On Saturday Sammy rolled in fox poo and it was disgusting...my boy sometimes does things to test my love for him, but of course....I never fail, because he's my baby.
Of course, I had to give him a bath....
He wasn't very impressed.
'When can I get out of this watery death!!!!'
Yes...I know the bathroom is DISGUSTING, its halfway through being redecorated so its a HUGE mess haha.
Then yesterday, we had a visiting pastor at church so we took him and his family to Pizza Hut afterwards....nomnomnom
At church -
Dad sitting next to Sarah and myself....I may or may not be texting underneath my hoodie....
Sarah and I 'concentrating'
*cough* Yes I am the eldest there...and yes, I was wearing a bright pink hoodie to church...isn't it pretty?? .... me and sarah are ridiculous rofl *sigh*
D: My hair is such a mess!!!! I forgot that if I kept pulling my hoodie on and off my hair would eventually end up looking like a bale of hay...ohhh well at least I'm happy haha, bless.
At pizza Hut -
*excitement* the food is coming soon!!!
Yes Sarah took pieces before a picture of the full pizza could be taken, eish this girl ^_^
Anyway, I have nothing left so say
Bye Bye
Love Min
I'm kind of spazzing out at the moment because the first kiss happened in Personal Taste!!!!
Is it lame that I'm getting so emotional by watching a drama?
I don't think it is.
But at some points in the drama, when Lee Min Ho comes on the screen...I sometimes hear myself growling...I know...I can't help it...he is just so sublime.
I don't know what it is about him...I think its because he is so smooth...everything about him is smooth...LOLOL omg I sound so weird...the girls who read this will know what I mean rofl *sigh*
I was just looking at my blog banner and thinking, that could be just like a person with blonde hair pretending to be GD because you can't see his face, but then I realized it couldn't possible be anyone else because those are definitely his ugly hands...they are so fat aren't they? haha Awwww I would hold those fat hands any day. And he bites his nails - I do that too...especially when I'm stressed...I don't think I have ever had pretty nails. I cannibalize them.
Sarah downloaded some Monkey Majik songs we were listening to them on the way to church this afternoon, but we can't find my favourite song, 'Call Me' anywhere for downloading!!! Its annoying...I love that song. It has English, French and Japanese lyrics :D
Isn't it nice and laid back?
I started playing Final Fantasy VIII again the other day. It feels so lush having time to play games without feeling guilty that you should be doing any uni work or something...
Final Fantasy VIII is the most romantic out of all the ones I've played.
I think Squall is the most handsome RPG character ever!!! Even if he is highly pixelated in gameplay, but I dont care!!!! The cut scenes are still sexy!!!!
He's so unfeeling too, sometimes I feel sorry for Rinoa...then in the end he loves her like crazy and its beautiful *tear*
OMO!!! I'm squealing and laughing so much right now. And Sarah is jumping around the room frantically...this episode 7 of personal taste is extremely shocking hahah...I wish people made reaction videos while watching this...its EPIK!!! I wouldn't have guessed hahahahah ... (calms down)
I'm trying to be vague in case people hav'nt seen it and I don't want to give any spoilers away.
(11:11 :D)
I have loads of pictures to post, but they are all uploaded to the PC so I'll have to post them another time...also me and Sarah sang The Phantom of the Opera and chimpmunked it and its SO funny haha, I will post that later too....Sarah sang Christine's part and I sang the Phantoms....which is weird cos my voice is not manly at all hahah...I was literally screaming anyway...we were just messing about...staying in tune wasn't part of the plan XD
My tummy hurts >_<
I'm quite sleepy now, but Sarah and I are going to watch all of episode 8 so that we will be half way through...HALF TIME...
Tomorrow is bank holiday Monday (public holiday)
We are going shopping I think...I have to put my birthday money in the bank and I want to get some board shorts for when we go on holiday...I've always wanted board shorts but never had any...
I think tomorrow night we are going to see grandpa, I've not seen him in ages.
It feels so weird not having to go to uni any more....but really refreshing.
I'm dying to brush my teeth and wash my face, it feels sticky and icky.
So I am going to do that :)
We only watched half of episode 8 because its 12am and we are sleepy now.
*sigh* Lee Min Ho
Hahah I'm acting like a freaking teenage girl right now.
I met a friend today who I haven't seen in 6 years...she is so mature compared to me...I felt extremely out of place...she told me on msn a few months ago, that I haven't seemed to change all the time she has known me....and she's known me all my life.
The thing is...I'm the eldest out of the two of us rofl
I guess this is just how I am.
The female lead character in Personal Taste reminds me of myself...all her weaknesses are the same as mine...I hope she has a happy ending :D
I was tagged by Gabbie in this 25 confessions thingy on FB a few weeks ago. You know the one where you give 25 facts about yourself, or 25 unknown things??
Well I dunno, but I thought, instead of doing it on FB I will write it here...because FB is nosey haha.
And anyway, if you are REALLY interested in me you will come here to read my blog anyway so here are my 25 confessions you may or may not know about....(I will try and make it different from the 10 things I did last time).
So here goes (in no particular order of importance) -
1. As you all know I love love and adore the Korean Idol group Big Bang....you also may know that my most favourite out of all the boys is G Dragon - What you may not know, is that when I have dreams it is always about Youngbae ...and I don't know why...and I'm not complaining.
2. When I was 16 I woke up in the middle of the night scared out of my mind and convinced that Tinkerbell was in my bedroom (I was in the middle of my huge Peter Pan obsession) I sat up in bed listening to the tickling bell-like sound and looking around the room frantically thinking.
'In the books fairies are nice and pretty, but what if in real life they are evil like demons.'
I looked over at Sarah to see if she could hear anything but she was fast asleep...Then after a few minutes I was overwhelmed with how completely stupid I was, when I realized the window was open (it was summertime) and the breeze was blowing the fish wind-chime I have hanging in my room.
3. I had my first crush when I was 5 years old. There was this holiday club my mum used to send me to when she was working during school vacation time. I used to sit on his knee when we were watching movies and pretend I couldn't hit the ball with the bat when we played rounders (English version of baseball) so that he would help me because it meant he would put his arms around me....yes, I was that sneaky at five years old....he was 10 years older and had no idea MUAHAHAHHA....he will be 32 now...ew ROFL
4. My first kiss was taken by a stranger at a party and I wasn't impressed. I knee'd him where it hurts. I still hope to this day he cannot reproduce.
