I was just considering going to sleep, but after I got a wash and brushed my teeth I felt slightly invigorated so I said, meh, lets just write a blog shall we?!!!
So here I am...
Actually I have been really hyper all day, kind of - I'm not sure why, it could be for a few reasons.
1. I ate an apple for breakfast - yes, they apparently are more useful for waking you up than coffee is...I like apples for breakfast, but they don't satisfy enough, so thats why I ate an oatibix too...but just one, cos my stomach has had like limited storage space recently.
2. I drank tea...many many cups of it...in fact, I drank tea more than I ate food, so the caffeine content in my body is through the roof.
4. I watched ELT and well, Its JUST SO GOOD!!! wQRQHPIW>KRKQWHRILQ>WKR. The boys really surprised me with their fluency in Japanese, I was impressed. AND TOP PLAYED THE HARMONICA!!! AND DAE RODE A BIKE AND SANG COTTON CANDY AND KISSED A VIP'S HAND!!!! - since watching this I've been pretty high - It has a liberating affect.
I just feel like I have a lot more energy, which is weird for me because I'm not the type who has energy at all.
I even got up this morning and rode my exercise bike for 15 minutes!!! I mean I do ride it, but not in the morning!!
I don't know anyway...but I have hiccups...it's hard to sleep with hiccups.
Jae and Lily were on msn at this time of night!!! Its such a rare thing to see them online at this time, but I'm glad they were, it was like a present.
Ugh these hiccups!!! Why have I got hiccups??? I never have night ones, I barely have them during the day!!
I've been sneezing today as well. I was at my friends house and I said,
'Imagine if it is because I'm allergic to your baby, like you are allergic to Sam?'
She was like
But, she does sneeze when she comes to my house and then tells me to put Sam in another room...she does love him its just her nose doesn't.
But even if I was allergic to baby Judah, I wouldn't ask her to put him in another room...I know he is human and everything, but you know....
Ohhh, I started a painting of GD today, Its one from the SAL photobook. I was going to pick a HOT picture, but then I thought I would paint one where he is working, because it's more...meaningful???
LOLLLL Dad just told Sarah that he didn't like her jeans, but he said mine were 'allright'....how random
Anyway, yes my picture...here, I might as well post it here...I've posted it everywhere else heehee...

So that is how it looks at this present moment...actually I kind of broke the artists rule and painted black...you are supposed to paint a wash over everything before you start adding details...nevermind I will work round it.
And for good measure, here is a picture of Bae I started sketching months ago and still have to finish!!! His hair is SOLID to do, but thats ok cos one of my favorite things to draw is hair :D

My back kind of hurts, Maybe I sit down too much... *sigh*
My hiccups have stopped now...they might come back though, so I asked Sarah to get me a drink of water and she said she would because she was bored.
She's going to Oxford on Friday, ON HER OWN!!! And she has to change trains in Birmingham!!! I have never changed trains or planes D: Its always been a scary thought for me...but Sarah will be fine because she has a far superior accent to those Birmingham people.... *snob*
I just appeared offline on MSN, cos I'm going to bed in a minute and if someone talks to me I always feel bad if I go
'OO sorry I'm going to bed now.'
Even though it's not bad of me at all to say such a thing - but my conscience goes deep...thats why I always lecture about manners :D Sorry *cough*
BBVIP is down :( Its annoying. It feels wrong. LOL Its ridiculous how attatched I am to that forum...
Its ok though, I can talk to my beloveds on MSN or twitter or Facebook...but its nice having the option of the sbox too.
It is where we met after all. and for that I am forever grateful.
Sarah is spazzing about Chansungs elbows O.o
My eyes are lagging now...I will sign off for now.
I should start revision tomorrow...I want to go swimming again too...
Goodnight my beautifuls
or Good Morning
or Good Afternoon
or Good Evening
Sorry about the hyper-activeness, I just don't know what is wrong with me recently..
Love from Min
P.S. <3
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