Monday, 18 May 2009

What Comes of Reminiscing

Here's a new poem I wrote only last night when I was reminiscing about old times haha :)

Feelings Lost
Why can't I write what I want to say
Useless words on a half-written page
The heart is there, but the transition is poor
Why doesn't my head know my heart anymore?
I don't want to forget that wonderful time
But, I can't seen to find words for this rhyme
When did you become a memory to me?
You used to be something I wanted to see.
And the feeling is gone, it left long ago
Do things that seem important not matter so?
I want all the fondness to stay in my heart
But, the emotions all leave now that we are apart.
Now to me you are just a person I knew
Back then I thought I'd always stay true
The wishes of a younger version of myself
Are neatly swept away and left on a shelf
Will the things that I feel right here and now
Also lose meaning and fade somehow?

1 comment:

  1. im hereeeeeee...muahahahaha..
    but why does this looks familiar?? *runs to*

    ahaaaa..ive read this and ive commented as well...let me just copy paste it okay? *lazy*

    okay seriously i shouldnt be reading this...
    gosh, with jetz already making me like a water fountain plus
    this poem of yours, i think we'd have to evacuate sooner...

    sometimes, we just have to forget hurtful memories,
    but those memories always be so attached that we REFUSED to forget them..

    it is the choice of heart that matters, when u make this kind of decision..
    and sometimes, we just confused with our feelings..

    but im diff, he will always be apart of me, no matter how far i'd go, he'll always there..
    what should i do to lose him?