5. Someone recently told me that I forgive everyone...which is true, I do try to forgive everyone who hurts me...but there is a catch...there are not many people I find worth while enough to still want to be around them. So if you find that you have hurt me and I have forgiven you, but then I never speak to you again...it means I've forgotten what you did, but I'd rather put effort on for people I really care about.
6. For months after my Grandad died I used to crawl under the bunk bed and cry for ages, then when my parents asked why I was under the bed I would say I liked to take naps under it because it was warm. I still cry sometimes when I think about him.
7. When I was 9 my dream was to play a Ewok in a Star Wars Movie...I hated every child actor I saw in the most recent movies because they were in Star Wars and I wasn't.
8. So far none of the guys I've liked have ever said liked me back and I only ever get asked out by random strangers (like two days ago someone shouted their number at me from a moving vehicle, I was like 'whut? Go away horrible person D:') I always wonder why some people are lucky enough to be liked by the person they like but I'm not.
9. Sometimes when I'm talking to someone I pretend to be interested, but really I'm thinking,
'This person is an idiot.'
And then I tell my sister later and we agree and laugh about it...
10. I don't trust people who get praised all the time for being a good example and who aren't humble about it, because then when they finally show their true colours I don't look like one of the idiots who fell for it.
11. I've pee'd outside multiple times.
12. I once eye flirted with a guy in a restaurant who was on a date...the girl didn't seem to notice...but Sarah did XD
13. The friends I've met on the internet seem closer to me than some of the people I've known my whole life and sometimes I feel I would rather spend £600 to go see my net friends than the £10 to go see some of the people who never bothered to come and see me.
14. The most exciting day of my life was when my sister came home from the hospital after she had been born. That was the longest school day EVER.
15. I despise the parents of some of my friends who look for faults in me so their kids don't look so bad and then when they do find something they judge me...I wish they would just go watch their own kids faults and maybe there would be less mistakes :@
16. I REALLY dislike people who try too hard to be different. When all they are doing is shoving themselves into a little stereotype and most of the time they don't even enjoy being stuck in their fakery, but I pretend that I think they are unique because they obviously think they are and I'm not mean enough to tell them otherwise...
17. I do have dreams, but I think I would be satisfied doing anything in life as long as I am happy...and also, dreams sometimes change...I don't like working for something unless I know I really really want it.
18. I like love stories with strange and twisted plots...like a guy falling for his step sister or a teacher falling for a student or a friend falling for an enemy...I don't know why I like them...maybe I feel good when impossible things happen.
19. When I was 7 I had a birthday party and cried when I didn't win the prizes for the games even though I'd received presents off all my friends and I probably looked like a horrible brat to the other parents...I have no Idea why I acted that way because I was a really quiet child...and I still feel embarrassed about it.
20. I didn't wear make up until I was 19 because I didn't wan't to grow up and now I think I look ugly next to all my friends in old photo's.
21. I've never said I Love You and not meant it. It's just there are more than one type of love. Towards your family, towards your friends, towards your love - so if I say it a lot it doesn't mean I dont mean it, it just means I have lots of love to give and I want everyone I love to feel loved by me...
22. When I was younger I used to make up stories in my head about if I had alternate lives to entertain myself...I always used to be cool in those stories.
23. I pray every night before I go to sleep and randomly throughout the day because I believe praying works.
24. When my little sister was two I slammed the door on her baby finger and the top of her finger came off so the bone was showing... :(
25. I pretend I don't care when things bother me because I don't want to annoy people, but really I can't stand the thought of being abandoned even though I pretend I'm used to it. The only person who can tell when I'm upset is Sarah and she usually gets annoyed at me haha....if I have shown any emotion towards you it means I trust you, because I have a very well rehearsed poker face for most people.
And there is my list of 25 facts/confessions...enjoy.
Love from Min
P.S. I'm sorry to everyone I was talking to on msn earlier....my dad was mad at me for having a messy bedroom and unplugged the modem and then hid it...me and Sarah spent the rest of the day watching a Japanese drama I had downloaded (one about a student/teacher love affair MUAHAAHAHAH) I will blog about this later...it's now 1am and I'm whacked....later darlings!!!!
Because I now have NOTHING to do (and I'm not complaining...loving it while it lasts)
Me and Sarah can now restart watching the dramas we left hanging when I had to revise and all that nonsense.
So we thought..hmmm, which one shall we watch first???
And we decided on Personal Taste...we'd already watched the first two episodes and the were grossly hilarious so it was lush being able to settle down and watch more.
Can I just say...
Lee Min Ho
That man is simply one of the most gorgeous people to walk on the surface of earth...he's one of those perfect everything people.
Because everything about his physical appearance is perfect...how does he stand to wake up every morning and see himself in the mirror??
I would cry with joy, if I were him.
I mean I cry with joy looking at him on a screen...his eyes and his hair are just so wekru ewiygehrjwe and then he has that perfectly proportioned body that screams,
'Minnie!!! For Gods sake!!! Draw me!!! Draw the straight lines of my legs and the slight curve of my waist and my perfectly symmetrical face!!!!! DRAW ME PLEASE!!!! DRAW MY GORGEOUS SOFT BLACK HAIR AND MY PERFECT LIPS AND DARK EYES. DRAW ME NOWWW!!!!!!!'
*Minnie dies*
This is the truth...sometimes I can't even look at the screen, because he is so perfect...
And this is what proves I love G Dragon most of all....because if I had a choice between Lee Min Ho and G Dragon...I would pick GD any time...I can't even call him oppa, but I would still pick him...you know why?
Yes, I have an incredible bias...but also,
GD has something that Lee Min Ho lacks.
That brutal smile...don't get me wrong..Lee Min Ho has a lovely smile...but G Dragons smile could sink a thousand ships and conquer the universe and make every female heart (and some male) explode and all within a millisecond.
*cough* I have no Idea how I got on the subject of G Dragon
Anyway...where was I?? Oh yes.
Personal Taste!!!! I really like the OST
Especially the song Nonsense by Younha
I don't know why but it somehow reminds me of a song from a Taiwan drama OST...I can't put my finger on why I think that...it just seems that way for me.
Anyway :D
See You
I have lots to say, but I'm watching Operation Love and well....Yamapi kind of needs my full attention
I LOVE HIS CHARACTER KENZOU!!! Kenzou is the sweetest most adorable and clueless character Yamapi has ever played....I ADORE Kenzou!!! wlreiyhqbwlrhiqwnkrqw
My first day of freedom hasn't been that great really.
Its not been bad or anything...It could have been a lot worse, but I controlled my temper...thank goodness.
