to the science labs, which by the way, are on the other side of the campus.
Then when I finally get to the Lab 5 one of the examiners is at the door and I'm like,
'I'm sorry I'm so late, I got confused about the room we were in and went to the wrong one'
I should have said,
'Oh sorry people I was at the examination room everyone else got...I really didn't consider a science lab to be part of this experience'
My tutor was like,
'Well I gave you the information about your time two months in advance and all the updates, you do realize whose fault this is.'
I was like,
'Yes I know, it's my fault.'
Then she gets up and im thinking in my head,
'WHUT?!! THERE ARE 10 MINS left!!!'
Then the other one who was stood at the door was like,
'I have to go, I have another class with the national diplomas.'
and I began to think,
'Wait a minute, are they seriously not going to question me, in the time thats left...I bet she's doing this cos I only attended three of her lectures last year.'
then my tutor is like,
'I'm sorry Michelle, but I have to do some marking and Alex has another class to do realize what this means right?'
I just stand there gobsmacked and I know that If I speak my voice is going to sound pathetic, which it does,
'It means Ive failed.'
Then she nods and is like,
'I will speak to James and see if we can do a resit next Wednesday, but if we can't I'm sorry. We will send you an email'
Meanwhile the 10 final minutes are ticking away and I'm sure they actually don't give a crap even though I'm obviously upset and very close to tears.
I just say,
'Ok then.'
and walk out of the room and get out of the building as fast as I am into the fresh air.
My heart was so crushed and it was horrible because no one was there...I just walked straight to the bus stop and caught the coastliner back to Leeds...then my phone started spazzing up so I couldn't call was just a completely disastrous few hours.
I kept telling myself,
'These things happen in life, you don't care you don't care.'
But I did care really, I must have done, because otherwise, I wouldn't have been this upset.
I got to the station at Leeds and realized I only had a five pound note and I hate giving notes to bus drivers, so I went to the store and bought some crisps and some maltesers for Sarah and then caught the bus home.
I then stuffed the crisps down my neck on the bus (it was a large packet too)...I only bought it because I didn't want to lose weight because of stress, because that is noobish...but it turns out I have anyway because before exams I was almost 9 stone (57kg, I know :S) and now I am almost exactly 8 stone (50.8kg) and I'm not complaining, because thats how much I'm supposed to weigh in accordance to my height but I just didn't lose it in the healthiest fashion, which bugs me because it means the only way I have successfully lost weight is when I've been completely emotionally wrecked so that means I'm going to have to purposefully put myself through emotional trauma to be skinny.
ROFL...that was a totally noob rant, eish.
Anyway, the latter part of yesterday I was in bed with a stinking headache and piercing stomach pains, thats why I was set to away on msn, sorry to anyone who spoke to me and didn't get a reply. Everytime I looked at the screen pain shot through my head.
Well tbh I was set to away so if you did speak it serves you right for not getting a reply LOLOLOL.
Ahaha my sister just made a cute typo on msn. She wrote seepling instead of sleeping haha.
I want to be seepling too XD
Anyhoo on to today...
I had planned to get up earlyish and get myself sorted, but then I got a text at 4:20 that said,
'I just wanted to wake you up.'
Thank you for that rofl.
and then after that I didn't fall asleep till about 5.20 and then slept in until about 10am, but didn't really get out of bed until lunch as you can see my day progressed quite unproductively.
Then my friend called and was like,
'Hiii Minnieee are you ok??'
and I was like,
'Hii Doraaa, Yess I'mm finnee'
(we actually talk like that to each other LOL)
Then she said,
'Do you want to come to the White Rose Centre with me, I need to buy some new makeup, mine is like old and mouldy.'
'Yeah ok, I want to buy some board shorts for holiday anyway.'
'Ok well I will just get dressed and pack Judah up into the car and come and get you.'
(Judah is her 7 month old baby boy)
So we all went to the Shopping Centre (mall) and browsed for a while, but didn't find any board shorts.
I was however encouraged by Dora and my sister to buy a dress and some shoes, so I did...but they were quite expensive :S
The dress was £55 and the shoes were £45 and I was almost crying when buying the shoes because all I could see were the gorgeous nike's on display, but they would never match with the dress TT___TT so I couldn't buy them.
*sigh* I love this song (butterfly)
But anyway, I will take a picture when I wear it so you can see what its like. It looked ok when I tried it on at the shop...but I bet they had those mirrors in the changing rooms that make you look nice so you buy it and when you get home you feel like an elephant....negative much..
I love the way GD sings 'I'll make love to you' in the live SAL version...SOOO cuuute weigqhbweqioweklnqweqjwhe
So I feel much better today and I'm thanking Dora (who will probably never read this) for taking me out and letting me cuddle her baby whom I adore.
And now, I will post some pictures which added to my happiness today and yesterday and ect.

OH KILL ME JIYONG! his smile is devastating T_T

Credits for these pics are to the uploaders of whom I ADORE (Andrea <3)
There were more but I cant find where I saved them on my lappy haha
Well Imma shut up now,
I just want everything to be better again.
Love from Minnie
P.S. My head hurts, but my heart is quite happy actually :)