Today interesting points were made
I was feeling foul. In fact, i've been feeling foul for about three weeks. No idea what is wrong with me. Maybe I'm depressed. Maybe I'm bored. I should probably figure it out before it eats me up and I turn into a bitter and cynical monster who cannot enjoy life at all.
It so happened that today I became enlightened. A little.
Me and my housemate decided to go visit a place a few miles from where we reside called the Cotswold water park. We had a nice walk and even though it was a cloudy day it was still warm. It smelt and felt good.
We walked by this river. I have never seen such clear water. Just walking by it I felt its beautiful clarity rush over my mind. Everything was outlined. Just like when you put on new glasses. I can't describe how refreshing it was.
I know I've been the human form of a nightmare these past few weeks. I can sense that my housemates are concerned about my restlessness. It's good to have some peace of mind back in order.
My point being, if you ever feel the need for clarity and composure - go for a nice walk. I feel like my thoughts have stabilised immensely.
Holding onto a positive attitude is not one of my strong suits. God help me, I will try and latch onto this one.
Speaking of God. One of my housemates made an interesting statement today while we were all chatting over a cup of hot stuff.
We were discussing people who believe in God and then suddenly don't and his opinion of it was this.
A converted atheist will always admit that they were deceived in the past, but what they won't admit is that they were actually lying to themselves. You see if a person truly believes in God then he has felt and witnessed and knows for sure that God exists. When you know someone exists how can you then deny them? Which brings us to the conclusion that the person in question never knew God at all, even when they said they did - therefore, they were always lying to themselves and to everyone else as well.
It's like knowing someone as a friend and then denying their existence...odd.
I thought it was an interesting point anyway. I'm not a expert on human psychology, but it's a nice juicy bit of info to really have a good think about.
So. Please God (who I do believe in) help me to preserve this positive attitude and better myself instead of just complaining and making myself into a fool.