The spiteful things that go through my head sometimes shock me.
They are the sort of things one would regret if one let them be heard. Most of the time I manage to let it out, but other times I am less...controlled.
Sometimes when you look back at a situation you think, you probably were just over thinking anyway and it wasn't even what you thought and thank God you kept your mouth shut.
So far I've not messed up and lost anything I really treasure...if I did, I would be devastated. I think the only way you can lose someone you love is via death...
If you lose someone by any other way, you have no excuse at all...regret is inevitable.
Now....that is all the deepness I have time for today...I'm trying to think positive!!!!!
I use exclamation marks a lot don't I?
As regular readers of this thought vomit I suppose you might have come to guess that I ADORE musicals.
Musicals are like a magical take on real life. Musicals are like a normal life where people sing their thoughts...
and the stories are fascinating and the drama thrills you and the best part of it all is the lyrics.
The lyrics in musical songs are amazing!!! So pure and thought provoking and because it's a drama, they have so much feeling.
Yesterday it took me and Sarah about an hour and a half to wash the dishes because we were singing musical songs...dad didn't mind until we started singing the Phantom's parts in Phantom of the Opera - the Phantom sort of screams his songs - dad got irritated because it was 12:30 am and we were being too loud hahaha...we were just hyper.
Anyway, my favourite musical of all time has to be West Side Story (sorry Phantom)...I ADORE West Side Story...it's brutal and raw.
Its so cute, Tony fell for her before he knew her name and then when he heard it...he ran off and sang a song entirely dedicated to her name LOLOL...bless him, he looks like Christiano Ronaldo...they have the same sticky-out teeth.
It's tru dat!!! ^_^
Guy's that's how girls feel when you treat us nicely....and yes, we do dance...and yes, we do those little squeals and kicking our legs about when we are alone.......we do that a lot actually....when we see cute things we do that too...yes.... *cough*
WELL anyway!!!! It's a beautiful sunny day so Sarah and I are going for a walk and getting something to munch...cos my belly is saying
Today is the day I finished my exams forever...I don't know whether I have passed or not, but that doesn't matter really (not at the moment, not before I've been on holiday XD)
Guys, I am no longer a University student...I thought I would be more excited, but I'm actually just ferociously tired and I'm going to spend the next few days chilling and doing stuff I want to do...without thinking that I've got to revise or research or type about crap I'm not even interested in.
One thing I've learned from this experience - Always read the label and the small print.
If I had done that, I would NEVER have taken this course!!! What the heck was I thinking??!!!! When I read the resume didn't the modules 'Statistics and Reaserch Skills' and 'Population Genetics' not ring any warning bells???
I must have been so nubile and insane!!!!
All I saw was 'Animal Management' ... which I think I didn't learn very much about...but oh well!!!
I'VE DONE IT!!!! (kind of)
I do feel a kind of freedom.
I was so funny, as we were driving home from Uni, A New world by Dvorjak played on the radio and I thought,
'Wow, what an immensely appropriate piece of music for this moment.'
I'm stepping into a new world now, just like I was three years ago when I stepped into university...thinking
'Wow, 2010 is SUCH a long time away.'
Awww 19 year old me... T_T
I don't know what to do now, dad just told me to get a job lol.
Hmmm, sorry dad, but not today...however, I am going to look for voluntary work on some conservation project...preferably in Asia....I want to go to a rainforest too...I've always wanted to go to a rainforest...and I've always wanted to go on Safari in Africa and see wild Animals.
I have to get a job...I want to fulfil my dreams and that requires money!!!
OHHH maybe I could go back to doing portraits for people!!! I could charge them through the nose. Mum is always to nice with the price of her portraits...£15 for an original sketch with her talent is dirt cheap...should be at least £25...AT LEAST!!!
and a watercolour should be AT LEAST £50
and an OIL £90
Add another tenner for a frame :P
'Boy I love your style love your smile wish that you could be only mine - be only mine, I can't let it go I don't know what you're doing to me, you're so fine - oo you're so fine'
and this my friends is simply the best moment in concert history :) (if you havnt seen shine a light and don't want spoilers don't watch and yes I know there are viet subs but the other vid on youtube was out of sync and really does it make that much difference if there are viet subs I mean what if someone vietnamese visited my blog, they would be very happy to find that their language was here *breathes*)
I don't know if I spelled that right, but you know what I mean right :D
Shall we go for a walk together??
'Hellooo, I'm waiting here!!! Hurry up Minnie!!!'
We are on our way now, isn't the red blossom pretty??
Woahhh the petals are falling from the crop now D: and the sky is so grey!!!!
Sarah and Sammy think I'm slow...in more ways than one...SHUSH I'VE JUST HAD A WEEK OF EXAMS!!! I CAN BE SLOW IF I WANT!!! *immature rant*
'Um...you forgot my ball again didn't you =.= WHAT KIND OF LOVING OWNER ARE YOU ANYWAY....noob!!'
And that is - The City of Leeds *yawn* lets move, 9 years is enough...
'Good job my friends came so I could play with them ...*mutterings -sheforgotmyballhowcouldshe- *mutterings*'
Hmmm, its gonna rain soon, we better go home for now - nice walk though :D
I'm hungry and Sarah smells like garlic O.O
From Minnieeeeeee swruhwkejr;wroweurh;n,werowpeguitbkrxcbm,.sjdlfjksbfsldifuks
If I am of a right mind by tomorrow night it will be a miracle...wait, what am I saying? I've never had a right mind lol...good grief!!!
Anyway, I got £80 for my birthday so I decided to buy something useful like a nice camera with it.
It was £99.99 on a special offer on Amazon and its cute!!! Im already getting attached to it...He doesn't have a name yet, but I'm getting the vibe that he is a boy.
All my appliances end up being boys...I don't know why...Its just like an innate feeling that you get....that you know what gender your camera is deep inside its camera-ish exterior....it was made in Malaysia :D My Camera has been near my eonnies haha
The exams I did today were to be perfectly honest - HORRIBLE AND HORRENDOUS AND DISGUSTING AND FOUL.
There may be a chance that I will be meeting with them again....thats how horrible I felt they were haha....but lets not think about that now... lets think about the future and DANCING!!!
I don't know why I thought of dancing, but it seems like a nice thing to think about...since happy human beings sometimes use dancing to express their joy...so I guess what I'm trying to say is -
I hope when I finish my exam tomorrow evening I will be so happy I will want to dance.
It probably wont happen though....I mean...What I REAAALLLY want to do is sleep...a nice deep sleep for many many days...AND then!!! I want to wake up and be on a beach and the sun will be shining and I have open access to the ocean.
When I got home from my last exam of the day I was totally out of my head so I thought, stuff revising for a little while and Sarah and I caught up on all the Doctor Who episodes we had missed over the past few weeks.
If you havn't noticed...Im a nutter for Doctor Who...I MEAN COME ON!!! HIS SPACESHIP IS A BLUE BOX WHICH IS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!!!!
*cough* I have the money box of it and its almost full!!! YAY...I will cash it up at the bank and then shove it in my savings account which I will use to travel!!!
You can't just use money you saved up in a money box over a period of five years on food or something...it has to be special.
(Minnies little doctrines) hahah
Imma post some piccys up that I took with the new cam :D
Yongie: Sarah's DS, she was playing her new game in the car :D
Yep those are Sarah's Nikes...on my feet ^ ^
Sammy looks somewhat harassed and Sarah looks somewhat Bieber ( wearing my shirt!!)
This is my Camera, isn't he cute :)
kekeke, soon this will be useless haha...awww wasn't I a cute 19 year old XD
WOOOWWWW its so HD lolol my eye is so bloodshot from stressful weeks
Fudge makeup this week, its only uni rofl
Yes I know, my face is red from the sun and I have bushy eyebrows, but
mum said last weekend that if I plucked them I would fail my exams LOLL
She was only joking, but I still didn't attack with the tweezers :S
I have decided I LOVE my new camera and I will take many nice pictures with him when we go on holiday :D
Me and Sarah were talking the other day and I was like,
'Can you imagine Rachel (our cousin) having a baby?'
Sarah was like,
'I dunno, I wonder when she will have one?'
I was like
'I dunno'
Then the next day my uncle calls and is like,
'Oh yeah Rachel just had her scan, she's having a baby.'
Me and Sarah were like O.O
We must remember never to talk about people in such a way or everyone will end up being with child!!!!
Its suddenly got very chilly here...we had to but the heating back on, we are back to 12 degrees again haha...oh this country and its strange weather patterns *sigh*
I want some cheerios and a cup of tea....I should revise for my population genetics exam tomorrow, but to be quite honest its all BS to me and I don't think it should taught as a whole module.
But!!! You care not about me and my exams...in fact, you are waiting for me to finish them so I can shut the hell up about them haha
But in my defence dear friends I don't think I've complained too much about them on this blog have I???
When we got in tonight we found that Sam had got a chocolate cake off the side in the Kitchen and devoured it. He seems ok at the moment, but he will probably be sick later.
Did you know that chocolate is HIGHLY poisonous for dogs??
Milk chocolate just gives them the squits...but pure coco is like a poison for dogs and can kill them....So all you dog owners remember to keep chocolate away from your canine family members as it is bad for them.
I failed in my duty to protect my baby from chocolate. He seems fine atm, Sarah told me there wasn't a lot left..
I'm tired, I cba with revision...I may just take a peep at my pop gen book while Im in bed and then revise harder in the morning....
Sooo goodnight, The next time I write a blog I will be FREEE
Life feels closer haha...I want to travel!!!
I'm going to stop here and continue tomorrow afternoon :D
'I don't know about you, but I don't want to be lying around all day on a gorgeous day like this'
I felt like saying
'Thats EXACTLY what I want to do.'
But I didn't.
Then we decided to go to grandmas because We haven't seen her in ages...and she said she would make us lunch and we could sit and eat it in the garden...now that's an offer that can't be refused...especially on a glorious day like this.
So we spent the entire day lounging around grandmas garden and we were all laughing at Sam because he refused to stay in the shade...he always came out into the sun and was just laying on his side panting madly.
Grandma was like
'That dog has nothing between his ears.'
and dad was like
'Don't bother putting him in the shade again, he's a sun worshiper.'
and I was like
Then in the evening grandma brought a cake out and they all sang happy birthday to me and we had cheese and crackers haha.
It was so lovely!!!
I wish everyone could experience the gorgeousness that is my grandmas garden!!!
When I was a kid it was the envy of all my friends.
Once my best friend Phil asked me if it was ok if she shared my grandma with me, because hers had just passed away.
So she asked my grandma rofl!! Since that day on she's always called my grandma 'grandma' haha.
Then Sarah and dad and I went inside to watch the European Champions League final...which is the greatest stage football players will ever walk upon...we all know that European football is in a class all on its own...sorry South America, but come back with an argument when you have more than Brazil and Argentina.
Anyway it was between Munich and Inter Milan and I wanted the latter to win because Munich are undeserving!!!! *cough*bitter*cough*
Anyway, Milan won of course, but it wasn't very exciting...it never is when your team isn't playing...its just another football match...
and it was more of a 'lets worship the awesomeness of Jose'...I felt sorry for the Milan players who had actually won the game, but there was Jose basking in their glory...I know he's the manager and everything but HECK!!!!
I love this beautiful weather...Im totally going to be living in shorts now until summer is over.
I need a cup of tea.
Sometimes I feel so ashamed...when I feel horrible about selfish things and how bad I feel, when other people have been having a harder time than me and I should be thinking and praying and comforting them.
I need to start looking at the bigger picture, now that I'm almost done with uni...what do I want to do with my life?
As far as jobs are concerned...lol I feel nothing...I just want to get something that will get me money so I can travel...but that isn't very responsible...because, I want to give mum and dad money, I want to be able to buy nice things...I want to give money to my church...I want to treat people...I want to buy my driving test...I want contact lenses (again)...I want to donate to charity...I want to help pay for my grandmas house...and for all this you need money.
I'm seriously going to have to get a proper budget thingy going on...one thing is for sure though...Im not moving out, like those silly people who think they are all grown up.
It will be much cheaper for everyone if we all live together and split the bills...thats how a family works :D
As far as independence goes my parents aren't all spazzy and I'm not fussed...If I wished to, they would let me come and go as I pleased...but I'm a good kid, who was never even given a curfew :D
My mum is just too much sometimes
I said,
'Wow I'm glad my exam tomorrow is an easy one.'
She said
'Are you even studying or on the internet?'
'I'm studying.'
'Where are your books?'
'I dont have any for this subject, just lecture notes.'
'You're going to fail then aren't you.'
LOLLLLLLLLLLLL Encouraging parent, I was annoyed at first, but I think she was just irratable so I will let it slide XD
Sarah made me close FB and everything else so I would study.
She came into the living room and was like,
'Right Min, refresh FB once and then turn it off...Its time to study now.'
I'm starting to get nervous.
Tomorrow is My Wildlife Management Exam, which is quite an easy one, because it's a subject that interests me (how I wish I'd attended more lectures now), but I still feel like crying. To think I was wishing for exam time when I was doing my dissertation rofl, what a noob. TTT___TTT
I have cheesecake but I don't feel like eating it at all
I want a cup of tea.
My sister read out a nice quote before,
'Kindness is a thing that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.'
I wish I could be more kind, because I know how it feels when no one is there to give you a hug...
Hugs are lush aren't they?
Especially sincere ones...I love hugs...I pretend I don't but in fact I do haha.
Oops I almost opened FB again D: *resists*
The lyrics to the AJ Raphael song 500 days are beautiful
so the truth came out you couldn't promise me the love that I was pouring out for you and when you went away, couldn't get you out of my mind Oh I was broken down for you
The chorus is just TT___TT
haha can't you tell that it has gone dark
I feel like writing poetry...Sarah has noticed my change in attitude after nightfall, she said to me today.
'Minnie, you are SO moody at night time and I am irritable in the morning and I get even more annoyed when I think about how moody you are going to be when it goes dark.'
Ive just realized my msn is not making alert sounds when someone logs in...Ive turned off every other alert except that one...this is not important at all I don't know why I've mentioned it.
I love the song 'Lie to Me' By George Nozuka
I've heard it so many times, but today Sarah was playing it and the lyrics just hit me hard...they are so sad yet so true.
'Where am I supposed to go when its dark outside?'
haha, thats me.
But its so sad, she hurt him so much by pretending and it hurts him so much he just wants her to lie to him again.
'lie to me, one last time'
He still loves her after all she did :(
'One thing I know is true, I'll never stop loving you.'
Im gonna listen to his other stuff to see if I like it...it may just be that song haha.
Look at me, Ive gone all emo >_< This will never do.
I shall picture spam from when we had dinner in the garden yesterday,
Ohhh I missed 11:11 :( ....pm this time haha, its taken me 12 hours to write this blog XD
I wish I could make them look pretty like YJ does haha
I'm going to get a nice refreshing bath in the morning so I feel wonderful when I go in to do the exam...
Please pray for me...I get kind of nervous and I have to repeat in my head that
'some people in this world are dying of starvation right now...I should be happy I have this opportunity.'
It usually calms me down.
Ohhhhhhh *nervous tapping*
How are the forum and FB open again?? LOL I cant even remember doing that.
Anyway I will finish here and revise for another half an hour until midnight, then get some shuteye.
Love from Minnie
P.S. Sarah's new birth Certificate arrived on Saturday, so I sent it to the passport office and HOPEFULLY the passports will now be processed quickly with no further hiccups....I want mine so much now *sigh*
AND I decided to buy a camera with my birthday money...I got an email saying it had been shipped....or sent (since its already in the country and it doesn't really need a ship to get it to me).
It is a canon one and dad picked it LOL I hope its good...
...I wish I knew who my true love was...It would be nice to hear his voice right now...
What if I don't have a true love?!!! What if I'm destined for maidness?!!!
I REFUSE to join a singles club where they all go on trips to York...
York isn't meant for singles!!!! Its meant for lovers!!!...and historians....and Davies Family Outings HAHAHA
Well anyway, here is a shout out for my maybe-future-true love
Well today Is the point where I achieved 22 years of life?!!
Isn't that great???
I mean I've lived like this for 22 years and I'm still alive and have not been kicked out of the house yet *giggles*
This morning I woke up to the sound of Sarah burping...which means only one thing....
I have a text (Yes dear friends, my sisters release of gas is my text alert - ITS HILARIOUS WHEN IT GOES OFF ON THE BUS...you have to be there XD)
So I checked and I had two texts, one from Jenny and one from Rina!!!
I decided to wear my SAL T Shirt and GD earring today because it is a special occasion...I feel so awesome when I wear it!!!
I always feel so giving on my birthday...I want to buy people stuff...well Sarah LOL.
I was looking on yesasia and gmarket for goodies, but I was thinking...by the time I have actually recieved this in the post Sarah and I will have probably had a huge argument and I will think shes a selfish brat and she will think I am a good for nothing lazy bum and the gift will look like a bribe for affection...Aigoo
I seriously become a monster a night!!! I feel so good right now, but at night I always feel sorry for myself and find stuff to fret about!!! weigqkhbewrhqpikew;q This annoys me about myself!!
HAHAHA Sarah is shouting at Sam because he keeps farting and he is sat under her desk.
I think it was that chew I bought for him, making him windy XD
Hmmm, I didn't actually see him do a poo this morning on our walk...maybe he is constipated D:
Oh well we are going to meet dad in Rothwell in a little while anyway so we can walk down there with Sammy and he can have more chances to poopoo...
Imma put the bags in my pocket now so I don't forget...there is nothing as embarrasing as not having poo bags when you are on a walk and having to walk away from it and some old fogey seeing you and saying.
'Are you just going to leave that there.'
ONCE!!! It was the Commonwealth Games and it was being hosted in Manchester and we went to watch the cycling and it was around the town, so I took Sam.
He did a poo!!! and I'd already used all the bags and I was like
'Oh dear'
Cos it wasm't even in a feild, it was like on a lawn in a residential area
And there was nothing I could do about it so I started to walk away...aND THEN!!! This old man came out of nowhere and was like.
'You better pick that up right now.'
and I was like
'Im sorry, but I have no bags.'
and he was like,
'I don't care, pick it up with your hands if you have to.'
Then I was quite peeved because, I didn't need to go that far. But I couldn't be disrespectful because he was like old...even though I am a human being and I shouldn't be treated that way no matter what my dog did....It was an honest mistake that I didn't have any bags...
So I felt in my pocket and luckily I had some tissues from mcdonalds, so I picked it up with that and then defiantly put it in the bin outside his house...
Then had to go find somewhere to wash my hands...EWWWWWWwwWw
11:11!!!!!!!!!! *wishes*
Not perfectly true, but almost!!! YAYYYY *Waits for it to be perfect* NOW ITS PERFECT!!!!!!!
OKKKKK its like 6 hours later now!!! XD
I went out to meet dad and bought everyone some lunch...Its really so delicious eating on a lovely sunny day, the warmest day of the year so far!!!
This birthday has been so nice...you know, its been quiet, but I feel so loved, Ive gotten so many lovely messages and notes and comments and videos and texts and phone calls and sound recordings from old friends and new friends and family!! I just am so blessed to know people like you guys!!! This birthday isn't a special number like 18 or 21, but It's a very memorable birthday for me...to everyone who wished me well for today and for my new year I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I wish I could list all your names, but I JUST WISH I COULD HUG YOU ALL TIGHT!!!!!!!!! hahaha
Since Its a gorgeous day dad said we can go for a walk then have a nice curry when we get home!!!
Which is GREAT since I like the outdoors and I LOVE curry muahaha.
My favourite foods that I never ever get sick of eating are - curry and lasagne :D
I've decided not to think to much today or else I will lose it...(the 'It' I refer to by the way, is my mind...nothing other than that ^ ^)
ooo 11:11 :D (I'm going to wish for impossible things...because I'm impossible like that).
This is my 100th post :D isn't that wonderful??? 100 posts of the good the bad and the ugly...as well as the scary, the downright emo and the heartbroken.
Ive actually never kept a blog as long as this...maybe its because my other blogs didn't have readers ROFL.
I can't wait for the third season of Merlin to come out!!!
Right ok, British soap operas are the foulest most repugnant things on the planet......but...We British can make one hell of an entertaining drama and don't you forget it!!!
Merlin and Arthur are soooo my favourite yaoi couple!!! ... well, they are not like....together but they have a STRONG BOND like no other.
To be honest Arthur will need Merlin later anyway because allthough Arthur loves Gwen and she loves him - Gwens soulmate is Lancelot...
I find it hard to believe that your soulmate and true love can be different...but then as I think about it it becomes clearer...
I mean, when you love someone you can't help it, its something that can't be broken, but a soulmate is more like a friend who you can tell anything to...the person who understands you.
Often the person you love has no Idea what goes on in your head...but your soulmate does.
Some people are just lucky when their true love and soulmate are the same person.
Also!!! your soulmate can be anyone, it doesn't have to be a member of the opposite sex...it can be a boy a girl, your sibling, an old person a young person a friend or a stranger...AND sometimes you can have more than one soulmate...and soulmates often think about what they say and do and try not to hurt you because they relate to you so much.
The person you love however...you love them even when you cant understand them and even when they hurt you and there is no one like them in the whole wide world and when they go no one can replace them. They often maim your heart and don't think about your feelings, but they don't do it on purpose and even if they do...you still love them...there is no explanation for it...its the silliest thing ever...but its the truth and we have to live with it...cos without it we cant live.
So in the case of Arthur I think Merlin is his soulmate and Gwen is his love...and Arthur is Gwens love, but Lancelot is her soulmate...
Thats what I think...lol...but so you care about any of this??
Well I will post a Gwen and Arthur Scene and then a Merlin and Arthur Scene and you can decide for yourself which is the cutest..
I prefer Merther to be fair...but I realize that Gwen and Arthur are destined so I will accept it like a gentleman.
Thats a Gwen and Arthur Moment :D I didn't want to post a kissing one...I like dialogue in this, its funny and cute.
And now this is Merlin and Arthur!!! Aren't they cute??? >_<
NAWWWWW Merlin thought Arthur was dead and got emotional!!! But it was fine in the end :D I know because Ive seen it MUAHAHAHAHAH
I felt so happy today. Its not even my birthday yet, but everyone on the sbox was so kind...and Jobie left a really nice note for me on FB, she is sooo sweet.
Everyone was so nice, I'm grateful to them...and YJ left me messages everywhere hahah I LOVE YOU EONNIE!!! And Zaty doesn't have a laptop so she texted me...even though some of the texts kind of failed to arrive lol, but I got it in the end.
The funny thing about it though is that it isn't even my birthday yet rofl.
My second birthday on BBVIP has started so beautifully...thanks to everyone who made me feel special.
I love you lots, really
Even though there was something missing and that makes me kind of sad...but what can I do? Nothing as usual...its disappointing though...
My friend is so sweet, she is trying to find a place that delivers sushi in Leeds so she can order for some to be delivered to my house tomorrow....she cant find anywhere though, so Im gonna meet her one Saturday and she will treat me haha...she's like a big sister....Well, she is my best friends big sis so she pretty much IS my big sister haha.
And she appreciates Korea things too...In fact, it was she who introduced me to my first Korean drama so I should be very grateful to her haha.
I bought a new razor today, It scares me a little...its like heavy duty LOL...It even needs batteries!! :S
Someone on msn just asked me how I was and I said
'Ok, but my stomach hurts.'
and they replied
nooo, its not actually funny at all really. haha I don't know
Imma shut up now...I feel a bit down, maybe because it gone dark...Its so much lonlier when its dark.
Msn is hostile...I feel a very cold shoulder I can't even bare to look at it.
I'm going to go downstairs and watch something fun with my sister and try not to feel so...ignored.
Love from Minnie
P.S. I love you used to mean something, don't ever say it if you don't mean it...because it hurts when the person finds out you never cared at all really...now I'm going to pretend its fine and that it's not eating me up inside..because that would be just silly of me wouldn't it?.
If life is what makes you what you are....then my life so far must have been pretty funny.
To be honest I'd say my life was having a right old laugh at my expense.
Hurm, I don't want to go out tonight...I don't like Wednesday nights very much.
Meetings always start at 8pm...so just when you are getting settled in for the night you have to motivate yourself some more.
Hours later....
That was terrible...
People are so selfish and disgusting and hateful, I cant begin to describe the fakery cowardly horrid malignant lying scum that are out there.
Omg Im so peeved and dissapointed and upset and angry I want to direct all my anger onto this blog, but I can't even put it into words.
You know when something happens and its like The Last Straw...well it happened tonight.
Why can't people just be sincere?? Its not hard!!!
If betrayal is a regular part of life, I understand....but damn the frigging excuses people make to make you look like the one who is wrong.
Can't they just admit they are horrible brainwashed ignorant festering Liars!!!!
Everyone can see it!!!!
I hate that I can't tell it to their faces...they deserve to be humiliated and shown for what they really are....
Yet they hide behind their images...well guess what?? Your image is just as crap as your inner self!!!!
People think you are so good and clever and wonderful but I wish that every breath I have ever wasted on these people could be taken back!!!
I want to cry now....
I feel like writing violent poetry, but I cant be bothered.
And no one is around who I can rant to
And I wish someone would make me feel better.
And I want to blame someone....oh I will blame alcohol because its partially why I am upset!!!
Just to let my readers know...dont bother mentioning drinking alcohol to me...I cant stand it...My family is middle class and has a history of alcoholism...all these people are educated and 'intelligent' so dont give me the 'alcoholics are people who have mind problems' Crap....
I better sleep before I burst something
My heart is already injured my head is offended and I feel used by pretty much everyone I know (apart from the few who know I love them, because they are real)...
However, this post could in fact be fuelled by hormones...nonetheless I meant everything I said...I just keep these things buried.
I feel a tad better
From Minnie
P.S. Everymoment of violence = 1000000 moments of peace XD
Facebook is not opening for me...I don't know why I'm getting so irritated about it.
Maybe its because I really am addicted to stalking people O:
It feel so weird not having my early morning stalk, I don't know if I can handle it...how sad XD.
Mum left a list for me and sarah on the kitchen table - it has things we have to do before she gets home from work...neither of us are doing what the list has said.
I'm so irritated that there is nothing good on at the cinema....well there might be a few good movies, but I'm just not feeling them at the moment.
I hate that I go by my feelings so much...sometimes things have to be done or are a certain way whether you feel like it or not.
Like the list mummy left...I do NOT feel like doing any of that shizz...my arms feel so lazy...but, I still have to do it.
And this is the unwritten law of life.
There is a lot of crap, and you have to do it
LOLLLLLLLLLL you could read that statement in so many different ways *sigh*
Ohhh the situation in Bangkok is not good at all :( That is the wrong way to make a point...now lots of innocent people are getting a bad deal of it!!!
Lets pray for them and hope that this is over speedily
This morning when I woke up and went to make my morning cup of tea the Bible was on the table, so I thought,
'OOO I will read it so when mum asks if I have read it recently I can say yes.'
So I read the love passages and to be honest...they pwn any other thing written about love ever.
I mean, I read Shakespeare this morning too and I adore some of his quote's I actually think he is genius, but the Love passages in the Bible pwn him LOLLL
I totally understand why they get read at weddings.
Speaking of Shakespeare, did you know loads of the quotes we say were originally from a play of his.
Like when you don't understand something and say,
'Its all greek to me.'
Well Shakespeare said it first.
And some of his quotes just make me giggle so much
like this one -
As he was valiant, I honour him. But as he was ambitious, I slew him.
HAHAHAHAH I can just imagine it
'Wowww you are so valiant (brave)!! But your ambitiousness bugs the crap out of me' *STABS*
Heres more of my favourites
'But O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes'
Expectation is the root of all heartache.
(God help me, I always experience this first hand >_<)
He does it with better grace, but I do it more natural.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Is it not strange that desire should so many years outlive performance?
Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made For kissing, lady, not for such contempt.
(hahahahah typical guy)
And since the subject is kissing
'You kiss by the book'
(I always wanted to say that, but will most probably forget to)
I want to go out now and buy some food and put some credit on my phone...
Yesss It sounds like a plan!!
Laters Dearests!!!!
Love from Minnie!!!
P.S. Some things I just can't help....sorry
My fave Shakespeare quote of all is the title of this blog
I feel like I have been cleaning all day today, but it doesn't look like it.
I was hoovering earlier and It didn't seem to be picking up so I got annoyed and shut it off...I mean I'm not about to spend my precious amounts of energy on something that isn't making any progress at all...
I have a population genetics textbook beside me and its saying
'Open me you fool.'
It even has a cute tiger cub on the front...its all lies those...all colourful at the front and then when you open it up its as boring as hell.
A lot like a deceitful man haha.
You know when you get really good looking guys and then you start talking to them and they bore the hell out of your soul and you are like.
'Good grief, he's killing me now, he is going to be simply unbearable when he is old and fugly.'
Then you find an excuse to find your proper friends who aren't up their own bums and leave him for the flirts to enjoy.
That happened to me a few times at conferences...
Whats good about internet friendships is you can choose them
Wow this pop genetics book actually has a lot of what I want in it...Im so glad I wont have to search for crap on the net.
Its now 12:25, which means its taken me ages just to write this much haha...
Well Ive been busy watching Merlin
I love Merlin and Arthurs relationship
I love how they sare 'two sides of the same coin'
That phrase always touches me haha...I know I get emotional at weird stuff.
I didn't revise nearly enough as I needed to today...I need some inspiration. Like maybe.
'If you get straight A's in your exams Minnie, I will buy you a ticket to Korea to stay at a 5 star hotel with room service expenses pain for and a VIP pass to meet big bang.'
I dream way too much...but its not bad to dream...if you are a dreamer anything is possible.
Though in my case dreaming makes me lazy, because I always expect things to happen for me. I know its wrong, but once this lady told me that I'm one of those people which good things happen to even if I don't deserve it and my mind always goes back to that.
Maybe she shouldn't have said that to me haha...I take everything people say seriously.
You know how people say, dont trust someone until they have proven themselves?
well I look at people as more innocent until proven guilty...I know its noobish of me to think this way because most people are wicked deceitful wretches who should know better...but I like to trust people...I think it gives them confidence too...and in the end if they rip me off they will have a lovely guilt trip in front of them.
Is this blog getting boring already??
I always think it will be boring if I talk about what is on my mind haha.
Dad is ordering tickets online to go watch the tennis in London in November. He wants to go see Roger Federer...he is our fave tennis player (yeah I know he wins all the time, but he is such a good sportsman we decided her deserved our admiration).
I love it when families all support the same team...I love it when there is a big football final or something and we all go to grandmas and watch it around the telly and scream and diss the other team..
Its LOVE I tell you!!! <3333 :D
I actually wish we didn't have to go to London...I hate it when you say you are from England and some bright spark goes
'Oh do you live in London?'
I feel like screaming
'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - there are more than one city in one country you know!!!!'
Even the Queen doesn't live in freaking London half the time.
*cough* calm down Min, its not the end of the world...you will live..
Oh look!!! Now I'm talking to myself!!!
YAYYYYY Zaty spoke to me!!! The best part about staying up late is that you get to say good morning to Asia people...its quite rare that I get to do this!!!
Ughhh anyway, Sarah is saying
'Minnie its sleep time now'
In an irritated voice cos she hates the sound of my typing
I'm gonna watch spiderman in a minute when Sarah has finished doing something....I dont know what she's doing...singing??? She said she needed my webcam for the mic??
Dunno, but when she's done that she is going to get spiderman from our room and we will watch it!!! YAYYYYY
Actually, spiderman was the first DVD I ever got...the beginning of my collection :D
When I was about 17 I wanted a dvd player so much I saved up £70 in my money box over a period of 6 months and then bought one haha. and it just so happened that spiderman had come out on dvd just that week...so dad bought it for me XD
It was £18!!!! £18!! for a DVD!!! Thats ridiculous!!! now I get them for £4 - £10 tops XD ahhhh those were the days!!! haha
I just watched Iron Man again...did you know there is a little clip after the credits??? THERE IS!!! I never saw it before...cos when the credits were rolling I didn't bother to stop the dvd cos I was chatting on the sbox with this person who was saying they were from Korea, but me and YJ can smell a phoney anywhere XD
(I mean come on!!! who goes to the park at 4:50am???)
Anyway, yeah there is a clip at the end of the first Iron Man, so if anyone watches it...wait for the credits to finish!!!!
Ugh there is something in my eye!!! like an eyelash!!! wieygjhwe its horrid..wait.
Ok It seems to have gone...eww...I hate stuff in my eyes!!! I mean come on!! I'm blind enough as it is!!!
Immmm sooo annoyed at the poor connection now...its not hilarious at all. Its DIRE!!! I need connection next week too...revision week D:
So ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ the above was yesterday.....blogger just decided not to respond to the bad connection D:
My dog has gorgeous ears haha I am stroking them with a paintbrush and he does'nt like it and his ears are flicking all over the place hahaha.
Ok so the big news of the day!!!
I'm sure everyone who reads this will have seen the mv by now, but I just have to say.
Lily and I are just laughing about a comment she saw about the MV
Hahah thats classic!!
(06:42 PM) Jetzy 천사 ♥ - good night bye every person and a cow
I wan't even talking on the sbox...noob ^ ^
So!! Ive decided what I want for my birthday...nowadays I find it kind of hard to pick what I want as a birthday gift...mainly because I want so much...but I can't ask for everything and I don't want it to be too much either
So!! here is my list!!! Sarah are you reading this??? Write it down and show it to mummy and daddy LOL
(Yeah copy and paste the links cos linking on blogger sucks and it doesnt appear!!!)
How I wish they sold that for girls TT___TT...stupid baggy mens sizes!!!
Ahhhh why isn't that superman bag I wanted on the HMV website!!! Well sarah you know what I mean!!! That awesome superman bag I saw and drooled over, but never bought...
THOSE ARE GORGEOUS!!! omo!!! I know we have spazzed about those before Sarah XD
I couldn't find the sparkly converse I always wanted but was never brave enough to buy!!! Now they might be gone from me forever!!! D:
I'm not asking for the shoes by the way...I just thought they were cute while I was browsing the Converse section on the Office website LOL
Ohhhh Its still kind of light at 10pm!!!! YAYYYYYYYY I can't wait for it to be light till 10:30!!!
SHINE A LIGHT haha!!!!
Ohhh I can't wait till exam week is over!!! TT___TT
I pray for passings LOL God help me please!!!
When I said passings then...I thought of something digestive D:
I think this time we are going to Cornwall for 10 days!!! Thats 10 days without the Internet LOLOLOLOL
Cornwall is a kind of backwards place...it has NO net cafe's ANYWHERE!!!
You go for a complete escape!!!! I will take Kevin with me and Sarah and I will make Video blogs haha
Ohhhh and I will get everyones address so I can send you all postcards!!!! YAYYY ^ ^
Gahhh I remember last time I went, I'd only been registered to BBVIP like 1 month, but I missed you all like crazy and I was so touched when I came back cos mico and YJ had been counting the days for when I came back.
Will take lots of pictures of the beautiful Atlantic Ocean for you to see!!
AWW D: ten days without my Sam!!!!! TTT____TTT Omg I miss hi sosososossosoooo much when we go to Cornwall!!!!
We can never take him because the beaches don't allow dogs and there isn't enough room in the car for his box cos we take so much stuff.
Aww my little Shlamuel I will miss you and your fluffly ears SO MUCH!!!!T_T
We have to put him in boarding kennels!!! :(
*sigh* The thought of not having Sam for 10 days distresses me!!! God only knows what I will be like when I travel abroad...but at least he will be at home then, not with strangers... *sigh*
LOL I cant believe how late it is!!!! 10:11!!!
It feels so early!!! I'm going to go on the exercise bike for 40 mins and watch Merlin at the same time....
I ate waaayyyyy to many mini doughnuts today...but they are just so flaming yummy...I thoroughly enjoyed each and everyone of them ^ ^ and now...Im going to cycle them away XD
Goodnight Dear ones
From Minnie
P.S. Sarah was in a mood with me Yesterday and then I handed her my bag and said 'look inside' and it was her 2pm mini album HAHAHAH She then gave me chewing gum and was lovely...
I watched Superman Returns (which I have decided after my third view is quite a good remake, but not a patch on the old ones)...I'm so happy it kept the original soundtrack though...I adore the Superman soundtrack
And now I'm watching Spider-man 2...I love this movie...its kind of a spin off on one of those 50s horror movies, I really love the style it was filmed.
LOL at Mary Jane kissing her boyfriend upside down to see if it was the same as with spiderman!!! Of course it wont be the same!!! How can she expect one person to be someone else??? He may be an astronaut, but he aint spiderman *sigh*
And you know what else bugs me about Mary Jane in Spider-man 2...does the girl ever wear a bra??? MAYN!!!
Other than that I have no problem with her at all, she's quite a good superhero love interest.
Oh yeah, today, when I was watching superman, I thought...
'oh, ok the Movie is nearly finished and I just ate two icecreams, so I will finish watching the movie while riding my exercise bike...it should only take about 15 mins.'
The movie didn't finish for another 40 mins =.=
My legs are killing me now...and its actually surprising but the bike also tones your stomach and arm muscles...I have no Idea how...cos its only the legs that are moving, but I'm not complaining haha....well, my arms and legs are killing and my shoulders...so tense >_< I wish I had my own personal masseuse....rofl aiigoo.
Ive started watching the original superman now...OMG I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!! Its so ahead of its time!!! *sigh*
Its weird being home alone....
Sarah bought this cherry cola lipgloss stuff to send to her Aussie friends, but mum opened the packet, so I tried it the other day and now I cant stop using it!!! It tastes SO good!!!
I have to stop myself from taking a bit out of it, cos I know it wont taste nice like that...having had previous experience in eating cosmetics because they taste nice in small amounts....BUT ITS SO YUMMY!!! Especially when you are watching a movie, but you arent hungry enough to make popcorn....its a nice starter XD